def test_execute(self):
     n = 50
     adjacencyMatrix = getPlanarGraph(n)
     network = Network(adjacencyMatrix)
     # sprawdzenie metody
     alg = PlanarMIS(network)
     # sprawdzanie:
     # standardowo jak w MIS
     for node in network.ndList:
         if node.memory['is_in_final_MIS'] == True:
             for neigh in node.neighbors:
                 self.failIf(network.ndList[neigh].memory['is_in_final_MIS'] == True)
         # jesli wezel jest zdominowany, to fail jesli ma w swoim otoczeniu same zdominowane wezly
         elif node.memory['is_in_final_MIS'] == False:
             neigh_states = [network.ndList[neigh].memory['is_in_final_MIS'] for neigh in node.neighbors]
             self.failIf(all([state == False for state in neigh_states]))
         # jesli wezel nie jest ani dominatorem ani zdominownay, to fail
   "nieprawidlowy stan wezla")
def entropy_rate(weighted_adj_matrix, stat_dist=None, base=2, print_prefix=''):
    print(print_prefix + 'calc entropy rate')
    if stat_dist is None:
        stat_dist = stationary_dist(weighted_adj_matrix)
    assert not np.any(stat_dist < 0)
    assert np.isclose(stat_dist.sum(), 1.)
    # assert np.all(weighted_adj_matrix.sum(axis=0) > 0)
    if scipy.sparse.issparse(weighted_adj_matrix):
        if not isinstance(weighted_adj_matrix, csc_matrix):
            weighted_adj_matrix = weighted_adj_matrix.tocsc()
        get_col = weighted_adj_matrix.getcol
        col_entropy = (get_col(i).data for i in xrange(weighted_adj_matrix.shape[0]))
        col_entropy = np.array(map(lambda x: stats.entropy(x, base=base), col_entropy)).flatten()
        col_entropy = np.array(stats.entropy(weighted_adj_matrix, base=base)).flatten()
    stat_dist = np.array(stat_dist).flatten()
    assert stat_dist.shape == col_entropy.shape
    col_entropy *= stat_dist
    finite_elements = np.isfinite(col_entropy)
    if not all(finite_elements):
        print(print_prefix + 'WARN: entropy rate contains not finite elements. (inf, nan)')
    rate = np.sum(col_entropy[finite_elements])
    if not np.isfinite(rate):
        print(print_prefix + 'entropy rate not finite')
    return rate
예제 #3
    def v(self, formula, world):
        if type(formula) == Atom:
            return formula in self.val[world]
        elif type(formula) == Not:
            return not self.v(formula.child, world)
        elif type(formula) == Or:
            return any(self.v(child, world) for child in formula.children)
        elif type(formula) == And:
            return all(self.v(child, world) for child in formula.children)
        elif type(formula) == Imp:
            return not self.v(formula.leftChild, world) or self.v(
                formula.rightChild, world)
        elif type(formula) == Iff:
            return self.v(formula.leftChild, world) is self.v(
                formula.rightChild, world)
        elif type(formula) == modalLogic.K:
            nodes = []
            for i in range(len(self.nodeList)):
                if self.rel[formula.agent][self.nodeList.index(world)][i] == 1:
#			print("All worlds reachable from", world," by agent", formula.agent, ": ", nodes)
            return all(self.v(formula.child, k) for k in nodes)
        elif type(formula) == modalLogic.M:
            nodes = []
            for i in range(len(self.nodeList)):
                if self.rel[formula.agent][self.nodeList.index(world)][i] == 1:
#			print("All worlds reachable from", world," by agent", formula.agent, ": ", nodes)
            return any(self.v(formula.child, k) for k in nodes)

