예제 #1
    def get(self, id=""):
        Returns a list of atoms matching the specified criteria


        :param id: (optional, int, to specifically request an atom by handle,
            can be combined with includeIncoming or includeOutgoing only; if
            specified, other query parameters will have no effect) Atom handle

        :param type: (optional) Atom type, see
        :param name: (optional, string, not allowed for Link types) Atom name
        If neither type or name are provided, all atoms will be retrieved
        :param filterby: (optional, can't be combined with type or name)
            Allows certain predefined filters
          - The filter 'stirange' allows the additional parameters 'stimin'
            (required, int) and 'stimax' (optional, int) and returns the atoms
            in a given STI range
          - The filter 'attentionalfocus' (boolean) returns the atoms in the
        :param tvStrengthMin: (optional, float) Only return atoms with
            TruthValue strength greater than this amount
        :param tvConfidenceMin: (optional, float) Only return atoms with
            TruthValue confidence greater than this amount
        :param tvCountMin: (optional, float) Only return atoms with TruthValue
            count greater than this amount
        :param includeIncoming: (optional, boolean) Returns the conjunction of
            the set of atoms and their incoming sets
        :param includeOutgoing: (optional, boolean) Returns the conjunction of
            the set of atoms and their outgoing sets. Useful in combination
            with includeIncoming.

        :param dot: (optional, boolean) Returns the atom set represented in
            the DOT graph description language
            (See opencog/python/graph_description/README.md for details)

        :param callback: (optional) JavaScript callback function for JSONP

        :return result: Returns a JSON representation of an atom list.

            'complete': 'true',
            'skipped': 'false',
            'total': 10,
                { 'handle': 6,
                  'name': '',
                  'type': 'InheritanceLink',
                  'outgoing': [2, 1],
                  'incoming': [],
                      'type': 'simple',
                          'count': '0.4000000059604645',
                          'confidence': '0.0004997501382604241',
                          'strength': '0.5'
                      'lti': 0,
                      'sti': 0,
                      'vlti': false

        args = self.reqparse.parse_args()
        type = args.get('type')
        name = args.get('name')
        callback = args.get('callback')

        filter_by = args.get('filterby')
        sti_min = args.get('stimin')
        sti_max = args.get('stimax')

        tv_strength_min = args.get('tvStrengthMin')
        tv_confidence_min = args.get('tvConfidenceMin')
        tv_count_min = args.get('tvCountMin')

        include_incoming = args.get('includeIncoming')
        include_outgoing = args.get('includeOutgoing')

        dot_format = args.get('dot')

        if id != "":
                atom = self.atomspace[Handle(id)]
                atoms = [atom]
            except IndexError:
                atoms = []
                # abort(404, 'Handle not found')
            # First, check if there is a valid filter type, and give it
            # precedence if it exists
            valid_filter = False
            if filter_by is not None:
                if filter_by == 'stirange':
                    if sti_min is not None:
                        valid_filter = True
                        atoms = self.atomspace.get_atoms_by_av(
                            sti_min, sti_max)
                            400, 'Invalid request: stirange filter requires '
                            'stimin parameter')
                elif filter_by == 'attentionalfocus':
                    valid_filter = True
                    atoms = self.atomspace.get_atoms_in_attentional_focus()

            # If there is not a valid filter type, proceed to select by type
            # or name
            if not valid_filter:
                if type is None and name is None:
                    atoms = self.atomspace.get_atoms_by_type(types.Atom)
                elif name is None:
                    atoms = self.atomspace.get_atoms_by_type(
                    if type is None:
                        type = 'Node'
                    atoms = self.atomspace.get_atoms_by_name(
                        t=types.__dict__.get(type), name=name)

            # Optionally, filter by TruthValue
            if tv_strength_min is not None:
                atoms = [
                    atom for atom in atoms if atom.tv.mean >= tv_strength_min

            if tv_confidence_min is not None:
                atoms = [
                    atom for atom in atoms
                    if atom.tv.confidence >= tv_confidence_min

            if tv_count_min is not None:
                atoms = [
                    atom for atom in atoms if atom.tv.count >= tv_count_min

