예제 #1
    def get_db(self, force_unlock: bool = False) -> DbState:
        """Open the database and return a dbstate instance.

        If `force_unlock` is `True`, will break an existing lock (use with care!).
        dbstate = DbState()
        user = User()
        smgr = CLIManager(dbstate, True, user)
        if force_unlock:
        return dbstate
예제 #2
class Db():
    """Class for database handling."""
    def __init__(self, name, include_private=True, include_living=True):
        """Initialize the database object for family tree `name`.

        This will raise if the database backend is not `sqlite`.
        The constructor does not open/lock the database yet.

        - `include_private`: include records marked as private. Default True
        - `include_living`: include living people. Default True
        self.name = name
        self.include_private = include_private
        self.include_living = include_living
        self.dbstate = DbState()
        self.dbman = CLIDbManager(self.dbstate)
        self.user = User()
        self.smgr = CLIManager(self.dbstate, True, self.user)
        self.path = self.dbman.get_family_tree_path(name)
        if not self.path:
            raise ValueError(
                "Family tree {} not found. Known trees: {}".format(
                    name, self.dbman.family_tree_list()))
        self.db_backend = self.get_dbid()
        if self.db_backend not in ALLOWED_DB_BACKENDS:
            raise ValueError(
                "Database backend '{}' of tree '{}' not supported.".format(
                    self.db_backend, name))

    def db(self):
        """Return the database or a proxy database."""
        _db = self.dbstate.db
        if not self.include_private:
            _db = PrivateProxyDb(_db)
        if not self.include_living:
            _db = LivingProxyDb(_db, LivingProxyDb.MODE_INCLUDE_FULL_NAME_ONLY)
        return _db

    def get_dbid(self):
        """Get the database backend."""
        return get_dbid_from_path(self.path)

    def is_locked(self):
        """Returns a boolean whether the database is locked."""
        return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.path, "lock"))

    def open(self, force=False):
        """Open the database.

        If `force` is `True`, will break an existing lock (use with care!).
        if force:
        return self.smgr.open_activate(self.path)

    def close(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Close the database (if it is open)."""
        if self.dbstate.is_open():
            return self.dbstate.db.close(*args, **kwargs)