예제 #1
파일: grt_com.py 프로젝트: sofiasi/darcoda
def run():
    x0,y0,vlos = np.genfromtxt(gpr.fil, skiprows=0, unpack =  True,
                               usecols = (0,1,5))

    # use only 3000 random particles:
    ind = np.arange(len(x0))
    ind = ind[:3000]
    x0 = x0[ind];    y0 = y0[ind];    vlos = vlos[ind]
    x0 *= 1000.                         # [pc]
    y0 *= 1000.                         # [pc]
    # center of mass with means
    #com_x, com_y = com_mean(x0,y0) # [TODO]
    # shrinking sphere method
    com_x, com_y, com_vz = com_shrinkcircle_v_2D(x0,y0, vlos)
    print('COM [pc]: ', com_x, com_y)
    print('VOM [km/s]', com_vz)

    x0 -= com_x; y0 -= com_y # [pc]
    vlos -= com_vz #[km/s]
    rc = np.sqrt(x0**2+y0**2) # [pc]
    rc.sort() # [pc]
    for i in range(len(rc)-1):
        if rc[i]>rc[i+1]: #[pc]
            print('sorting error!')
    rhalf = rc[floor(len(rc)/2)] # [pc]
    rscale = rhalf # or gpr.r_DM # [pc]
    print('rscale = ',rscale,' pc')
    print('max(r) = ',max(rc),' pc')
    print('last element of r : ',rc[-1],' pc')
    print('total number of stars: ',len(rc))

    r0 = np.sqrt(x0**2+y0**2)/rscale
    sel = (r0<gpr.rprior)
    x = x0[sel]/rscale; y = y0[sel]/rscale # [r_scale]
    m = np.ones(len(x))
    r = np.sqrt(x*x+y*y) #[r_scale]
    # print("x y z") on first line, to interprete data later on
    crscale = open(gpr.get_params_file(0),'w')
    print('# rscale in [pc], surfdens_central (=dens0) in [munit/rscale**2], and in [munit/pc**2], and totmass [munit], and max(v_LOS) in [km/s]', file=crscale)
    print(rscale, file=crscale)

    print('output: ',gpr.get_com_file(0))
    c = open(gpr.get_com_file(0),'w')
    print('# x [rscale],','y [rscale],','vLOS [km/s],','rscale = ',rscale,' pc', file=c)
    for k in range(len(x)):
        print(x[k],y[k],vz[k], file=c) #[rscale], [rscale], [km/s]
    if not gpr.showplots: return
    ion(); ax = subplot(111)
    # res = (abs(x)<3)*(abs(y)<3)
    # x = x[res]; y = y[res] #[rscale]
    en = len(x)

    H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x, y,  bins=(30,30),  range=[[-3.,3.], [-3.,3.]])
    extent = [yedges[0], yedges[-1], xedges[0], xedges[-1]]
    subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15, left=0.15)

    imshow(H, interpolation='bilinear', origin='lower',
           cmap=cm.gray, extent=(-3,3,-3,3))
    levels = np.logspace(2,4,10)
    cset = contour(H, levels, origin='lower', extent=extent) #cmap=cm.gray
    clabel(cset, inline=1, fontsize=8, fmt='%1.0i')
    for c in cset.collections:
    # scatter(x[:en], y[:en], s=35, vmin=0.95, vmax=1.0, lw=0.0, alpha=0.2)
    # xscale('log'); yscale('log')
    circ_HL=Circle((0,0), radius=rscale/rscale, fc='None', ec='g', lw=3)
    circ_DM=Circle((0,0), radius=gpr.r_DM/rscale, fc='None', ec='r', lw=3)
    gca().add_patch(circ_HL); gca().add_patch(circ_DM)
    # visible region
    xlabel(r'$x [R_s]$'); ylabel(r'$y [R_s]$')
    # title(gpr.fil)
    if gpr.showplots:
예제 #2

    if not gpr.showplots: continue

    ion(); subplot(111)
    res = (abs(x)<3)*(abs(y)<3)
    x = x[res]; y = y[res] #[rscale]
    en = len(x)
    if en == 0:
    scatter(x[:en], y[:en], c=pmn[:en], s=35, vmin=0.95, vmax=1.0, lw=0.0, alpha=0.5)
    # xscale('log'); yscale('log')
    if i == 0: colorbar()
    circ_HL=Circle((0,0), radius=rscale/rscale, fc='None', ec='g', lw=3)
    circ_DM=Circle((0,0), radius=gpr.r_DM/rscale, fc='None', ec='r', lw=3)
    gca().add_patch(circ_HL); gca().add_patch(circ_DM)

