def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("Loading map from file...") f=open(map_filename,'r') g=Digraph() for line in f: src, dest, total_distance, outdoor_distance = line.split() src_node=Node(src) dest_node=Node(dest) src_dest=WeightedEdge(src_node, dest_node, total_distance, outdoor_distance) if not g.has_node(src_node): g.add_node(src_node) if not g.has_node(dest_node): g.add_node(dest_node) g.add_edge(src_dest) f.close() return g
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("Loading map from file...") inFile = open(map_filename, 'r') digraph = Digraph() for line in inFile: mapEntry = line.split() #mapEntry(list) src = Node(mapEntry[0]) dest = Node(mapEntry[1]) total_distance = int(mapEntry[2]) outdoor_distance = int(mapEntry[3]) edge = WeightedEdge(src, dest, total_distance, outdoor_distance) if not digraph.has_node(src): digraph.add_node(src) if not digraph.has_node(dest): digraph.add_node(dest) digraph.add_edge(edge) return digraph
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ d = Digraph() with open(map_filename) as f: for line in f: data = line.split(' ') assert (len(data) == 4) src = Node(data[0]) dest = Node(data[1]) edge = WeightedEdge(src, dest, data[2], data[3]) if not d.has_node(src): d.add_node(src) if not d.has_node(dest): d.add_node(dest) d.add_edge(edge) f.close() return d
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ g = Digraph() # Create a digraph object print("Loading map from file...") with open(map_filename, "r") as f: for passage in f: # For each entry, store four info From, To, TotalD, OutD = passage.split() node_src, node_dest = Node(From), Node(To) if not g.has_node(node_src): g.add_node(node_src) if not g.has_node(node_dest): g.add_node(node_dest) g.add_edge( WeightedEdge(node_src, node_dest, int(TotalD), int(OutD))) return g
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("Loading map from file...") campus_map = Digraph() with open(map_filename, 'r') as file_handle: for line in file_handle: # 32 36 70 0 info = line.strip().split( ) # info = ["32","36","70","0"] strip返回一个去掉前后端的line的副本 from_node = Node(info[0]) to_node = Node(info[1]) if not campus_map.has_node(from_node): campus_map.add_node(from_node) if not campus_map.has_node(to_node): campus_map.add_node(to_node) cur_edge = WeightedEdge(from_node, to_node, int(info[2]), int(info[3])) # 假设cur_edge不存在重复的情况,也就是说mit_map.txt没有提供重复的数据 campus_map.add_edge(cur_edge) return campus_map
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("Loading map from file...") graph = Digraph() # 创建空图 with open(map_filename) as file: for line in file: elements = line.split() # 按空格分割成list src = Node(elements[0]) dest = Node(elements[1]) total_distance = int(elements[2]) # 数字类型 outdoor_distance = int(elements[3]) # 数字类型 if not graph.has_node(src): graph.add_node(src) if not graph.has_node(dest): graph.add_node(dest) graph.add_edge(WeightedEdge(src, dest, total_distance, outdoor_distance)) return graph
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("Loading map from file...") D = Digraph() with open(map_filename, 'r') as f: for count, line in enumerate(f): src, dest, total_dist, out_dist = line.split(' ') source = Node(src) destination = Node(dest) we = WeightedEdge(source, destination, total_dist, out_dist) D = _add_node(D, source, destination) D.add_edge(we) return D
def update_graph_decl(self, root): if not self.contains: return # ... add current block if it is a subroutine or a function graph = root.graph_decl subgraph = Digraph( attributs = {} # attributs["constraint"] = "true" attributs["constraint"] = "false" attributs["style"] = "solid" attributs["label"] = self.label # ... add edges / nodes for functions/subroutines declarations for key, values in self.dict_decl.items(): keyword = key for name in values: other = root.get_block_by_filename_name(self.filename, name) attributs = {} # attributs["constraint"] = "true" attributs["style"] = "dashed" if other is not None: subgraph.edge(self, other, attributs=attributs) # ... # ... update root graph with subgraph graph.add_subgraph(subgraph)
