def getAction(self, state): from graphicsUtils import keys_waiting from graphicsUtils import keys_pressed keys = keys_waiting() + keys_pressed() if keys != []: self.keys = keys # legal = state.getLegalActions(self.index) legal = state.getKeyboardActions(self.index) move = self.getMove(legal) if move == Directions.STOP: # Try to move in the same direction as before if self.lastMove in legal: move = self.lastMove if (self.STOP_KEY in self.keys) and Directions.STOP in legal: move = Directions.STOP if move not in legal: move = Directions.STOP self.lastMove = move return move
def getAction( self, state): from graphicsUtils import keys_waiting from graphicsUtils import keys_pressed #print('type of keys_waiting is {}, keys_waiting is {}'.format(type(keys_waiting()), keys_waiting())) #print('type of keys_pressed is {}, keys_presse is {}'.format(type(keys_pressed()), keys_pressed())) # change to list keys = list(keys_waiting()) + list(keys_pressed()) if keys != []: self.keys = keys legal = state.getLegalActions(self.index) move = self.getMove(legal) if move == Directions.STOP: # Try to move in the same direction as before if self.lastMove in legal: move = self.lastMove if (self.STOP_KEY in self.keys) and Directions.STOP in legal: move = Directions.STOP if move not in legal: move = random.choice(legal) self.lastMove = move return move
def getAction( self, state): from graphicsUtils import keys_waiting from graphicsUtils import keys_pressed keys = keys_waiting() + keys_pressed() if keys != []: self.keys = keys legal = state.getLegalActions(self.index) move = self.getMove(legal) if move == Directions.STOP: # Try to move in the same direction as before if self.lastMove in legal: move = self.lastMove if (self.STOP_KEY in self.keys) and Directions.STOP in legal: move = Directions.STOP if move not in legal: move = random.choice(legal) self.lastMove = move # Debugging import multiAgents print "val of state :",multiAgents.betterEvaluationFunction(state) return move
def getAction(self, state): from graphicsUtils import keys_waiting from graphicsUtils import keys_pressed # keys = keys_waiting() + keys_pressed() # if keys != []: # self.keys = keys while self.keys == []: self.keys = keys_pressed() legal = state.getLegalActions(self.index) move = self.getMove(legal) self.keys = [] if move == Directions.STOP: # Try to move in the same direction as before if self.lastMove in legal: move = self.lastMove if (self.STOP_KEY in self.keys) and Directions.STOP in legal: move = Directions.STOP if move not in legal: move = random.choice(legal) self.lastMove = move return move
def getAction( self, state): from graphicsUtils import keys_waiting from graphicsUtils import keys_pressed # keys = keys_waiting() + keys_pressed() # if keys != []: # self.keys = keys while self.keys == []: self.keys = keys_pressed() legal = state.getLegalActions(self.index) move = self.getMove(legal) self.keys = [] if move == Directions.STOP: # Try to move in the same direction as before if self.lastMove in legal: move = self.lastMove if (self.STOP_KEY in self.keys) and Directions.STOP in legal: move = Directions.STOP if move not in legal: move = random.choice(legal) self.lastMove = move return move
def getAction(self, state): global USE_CURSE if USE_CURSE: textDisplay.CURSE_WINDOW.nodelay(0) key = textDisplay.CURSE_WINDOW.getch() keys = [chr(key)] else: from graphicsUtils import keys_waiting from graphicsUtils import keys_pressed keys = keys_waiting() + keys_pressed() if keys != []: self.keys = keys legal = state.getLegalActions(self.index) move = self.getMove(legal) if move == Directions.STOP: # Try to move in the same direction as before if self.lastMove in legal: move = self.lastMove if (self.STOP_KEY in self.keys) and Directions.STOP in legal: move = Directions.STOP if move not in legal: move = random.choice(legal) self.lastMove = move return move
def getAction( self, state): #print self.index from graphicsUtils import keys_waiting from graphicsUtils import keys_pressed keys = keys_waiting() + keys_pressed() #print self.index, keys if keys != []: self.keys = keys legal = state.getLegalActions(self.index) #print legal move = self.getMove(legal) if self.index == 0: #print legal,'legal' #print random.choice(legal) #print self.keys, 'keys' #print random.choice(legal), 'rand' return random.choice(legal) else: #print state.getGhostPosition(self.index) if move == Directions.STOP: #when keys = [] (keys is empty, i.e no input from the user) # Try to move in the same direction as before if self.lastMove in legal: move = self.lastMove if (self.STOP_KEY in self.keys) and Directions.STOP in legal: move = Directions.STOP if move not in legal: move = random.choice(legal) self.lastMove = move return move
