예제 #1
    def makeColors(self):

        colors = {
            # use original RoboFab colors for Font and Glyph objects
            'font': Color.from_hsl(80, 0.50, 0.49),
            'glyph': Color.from_hsl(38, 0.91, 0.69),

        # color set 1: Font sub-objects
        for i, obj in enumerate(self.colorSets[0][1:]):
            color = colors['font'].with_hue(colors['font'].hsl[0] +
                                            (i + 1) * 25)
            colors[obj] = color

        # color set 2: Glyph sub-objects
        for i, obj in enumerate(self.colorSets[1][1:]):
            color = colors['glyph'].with_hue(colors['glyph'].hsl[0] -
                                             (i + 1) * 15)
            colors[obj] = color

        # color set 3: Contour sub-objects
        for i, obj in enumerate(self.colorSets[2][1:]):
            color = colors['contour'].with_hue(colors['contour'].hsl[0] -
                                               (i + 1) * 20)
            colors[obj] = color

        # color set 4: Layer
        colors['layer'] = colors['font'].blend(colors['glyph'], percent=0.5)

        self.colors = colors
예제 #2
파일: color.py 프로젝트: sj26/uchroma
def to_color(*color_args) -> Color:
    Convert various color representations to grapefruit.Color

    Handles RGB triplets, hexcodes, and html color names.

    :return: The color
    colors = []
    for arg in color_args:
        value = None
        if arg is not None:
            if isinstance(arg, Color):
                value = arg
            elif isinstance(arg, str):
                if arg != '':
                    # grapefruit's default str() spews a string repr of a tuple
                    strtuple = COLOR_TUPLE_STR.match(arg)
                    if strtuple:
                        value = Color.NewFromRgb(*[float(x) \
                                for x in strtuple.group(1).split(', ')])
                        value = Color.NewFromHtml(arg)
            elif isinstance(arg, Iterable):
                value = rgb_from_tuple(arg)
                raise TypeError('Unable to parse color from \'%s\' (%s)' % (arg, type(arg)))

    if len(colors) == 0:
        return None
    if len(colors) == 1:
        return colors[0]

    return colors
예제 #3
def html_color(color):
    if color is None:
        return '#000000'
    if isinstance(color, Color):
        return color.html
    if isinstance(color, str):
        return Color.from_html(color).html

    return Color(color).html
예제 #4
파일: led.py 프로젝트: knownunown/uchroma
    def _refresh(self):
            self._refreshing = True

            # state
            value = self._get(LED.Command.GET_LED_STATE)
            if value is not None:
                self.state = bool(value[2])

            # color
            value = self._get(LED.Command.GET_LED_COLOR)
            if value is not None:
                self.color = Color.NewFromRgb(value[2] / 255.0,
                                              value[3] / 255.0,
                                              value[4] / 255.0)

            # mode
            value = self._get(LED.Command.GET_LED_MODE)
            if value is not None:
                self.mode = LEDMode(value[2])

            # brightness
            value = self._get_brightness()
            if value is not None:
                self.brightness = scale_brightness(int(value[2]), True)

            self._refreshing = False
예제 #5
파일: color.py 프로젝트: burnsed/uchroma
    def gradient(length: int, *colors) -> list:
        Generate a looped gradient from multiple evenly-spaced colors

        Uses the new HSLUV colorspace
        :param length: Total number of entries in the final gradient
        :param colors: Color stops, varargs

        :return: List of colors in the gradient

        luv_colors = [rgb_to_hsluv(to_color(x).rgb) for x in colors]

        steps = max(len(luv_colors), math.floor(length / (len(luv_colors))))
        gradient = []
        for color_idx in range(0, len(luv_colors) - 1):
            start = luv_colors[color_idx]
            end = luv_colors[(color_idx + 1)]

            for interp in range(0, steps):
                amount = float(interp) / float(steps)
                i = ColorUtils._circular_interp(start, end, amount)
                    Color.NewFromRgb(*hsluv_to_rgb([i[0], i[1], i[2]])))

        return gradient
예제 #6
def test_color_formats():
    for color, output in [
            (1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
        p = Pen()
        p.stroke_mode(2.0, color)
        p.move_to((0, 0))

