def test_combined_loss(self):
        nodes = [
            Node(Attribute(Tensor([-4., -8.]))),
            Node(Attribute(Tensor([1., 5.]))),
            Node(Attribute(Tensor([4., 4.]))),
            Node(Attribute(Tensor([0., 1., 5.])))
        edges = [
            Edge(nodes[0], nodes[1], Attribute(Tensor([1., 2., 3.]))),
            Edge(nodes[1], nodes[2], Attribute(Tensor([1., 2.]))),
            Edge(nodes[2], nodes[1], Attribute(Tensor([5.]))),
            Edge(nodes[1], nodes[3], Attribute(Tensor([1., 2., 3., 4.])))
        u = Attribute(
            Tensor([[1., 2., 4., 3.], [8., 3., 0., 3.], [1., 7., 5., 3.]]))
        g1 = Graph(nodes, edges, attr=u)

        g2 = deepcopy(g1)
        g2.ordered_nodes[0].attr.val = Tensor([-4., -8.1])
        g2.ordered_nodes[1].attr.val = Tensor([2., 6.])
        g2.ordered_nodes[3].attr.val = Tensor([1., 1.5, 5.])
        g2.ordered_edges[0].attr.val = Tensor([2., 3., 4.])
        g2.ordered_edges[1].attr.val = Tensor([5., 10.])
        g2.attr.val = Tensor([[2., 2., 4., 3.], [100, 3., 1., 3.],
                              [1., 14., 5., 3.]])

        loss = GraphLoss(e_fn=MSELoss(), v_fn=L1Loss(), u_fn=MSELoss())
        loss_val = loss(g1, g2).detach().numpy()
        e_loss = (1. + (4**2 + 8**2) / 2) / 4
        v_loss = (.1 / 2 + 2. / 2 + (1 + .5) / 3) / 4
        u_loss = (1 + (8 - 100)**2 + 1 + 7**2) / 12 / 1
        target_loss_val = v_loss + e_loss + u_loss

        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(loss_val, target_loss_val))
    def test_vector_edge_loss(self):
        nodes = [Node(), Node(), Node()]
        edges = [
            Edge(nodes[0], nodes[1], Attribute(Tensor([-50., -10., -5.]))),
            Edge(nodes[1], nodes[0], Attribute(Tensor([-40., 100., 120.]))),
            Edge(nodes[0], nodes[2], Attribute(Tensor([1., 3., 4.]))),
            Edge(nodes[0], nodes[0], Attribute(Tensor([2., 2., 2.])))
        g1 = Graph(nodes, edges)

        g2 = deepcopy(g1)
        g2.ordered_edges[0].attr.val = Tensor([-45., -11., -5.])
        g2.ordered_edges[1].attr.val = Tensor([-40., 200., 121.])
        g2.ordered_edges[2].attr.val = Tensor([1.1, 3., 3.9])
        g2.ordered_edges[3].attr.val = Tensor([2., 2., 2.1])

        loss = GraphLoss(e_fn=MSELoss())
        loss_val = loss(g1, g2).detach().numpy()

        # division by 3 because there are three entries per vector
        # division by 4 because there are four edges
        target_loss_val = ((-50. + 45.)**2 + (-10. + 11.)**2 +
                           (-40. + 40.)**2 + (100. - 200.)**2 +
                           (120. - 121.)**2 + (1 - 1.1)**2 + (4. - 3.9)**2 +
                           (2 - 2.1)**2) / 3 / 4

        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(loss_val, target_loss_val))
    def test_graph_equality(self):
        v_0, v_1, v_2 = Node(Attribute(0.)), Node(Attribute(1.)), Node(
        vs = [v_0, v_1, v_2]  # nodes
        es = [Edge(v_0, v_1), Edge(v_0, v_2)]  # edges
        g_0 = Graph(nodes=vs, edges=es)

        v_0, v_1, v_2 = Node(Attribute(0.)), Node(Attribute(1.)), Node(
        vs = [v_0, v_1, v_2]  # nodes
        es = [Edge(v_0, v_1), Edge(v_0, v_2)]  # edges
        g_1 = Graph(nodes=vs, edges=es)

        self.assertTrue(g_0 == g_1)
    def test_integrity_check(self):
        Create one valid and one invalid graph, the invalid graph has an edge that points to a node which is not
        contained in the set of nodes.
        v_0, v_1, v_2 = Node(), Node(), Node()
        v_3 = Node()
        vs = [v_0, v_1, v_2]  # nodes
        es = [Edge(v_0, v_1), Edge(v_0, v_2)]