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ #print("Loading map from file...") campus_graph = Digraph() # 实例化Digraph with open(map_filename) as file_object: lines = file_object.readlines() for line in lines: list = line.split() if not campus_graph.has_node(Node(list[0])): campus_graph.add_node(Node(list[0])) # 若不在即加入 if not campus_graph.has_node(Node(list[1])): campus_graph.add_node(Node(list[1])) campus_graph.add_edge( WeightedEdge( # 将该边加入 Node(list[0]), Node(list[1]), list[2], list[3])) return campus_graph
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("Loading map from file...") graph = Digraph() with open(map_filename, 'r') as f1: list1 = f1.readlines() for item in list1: src, dest, total, outdoors = item[0:-1].split(' ') if (graph.has_node(Node(src)) == 0): graph.add_node(Node(src)) if (graph.has_node(Node(dest)) == 0): graph.add_node(Node(dest)) graph.add_edge(WeightedEdge(Node(src), Node(dest), total, outdoors)) # TODO return graph
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("Loading map from file...") g = Digraph() with open(map_filename, "r") as file: for line in file: (src, dst, tot_dist, outdoor_dist) = line.split(' ') tot_dist = int(tot_dist) outdoor_dist = int(outdoor_dist) if not g.has_node(Node(src)): g.add_node(Node(src)) if not g.has_node(Node(dst)): g.add_node(Node(dst)) g.add_edge(WeightedEdge(src, dst, tot_dist, outdoor_dist)) return g
def simpleIterative(nodeCount): nodes = [] graph = Digraph() # Digraph object stores a list of nodes and a dictionary of node:childrenList for i in range(nodeCount): nodes.append(str(i)) graph.addNode(nodes[i]) levelCount = int(math.log(nodeCount, 2)) + 1 extraNodes = nodeCount - 2**(levelCount - 1) # attach nodes for all complete levels: index = 1 for level in range(1, levelCount - 1): nodes_to_add = 2**level parentCount = nodes_to_add // 2 parents = nodes[index - parentCount:index] for parent in parents: graph.connect(parent, nodes[index]) graph.connect(parent, nodes[index + 1]) index += 2 # attach nodes for the last, incomplete level for node in nodes[index:]: parentIndex = index // 2 parent = nodes[index - 1 - parentIndex] graph.connect(parent, node) index += 1 return graph
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ digraph = Digraph() count = 0 with open(map_filename, 'r') as file: for line in file: line_list = line.split(' ') count += 1 src = Node(line_list[0]) dest = Node(line_list[1]) if not digraph.has_node(src): digraph.add_node(src) if not digraph.has_node(dest): digraph.add_node(dest) weighted_edge = WeightedEdge(src, dest, line_list[2], line_list[3]) digraph.add_edge(weighted_edge) return digraph
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("Loading map from file...") # MY_CODE map_graph = Digraph() with open(map_filename, 'r') as f: for line in f: src, dest, total_dist, outdoor_dist = line.split(' ') src = Node(src) dest = Node(dest) if not map_graph.has_node(src): map_graph.add_node(src) if not map_graph.has_node(dest): map_graph.add_node(dest) edge = WeightedEdge(src, dest, int(total_dist), int(outdoor_dist)) map_graph.add_edge(edge) return map_graph
def load_map(mapFilename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: mapFilename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a directed graph representing the map """ map_graph = Digraph() print("Loading map from file...") with open(mapFilename) as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: node1 = Node(line[0]) node2 = Node(line[1]) edge1 = Edge(node1, node2) map_graph.addNode(node1) map_graph.addNode(node2) map_graph.addEdge(edge1) return map_graph
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ g = Digraph() with open(map_filename) as f: data = dataList = data.split('\n') for mapEdge in dataList: edgeList = mapEdge.split(' ') # from to TD, DO fromN = Node(edgeList[0]) toN = Node(edgeList[1]) if not g.has_node(fromN): g.add_node(fromN) if not g.has_node(toN): g.add_node(toN) g.add_edge(WeightedEdge(fromN, toN, edgeList[2], edgeList[3])) return g
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ digraph = Digraph() print("Loading map from file...") with open(map_filename, 'r') as file: for line in file: parts = line.split() src = Node(parts[0]) dest = Node(parts[1]) edge = WeightedEdge(src, dest, int(parts[2]), int(parts[3])) edge = WeightedEdge(src, dest, int(parts[2]), int(parts[3])) if not digraph.has_node(src): digraph.add_node(src) if not digraph.has_node(dest): digraph.add_node(dest) digraph.add_edge(edge) return digraph
