def test_do_sparql_explain(self): query = "SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o} LIMIT 1" request_generator = SPARQLRequestGenerator() res = do_sparql_explain(query,, self.port, self.ssl, request_generator) self.assertEqual(type(res), str) self.assertTrue(res.startswith('<!DOCTYPE html>'))
def test_do_sparql_explain(self): query = "SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o} LIMIT 1" request_generator = create_request_generator( AuthModeEnum.IAM, IAMAuthCredentialsProvider.ENV) res = do_sparql_explain(query,, self.port, self.ssl, request_generator) self.assertEqual(type(res), str) self.assertTrue(res.startswith('<!DOCTYPE html>'))
def sparql_explain(query, host, port, use_ssl, request_param_generator=SPARQLRequestGenerator()): res = do_sparql_explain(query, host, port, use_ssl, request_param_generator) if 'error' in res: html = error_template.render(error=json.dumps(res['error'], indent=2)) else: html = sparql_explain_template.render(table=res) return html
def sparql(self, line='', cell='', local_ns: dict = None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('query_mode', nargs='?', default='query', help='query mode (default=query) [query|explain]') parser.add_argument('--expand-all', action='store_true') request_generator = create_request_generator( self.graph_notebook_config.auth_mode, self.graph_notebook_config.iam_credentials_provider_type, command='sparql') parser.add_argument('--store-to', type=str, default='', help='store query result to this variable') args = parser.parse_args(line.split()) mode = str_to_query_mode(args.query_mode) tab = widgets.Tab() logger.debug(f'using mode={mode}') if mode == QueryMode.EXPLAIN: res = do_sparql_explain(cell,, self.graph_notebook_config.port, self.graph_notebook_config.ssl, request_generator) store_to_ns(args.store_to, res, local_ns) if 'error' in res: html = error_template.render( error=json.dumps(res['error'], indent=2)) else: html = sparql_explain_template.render(table=res) explain_output = widgets.Output(layout=DEFAULT_LAYOUT) with explain_output: display(HTML(html)) tab.children = [explain_output] tab.set_title(0, 'Explain') display(tab) else: query_type = get_query_type(cell) headers = {} if query_type not in [ 'SELECT', 'CONSTRUCT', 'DESCRIBE' ] else { 'Accept': 'application/sparql-results+json' } res = do_sparql_query(cell,, self.graph_notebook_config.port, self.graph_notebook_config.ssl, request_generator, headers) store_to_ns(args.store_to, res, local_ns) titles = [] children = [] display(tab) table_output = widgets.Output(layout=DEFAULT_LAYOUT) # Assign an empty value so we can always display to table output. # We will only add it as a tab if the type of query allows it. # Because of this, the table_output will only be displayed on the DOM if the query was of type SELECT. table_html = "" query_type = get_query_type(cell) if query_type in ['SELECT', 'CONSTRUCT', 'DESCRIBE']: logger.debug('creating sparql network...') # some issues with displaying a datatable when not wrapped in an hbox and displayed last hbox = widgets.HBox([table_output], layout=DEFAULT_LAYOUT) titles.append('Table') children.append(hbox) expand_all = line == '--expand-all' sn = SPARQLNetwork(expand_all=expand_all) sn.extract_prefix_declarations_from_query(cell) try: sn.add_results(res) except ValueError as value_error: logger.debug(value_error) logger.debug(f'number of nodes is {len(sn.graph.nodes)}') if len(sn.graph.nodes) > 0: f = Force(network=sn, options=self.graph_notebook_vis_options) titles.append('Graph') children.append(f) logger.debug('added sparql network to tabs') rows_and_columns = get_rows_and_columns(res) if rows_and_columns is not None: table_id = f"table-{str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]}" table_html = sparql_table_template.render( columns=rows_and_columns['columns'], rows=rows_and_columns['rows'], guid=table_id) # Handling CONSTRUCT and DESCRIBE on their own because we want to maintain the previous result pattern # of showing a tsv with each line being a result binding in addition to new ones. if query_type == 'CONSTRUCT' or query_type == 'DESCRIBE': lines = [] for b in res['results']['bindings']: lines.append( f'{b["subject"]["value"]}\t{b["predicate"]["value"]}\t{b["object"]["value"]}' ) raw_output = widgets.Output(layout=DEFAULT_LAYOUT) with raw_output: html = sparql_construct_template.render(lines=lines) display(HTML(html)) children.append(raw_output) titles.append('Raw') json_output = widgets.Output(layout=DEFAULT_LAYOUT) with json_output: print(json.dumps(res, indent=2)) children.append(json_output) titles.append('JSON') tab.children = children for i in range(len(titles)): tab.set_title(i, titles[i]) with table_output: display(HTML(table_html))