            '<path d="M0,-1 L0,1 L5,1 L5,-1 L0,-1 z" fill="{}" />'.format(output)
예제 #7
파일: color.py 프로젝트: burnsed/uchroma
    def interference(length,
                     freq1: float = 0.3,
                     freq2: float = 0.3,
                     freq3: float = 0.3,
                     phase1: float = 0.0,
                     phase2: float = 2.0,
                     phase3: float = 4.0,
                     center: float = 128.0,
                     width: float = 127.0):
        Creates an interference pattern of three sine waves
        phase1 = phase1 * math.pi / 3
        phase2 = phase2 * math.pi / 3
        phase3 = phase3 * math.pi / 3

        center /= 255.0
        width /= 255.0

        gradient = []

        for i in range(0, length):
            r = math.sin(freq1 * i + phase1) * width + center
            g = math.sin(freq2 * i + phase2) * width + center
            b = math.sin(freq3 * i + phase3) * width + center
            gradient.append(Color.NewFromRgb(r, g, b))

        return gradient
예제 #8
파일: color.py 프로젝트: burnsed/uchroma
def rgb_from_tuple(arg: tuple) -> Color:
    Convert a 3-tuple of ints or floats to a Grapefruit color

    :param arg: The RGB tuple to convert
    :return: The Color object
    if len(arg) >= 3:
        if arg[0] is None:
            return Color.NewFromRgb(0, 0, 0)
        if all(isinstance(n, int) for n in arg):
            return Color.NewFromRgb(*Color.IntTupleToRgb(arg))
        if all(isinstance(n, float) for n in arg):
            return Color.NewFromRgb(*arg)

    raise TypeError('Unable to convert %s (%s) to color' % (arg, type(arg[0])))
예제 #9
파일: color.py 프로젝트: sj26/uchroma
    def inverse(color: ColorType) -> float:
        Get the RGB inverse of this color (1 - component)

        :param color: a color
        :return: Inverse of the given color
        rgb = color.rgb
        return Color.NewFromRgb(1.0 - rgb[0], 1.0 - rgb[1], 1.0 - rgb[2], color.alpha)
예제 #10
파일: color.py 프로젝트: sj26/uchroma
    def hue_gradient(start: float=0.0, length: int=360) -> list:
        Generate a gradient which spans all hues

        :param start: starting hue
        :param length: number of colors which should be produced
        :return: list of colors
        step = 360 / length
        return [Color.NewFromHsv((start + (step * x)) % 360, 1, 1) for x in range(0, length)]
예제 #11
파일: color.py 프로젝트: burnsed/uchroma
    def increase_contrast(color: ColorType) -> Color:
        Performs contrast inversion if a hue rotation would result in
        white-on-white or black-on-black.

        :param color: The color to check

        :return: The new color with adjusted contrast
        hsl = list(color.hsl)
        if hsl[2] < 0.1 or hsl[2] > 0.7:
            hsl[2] = 1.0 - hsl[2]
            color = Color.NewFromHsl(*hsl, color.alpha)
        return color
예제 #12
def test_special_types():
    obj, sig = dbus_prepare(Color.NewFromHtml('black'))
    assert obj == '#000000'
    assert sig == 's'

    obj, sig = dbus_prepare(Int(5))
    assert isinstance(obj, dict)
    assert sig == 'a{sv}'
    for value in obj.values():
        assert isinstance(value, GLib.Variant)