        # Optionally, include the incoming set
        if include_incoming in ['True', 'true', '1']:
            atoms = self.atomspace.include_incoming(atoms)

        # Optionally, include the outgoing set
        if include_outgoing in ['True', 'true', '1']:
            atoms = self.atomspace.include_outgoing(atoms)

        # The default is to return the atom set as JSON atoms. Optionally, a
        # DOT return format is also supported
        if dot_format not in ['True', 'true', '1']:
            atom_list = AtomListResponse(atoms)
            json_data = {'result': atom_list.format()}

            # if callback function supplied, pad the JSON data (i.e. JSONP):
            if callback is not None:
                response = str(callback) + '(' + json.dumps(json_data) + ');'
                return current_app.response_class(
                    response, mimetype='application/javascript')
                return current_app.response_class(json.dumps(json_data),
            dot_output = dot.get_dot_representation(atoms)
            return jsonify({'result': dot_output})
예제 #2
    def _get(self, id=""):
        Returns a list of atoms matching the specified criteria

        args = self.reqparse.parse_args()
        type = args.get('type')
        name = args.get('name')
        callback = args.get('callback')

        filter_by = args.get('filterby')
        sti_min = args.get('stimin')
        sti_max = args.get('stimax')

        tv_strength_min = args.get('tvStrengthMin')
        tv_confidence_min = args.get('tvConfidenceMin')
        tv_count_min = args.get('tvCountMin')

        include_incoming = args.get('includeIncoming')
        include_outgoing = args.get('includeOutgoing')

        dot_format = args.get('dot')

        limit = args.get('limit')

        if id != "":
                atom = self.atom_map.get_atom(int(id))
                atoms = [atom]
            except IndexError:
                atoms = []
                # abort(404, 'Atom not found')
            # First, check if there is a valid filter type, and give it
            # precedence if it exists
            valid_filter = False
            if filter_by is not None:
                if filter_by == 'stirange':
                    if sti_min is not None:
                        valid_filter = True
                        atoms = self.atomspace.get_atoms_by_av(
                            sti_min, sti_max)
                            400, 'Invalid request: stirange filter requires '
                            'stimin parameter')
                elif filter_by == 'attentionalfocus':
                    valid_filter = True
                    atoms = self.atomspace.get_atoms_in_attentional_focus()

            # If there is not a valid filter type, proceed to select by type
            # or name
            if not valid_filter:
                if type is None and name is None:
                    atoms = self.atomspace.get_atoms_by_type(types.Atom)
                elif name is None:
                    atoms = []
                    for t in type:
                        atoms = atoms + self.atomspace.get_atoms_by_type(
                    if type is None:
                        type = 'Node'
                    atoms = get_atoms_by_name(types.__dict__.get(type), name,

            # Optionally, filter by TruthValue
            if tv_strength_min is not None:
                atoms = [
                    atom for atom in atoms if atom.tv.mean >= tv_strength_min

            if tv_confidence_min is not None:
                atoms = [
                    atom for atom in atoms
                    if atom.tv.confidence >= tv_confidence_min

            if tv_count_min is not None:
                atoms = [
                    atom for atom in atoms if atom.tv.count >= tv_count_min

        # Optionally, include the incoming set
        if include_incoming in ['True', 'true', '1']:
            atoms = self.atomspace.include_incoming(atoms)

        # Optionally, include the outgoing set
        if include_outgoing in ['True', 'true', '1']:
            atoms = self.atomspace.include_outgoing(atoms)

        # Optionally, limit number of atoms returned
        if limit is not None:
            if len(atoms) > limit:
                atoms = atoms[0:limit]

        # The default is to return the atom set as JSON atoms. Optionally, a
        # DOT return format is also supported
        if dot_format not in ['True', 'true', '1']:
            atom_list = AtomListResponse(atoms)
            # xxxxxxxxxxxx here add atoms
            json_data = {'result': atom_list.format()}