    # visible region
    maxr = max(np.abs(x));  mayr = max(np.abs(y)) #[rscale]
    width2 = max([maxr,mayr]) #[rscale]
    xlim([-width2,width2]); ylim([-width2,width2])
    xlabel(r'$x [R_s]$'); ylabel(r'$y [R_s]$')
    # title(gpr.fil)
    if gpr.showplots:
예제 #3
파일: grw_COM.py 프로젝트: sofiasi/darcoda
def run():
    print('input: ', gpr.fil)
    x0,y0,z0,vz0,vb0,Mg0,PM0,comp0 = np.genfromtxt(gpr.fil, skiprows = 0, unpack = True,\
                                                   converters={0:expDtofloat,  # x0  in pc \
                                                               1:expDtofloat,  # y0  in pc \
                                                               2:expDtofloat,  # z0  in pc \
                                                               11:expDtofloat, # vz0 in km/s\
                                                               12:expDtofloat, # vb0(LOS due binary), km/s\
                                                               13:expDtofloat, # Mg0 in Angstrom\
                                                               19:expDtofloat, # PM0 [1]\
                                                               20:expDtofloat}) # comp0 1,2,3(background)
    # TODO: use component 6-1 instead of 12-1 for z velocity, to include observational errors

    # only use stars which are members of the dwarf: exclude pop3 by construction
    pm = (PM0 >= gpr.pmsplit) # exclude foreground contamination, outliers
    PM0 = PM0[pm]
    comp0 = comp0[pm]; x0=x0[pm]; y0=y0[pm]; z0=z0[pm]; vz0=vz0[pm]; vb0=vb0[pm]; Mg0=Mg0[pm]
    pm1 = (comp0 == 1) # will be overwritten below if gp.metalpop
    pm2 = (comp0 == 2) # same same
    if gp.metalpop:
        # drawing of populations based on metallicity
        # get parameters from function in pymcmetal.py
        import pymcmetal as pmc
        p,mu1,sig1,mu2,sig2, M = pmc.bimodal_gauss(Mg0)
        pm1, pm2 = pmc.assign_pop(Mg0,p,mu1,sig1,mu2,sig2)
        # output: changed pm1, pm2

    # cutting pm_i to a maximum of ntracers particles:
    from random import shuffle
    ind = np.arange(len(x0))
    ind = ind[:gp.files.ntracer]
    x0=x0[ind]; y0=y0[ind]; z0=z0[ind]; comp0=comp0[ind]; vz0=vz0[ind]; vb0=vb0[ind]; Mg0=Mg0[ind]
    PM0 = PM0[ind]; pm1 = pm1[ind]; pm2 = pm2[ind]; pm = pm1+pm2
    # get center of mass with means
    #com_x, com_y,com_z = com_mean(x0,y0,z0,PM0) # [TODO], and TODO: z component included if available
    # get COM with shrinking sphere method
    com_x, com_y, com_z, com_vz = com_shrinkcircle_v(x0, y0, z0, vz0, PM0)
    print('COM [pc]: ', com_x, com_y, com_z)
    print('VOM [km/s]', com_vz)

    # from now on, work with 2D data only; z0 was only used to get center in (x,y) better
    x0 -= com_x; y0 -= com_y # [pc]
    vz0 -= com_vz #[km/s]
    R0 = np.sqrt(x0**2+y0**2) # [pc]
    Rc = R0                   # [pc]
    Rc.sort()                 # [pc]
    for i in range(len(Rc)-1):
        if Rc[i]>Rc[i+1]:               # [pc]
            print('sorting error!')
    Rhalf = Rc[floor(len(Rc)/2)]        # [pc]
    Rscale = Rhalf                       # or gpr.r_DM # [pc]
    # Rscale = gpr.r_DM                    # deleted, we only work with data
    print('Rscale = ',Rscale,' pc')
    print('max(R) = ',max(Rc),' pc')
    print('last element of R : ',Rc[-1],' pc')
    print('total number of stars: ',len(Rc))
    x0 = x0/Rscale; y0 = y0/Rscale           # [Rscale]
    i = -1
    for pmn in [pm,pm1,pm2]:
        pmr = (R0<(gpr.rprior*Rscale))  # TODO: read from gl_class_file
        pmn = pmn*pmr                  # [1]
        print("fraction of members = ",1.0*sum(pmn)/len(pmn))
        i = i+1
        x=x0[pmn]; y=y0[pmn]; vz=vz0[pmn]; vb=vb0[pmn];  # [1], [km/s]
        Mg=Mg0[pmn]; comp=comp0[pmn]; PMN=PM0[pmn]   # [ang], [1], [1]
        m = np.ones(len(pmn))
        R = np.sqrt(x*x+y*y)            # [Rscale]
        # print("x y z" on first line, to interprete data later on)
        crscale = open(gpr.get_params_file(i),'w')
        print('# Rscale in [pc], surfdens_central (=dens0) in [munit/rscale**2], and in [munit/pc**2], and totmass [munit], and max(v_LOS) in [km/s]', file=crscale)
        print(Rscale, file=crscale)

