def __rebuild_filter(self, dfilter, skip, items, gen_cursor, data_map, add_func): """ Rebuild the data map for a single Gramps object type, where a filter is applied. """ pmon = progressdlg.ProgressMonitor(progressdlg.GtkProgressDialog, popup_time=2) status = progressdlg.LongOpStatus(msg=_("Building View"), total_steps=3, interval=1) pmon.add_op(status) status_ppl = progressdlg.LongOpStatus(msg=_("Loading items..."), total_steps=items, interval=items // 10) pmon.add_op(status_ppl) self.__total += items with gen_cursor() as cursor: for handle, data in cursor: if not isinstance(handle, str): handle = handle.decode('utf-8') status_ppl.heartbeat() if not handle in skip: if not dfilter or dfilter.match(handle, self.db): add_func(handle, data) self.__displayed += 1 status_ppl.end() status.end()
def __rebuild_filter(self, dfilter, skip, items, gen_cursor, data_map, add_func): """ Rebuild the data map for a single Gramps object type, where a filter is applied. """ pmon = progressdlg.ProgressMonitor(progressdlg.GtkProgressDialog, popup_time=2) status = progressdlg.LongOpStatus(msg=_("Building View"), total_steps=3, interval=1) pmon.add_op(status) status_ppl = progressdlg.LongOpStatus(msg=_("Obtaining all rows"), total_steps=items, interval=items // 10) pmon.add_op(status_ppl) self.__total += items def beat(key): status_ppl.heartbeat() # for python3 this returns a byte object, so conversion needed if not isinstance(key, str): key = key.decode('utf-8') return key with gen_cursor() as cursor: handle_list = [beat(key) for key, data in cursor] status_ppl.end() status.heartbeat() if dfilter: _LOG.debug("rebuild filter %s" % dfilter) _LOG.debug(" list before filter %s" % handle_list) status_filter = progressdlg.LongOpStatus(msg=_("Applying filter"), total_steps=items, interval=items // 10) pmon.add_op(status_filter) handle_list = dfilter.apply(self.db, handle_list, cb_progress=status_filter.heartbeat) _LOG.debug(" list after filter %s" % handle_list) status_filter.end() status.heartbeat() todisplay = len(handle_list) status_col = progressdlg.LongOpStatus( msg=_("Constructing column data"), total_steps=todisplay, interval=todisplay // 10) pmon.add_op(status_col) for handle in handle_list: status_col.heartbeat() data = data_map(handle) if not handle in skip: add_func(handle, data) self.__displayed += 1 status_col.end() status.end()
def __rebuild_filter(self, dfilter, skip, items, gen_cursor, data_map, add_func): """ Rebuild the data map for a single Gramps object type, where a filter is applied. """ pmon = progressdlg.ProgressMonitor(progressdlg.StatusProgress, (self.uistate, ), popup_time=2, title=_("Loading items...")) status_ppl = progressdlg.LongOpStatus(total_steps=items, interval=items // 20) pmon.add_op(status_ppl) self.__total += items assert not skip if dfilter: for handle in dfilter.apply(self.db, user=User(parent=self.uistate.window)): status_ppl.heartbeat() data = data_map(handle) add_func(handle, data) self.__displayed += 1 else: with gen_cursor() as cursor: for handle, data in cursor: status_ppl.heartbeat() add_func(handle, data) self.__displayed += 1 status_ppl.end()
def __rebuild_search(self, dfilter, skip, items, gen_cursor, add_func): """ Rebuild the data map for a single Gramps object type, where a search condition is applied. """ pmon = progressdlg.ProgressMonitor(progressdlg.GtkProgressDialog, popup_time=2) status = progressdlg.LongOpStatus(msg=_("Building View"), total_steps=items, interval=items // 20, can_cancel=True) pmon.add_op(status) with gen_cursor() as cursor: for handle, data in cursor: # for python3 this returns a byte object, so conversion needed if not isinstance(handle, str): handle = handle.decode('utf-8') status.heartbeat() if status.should_cancel(): break self.__total += 1 if not (handle in skip or (dfilter and not dfilter.match(handle, self.db))): _LOG.debug(" add %s %s" % (handle, data)) self.__displayed += 1 add_func(handle, data) if not status.was_cancelled(): status.end()
