예제 #1
def temp(csvPath, col):
  config = utils.getConfig()
  reader = csv.reader(open(csvPath, 'rU'), delimiter=',')
  data = [{'name': "{0[0]}, {0[1]}".format(row), 'score': row[col], 'pid': row[2]} for row in reader if row[col] not in [0, '0', '-', '']]
  utils.check("Data: ", data)

  g = Gradesource(config['gradesourceLogin'], config['gradesourcePasswd'])
  g.importScoresBy(data, 'pid')
예제 #2
def uploadClickerScores(csvPath, col):
  config = utils.getConfig()

  reader = csv.reader(open(csvPath, 'rU'), delimiter=',')
  # Fields: 0:LN, 1:FN, 2:id, >2:scores
  data = [{'name': '%s, %s' % (row[0], row[1]), 'score': row[col], 'pid': row[2]} for row in reader if row[col] not in [0, '0', '-', '']]
  utils.check("Clicker data: ", data)

  g = Gradesource(config['gradesourceLogin'], config['gradesourcePasswd'])
  g.importScoresBy(data, 'pid')
예제 #3
def uploadMoodleQuizScores():
  config = utils.getConfig()

  m = Moodle(config['moodleLogin'], config['moodlePasswd'])
  _, scores = m.getScores(config['moodleCourseId'])
  # Fields: 0:FN, 1:LN, 2:pid, 3:inst, 4:dpt, 5:email, 6:total, 7:score
  data = [{'name': '%s, %s' % (row[1], row[0]), 'score': row[7], 'pid': row[2], 'email': row[5]} for row in scores if row[7] not in [0, '0', '-', '']]
  utils.check("Moodle data: ", data)

  g = Gradesource(config['gradesourceLogin'], config['gradesourcePasswd'])
  g.importScoresBy(data, 'pid')
예제 #4
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import re, sys, csv, pickle
from termcolor import colored, cprint
from gradesource import Gradesource
import utils

# Read the CSV files for grades
csvPath = sys.argv[1]
lines = list(csv.reader(open(csvPath, 'rU'), delimiter = ','))
first_line = lines[0]
# ignore 1st line and lines starting by '#' (unregistered clickers)
lines = [l for l in lines[1:] if l[0][0] != '#']

# Ask for the column to pick in theh file
for col, title in enumerate(first_line):
  print colored(col, 'green') + ' ' + title
pid_col   = int(raw_input(colored('PID column ? ', 'green')))
score_col = int(raw_input(colored('Score column ? ', 'green')))

# Keep only lines with non-zero score
lines = [l for l in lines if l[score_col] not in [0, '0', '-', '']]
data  = [{'score': l[score_col], 'pid': l[pid_col]} for l in lines]

# Ask for the assessment to upload the grade
config = utils.getConfig()
g = Gradesource(config['gradesourceLogin'], config['gradesourcePasswd'])
g.importScoresBy(data, 'pid')