        print('output: ',gpr.get_com_file(i))
        c = open(gpr.get_com_file(i),'w')
        print('# x [Rscale],','y [Rscale],','vLOS [km/s],','Rscale = ',Rscale,' pc', file=c)
        for k in range(len(x)):
            print(x[k],y[k],vz[k], file=c)      # [Rscale], [Rscale], [km/s]
        if not gpr.showplots: continue
        ion(); subplot(111)
        res = (abs(x)<3)*(abs(y)<3)
        x = x[res]; y = y[res]           # [Rscale]
        en = len(x)
        if en == 0: continue
        scatter(x[:en], y[:en], c=pmn[:en], s=35, vmin=0.95, vmax=1.0, lw=0.0, alpha=0.2)
        # xscale('log'); yscale('log')
        if i == 0: colorbar()
        circ_HL=Circle((0,0), radius=Rscale/Rscale, fc='None', ec='g', lw=1)
        circ_DM=Circle((0,0), radius=gpr.r_DM/Rscale, fc='None', ec='r', lw=1)
        gca().add_patch(circ_HL); gca().add_patch(circ_DM)
        # visible region
        maxr = max(np.abs(x));  mayr = max(np.abs(y)) #[rscale]
        width2 = max([maxr,mayr]) #[rscale]
        xlim([-width2,width2]); ylim([-width2,width2])
        xlabel(r'$x [R_s]$'); ylabel(r'$y [R_s]$')
        # title(gpr.fil)
        if gpr.showplots:
예제 #4
파일: grg_COM.py 프로젝트: sofiasi/darcoda
def run():
    x0, y0, z0, vx, vy, vz = np.transpose(np.loadtxt(gpr.fil))
    # cutting pm_i to a maximum of ntracers particles:
    from random import shuffle
    ind = np.arange(len(x0))
    ind = ind[:gp.files.ntracer]
    x0 = x0[ind]; y0 = y0[ind]; z0 = z0[ind]
    vx = vx[ind]; vy = vy[ind]; vz = vz[ind]
    # get center of mass with means
    # com_x, com_y,com_z = com_mean(x0,y0,z0,PM0) 
    # [TODO], and TODO: z component included if available
    # get COM with shrinking sphere method
    PM = np.ones(len(x0)) # assign all particles the full probability of membership
    com_x, com_y, com_z, com_vz = com_shrinkcircle_v(x0,y0,z0,vz,PM)
    print('COM [pc]: ', com_x, com_y, com_z)
    print('VOM [km/s]', com_vz)

    # from now on, work with 2D data only; 
    # z0 was only used to get center in (x,y) better
    x0 -= com_x; y0 -= com_y # [pc]
    vz -= com_vz #[km/s]
    R0 = np.sqrt(x0**2+y0**2) # [pc]
    Rc = R0                   # [pc]
    Rc.sort()                 # [pc]
    for i in range(len(Rc)-1):
        if Rc[i]>Rc[i+1]:               # [pc]
            print('sorting error!')
    Rhalf = Rc[floor(len(Rc)/2)]        # [pc]
    Rscale = Rhalf                       # or gpr.r_DM # [pc]
    print('Rscale = ',Rscale,' pc')
    print('max(R) = ',max(Rc),' pc')
    print('last element of R : ',Rc[-1],' pc')
    print('total number of stars: ',len(Rc))
    x0 = x0/Rscale; y0 = y0/Rscale           # [Rscale]
    i = -1
    for comp in range(gp.pops+1):      # gp.pops +1 for all components together
        pmr = (R0<(gpr.rprior*Rscale)) # TODO: read from gl_class_file
        i = i+1
        m = np.ones(len(R0))
        x = x0; y = y0
        R = np.sqrt(x*x+y*y)            # [Rscale]
        # print("x y z" on first line, to interprete data later on)
        crscale = open(gpr.get_params_file(i),'w')
        print('# Rscale in [pc], surfdens_central (=dens0) in [munit/rscale**2], and in [munit/pc**2], and totmass [munit], and max(v_LOS) in [km/s]', file=crscale)
        print(Rscale, file=crscale)

        print('output: ',gpr.get_com_file(i))
        c = open(gpr.get_com_file(i),'w')
        print('# x [Rscale],','y [Rscale],','vLOS [km/s],','Rscale = ',Rscale,' pc', file=c)
        for k in range(len(x)):
            print(x[k], y[k], vz[k], file=c)      # [Rscale], [Rscale], [km/s]
        if not gpr.showplots: continue
        res = (abs(x)<3)*(abs(y)<3)
        x = x[res]; y = y[res]  # [Rscale]
        en = len(x)
        if en == 0: continue
        scatter(x[:en], y[:en],\
                s=35, vmin=0.95, vmax=1.0, lw=0.0, alpha=0.2)
        # xscale('log'); yscale('log')
        circ_HL=Circle((0,0), radius=Rscale/Rscale, fc='None', ec='g', lw=1)
        circ_DM=Circle((0,0), radius=gpr.r_DM/Rscale, fc='None', ec='r', lw=1)
        gca().add_patch(circ_HL); gca().add_patch(circ_DM)
        # visible region
        maxr = max(np.abs(x));  mayr = max(np.abs(y)) #[rscale]
        width2 = max([maxr,mayr]) #[rscale]
        xlim([-width2,width2]); ylim([-width2,width2])
        xlabel(r'$x [R_s]$'); ylabel(r'$y [R_s]$')
        # title(gpr.fil)