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("Loading map from file...") # Open map_filename for reading and parse each line to get the edge parameters # Assumes map_filename is properly formatted newdigraph = Digraph() # Initialize new digraph with open(map_filename, mode='r') as fID: for tline in fID: # Split on space edge_params = tline.split(' ') # edge_params will have the following format: # edge_params[0]: Source Node, string # edge_params[1]: Destination Node, string # edge_params[2]: Total Distance, int # edge_params[3]: Distance Outdoors, int for idx, param in enumerate(edge_params): if idx < 2: # Node names, staying as strings. Strip newline edge_params[idx] = edge_params[idx].replace('/n', '') else: # Distances, cast as integers. This strips the newline edge_params[idx] = int(edge_params[idx]) # Check to see if our source node is in the digraph we're generating, # add if it's not if not newdigraph.has_node(edge_params[0]): newdigraph.add_node(edge_params[0]) # Check to see if our destination node is in the digraph we're # generating, add if it's not if not newdigraph.has_node(edge_params[1]): newdigraph.add_node(edge_params[1]) newdigraph.add_edge( WeightedEdge(edge_params[0], edge_params[1], edge_params[2], edge_params[3])) return newdigraph
def load_map(mapFilename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: mapFilename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a directed graph representing the map """ print "Loading map from file..." # Open File inFile = open(mapFilename, 'r', 0) # MIT: Digraph representing the MIT Map MIT = Digraph(); # Generate list of map entries mapList = [] for line in inFile: mapList.append(line.split()) # Generate nodes nodes = [] for entry in mapList: if entry[0] not in nodes: nodes.append(entry[0]) for node in nodes: MIT.addNode(node) # Generate edges edges = [] for entry in mapList: singleEdge = Edge(entry[0], entry[1], int(entry[2]), int(entry[3])) edges.append(singleEdge) for edge in edges: MIT.addEdge(edge) # Print report print " ", len(nodes), "nodes loaded." print " ", len(edges), "edges loaded." inFile.close() return MIT
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("Loading map from file...") # initialize a digraph g representing the map g = Digraph() # open the file contains map data with open(map_filename) as file: # read data per line and store it into a list read_data ="\n") # the list contains an unnecessary newline character at the end read_data = read_data[:-1] # loop through each entry in data list for entry in read_data: # split each entry into source, destination nodes, total_distance and outdoor_distance # and store them into a list respectively raw_data = entry.split(" ") # src = source node, dest = destination, total = total_distance, outdoor = outdoor_distance src = Node(raw_data[0]) dest = Node(raw_data[1]) total = int(raw_data[2]) outdoor = int(raw_data[3]) # check if g already has node src or not if not g.has_node(src): g.add_node(src) # check if g already has node dest or not if not g.has_node(dest): g.add_node(dest) # initialize a weighted edge edge = WeightedEdge(src, dest, total, outdoor) # add above edge into g g.add_edge(edge) # close file file.close() # return the desired directed graph return g
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ # print("Loading map from file...") inFile = open(map_filename, 'r') graph = Digraph() for line in inFile: linedata = line.split(' ') scr = Node(linedata[0]) des = Node(linedata[1]) graph.nodes.add(scr) graph.nodes.add(des) if not scr in graph.edges: graph.add_node(scr) if not des in graph.edges: graph.add_node(des) edge = WeightedEdge(scr, des, int(linedata[2]), int(linedata[3])) graph.add_edge(edge) return graph
def setUp(self): self.g = Digraph() = Node('a') self.nb = Node('b') = Node('c') self.g.add_node( self.g.add_node(self.nb) self.g.add_node( self.e1 = WeightedEdge(, self.nb, 15, 10) self.e2 = WeightedEdge(,, 14, 6) self.e3 = WeightedEdge(self.nb,, 3, 1) self.g.add_edge(self.e1) self.g.add_edge(self.e2) self.g.add_edge(self.e3)