            # if callback function supplied, pad the JSON data (i.e. JSONP):
            if callback is not None:
                response = str(callback) + '(' + json.dumps(json_data) + ');'
                return current_app.response_class(
                    response, mimetype='application/javascript')
                return current_app.response_class(json.dumps(json_data),
            dot_output = dot.get_dot_representation(atoms)
            return jsonify({'result': dot_output})
예제 #3
    def get(self, id=""):
        Returns a list of atoms matching the specified criteria


        :param id: (optional, int, to specifically request an atom by handle,
            can be combined with includeIncoming or includeOutgoing only; if
            specified, other query parameters will have no effect) Atom handle

        :param type: (optional) Atom type, see
        :param name: (optional, string, not allowed for Link types) Atom name
        If neither type or name are provided, all atoms will be retrieved
        :param filterby: (optional, can't be combined with type or name)
            Allows certain predefined filters
          - The filter 'stirange' allows the additional parameters 'stimin'
            (required, int) and 'stimax' (optional, int) and returns the atoms
            in a given STI range
          - The filter 'attentionalfocus' (boolean) returns the atoms in the
        :param tvStrengthMin: (optional, float) Only return atoms with
            TruthValue strength greater than this amount
        :param tvConfidenceMin: (optional, float) Only return atoms with
            TruthValue confidence greater than this amount
        :param tvCountMin: (optional, float) Only return atoms with TruthValue
            count greater than this amount
        :param includeIncoming: (optional, boolean) Returns the conjunction of
            the set of atoms and their incoming sets
        :param includeOutgoing: (optional, boolean) Returns the conjunction of
            the set of atoms and their outgoing sets. Useful in combination
            with includeIncoming.

        :param dot: (optional, boolean) Returns the atom set represented in
            the DOT graph description language
            (See opencog/python/graph_description/README.md for details)

        :param callback: (optional) JavaScript callback function for JSONP

        :return result: Returns a JSON representation of an atom list.

            'complete': 'true',
            'skipped': 'false',
            'total': 10,
                { 'handle': 6,
                  'name': '',
                  'type': 'InheritanceLink',
                  'outgoing': [2, 1],
                  'incoming': [],
                      'type': 'simple',
                          'count': '0.4000000059604645',
                          'confidence': '0.0004997501382604241',
                          'strength': '0.5'
                      'lti': 0,
                      'sti': 0,
                      'vlti': false

        args = self.reqparse.parse_args()
        type = args.get('type')
        name = args.get('name')
        callback = args.get('callback')

        filter_by = args.get('filterby')
        sti_min = args.get('stimin')
        sti_max = args.get('stimax')

        tv_strength_min = args.get('tvStrengthMin')
        tv_confidence_min = args.get('tvConfidenceMin')
        tv_count_min = args.get('tvCountMin')

        include_incoming = args.get('includeIncoming')
        include_outgoing = args.get('includeOutgoing')

        dot_format = args.get('dot')

        if id != "":
                atom = self.atomspace[Handle(id)]
                atoms = [atom]
            except IndexError:
                atoms = []
                # abort(404, 'Handle not found')
            # First, check if there is a valid filter type, and give it
            # precedence if it exists
            valid_filter = False
            if filter_by is not None:
                if filter_by == 'stirange':
                    if sti_min is not None:
                        valid_filter = True
                        atoms = self.atomspace.get_atoms_by_av(sti_min, sti_max)
                        abort(400, 'Invalid request: stirange filter requires '
                                   'stimin parameter')
                elif filter_by == 'attentionalfocus':
                    valid_filter = True
                    atoms = self.atomspace.get_atoms_in_attentional_focus()

            # If there is not a valid filter type, proceed to select by type
            # or name
            if not valid_filter:
                if type is None and name is None:
                    atoms = self.atomspace.get_atoms_by_type(types.Atom)
                elif name is None:
                    atoms = self.atomspace.get_atoms_by_type(
                    if type is None:
                        type = 'Node'
                    atoms = self.atomspace.get_atoms_by_name(
                        t=types.__dict__.get(type), name=name)