def getAction(self, state): print(state.getLegalActions()) #print(state.generateSuccessor()) print(state.getLegalPacmanActions()) print(state.getGhostPositions()) print(state.getWalls()) print() print(state.getFood()) print(state.hasWall(1, 1)) print(type(state.getWalls())) assert 1 < 0 from graphicsUtils import keys_waiting from graphicsUtils import keys_pressed keys = list(keys_waiting()) + list(keys_pressed()) if keys != []: self.keys = keys legal = state.getLegalActions(self.index) move = self.getMove(legal) if move == Directions.STOP: # Try to move in the same direction as before if self.lastMove in legal: move = self.lastMove if (self.STOP_KEY in self.keys) and Directions.STOP in legal: move = Directions.STOP if move not in legal: move = random.choice(legal) self.lastMove = move return move
def getKeys(): #print 'attempt get keys' Display._acquireLock() #print 'get keys' keys = graphicsUtils.keys_waiting() + graphicsUtils.keys_pressed() Display._releaseLock() return keys
def getAction(self, state): """ Compute the action to take in the current state. With probability self.epsilon, we should take a random action and take the best policy action otherwise. Note that if there are no legal actions, which is the case at the terminal state, you should choose None as the action. HINT: You might want to use util.flipCoin(prob) HINT: To pick randomly from a list, use random.choice(list) """ keypress = keys_pressed() + keys_waiting() if keypress != []: self.keypress = keypress if self.episodesSoFar < self.numTraining: if (self.SPACE_KEY in self.keypress or 'space' in self.keypress): Directions.CD = True else: print("Corrective Demontration Locked!") if Directions.CD == True: action = self.CDStart(state) elif Directions.CD == False: # Pick Action action = self.QStart(state) return action
def getAction( self, state): from graphicsUtils import keys_waiting from graphicsUtils import keys_pressed keys = keys_waiting() + keys_pressed() if keys != []: self.keys = keys legal = state.getLegalActions(self.index) move = self.getMove(legal) if move == Directions.STOP: # Try to move in the same direction as before if self.lastMove in legal: move = self.lastMove if (self.STOP_KEY in self.keys) and Directions.STOP in legal: move = Directions.STOP if move not in legal: move = random.choice(legal) self.lastMove = move # Call to the saveData method to add manually created data to the training set saveData(move, self.getExpectedReward(state, move)) return move
def getAction(self, state): from graphicsUtils import keys_waiting from graphicsUtils import keys_pressed keys = keys_waiting() + keys_pressed() self.keys = keys legal = state.getLegalActions(self.index) move = self.getMove(legal) # if move == Directions.STOP: # Try to move in the same direction as before # if self.lastMove in legal: # move = self.lastMove if (self.STOP_KEY in self.keys) and Directions.STOP in legal: move = Directions.STOP elif (self.LAY_KEY in self.keys) and "Lay" in legal: move = "Lay" if move not in legal: move = random.choice(legal) self.lastMove = move return move
def getAction( self, state): from graphicsUtils import keys_pressed keys = keys_pressed() # if keys != []: # Use this conditional to make Pacman continue in the same dir. self.keys = keys legal = state.getLegalActions(self.index) move = self.getMove(legal) return move
def getAction(self, state): from graphicsUtils import keys_waiting from graphicsUtils import keys_pressed keys = keys_waiting() + keys_pressed() self.keys = keys legal = state.getLegalActions(self.index) move = self.getMove(legal) if (self.STOP_KEY in self.keys) and Directions.STOP in legal: move = Directions.STOP if move not in legal: move = random.choice(legal) self.lastMove = move return move
def handleKeys(self): from graphicsUtils import keys_pressed keys = keys_waiting() + keys_pressed() if keys != []: if KeyBindings.SPEED_INC_KEY in keys: self.frameTime *= SPEED_MODIFICATION_FACTOR if (self.frameTime > MAX_SPEED): self.frameTime = MAX_SPEED self.infoPane.updateSpeed(self.frameTime) if KeyBindings.SPEED_DEC_KEY in keys: self.frameTime /= SPEED_MODIFICATION_FACTOR if (self.frameTime < MIN_SPEED): self.frameTime = MIN_SPEED self.infoPane.updateSpeed(self.frameTime) if KeyBindings.RUNTIME_SETTING_KEY in keys: app = RuntimeSettingsView(None) app.title(RUNTIME_SETTINGS_TITLE) app.mainloop()