def buildGraph(mapEntries): g = Digraph() nodelist = [] #createing nodelist and adding nodes for eachEntry in mapEntries: eachEntrySource = eachEntry[0] eachEntryDest = eachEntry[1] if eachEntrySource not in nodelist: #making sure the node is unique nodelist.append(eachEntrySource) g.add_node(Node(eachEntrySource)) if eachEntryDest not in nodelist: nodelist.append(eachEntryDest) g.add_node(Node(eachEntryDest)) #creating edges for eachEntry in mapEntries: src = Node(eachEntry[0]) #eachEntrySource Node dest = Node(eachEntry[1]) #"eachEntryDest" tD = eachEntry[2] #eachEntryTotalDistance oD = eachEntry[3] #eachEntryOutdoorDistance g.add_edge(WeightedEdge(src, dest, tD, oD)) #Adding the weighted edge kind return g
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("Loading map from file...") openfile = open(map_filename, 'r') gph = Digraph() for line in openfile: NewLine = line.strip('\n').split(" ") a, b, c, d = NewLine a, b = Node(a), Node(b) c, d = int(c), int(d) if a not in gph.nodes: gph.add_node(a) if b not in gph.nodes: gph.add_node(b) DirEdge = WeightedEdge(a, b, c, d) gph.add_edge(DirEdge) openfile.close() return gph
def __init__(self, \ filename=None, \ dirname=None, \ text=None, \ dict_constructor=None, \ dict_attribut=None, \ verbose=0): self._dirname = dirname self._dict_names = {} self._dict_constructor = dict_constructor self._dict_attribut = dict_attribut self._verbose = verbose self._graph_decl = Digraph(name="declarations") self._graph_call = Digraph(name="calls") self._dict_block = {} self._prefix = None # ... contains the source code for each filename self._dict_text = {} if (filename is not None) and (dirname is not None): print( "Parser cannot be called with both filename and dirname not empty" ) raise () if filename is not None: f = open(filename, 'r') progtext = self._dict_text[filename] = progtext f.close() if dirname is not None: for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(dirname): if self.verbose > 0: print "++ searching in ", root if files is not None: for File in files: ext = File.split(".")[-1] if ext in FORTRAN_EXTENSIONS: _filename = os.path.join(root, File) if self.verbose > 0: print "---- filename :", _filename f = open(_filename, "r") progtext = self._dict_text[_filename] = progtext f.close()
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ # TODO print("Loading map from file...") f = open(map_filename) line_list = [] for line in f: clean_line = line.rstrip() line_list.append(clean_line) f.close() src_li = [] dest_li = [] weighted_edge_li = [] for string in line_list: param = string.split(' ') src_li.append(Node(param[0])) dest_li.append(Node(param[1])) edge = WeightedEdge(src_li[-1], dest_li[-1], int(param[2]), int(param[3])) weighted_edge_li.append(edge) map = Digraph() for i in range(len(src_li)): try: map.add_node(src_li[i]) map.add_node(dest_li[i]) except ValueError as error: print(error) continue # will go next iter of this for-loop directly, skipping any code below it for i in range(len(src_li)): try: map.add_edge(weighted_edge_li[i]) except ValueError as error1: print(error1) continue return map
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ file = open("mit_map.txt") content = file.close() #split the data into a list of lists contentList = content.splitlines() mitData = [] for lines in contentList: lineSplit = lines.split(' ') mitData.append(lineSplit) #print(mitData) #create digrapgh diG = Digraph() #loop through list of list, add nodes and edges to graphs for datum in mitData: #create node node1 = Node(datum[0]) node2 = Node(datum[1]) #create edge wEdge = WeightedEdge(node1, node2, int(datum[2]), int(datum[3])) #add nodes to graph if not diG.has_node(node1): diG.add_node(node1) if not diG.has_node(node2): diG.add_node(node2) #add weighted edge to graphs diG.add_edge(wEdge)
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("Loading map from file...") map_data = open(map_filename) graph = Digraph() for row in map_data: node_info = row[:-1].split() src_name = node_info[0] dest_name = node_info[1] total_dist = node_info[2] outdoor_dist = node_info[3] src = Node(src_name) dest = Node(dest_name) edge = WeightedEdge(src, dest, total_dist, outdoor_dist) if graph.has_node(src) == False: graph.add_node(src) if graph.has_node(dest) == False: graph.add_node(dest) graph.add_edge(edge) map_data.close() return graph