#What happens when
#a. world vanishes upon updating
#b. all worlds vanish upon updating
        elif type(formula) == O:
            if world in self.nodeList:
                return self.v(formula.child, world)
                return True
                    'The observation does not hold true for any of the worlds in the model, and so the expression evaluates to True by default!'
예제 #4
def print_dict_table(data,
                     cell_spacing_char=' ',
    if isinstance(data, dict) and all(
        [isinstance(i, dict) for i in data.values()]):
        cols = sorted(data.keys()) if cols is None else cols
        cols = [str(i) for i in cols]
        rows = sorted(set(j for i in data.values()
                          for j in i.keys())) if rows is None else rows
        col_width = {col_name: len(col_name) + spacing for col_name in cols}
        col_width[index_name] = max(max([len(i) + spacing for i in rows]),
                                    len(index_name) + spacing)
        table_data = []
        for col_name in cols:
            for row_id, row_name in enumerate(rows):
                    value = str(data[col_name]
                                [row_name])[:shorten_values] + values_unit
                    value = str(empty_val)
                col_width[col_name] = max(col_width[col_name],
                                          len(value) + spacing)
                if len(table_data) <= row_id:
        for col_id, col_name in enumerate(cols):
            for row_id, row_name in enumerate(rows):
                table_data[row_id][col_id] = str(
        table_width = sum(col_width.values()) + len(col_width) - 1
        if not title is None:
            print str(title).center(table_width, '=')
        print_line =[index_name])
        for col_name in cols:
            print_line += '|' +[col_name])
        print print_line
        print_line = '-' * col_width[index_name]
        for idx, col_name in enumerate(cols):
            print_line += '+'
            print_line += '-' * col_width[col_name]
        print print_line
        for row_idx, i in enumerate(table_data):
            print_line = rows[row_idx].center(col_width[index_name])
            for col_idx, colname in enumerate(cols):
                print_line += '|' + table_data[row_idx][col_idx]
            print print_line
        print '=' * table_width
    def test_executeWithoutJoiningSubgraphs(self):
        n = 10
        adjacencyMatrix = getPlanarGraph(n)
        network = Network(adjacencyMatrix)
        # sprawdzenie metody
        alg = PlanarMIS(network)
        # sprawdzanie:
        # po kolei dla kazdego poddrzewa
        # poddrzew bedzie mniej niz n/2
        for i in range(n/2):
            for node in network.ndList:
                # fail jesli wezel nie ma nadal przydzielonego poddrzewa
                self.failIf(not node.memory.has_key('tree_num'))
                # wybieranie tylko wezlow z podgrafu nr i
                if node.memory['tree_num'] != i:
                # fail jesli sasiedzi wezla sa z innego poddrzewa
                neighbors = node.memory['neighbors_cp']
                for neigh in neighbors:
                    sub = network.ndList[neigh].memory['tree_num']
                    if sub != i:
                        print 'wezel: ', node.ID, 'sasiad:', neigh
                        self.drawGraph(network.ndList, adjacencyMatrix)
              'podgraf mial byc nr ' + str(i)+ ' a jest '+ str(sub))
#                     self.failIf(sub != i)
                # jesli wezel jest dominatorem, to fail jesli jego sasiad tez jest
                if node.memory['state_subgraph'] == 'dominator':
                    for neigh in neighbors:
                        self.failIf(network.ndList[neigh].memory['state_subgraph'] == 'dominator')
                # jesli wezel jest zdominowany, to fail jesli ma w swoim otoczeniu same zdominowane wezly
                elif node.memory['state_subgraph'] == 'dominated':
                    neigh_states = [network.ndList[neigh].memory['state_subgraph'] for neigh in neighbors]
                    self.failIf(all([state == 'dominated' for state in neigh_states]))
                # jesli wezel nie jest ani dominatorem ani zdominownay, to fail
          "nieprawidlowy stan wezla:", node.memory['state_subgraph'])
예제 #6
def is_refactor(lines, revision, file, refactorings):
    candidates = refactorings[(refactorings.sha == revision) &
                              (refactorings.file == file)]
    l = [list(range(begin, end + 1)) for begin, end in zip(candidates.begin, candidates.end)]
    l_flat = [item for sublist in l for item in sublist]
    l_flat = set(l_flat)
    # print("%s: %str: " % (file, str(l_flat)))

    # because all([]) evaluates to true
    if len(l_flat) == 0:
        return False

    is_refactor = all(line_num in l_flat for line_num in lines)
    return is_refactor
예제 #7
    def checkIfMISisCorrect(self, nodesList):
        for node in nodesList:
            # stany wszystkich sasiadow
            states = [nodesList[neigh].memory['state'] for neigh in node.neighbors]
            if node.memory['state'] == 'not_in_MIS':
                # fail jesli wszystkie wezly tez nie sa w MIS
                if all( [ state == 'not_in_MIS' for state in states ] ):
          'all states are \'not in MIS\'')
#                     pass
            elif node.memory['state'] == 'in_MIS':
                self.failIf(any([state == 'in_MIS' for state in states]))
      'nieprawidlowy stan')
예제 #8
def sequential_to_parallel_count_max(seq_path_list):
    max_changes = 0

    path_list = copy.deepcopy(seq_path_list)
    longest = len(max(path_list, key=len))

    # For each node, which particle ended up here?
    resting_place = {}  # location # : particle #
    for i in range(len(path_list)):
        resting_place[path_list[i][-1]] = i

