예제 #1
파일: restart.py 프로젝트: pombredanne/Obb
	def __init__(self):
		self.background = graphics.ghostify(vista._screen.convert_alpha())
		self.cloudticker = 0
		self.active = True
		text = "Press y to delete your saved game and start over, or any other key to return to the game"
		self.textimg = font.blocktext(text, size = settings.layout.tipsize)
		self.torestart = False
예제 #2
파일: makemap.py 프로젝트: pombredanne/Obb
	def __init__(self):
		self.background = graphics.ghostify(vista._screen.convert_alpha())
		self.cloudticker = 0
		self.active = True
		text = _("Saving map to %s....") % settings.mapfile
		self.textimg = font.blocktext(text, size = settings.layout.tipsize)
		self.drawn = False
예제 #3
 def __init__(self, name, color = (255, 255, 255)):  # TODO: replace with a real icon
     import graphics
     self.name = name
     size = settings.iconsize
         self.img = pygame.image.load(data.filepath(name + ".png")).convert_alpha()
         self.img = pygame.transform.smoothscale(self.img, (size, size))
         self.img = Surface(size, size, color)
     self.rect = self.img.get_rect()
     self.rect.center = settings.iconpos[self.name]
     self.ghost = graphics.ghostify(self.img)
     self.select = graphics.brighten(self.img)
     self.active = True
     self.selected = False
예제 #4
파일: menu.py 프로젝트: pombredanne/Obb
	def __init__(self):
		self.background = graphics.ghostify(vista._screen.convert_alpha())
		self.cloudticker = 0
		self.active = True
		self.width = maxwidth = int(settings.sx * 0.75)
		rs = settings.getresolutions()
		rtexts = ["%sx%s" % res for res in rs]
		rescallback = lambda arg: settings.setresolution(*arg)
		self.resbuttons = ButtonSet(rtexts, rs, maxwidth, rescallback)
		self.resbuttons.buttonmap[settings.size].selected = True
		wargs = [False, True]
		wtexts = [_("window mode"), _("fullscreen mode")]
		def wcallback(arg): settings.fullscreen = arg
		self.wbuttons = ButtonSet(wtexts, wargs, maxwidth, wcallback)
		self.wbuttons.buttonmap[settings.fullscreen].selected = True
		args = [0.5, 1., 2.]
		texts = [_("slow"), _("normal"), _("fast")]
		def callback(arg): settings.gamespeed = arg
		speedbuttons = ButtonSet(texts, args, maxwidth, callback)
		speedbuttons.buttonmap[settings.gamespeed].selected = True
		args = [False, True]
		texts = [_("sound on"), _("sound off")]
		def callback(arg): settings.silent = arg
		soundbuttons = ButtonSet(texts, args, maxwidth, callback)
		soundbuttons.buttonmap[settings.silent].selected = True
		args = [True, False]
		texts = [_("star field on"), _("star field off")]
		def callback(arg): settings.showstars = arg
		starbuttons = ButtonSet(texts, args, maxwidth, callback)
		starbuttons.buttonmap[settings.showstars].selected = True
		texts = [_("back to game"), _("quit game")]
		callbacks = [self.backtogame, self.quitgame]
		donebuttons = ButtonSet(texts, None, maxwidth, onselects = callbacks)
		self.buttonsets = [soundbuttons, self.resbuttons, self.wbuttons, speedbuttons, starbuttons, donebuttons]
		hs = [buttonset.height for buttonset in self.buttonsets]
		self.height = sum(hs) + settings.layout.menudy * (len(hs) - 1)
		y = settings.sy / 2 - self.height / 2
		for buttonset in self.buttonsets:
			y += buttonset.height + settings.layout.menudy
예제 #5
파일: vista.py 프로젝트: wolmir/cristina
 def __init__(self, name,
              color=(255, 255, 255)):  # TODO: replace with a real icon
     import graphics
     self.name = name
     size = settings.iconsize
         self.img = pygame.image.load(
             data.filepath(name + ".png")).convert_alpha()
         self.img = pygame.transform.smoothscale(self.img, (size, size))
         self.img = Surface(size, size, color)
     self.rect = self.img.get_rect()
     self.rect.center = settings.iconpos[self.name]
     self.ghost = graphics.ghostify(self.img)
     self.select = graphics.brighten(self.img)
     self.active = True
     self.selected = False
예제 #6
 def think(self, dt):
     active = self.meter.amount >= self.amount
     self.visible = self.meter.height >= self.amount
     if not self.visible: return
     self.active = active
     if self.x is None:
         self.x = settings.layout.buildiconxs[self.number % len(settings.layout.buildiconxs)]
         _, self.y = self.meter.meterpos(self.amount, bounded = False)
         self.img = None
     if not self.img:
         self.img = graphics.icon(self.name)
         self.ghost = graphics.ghostify(self.img)
         self.select = graphics.brighten(self.img)
         self.currentimg = self.img
         self.rect = self.currentimg.get_rect(center = (self.x, self.y))
     self.currentimg = (self.select if self.selected else self.img) if self.active else self.ghost
     self.linepos = x,y = self.meter.meterpos(self.amount)
     self.pointedto = False
예제 #7
파일: status.py 프로젝트: wolmir/cristina
 def think(self, dt):
     active = self.meter.amount >= self.amount
     self.visible = self.meter.height >= self.amount
     if not self.visible: return
     self.active = active
     if self.x is None:
         self.x = settings.layout.buildiconxs[self.number % len(
         _, self.y = self.meter.meterpos(self.amount, bounded=False)
         self.img = None
     if not self.img:
         self.img = graphics.icon(self.name)
         self.ghost = graphics.ghostify(self.img)
         self.select = graphics.brighten(self.img)
         self.currentimg = self.img
         self.rect = self.currentimg.get_rect(center=(self.x, self.y))
     self.currentimg = (self.select if self.selected else
                        self.img) if self.active else self.ghost
     self.linepos = x, y = self.meter.meterpos(self.amount)
     self.pointedto = False
예제 #8
 def pause(self):
     self.paused = True
     self.pscreen = graphics.ghostify(vista._screen)
예제 #9
파일: play.py 프로젝트: r452031538/csci321
 def pause(self):
     self.paused = True
     self.pscreen = graphics.ghostify(vista._screen)