    obj, sig = dbus_prepare(EnumTest)
    assert isinstance(obj, tuple)
    assert sig == '(sss)'
예제 #13
 def __init__(self, n, start=0, end=270):
     self.size = n
     h_all = linspace(start, end, n)
     v_all = [0.75, 0.80, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1]
     s_all = [.8]
     self.c = {}
     hsv = []
     rgb = []
     for i in xrange(n):
         s = s_all[0]
         v = v_all[5 - mod(i, 3)]
         hsv.append([h_all[i] + 240, s, v])
         rgb.append(Color.HsvToRgb(h_all[i], s, v))
     self.c['rgb'] = array(rgb)
     self.c['hsv'] = array(hsv)
     self.iterator = {}
     self.iterator['rgb'] = self.it(n, self.c, 'rgb')
     self.iterator['hsv'] = self.it(n, self.c, 'hsv')
예제 #14
파일: color.py 프로젝트: burnsed/uchroma
    def random_generator(rgb: bool = False):
        Generate random colors using the golden ratio conjugate

        :param rgb: True if RGB tuples should be generated

        :return: generator:
        golden_ratio_conjugate = (1 + math.sqrt(5)) / 2
        hue = random.random()
        c0 = Color.NewFromHsv(0, 1.0, 1.0)
        while True:
            hue += golden_ratio_conjugate
            hue %= 1
            value = c0.ColorWithHue(hue * 360)
            if rgb:
                yield to_rgb(value)
                yield value
예제 #15
파일: color.py 프로젝트: sj26/uchroma
    def hsv_gradient(color1: ColorType, color2: ColorType, steps: int) -> list:
        Generate a gradient between two points in HSV colorspace

        :param color1: Starting color
        :param color2: Ending color
        :param steps: Number of steps in the gradient
        :param loop: If the gradient should "loop" back around to it's starting point

        :return: List of colors in the gradient
        start = ColorUtils._hsva(color1)
        end = ColorUtils._hsva(color2)

        gradient = []
        for x in range(0, steps):
            amount = float(x) / float(steps - 1)
            i = ColorUtils._circular_interp(start, end, amount)
            gradient.append(Color.NewFromRgb(*hsluv_to_rgb([i[0], i[1], i[2]])))

        return gradient
예제 #16
파일: color.py 프로젝트: sj26/uchroma
def to_rgb(arg) -> tuple:
    Convert various representations to RGB tuples

    :return: An RGB int tuple
    if arg is None:
        return (0, 0, 0)
    if isinstance(arg, Color):
        return arg.intTuple[:3]
    if isinstance(arg, str):
        return Color.NewFromHtml(arg).intTuple[:3]
    if isinstance(arg, tuple) or isinstance(arg, list):
        if arg[0] is None:
            return (0, 0, 0)

        if isinstance(arg[0], list) or isinstance(arg[0], tuple) \
                or isinstance(arg[0], str) or isinstance(arg[0], Color):
            return [to_rgb(item) for item in arg]
        return rgb_to_int_tuple(arg)

    raise TypeError('Unable to parse color from \'%s\' (%s)' % (arg, type(arg)))
예제 #17
파일: colors.py 프로젝트: vied12/chroma.js
from grapefruit import Color

for k in Color.NAMED_COLOR:
    c = Color.NewFromHtml(Color.NAMED_COLOR[k],
    out = [k]
    r, g, b = c.rgb
    out.append([int(r * 255), int(g * 255), int(b * 255)])
    l, a, b = c.lab
    out.append([l / 100.0, a, b])
    #print 'colors.push( ' + str(out) +' );'
    print 'colors.' + k + ' = "' + c.html + '"'
예제 #18
def html2xterm256(color):
    r, g, b = Color.HtmlToRgb(html_color)
    r = int(r * 255)
    g = int(g * 255)
    b = int(b * 255)
    return rgb_to_xterm(r, g, b)
예제 #19
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
import sqlite3
from grapefruit import Color

c1 = Color.NewFromHtml('#ffffff')
c2 = Color.NewFromHtml('#660000')

conn = sqlite3.connect('zon-tags-2.db')
im = Image.new('RGBA', (20 * 52 + 60, (2012 - 1946) * 20 + 40))

sql = "SELECT substr(id, 0, 5) year, substr(id, 6, 2) issue, count(*) from articles group by year, issue
 order by year, issue"

draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)

for y in range(1946, 2013):
    draw.text((5, 32 + (y - 1946) * 20), str(y), fill='black')

for i in range(1, 53):
    draw.text((36 + (i) * 20, 10), str(i), fill='black')

for res in conn.execute(sql):
    year, issue, count = map(int, res)
    y = 30 + (year - 1946) * 20
    x = 30 + issue * 20
    col = c2.Blend(c1, percent=count / 561.0)
    draw.rectangle((x, y, x + 19, y + 19), fill=col.html)

im.save('heatmap-part.png', 'PNG')
예제 #20
def construct_color(loader, node):
    val = loader.construct_yaml_str(node)
    return Color.NewFromHtml(val)
예제 #21
class FontPartsColorScheme:

    colorSets = [
        ['font', 'font lib', 'info', 'groups', 'kerning', 'features'],
            'glyph', 'glyph lib', 'anchor', 'component', 'image', 'guideline',
        ['contour', 'point', 'bPoint', 'segment'],
        ['font', 'layer', 'glyph'],

    baseColors = {
        # use the original RoboFab colors for Font and Glyph objects
        # calculate colors for all other objects from those two
        'font': Color.from_hsl(80, 0.50, 0.49),
        'glyph': Color.from_hsl(38, 0.91, 0.69),

    def __init__(self):

    def makeColors(self):
        Calculate colors for all objects.
        Colors are stored in a dict as `grapefruit.Color` objects.

        colors = self.baseColors.copy()

        # color set 1: Font sub-objects
        for i, obj in enumerate(self.colorSets[0][1:]):
            color = colors['font'].with_hue(colors['font'].hsl[0] +
                                            (i + 1) * 23)
            colors[obj] = color

        # color set 2: Glyph sub-objects
        for i, obj in enumerate(self.colorSets[1][1:]):
            color = colors['glyph'].with_hue(colors['glyph'].hsl[0] -
                                             (i + 1) * 15)
            colors[obj] = color

        # color set 3: Contour sub-objects
        for i, obj in enumerate(self.colorSets[2][1:]):
            color = colors['contour'].with_hue(colors['contour'].hsl[0] -
                                               (i + 1) * 20)
            colors[obj] = color

        # color set 4: Layer
        colors['layer'] = colors['font'].blend(colors['glyph'], percent=0.5)

        self.colors = colors

    def colorsRGB(self):
        colors = {}
        for obj, color in self.colors.items():
            colors[obj] = color.rgb
        return colors

    def colorsCMYK(self):
        colors = {}
        for obj, color in self.colors.items():
            colors[obj] = color.cmyk
        return colors

    def drawSwatches(self, pos, cellSize, padding, captions=False):
        x, y = pos
        w, h = cellSize
        translate(x, y)
        fontSize(w * .12)
        for colorSet in reversed(self.colorSets):
            for obj in colorSet:
                color = self.colorsRGB[obj]
                rect(0, 0, w, h)
                if captions:
                    text(obj, (w * .1, h * .2))
                translate(w + padding, 0)
            translate(0, (h + padding))
예제 #22
파일: color.py 프로젝트: burnsed/uchroma
 def __init__(self, first, second):
     self.first = Color.NewFromHtml(first)
     self.second = Color.NewFromHtml(second)
예제 #23
파일: types.py 프로젝트: knownunown/uchroma
 def __init__(self, hwid, caps):
     self._hardware_id = hwid
     self._rgb = caps.get('rgb', False)
     self._color = Color.NewFromHtml(caps.get('color', 'green'))
     self._has_modes = caps.get('has_modes', False)
예제 #24
파일: core.py 프로젝트: cnh/spectra
 def from_html(cls, html_string):
     rgb = GC.NewFromHtml(html_string).rgb
     return cls("rgb", *rgb)
예제 #25
 def _hue_gradient(start, length):
     step = 360 / length
     return [
         Color.NewFromHsv((start + (step * x)) % 360, 1, 1)
         for x in range(0, length)