def getAction( self, state): from graphicsUtils import keys_waiting from graphicsUtils import keys_pressed keys = list(keys_waiting()) + list(keys_pressed()) if keys != []: self.keys = keys legal = state.getLegalActions(self.index) move = self.getMove(legal) if move == Directions.STOP: # Try to move in the same direction as before if self.lastMove in legal: move = self.lastMove if move not in legal: move = random.choice(legal) self.lastMove = move return move
def getAction(self, state): keys = keys_waiting() + keys_pressed() if keys: self.keys = keys legal = state.getLegalActions(self.index) move = self.getMove(legal) if move == Directions.STOP: # Try to move in the same direction as before if self.lastMove in legal: move = self.lastMove if (self.STOP_KEY in self.keys) and Directions.STOP in legal: move = Directions.STOP if move not in legal: move = random.choice(legal) self.lastMove = move return move
def getAction( self, state): from graphicsUtils import keys_waiting from graphicsUtils import keys_pressed keys = keys_waiting() + keys_pressed() if keys != []: self.keys = keys self.keys = keys legal = state.getLegalActions(self.index) move = self.getMove(legal) if (self.STOP_KEY in self.keys) and Directions.STOP in legal: move = Directions.STOP if move not in legal: move = random.choice(legal) self.lastMove = move # print self.keys, move return move
def getAction(self, state): from graphicsUtils import keys_waiting from graphicsUtils import keys_pressed from string import lower keys = keys_pressed() if keys != []: self.keys = map((lambda s: lower(s) if len(s) == 1 else s), keys) legal = state.getLegalActions(self.index) move = self.getMove(legal) if move == Directions.STOP: # Try to move in the same direction as before if self.lastMove in legal: move = self.lastMove #if move not in legal: # move = random.choice(legal) self.lastMove = move return move
def getAction(self, state): from graphicsUtils import keys_waiting from graphicsUtils import keys_pressed keys = keys_waiting() + keys_pressed() self.keys = keys legal = state.getLegalActions(self.index) move = self.getMove(legal) #if move == Directions.STOP: # Try to move in the same direction as before #if self.lastMove in legal: #move = self.lastMove if (self.STOP_KEY in self.keys) and Directions.STOP in legal: move = Directions.STOP elif (self.LAY_KEY in self.keys) and 'Lay' in legal: move = 'Lay' if move not in legal: move = random.choice(legal) self.lastMove = move return move
def getAction(self, state): from graphicsUtils import keys_waiting from graphicsUtils import keys_pressed keys = keys_waiting() + keys_pressed() if keys != []: self.keys = keys legal = list(set().union( state.getLegalActions(self.index), state.getLegalActions(self.index + state.getNumAgents() / 2))) move = self.getMove(legal) #if move == Directions.STOP: # # Try to move in the same direction as before # if self.lastMove in legal: # move = self.lastMove #if (self.STOP_KEY in self.keys) and Directions.STOP in legal: move = Directions.STOP #if move not in legal: # move = random.choice(legal) self.lastMove = move return move
def getAction(self, state): from graphicsUtils import keys_waiting from graphicsUtils import keys_pressed keys = keys_waiting() + keys_pressed() if keys != []: self.keys = keys legal = state.getLegalActions(self.index) move = self.getMove(legal) if move == Directions.STOP: # Try to move in the same direction as before if self.lastMove in legal: move = self.lastMove if (self.STOP_KEY in self.keys) and Directions.STOP in legal: move = Directions.STOP if move not in legal: move = random.choice(legal) # Log feature set and choice of move if move != Directions.STOP: self.outfile.write(api.getFeaturesAsString(state)) if move == Directions.NORTH: self.outfile.write("0\n") elif move == Directions.EAST: self.outfile.write("1\n") elif move == Directions.SOUTH: self.outfile.write("2\n") elif move == Directions.WEST: self.outfile.write("3\n") # Now make the move self.lastMove = move return move