    # Remember whether we have seen this node yet
    have_seen = [False for i in range(len(path_list))]

    j = 0
    while not all(have_seen):
        for i, seq_path in enumerate(path_list):
            #print("j = {}, i = {}".format(j, i))
            if j < len(seq_path):
                cur_loc = seq_path[j]
                if not have_seen[cur_loc]:
                    # Perform the cut-and-paste op if necessary
                    if j + 1 < len(seq_path):
                        path_list[resting_place[cur_loc]] += seq_path[j + 1:]
                        if len(path_list[resting_place[cur_loc]]) > longest:
                            longest = len(path_list[resting_place[cur_loc]])
                            max_changes += 1

                        path_list[i] = seq_path[:j + 1]
                        # Update resting places
                        temp = resting_place[seq_path[-1]]
                        resting_place[seq_path[-1]] = resting_place[cur_loc]
                        resting_place[cur_loc] = temp
                    have_seen[cur_loc] = True
        j += 1

    return path_list, (max_changes)
예제 #9
def add_poly_fit(data, deg=2, col_name=0, predict=10, best=2):
    prefix = 'poly fit '
    if isinstance(data, pd.Series):
        data = pd.DataFrame(columns=[col_name], data=data)
    value_idx = np.invert(np.isnan(data[col_name]))
    x = list(data.index[value_idx])
    y = list(data[col_name][value_idx])
    y_mean = np.mean(y)
    y_std = np.std(y)
    trans_y_back = lambda x: [(i * y_std) + y_mean for i in x]
    y = (np.array(y) - y_mean) / y_std
    if len(x) != len(y) or len(x) < 2:
        print_f('WARNING: poly fit got no input')
        print_f('len x:', len(x))
        print_f('len y:', len(y))
    used_mapping = False
    data_index_set = set(data.index)
    if all((isinstance(i, for i in x)):
        used_mapping = True
        x = [i.toordinal() for i in x]

    diffs = [x[i + 1] - x[i] for i in xrange(len(x) - 1)]
    diff = np.min(diffs) / 2
    predict_idx = list(x)
    if isinstance(predict, int) and predict > 0:
        for i in xrange(predict * 2):
            predict_idx.append(predict_idx[-1] + diff)
    if not isinstance(deg, list):
        deg = [deg]
    aic_values = np.zeros(len(deg))
    aic = lambda rss, n, k: n * np.log(float(rss) / n) + 2 * k
    for deg_idx, current_degree in enumerate(deg):
        data_set_name = prefix + str(current_degree)
        if isinstance(best, int) and 0 < best < len(deg):
            fitted_function, residuals, rank, singular_values, rcond = np.polyfit(
                x, y, current_degree, full=True)
            aic_values[deg_idx] = aic((residuals).sum(), len(x),
                                      current_degree + 1)
            fitted_function = np.polyfit(x, y, current_degree)
        fitted_function = np.poly1d(fitted_function)
        predicted_y = trans_y_back(np.polyval(fitted_function, predict_idx))
        if used_mapping:
            tmp_idx = [
       for i in predict_idx
            tmp_idx = predict_idx
        fitted_frame = pd.Series(data=predicted_y, index=tmp_idx)
        all_index = sorted(data_index_set | set(tmp_idx))
        data = data.reindex(all_index)
        data[data_set_name] = fitted_frame
    if isinstance(best, int) and 0 < best < len(deg):
        print_f('aic_values', aic_values)
        filtered_deg, aic_values = zip(
            *filter(lambda x: not np.isinf(x[1]), zip(deg, aic_values)))
        aic_values = np.array(aic_values)
        print_f('filtered aic_values', aic_values)
        print_f('filteder deg:', filtered_deg)
        aic_trans = np.exp(-0.5 * aic_values)
        aic_prob = aic_trans / aic_trans.sum()
        print_f('aic_probs', aic_prob)
        sorted_deg, sorted_aic = zip(*sorted(
            zip(filtered_deg, aic_prob), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))
        best_data = [data[prefix + str(i)] for i in sorted_deg[:best]]
        for i in deg:
            col_name_to_drop = prefix + str(i)
            data.drop(col_name_to_drop, axis=1, inplace=True)
        for idx, i in enumerate(sorted_deg[:best]):
            col_name = prefix + str(i)
            data[col_name] = best_data[idx]
    return data
예제 #10
def indicator_constraint(ploidy, max_likelihood_vafs, loci):
    count_alleles = Counter(list(chain(*loci)))
    return all([
        count_alleles[idx] == max_likelihood_vafs[idx] * len(loci) * ploidy
        for locus in loci for idx in locus