            # Optionally, filter by TruthValue
            if tv_strength_min is not None:
                atoms = [atom for atom in atoms if atom.tv.mean >=

            if tv_confidence_min is not None:
                atoms = [atom for atom in atoms if atom.tv.confidence >=

            if tv_count_min is not None:
                atoms = [atom for atom in atoms if atom.tv.count >=

        # Optionally, include the incoming set
        if include_incoming in ['True', 'true', '1']:
            atoms = self.atomspace.include_incoming(atoms)

        # Optionally, include the outgoing set
        if include_outgoing in ['True', 'true', '1']:
            atoms = self.atomspace.include_outgoing(atoms)

        # The default is to return the atom set as JSON atoms. Optionally, a
        # DOT return format is also supported
        if dot_format not in ['True', 'true', '1']:
            atom_list = AtomListResponse(atoms)
            json_data = {'result': atom_list.format()}

            # if callback function supplied, pad the JSON data (i.e. JSONP):
            if callback is not None:
                response = str(callback) + '(' + json.dumps(json_data) + ');'
                return current_app.response_class(
                    response, mimetype='application/javascript')
                return current_app.response_class(
                    json.dumps(json_data), mimetype='application/json')
            dot_output = dot.get_dot_representation(atoms)
            return jsonify({'result': dot_output})
예제 #4
    def _get(self, id=""):
        Returns a list of atoms matching the specified criteria

        args = self.reqparse.parse_args()
        type = args.get('type')
        name = args.get('name')
        callback = args.get('callback')

        filter_by = args.get('filterby')
        sti_min = args.get('stimin')
        sti_max = args.get('stimax')

        tv_strength_min = args.get('tvStrengthMin')
        tv_confidence_min = args.get('tvConfidenceMin')
        tv_count_min = args.get('tvCountMin')

        include_incoming = args.get('includeIncoming')
        include_outgoing = args.get('includeOutgoing')

        dot_format = args.get('dot')

        limit = args.get('limit')

        if id != "":
                atom = self.atomspace[Handle(id)]
                atoms = [atom]
            except IndexError:
                atoms = []
                # abort(404, 'Handle not found')
            # First, check if there is a valid filter type, and give it
            # precedence if it exists
            valid_filter = False
            if filter_by is not None:
                if filter_by == 'stirange':
                    if sti_min is not None:
                        valid_filter = True
                        atoms = self.atomspace.get_atoms_by_av(sti_min, sti_max)
                        abort(400, 'Invalid request: stirange filter requires '
                                   'stimin parameter')
                elif filter_by == 'attentionalfocus':
                    valid_filter = True
                    atoms = self.atomspace.get_atoms_in_attentional_focus()

            # If there is not a valid filter type, proceed to select by type
            # or name
            if not valid_filter:
                if type is None and name is None:
                    atoms = self.atomspace.get_atoms_by_type(types.Atom)
                elif name is None:
                    atoms = self.atomspace.get_atoms_by_type(
                    abort(400, 'Invalid request: get atoms by name no longer'
                    		   ' supported')

            # Optionally, filter by TruthValue
            if tv_strength_min is not None:
                atoms = [atom for atom in atoms if atom.tv.mean >=

            if tv_confidence_min is not None:
                atoms = [atom for atom in atoms if atom.tv.confidence >=

            if tv_count_min is not None:
                atoms = [atom for atom in atoms if atom.tv.count >=

        # Optionally, include the incoming set
        if include_incoming in ['True', 'true', '1']:
            atoms = self.atomspace.include_incoming(atoms)

        # Optionally, include the outgoing set
        if include_outgoing in ['True', 'true', '1']:
            atoms = self.atomspace.include_outgoing(atoms)