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ # TODO # print("Loading map from file...") file = open(map_filename, 'r') # open the file g = Digraph() for line in file: # read each line of the file line = line.strip('\n') # remove the \n character line = line.split(' ') for i in range(0, 2): nod = Node(line[i]) if not g.has_node(nod): g.add_node(nod) wei_edge = WeightedEdge(Node(line[0]), Node(line[1]), int(line[2]), int(line[3])) g.add_edge(wei_edge) file.close() return g
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("Loading map from file...") graph = Digraph() f = open(map_filename, 'r') for line in f: line = line.split() src = Node(line[0]) dst = Node(line[1]) for node in [src, dst]: if not graph.has_node(node): graph.add_node(node) edge = WeightedEdge(src, dst, int(line[2]), int(line[3])) graph.add_edge(edge) f.close() return graph
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map Graph’s nodes represent the numbered buildings Graph’s edges represent the distance (total and outdoor) of each route The distances are asigned as object attributes to instances of WeightedEdge class """ print("Loading map from file...") file = open(map_filename, mode='r') g = Digraph() for line in file: # convert each line (string) to a list of the values in that line line_lst = line.split() src = Node(line_lst[0]) dest = Node(line_lst[1]) tot_dist = int(line_lst[2]) out_dist = int(line_lst[3]) if not g.has_node(src): g.add_node(src) if not g.has_node(dest): g.add_node(dest) edge = WeightedEdge(src, dest, tot_dist, out_dist) g.add_edge(edge) return g
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("\n\nLoading map from file...") g = Digraph() with open(map_filename) as file: for line in file: s, t, total, outdoor = line.split() s, t = map(Node, (s, t)) if not g.has_node(s): g.add_node(s) if not g.has_node(t): g.add_node(t) edge = WeightedEdge(s, t, *map(int, (total, outdoor))) g.add_edge(edge) return g
def load_map(mapFilename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: mapFilename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a directed graph representing the map """ print "Loading map from file..." dataFile = open(mapFilename, "r") g = Digraph() for line in dataFile: if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == "#": continue dataLine = string.split(line) fromBuidling = g.getNode(dataLine[0]) toBuilding = g.getNode(dataLine[1]) totalDistance = int(dataLine[2]) outdoorDistance = int(dataLine[3]) if fromBuidling is None: fromBuidling = Node(dataLine[0]) g.addNode(fromBuidling) if toBuilding is None: toBuilding = Node(dataLine[1]) g.addNode(toBuilding) p = Path(fromBuidling, toBuilding, totalDistance, outdoorDistance) g.addEdge(p) return g
def load_map(mapFilename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: mapFilename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a directed graph representing the map """ # TODO print "Loading map from file..." f = open (mapFilename,"r") map_dict = {} l = [] for line in open(mapFilename,"r"): name, score, weight1, weight2 = line.split() l = [score, weight1, weight2] map_dict[name] = l graph = Digraph() list_of_nodes = [] for i in map_dict: if not (i in list_of_nodes): graph.addNode(i) if not (map_dict[i][0] in list_of_nodes): graph.addNode(map_dict[i][0]) list_of_nodes.append(i) list_of_nodes.append(map_dict[i][0]) edge = Edge(i, map_dict[i][0], map_dict[i][1], map_dict[i][2]) #print edge graph.addEdge(edge) return graph
def load_map(mapFilename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: mapFilename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a directed graph representing the map """ mapGraph = Digraph() print "Loading map from file..." inputFile = open(mapFilename) for line in inputFile: line = line.rstrip() splitLine = line.split(' ') # First, add start node if it doesn't already exist if not mapGraph.hasNode(splitLine[0]): mapGraph.addNode(splitLine[0]) for line in inputFile: line = line.rstrip() splitLine = line.split(' ') # Then, add edge between two nodes lineEdge = FeatureEdge(splitLine[0],splitLine[1],splitLine[2],splitLine[3]) mapGraph.addEdge(lineEdge) return mapGraph
def __init__(self): Digraph.__init__(self) self.edges = {}