        Graph(nodes=vs, edges=es)  # pass for valid edge set

        es.append(Edge(v_1, v_3))
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            Graph(nodes=vs, edges=es)
예제 #5
    def add_reflexive_edges(self, attribute_generator: Optional[Callable[[Node], Attribute]] = None):
        if attribute_generator is None:
            attribute_generator = lambda _: Attribute()

        for n in self.nodes:
            e = Edge(n, n, attribute_generator(n))
    def test_basic(self):
        Basic test w/o PyTorch, all attributes are scalars, edges do not have attributes.
        Feeds a graph through a basic graph block twice and compares to the target values after both passes.

        # create data structure
        v_0, v_1, v_2 = Node(Attribute(1)), Node(Attribute(10)), Node(
        vs = [v_0, v_1, v_2]  # nodes
        es = [Edge(v_0, v_1), Edge(v_0, v_2), Edge(v_1, v_2)]
        g_0 = Graph(nodes=vs, edges=es, attr=Attribute(0))

        # create block w/ functions
        block = GNBlock(phi_e=SenderIdentityEdgeUpdate(),

        g_1 = block(g_0)

        v_0, v_1, v_2 = Node(Attribute(1)), Node(Attribute(10 + 1)), Node(
            Attribute(20 + 11))
        vs = [v_0, v_1, v_2]  # nodes
        es = [
            Edge(v_0, v_1, Attribute(1)),
            Edge(v_0, v_2, Attribute(1)),
            Edge(v_1, v_2, Attribute(10))
        g_1_target = Graph(nodes=vs, edges=es, attr=Attribute(35))

        self.assertTrue(g_1 == g_1_target)

        g_2 = block(g_1)

        v_0, v_1, v_2 = Node(Attribute(1)), Node(Attribute(10 + 2)), Node(
            Attribute(20 + 11 + 12))
        vs = [v_0, v_1, v_2]  # nodes
        es = [
            Edge(v_0, v_1, Attribute(1)),
            Edge(v_0, v_2, Attribute(1)),
            Edge(v_1, v_2, Attribute(11))
        g_2_target = Graph(nodes=vs,
                           attr=Attribute(1 + 12 + 43 - 35))

        self.assertTrue(g_2 == g_2_target)
    def test_identity_property(self):
        nodes = [
            Node(Attribute([1, 23, 4])),
        edges = [
            Edge(nodes[0], nodes[1], Attribute({'dict': 1234})),
            Edge(nodes[0], nodes[1], Attribute([1, 2, 3])),
            Edge(nodes[0], nodes[2], Attribute(5)),
            Edge(nodes[1], nodes[2], Attribute([3, 4, 5])),
            Edge(nodes[1], nodes[1], Attribute())
        global_state = Attribute([[1, 2, 3], [5, 6, 7]])
        g1 = Graph(nodes, edges, global_state)

        g1_prime = Graph.from_dict(g1.asdict())

        self.assertTrue(g1 == g1_prime)
    def test_scalar_edge_loss(self):
        nodes = [Node(), Node(), Node()]
        edges = [
            Edge(nodes[0], nodes[1], Attribute(Tensor([-50.]))),
            Edge(nodes[1], nodes[0], Attribute(Tensor([-40.]))),
            Edge(nodes[0], nodes[2], Attribute(Tensor([1.])))
        g1 = Graph(nodes, edges)

        g2 = deepcopy(g1)
        g2.ordered_edges[0].attr.val = Tensor([-45.])
        g2.ordered_edges[1].attr.val = Tensor([-40.])
        g2.ordered_edges[2].attr.val = Tensor([1.1])

        loss = GraphLoss(e_fn=MSELoss())
        loss_val = loss(g1, g2).detach().numpy()
        target_loss_val = ((-50. + 45.)**2 + (-40. + 40.)**2 +
                           (1 - 1.1)**2) / 3

        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(loss_val, target_loss_val))
예제 #9
    def bi_directional(g: Graph) -> Graph:
        g = deepcopy(g)

        new_edges = set()
        for e in g.edges:
                Edge(sender=e.receiver, receiver=e.sender, attr=e.attr))
        for e in new_edges:

        return g
    def test_forward_pass(self):
        linear_block = LinearIndependentGNBlock(e_config=(4, 8, True),
                                                v_config=(1, 1, False),
                                                u_config=(16, 16, True))

        nodes = Node.from_vals(
            [torch.randn(1), torch.randn(1),
        edges = [
            Edge(nodes[0], nodes[1], Attribute(torch.randn(4))),
            Edge(nodes[1], nodes[2], Attribute(torch.randn(4))),
            Edge(nodes[2], nodes[1], Attribute(torch.randn(4)))
        g_in = Graph(nodes, edges, Attribute(torch.randn(16)))

