예제 #1
def hits(graph, min_diff=0.01):
    nodes = graph.nodes()
    auth = dict.fromkeys(nodes, 1)
    hub = dict.fromkeys(nodes, 1)
    iteration = 0

    while True:
        iteration += 1
        prev_auth = auth.copy()
        prev_hub = hub.copy()

        for node in nodes:
            auth[node] = sum(
                prev_hub.get(parent, 0) for parent in graph.parents(node))
            hub[node] = sum(
                prev_auth.get(child, 0) for child in graph.childrens(node))

        norm_auth = sum(auth.values())
        norm_hub = sum(hub.values())
        auth = {key: val / norm_auth for key, val in auth.items()}
        hub = {key: val / norm_hub for key, val in hub.items()}

        diff = sum((abs(prev_hub[k] - hub[k]) for k in hub)) + sum(
            (abs(prev_auth[k] - auth[k]) for k in auth))
        if diff <= min_diff:

    return auth, hub, iteration
예제 #2
def simrank(graph, min_diff=0.01, decay_factor=0.8):
    nodes = graph.nodes()
    sim = np.identity(len(nodes))
    iteration = 0

    while True:
        iteration += 1
        prev_sim = np.copy(sim)

        for idx_u, u in enumerate(nodes):
            for idx_v, v in enumerate(nodes):
                if u is v:

                len_up = len(graph.parents(u))
                len_vp = len(graph.parents(v))
                if len_up == 0 or len_vp == 0:
                    sim[idx_u][idx_v] = 0
                    sum = 0
                    for u_p in graph.parents(u):
                        for v_p in graph.parents(v):
                            sum += prev_sim[nodes.index(u_p)][nodes.index(v_p)]

                    sim[idx_u][idx_v] = (decay_factor /
                                         (len_up * len_vp)) * sum

        if np.allclose(sim, prev_sim, atol=min_diff):

    return sim, iteration
예제 #3
def shortest_path(graph, sourceNode, dist = {}, previous = {}):
    Return the shortest path distance between sourceNode and all other nodes
    using Dijkstra's algorithm.  See
    @attention All weights must be nonnegative.

    @type  graph: graph
    @param graph: Graph.

    @type  sourceNode: node
    @param sourceNode: Node from which to start the search.

    @rtype  tuple
    @return A tuple containing two dictionaries, each keyed by
        targetNodes.  The first dictionary provides the shortest distance
        from the sourceNode to the targetNode.  The second dictionary
        provides the previous node in the shortest path traversal.
        Inaccessible targetNodes do not appear in either dictionary.
    vertices = graph.nodes()
    # dist and previous are dictionnaries where the key is the node and 
    # the value is respectively the distance and the previous node.
#    dist = {}
#    previous = {}
    for v in vertices:
        dist[v] = float('inf')
        previous[v] = None ;
    dist[sourceNode] = 0

    while vertices: 
        temp_dist = float('inf')
        u = None
        for node in vertices:
            if dist[node] <= temp_dist:
                temp_dist = dist[node]
                u = node
        if dist[u] == float('inf'):
        neighbours = graph.neighbors(u)
        for v in neighbours:
            alt = dist[u] + graph.edge_weight((u, v))
            if alt < dist[v]:
                dist[v] = alt ;
                previous[v] = u ;
    return dist;
예제 #4
def shortest_path(graph, sourceNode, dist={}, previous={}):
    Return the shortest path distance between sourceNode and all other nodes
    using Dijkstra's algorithm.  See
    @attention All weights must be nonnegative.

    @type  graph: graph
    @param graph: Graph.

    @type  sourceNode: node
    @param sourceNode: Node from which to start the search.

    @rtype  tuple
    @return A tuple containing two dictionaries, each keyed by
        targetNodes.  The first dictionary provides the shortest distance
        from the sourceNode to the targetNode.  The second dictionary
        provides the previous node in the shortest path traversal.
        Inaccessible targetNodes do not appear in either dictionary.
    vertices = graph.nodes()

    # dist and previous are dictionnaries where the key is the node and
    # the value is respectively the distance and the previous node.

    #    dist = {}
    #    previous = {}

    for v in vertices:
        dist[v] = float('inf')
        previous[v] = None

    dist[sourceNode] = 0

    while vertices:
        temp_dist = float('inf')
        u = None
        for node in vertices:
            if dist[node] <= temp_dist:
                temp_dist = dist[node]
                u = node

        if dist[u] == float('inf'):

        neighbours = graph.neighbors(u)
        for v in neighbours:

            alt = dist[u] + graph.edge_weight((u, v))
            if alt < dist[v]:
                dist[v] = alt
                previous[v] = u

    return dist
예제 #5
def get_next_step(graph, sourceNode):
    ''' Returns a dictionnary with a key for each vertex in the graph (except sourceNode)
        and as value the next step form sourceNode in order to reach the key 
        by the smallest path.
    dist = {}
    previous = {}
    shortest_path(graph, sourceNode, dist, previous)
    #print('dist', dist)
    #print('prev', previous)
    result = {}
    vertices = graph.nodes()
    to_pop = []
    for key in dist:
        if not previous[key]:
            to_pop += [key]
    for key in to_pop:
    #print('dist2', dist)

    while dist:
        value = 0
        nextkey = None
        for key in dist:
            if dist[key] > value:
                value = dist[key]
                nextkey = key
        treated = []

        while previous[nextkey] != sourceNode:
            treated += [nextkey]
            nextkey = previous[nextkey]
        for node in treated:
            result[node] = nextkey
            if node in dist:
        result[nextkey] = nextkey
        if nextkey in dist:
    return result
예제 #6
def get_next_step(graph, sourceNode):
    ''' Returns a dictionnary with a key for each vertex in the graph (except sourceNode)
        and as value the next step form sourceNode in order to reach the key 
        by the smallest path.
    dist = {}
    previous = {}
    shortest_path(graph, sourceNode, dist, previous)
    #print('dist', dist)
    #print('prev', previous)

    result = {}
    vertices = graph.nodes()
    to_pop = []
    for key in dist:
        if not previous[key]:
            to_pop += [key]
    for key in to_pop:

    #print('dist2', dist)

    while dist:
        value = 0
        nextkey = None
        for key in dist:
            if dist[key] > value:
                value = dist[key]
                nextkey = key

        treated = []

        while previous[nextkey] != sourceNode:
            treated += [nextkey]
            nextkey = previous[nextkey]

        for node in treated:
            result[node] = nextkey
            if node in dist:
        result[nextkey] = nextkey
        if nextkey in dist:

    return result
예제 #7
def pagerank(graph, min_diff=0.0001, damping_factor=0.15):
    nodes = graph.nodes()
    pagerank = dict.fromkeys(nodes, 1.0 / len(nodes))
    iteration = 0

    while True:
        iteration += 1
        diff = 0

        for node in nodes:
            rank = (1.0 - damping_factor) / len(nodes)
            for parent in graph.parents(node):
                rank += damping_factor * pagerank[parent] / len(

            diff += abs(pagerank[node] - rank)
            pagerank[node] = rank

        if diff <= min_diff:

    return pagerank, iteration