def __rebuild_search(self, dfilter, skip, items, gen_cursor, add_func): """ Rebuild the data map for a single Gramps object type, where a search condition is applied. """ pmon = progressdlg.ProgressMonitor(progressdlg.StatusProgress, (self.uistate, ), popup_time=2, title=_("Loading items...")) status = progressdlg.LongOpStatus(total_steps=items, interval=items // 20) pmon.add_op(status) with gen_cursor() as cursor: for handle, data in cursor: # for python3 this returns a byte object, so conversion needed if not isinstance(handle, str): handle = handle.decode('utf-8') status.heartbeat() self.__total += 1 if not (handle in skip or (dfilter and not dfilter.match(handle, self.db))): _LOG.debug(" add %s %s" % (handle, data)) self.__displayed += 1 add_func(handle, data) status.end()
def cb_remove_clicked(self, button, top): """ Remove the selected tag. """ store, iter_ = self.namemodel.get_selected() if iter_ is None: return tag_handle = store.get_value(iter_, 1) tag_name = store.get_value(iter_, 2) yes_no = QuestionDialog2( _("Remove tag '%s'?") % tag_name, _("The tag definition will be removed. " "The tag will be also removed from all objects in the database."), _("Yes"), _("No")) prompt = if prompt: fnc = {'Person': (self.db.get_person_from_handle, self.db.commit_person), 'Family': (self.db.get_family_from_handle, self.db.commit_family), 'Event': (self.db.get_event_from_handle, self.db.commit_event), 'Place': (self.db.get_place_from_handle, self.db.commit_place), 'Source': (self.db.get_source_from_handle, self.db.commit_source), 'Citation': (self.db.get_citation_from_handle, self.db.commit_citation), 'Repository': (self.db.get_repository_from_handle, self.db.commit_repository), 'MediaObject': (self.db.get_object_from_handle, self.db.commit_media_object), 'Note': (self.db.get_note_from_handle, self.db.commit_note)} links = [link for link in self.db.find_backlink_handles(tag_handle)] # Make the dialog modal so that the user can't start another # database transaction while the one removing tags is still running. pmon = progressdlg.ProgressMonitor(progressdlg.GtkProgressDialog, ("", self.parent_window, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL), popup_time=2) status = progressdlg.LongOpStatus(msg=_("Removing Tags"), total_steps=len(links), interval=len(links)//20) pmon.add_op(status) msg = _('Delete Tag (%s)') % tag_name with DbTxn(msg, self.db) as trans: for classname, handle in links: status.heartbeat() obj = fnc[classname][0](handle) # get from handle obj.remove_tag(tag_handle) fnc[classname][1](obj, trans) # commit self.db.remove_tag(tag_handle, trans) self.__change_tag_priority(trans) self.namemodel.remove(iter_) status.end()
def tag_selected_rows(self, tag_handle): """ Tag the selected rows with the given tag. """ view = self.uistate.viewmanager.active_page selected = view.selected_handles() # Make the dialog modal so that the user can't start another # database transaction while the one setting tags is still running. pmon = progressdlg.ProgressMonitor(progressdlg.GtkProgressDialog, ("", self.uistate.window, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL), popup_time=2) status = progressdlg.LongOpStatus(msg=_("Adding Tags"), total_steps=len(selected), interval=len(selected)//20) pmon.add_op(status) tag = self.db.get_tag_from_handle(tag_handle) msg = _('Tag Selection (%s)') % tag.get_name() with DbTxn(msg, self.db) as trans: for object_handle in selected: status.heartbeat() view.add_tag(trans, object_handle, tag_handle) status.end()