        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        g_out = linear_block(g_in)

        )  # the assertion is that the forward pass works without errors
예제 #11
    def load_graph(self, path: str) -> Graph:
        # read JSON from page description file
        json_file_path = glob(os.path.join(path, '*.json'))
        assert len(json_file_path) == 1, "Number of json files in '{}' must be exactly one.".format(path)
        json_file_path = json_file_path[0]
        with open(json_file_path, encoding='utf-8') as json_file:
            pages_json: List = json.load(json_file)

        # read screenshot paths
        imgs = self.load_images(os.path.join(path, 'image'))

        assert len(pages_json) == len(imgs), "Number of pages and number of screenshots mismatch in '{}'.".format(path)

        # extract nodes
        nodes = {}
        for page_json in pages_json:
            desktop_img, mobile_img = imgs[page_json['id']-1]

            node_attribute = PageAttribute.from_json(page_json, desktop_img, mobile_img)

            url = page_json['base_url']
            if url in nodes:
                logging.debug("Found two nodes with the same URL.")
            node = Node(node_attribute)
            nodes[url] = node

        # extract edges
        edges = set()
        for page_json in pages_json:

            url = page_json['base_url']
            source_node = nodes[url]

            for edge_json in page_json.get('urls', []):

                target_url = edge_json['url']

                if target_url not in nodes:
                    logging.debug("Invalid link target URL. Could not find a node that corresponds to it.")

                target_node = nodes[target_url]

                edge_attribute = LinkAttribute(target_url)
                edge = Edge(sender=source_node, receiver=target_node, attr=edge_attribute)


        return Graph(nodes=list(nodes.values()), edges=list(edges), attr=Attribute(None))
    def test_learn_identity(self):
        # construct input graph with random values
        nodes = Node.from_vals(
            [torch.randn(1), torch.randn(1),
        edges = [
            Edge(nodes[0], nodes[1], Attribute(torch.randn(4))),
            Edge(nodes[1], nodes[2], Attribute(torch.randn(4))),
            Edge(nodes[2], nodes[1], Attribute(torch.randn(4)))
        g_in = Graph(nodes, edges, Attribute(torch.randn(16)))
        g_target = deepcopy(g_in)

        block_1 = LinearIndependentGNBlock(e_config=(4, 8, True),
                                           v_config=(1, 12, True),
                                           u_config=(16, 16, True))
        block_2 = LinearIndependentGNBlock(e_config=(8, 4, False),
                                           v_config=(12, 1, False),
                                           u_config=(16, 16, False))

        model = torch.nn.Sequential(block_1, block_2)
        opt = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=.1, momentum=0)
        loss_fn = GraphLoss(e_fn=MSELoss(), v_fn=MSELoss(), u_fn=MSELoss())

        loss = torch.Tensor([1.])
        for step in range(100):
            g_out = model(g_in)
            loss = loss_fn(g_out, g_target)

        final_loss = loss.detach().numpy()
        self.assertTrue(final_loss < 1e-3)
예제 #13
    def add_all_edges(self, reflexive: bool = True,
                      attribute_generator: Optional[Callable[[Node, Node], Attribute]] = None) -> None:
        Modifies the graph in-place, such that it is fully connected, adding n^n edges, where n is the number of nodes.
        :param reflexive: Whether to connect nodes to themselves
        :param attribute_generator: New edges will be given an attribute generated by the attribute generator
        if attribute_generator is None:
            attribute_generator = lambda sn, rn: Attribute()

        for n1 in self.nodes:
            for n2 in self.nodes:
                if not reflexive and n1 == n2:
                e = Edge(n1, n2, attribute_generator(n1, n2))
예제 #14
 def add_edge(self, new_edge: Edge) -> None:
예제 #15
 def from_dict(d: Dict) -> 'Graph':
     nodes_dict = {k: Node.from_dict(node_dict) for k, node_dict in d['nodes'].items()}
     nodes = list(nodes_dict.values())
     edges = [Edge.from_dict(e, nodes_dict) for e in d['edges']]
     attr = Attribute.from_dict(d['attr'])
     return Graph(nodes, edges, attr)