예제 #1
    def build_graph(self, weight_calculator):
        graph = RelationGraph()
        vertex_map = {}

        #create vertices
        for article in self.articles:
            vertex_map[article.name] = graph.add_vertex(article.name)

        #build graph
        number_of_articles = len(self.articles)

        for first_article_index in range(number_of_articles):
            for second_article_index in range(first_article_index+1, number_of_articles):
                # print("Firt Article Index " + str(first_article_index))
                # print("Second Article Index " + str(second_article_index))
                first_article = self.articles[first_article_index]
                second_article = self.articles[second_article_index]

                # weight = first_article.calculateNumberOfUnigramsInCommon(second_article)
                weight = weight_calculator.calculate_weight(first_article, second_article)
                # print("Weight between " + first_article.name + " and " + second_article.name + " is " + str(weight))

                first_vertex = vertex_map[first_article.name]
                second_vertex = vertex_map[second_article.name]

                if weight > weight_calculator.getThreshold():
                    print("Weight between " + first_article.name + " and " + second_article.name + " is " + str(weight))
                    graph.add_edge(weight, first_vertex, second_vertex)
                    graph.add_edge(weight, second_vertex, first_vertex)

        return graph
예제 #2
 def buildDirectedGraph(self):
     primaryNodes = self.primaryNodes
     vertex_map = {}
     g = RelationGraph()
     for a in primaryNodes.keys():
         vertex_map[a] = g.add_vertex(a)
     for a in primaryNodes.keys():
         denominator = 0
         for b in primaryNodes[a].keys():
             denominator += primaryNodes[a][b]
         for b in primaryNodes[a].keys():
             av = vertex_map[a]
             bv = vertex_map[b]
             if primaryNodes[a][b] != 0:
                     ((primaryNodes[a][b] + 0.00001) / (denominator + 1)),
                     av, bv)  #To avoid division by zero conflicts
                 print("Adding edge: ", a, b, ': ',
                       ((primaryNodes[a][b] + 0.00001) / (denominator + 1)))
     return g
예제 #3
    def buildUndirectedGraph(self):

        primaryNodes = self.primaryNodes
        print("Number of primary nodes: ", len(primaryNodes))

        denominator = 0
        vertex_map = {}
        g = RelationGraph()
        for a in primaryNodes.keys():
            vertex_map[a] = g.add_vertex(a)
            for b in primaryNodes[a].keys():
                denominator += primaryNodes[a][b]
        for a in primaryNodes.keys():
            for b in primaryNodes[a].keys():
                av = vertex_map[a]
                bv = vertex_map[b]
                if primaryNodes[a][b] != 0:
                    g.add_edge((primaryNodes[a][b] / denominator), av, bv)
                    print("Adding edge: ", a, b, ': ',
                          (primaryNodes[a][b] / denominator))
        return g
예제 #4
    def build_graph(self):
        if not self.ran:

# Create the graph
        g = RelationGraph()
        relation_sums = {}
        #create a dictionary that maps the name of a vertex to the vertex object
        vertex_map = {}

        # Building the sums, which will be used for the weights
        for v, c in self.data.items():
            if not v in relation_sums:
                relation_sums[v] = 0
            for _, i in c.items():
                relation_sums[v] += i.sum

# Building all the vertex
# for every vertex name, create a new vertex, store it in the map
        for a in self.articles.keys():
            vertex_map[a] = g.add_vertex(a)

#Building the edges
# graph.add_edge(for me, prop is the weight, and source and target are the vertex objects)
# This creates the edge uni-directionally
# Switch the source and target to add the other direction.
        for a, tb in self.data.items():
            # print("Looking at: {}".format(a))
            for b, c in tb.items():
                av = vertex_map[a]
                bv = vertex_map[b]
                # print("add_edge")
                weight = (c.sum) / (relation_sums[a] + AtoA.BIAS)
                weight_offset = self.data[b][a].sum / (
                    (relation_sums[b] + AtoA.BIAS) * 2)

                if weight + weight_offset != 0:
                    g.add_edge(weight + weight_offset, av, bv)
        return g