        # Optionally, limit number of atoms returned
        if limit is not None:
            if len(atoms) > limit:
                atoms = atoms[0:limit]

        # The default is to return the atom set as JSON atoms. Optionally, a
        # DOT return format is also supported
        if dot_format not in ['True', 'true', '1']:
            atom_list = AtomListResponse(atoms)
            json_data = {'result': atom_list.format()}

            # if callback function supplied, pad the JSON data (i.e. JSONP):
            if callback is not None:
                response = str(callback) + '(' + json.dumps(json_data) + ');'
                return current_app.response_class(
                    response, mimetype='application/javascript')
                return current_app.response_class(
                    json.dumps(json_data), mimetype='application/json')
            dot_output = dot.get_dot_representation(atoms)
            return jsonify({'result': dot_output})
예제 #5
    def _get(self, id=""):
        Returns a list of atoms matching the specified criteria

        args = self.reqparse.parse_args()
        type = args.get("type")
        name = args.get("name")
        callback = args.get("callback")

        filter_by = args.get("filterby")
        sti_min = args.get("stimin")
        sti_max = args.get("stimax")

        tv_strength_min = args.get("tvStrengthMin")
        tv_confidence_min = args.get("tvConfidenceMin")
        tv_count_min = args.get("tvCountMin")

        include_incoming = args.get("includeIncoming")
        include_outgoing = args.get("includeOutgoing")

        dot_format = args.get("dot")

        limit = args.get("limit")

        if id != "":
                atom = self.atomspace.get_atom_with_uuid(id)
                atoms = [atom]
            except IndexError:
                atoms = []
                # abort(404, 'Atom not found')
            # First, check if there is a valid filter type, and give it
            # precedence if it exists
            valid_filter = False
            if filter_by is not None:
                if filter_by == "stirange":
                    if sti_min is not None:
                        valid_filter = True
                        atoms = self.atomspace.get_atoms_by_av(sti_min, sti_max)
                        abort(400, "Invalid request: stirange filter requires " "stimin parameter")
                elif filter_by == "attentionalfocus":
                    valid_filter = True
                    atoms = self.atomspace.get_atoms_in_attentional_focus()

            # If there is not a valid filter type, proceed to select by type
            # or name
            if not valid_filter:
                if type is None and name is None:
                    atoms = self.atomspace.get_atoms_by_type(types.Atom)
                elif name is None:
                    atoms = self.atomspace.get_atoms_by_type(types.__dict__.get(type))
                    abort(400, "Invalid request: get atoms by name no longer" " supported")

            # Optionally, filter by TruthValue
            if tv_strength_min is not None:
                atoms = [atom for atom in atoms if atom.tv.mean >= tv_strength_min]

            if tv_confidence_min is not None:
                atoms = [atom for atom in atoms if atom.tv.confidence >= tv_confidence_min]

            if tv_count_min is not None:
                atoms = [atom for atom in atoms if atom.tv.count >= tv_count_min]

        # Optionally, include the incoming set
        if include_incoming in ["True", "true", "1"]:
            atoms = self.atomspace.include_incoming(atoms)

        # Optionally, include the outgoing set
        if include_outgoing in ["True", "true", "1"]:
            atoms = self.atomspace.include_outgoing(atoms)

        # Optionally, limit number of atoms returned
        if limit is not None:
            if len(atoms) > limit:
                atoms = atoms[0:limit]

        # The default is to return the atom set as JSON atoms. Optionally, a
        # DOT return format is also supported
        if dot_format not in ["True", "true", "1"]:
            atom_list = AtomListResponse(atoms)
            json_data = {"result": atom_list.format()}

            # if callback function supplied, pad the JSON data (i.e. JSONP):
            if callback is not None:
                response = str(callback) + "(" + json.dumps(json_data) + ");"
                return current_app.response_class(response, mimetype="application/javascript")
                return current_app.response_class(json.dumps(json_data), mimetype="application/json")
            dot_output = dot.get_dot_representation(atoms)
            return jsonify({"result": dot_output})