class Game: """ The Game manages the control flow, soliciting actions from agents. """ def __init__(self, agents, display, rules, startingIndex=0, muteAgents=False, catchExceptions=False): self.agentCrashed = False self.agents = agents self.display = display self.rules = rules self.startingIndex = startingIndex self.gameOver = False self.muteAgents = muteAgents self.catchExceptions = catchExceptions self.moveHistory = [] self.totalAgentTimes = [0 for agent in agents] self.totalAgentTimeWarnings = [0 for agent in agents] self.agentTimeout = False self.gameQuit = False import cStringIO self.agentOutput = [cStringIO.StringIO() for agent in agents] def getProgress(self): if self.gameOver: return 1.0 else: return self.rules.getProgress(self) def _agentCrash(self, agentIndex, quiet=False): "Helper method for handling agent crashes" if not quiet: traceback.print_exc() self.gameOver = True self.agentCrashed = True self.rules.agentCrash(self, agentIndex) OLD_STDOUT = None OLD_STDERR = None def mute(self, agentIndex): if not self.muteAgents: return global OLD_STDOUT, OLD_STDERR import cStringIO OLD_STDOUT = sys.stdout OLD_STDERR = sys.stderr sys.stdout = self.agentOutput[agentIndex] sys.stderr = self.agentOutput[agentIndex] def unmute(self): if not self.muteAgents: return global OLD_STDOUT, OLD_STDERR # Revert stdout/stderr to originals sys.stdout = OLD_STDOUT sys.stderr = OLD_STDERR def run(self, display=None): """ Main control loop for game play. """ if display is not None: self.display = display self.display.initialize( self.numMoves = 0 ###self.display.initialize(self.state.makeObservation(1).data) # inform learning agents of the game start for i in range(len(self.agents)): agent = self.agents[i] if not agent: self.mute(i) # this is a null agent, meaning it failed to load # the other team wins print >> sys.stderr, "Agent %d failed to load" % i self.unmute() self._agentCrash(i, quiet=True) return if ("registerInitialState" in dir(agent)): self.mute(i) if self.catchExceptions: try: timed_func = TimeoutFunction( agent.registerInitialState, int(self.rules.getMaxStartupTime(i))) try: start_time = time.time() timed_func(self.state.deepCopy()) time_taken = time.time() - start_time self.totalAgentTimes[i] += time_taken except TimeoutFunctionException: print >> sys.stderr, "Agent %d ran out of time on startup!" % i self.unmute() self.agentTimeout = True self._agentCrash(i, quiet=True) return except Exception, data: self._agentCrash(i, quiet=False) self.unmute() return else: agent.registerInitialState(self.state.deepCopy()) ## TODO: could this exceed the total time self.unmute() agentIndex = self.startingIndex numAgents = len(self.agents) while not self.gameOver: from graphicsUtils import keys_pressed keys = keys_pressed() if 'Escape' in keys: self.gameQuit = True return self.display # Fetch the next agent agent = self.agents[agentIndex] move_time = 0 skip_action = False # Generate an observation of the state if 'observationFunction' in dir(agent): self.mute(agentIndex) if self.catchExceptions: try: timed_func = TimeoutFunction( agent.observationFunction, int(self.rules.getMoveTimeout(agentIndex))) try: start_time = time.time() observation = timed_func(self.state.deepCopy()) except TimeoutFunctionException: skip_action = True move_time += time.time() - start_time self.unmute() except Exception, data: self._agentCrash(agentIndex, quiet=False) self.unmute() return else: observation = agent.observationFunction( self.state.deepCopy()) self.unmute() else: observation = self.state.deepCopy() # Solicit an action action = None self.mute(agentIndex) if self.catchExceptions: try: timed_func = TimeoutFunction( agent.getAction, int(self.rules.getMoveTimeout(agentIndex)) - int(move_time)) try: start_time = time.time() if skip_action: raise TimeoutFunctionException() action = timed_func(observation) except TimeoutFunctionException: print >> sys.stderr, "Agent %d timed out on a single move!" % agentIndex self.agentTimeout = True self._agentCrash(agentIndex, quiet=True) self.unmute() return move_time += time.time() - start_time if move_time > self.rules.getMoveWarningTime(agentIndex): self.totalAgentTimeWarnings[agentIndex] += 1 print >> sys.stderr, "Agent %d took too long to make a move! This is warning %d" % ( agentIndex, self.totalAgentTimeWarnings[agentIndex]) if self.totalAgentTimeWarnings[ agentIndex] > self.rules.getMaxTimeWarnings( agentIndex): print >> sys.stderr, "Agent %d exceeded the maximum number of warnings: %d" % ( agentIndex, self.totalAgentTimeWarnings[agentIndex]) self.agentTimeout = True self._agentCrash(agentIndex, quiet=True) self.unmute() return self.totalAgentTimes[agentIndex] += move_time #print "Agent: %d, time: %f, total: %f" % (agentIndex, move_time, self.totalAgentTimes[agentIndex]) if self.totalAgentTimes[ agentIndex] > self.rules.getMaxTotalTime( agentIndex): print >> sys.stderr, "Agent %d ran out of time! (time: %1.2f)" % ( agentIndex, self.totalAgentTimes[agentIndex]) self.agentTimeout = True self._agentCrash(agentIndex, quiet=True) self.unmute() return self.unmute() except Exception, data: self._agentCrash(agentIndex) self.unmute() return