예제 #1
def syslog_demo_8d():
    import datetime, qsstats

    # set the company and node values, ignour start/end date time for now
    company = 'BMC_1'
    host = 'A0040CnBPGC1'

    # Create graphpage
    graphpage = XGraphPage()

    # Put title and some text on the page
    graphpage.text_before = 'Critical and Error Event Summary for {{ company }}\n' \

    # Display chart of syslogs per hour Dec 1, 2012 to Feb 8, 2013

    qs = syslog_query(company)
    all_count = qs.count()

    # setup the qss object
    qss = qsstats.QuerySetStats(qs, 'time')

    # build our time series
    date_start = datetime.date(2012, 12, 1)
    date_end = datetime.date(2013, 2, 9)
    time_series = qss.time_series(date_start, date_end, 'hours')

    # format for chartkick
    data = {t[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H'): t[1] for t in time_series}

    # set graph options
    library = {}
    xgraph_nested_set(library, 'title.text', '{} Syslog All Events By Hour'.format(company))
    xgraph_nested_set(library, 'subtitle.text', '{} to {}'.format(date_start, date_end))
    options = "height='500px' library=" + str(library)

    # make the graph
    graph1 = XGraphCK('line', data, width=12, options=options)

    # Put graphs on page
    graphpage.objs.append(XGraphRow([graph1], text_before='Single line graph'))

    # fixme: stacked area chart a la highchart demo

    areas = [{'name': 'set1', 'data': [['2013-07-27 07:08:00 UTC', 4], ['2013-07-27 07:09:00 UTC', 3],
                                       ['2013-07-27 07:10:00 UTC', 2], ['2013-07-27 07:04:00 UTC', 2],
                                       ['2013-07-27 07:02:00 UTC', 3], ['2013-07-27 07:00:00 UTC', 2],
                                       ['2013-07-27 07:06:00 UTC', 1], ['2013-07-27 07:01:00 UTC', 5],
                                       ['2013-07-27 07:05:00 UTC', 5], ['2013-07-27 07:03:00 UTC', 3],
                                       ['2013-07-27 07:07:00 UTC', 3]]},
             {'name': 'set2', 'data': [['2013-07-27 07:08:00 UTC', 5], ['2013-07-27 07:09:00 UTC', 3],
                                        ['2013-07-27 07:10:00 UTC', 4], ['2013-07-27 07:04:00 UTC', 2],
                                        ['2013-07-27 07:02:00 UTC', 4], ['2013-07-27 07:00:00 UTC', 2],
                                        ['2013-07-27 07:06:00 UTC', 3], ['2013-07-27 07:01:00 UTC', 5],
                                        ['2013-07-27 07:05:00 UTC', 2], ['2013-07-27 07:03:00 UTC', 3],
                                        ['2013-07-27 07:07:00 UTC', 1]]}
    library = {}
    xgraph_nested_set(library, 'title.text', '{} Test Stacked Area'.format(company))
    xgraph_nested_set(library, 'plotOptions.area.stacking', 'normal')
    options = "height='500px' library=" + str(library)
    graph2 = XGraphCK('area', areas, width=6, options=options)
    return locals()
예제 #2
def syslog_demo_8c():

    # set the company and node values, ignour start/end date time for now
    company = 'BMC_1'

    # Create graphpage
    graphpage = XGraphPage()

    # Put title and some text on the page
    graphpage.text_before = 'Critical and Error Event Summary for {{ company }}\n' \

    # Display summary of critical and error events for all hosts for this company

    qs = syslog_query(company)
    all_count = qs.count()

    # Count critical events
    critical_event_count = map(list, qs.filter(message_type='critical').
                               values_list('node__host_name', 'count'))
    critical_event_count_title = '<h3>Critical Event Count by Host</h3>'
    graph31 = XGraphCK('column', 'critical_event_count',
    graph32 = XGraphCK('pie', 'critical_event_count',
    error_event_count = map(list, qs.filter(message_type='error').
                            values_list('node__host_name', 'count'))
    error_event_count_title = '<h3>Error Event Count by Host</h3>'
    graph33 = XGraphCK('column', 'error_event_count',
    graph34 = XGraphCK('pie', 'error_event_count',
    text_before = '<h3>{{company}} All Hosts, Total Syslog Records: {{all_count}}</h3>'
    graphpage.objs.append(XGraphRow([graph31, graph32, graph33, graph34], text_before=text_before))

    # Display summary by event type for all hosts for this company

    qs = syslog_query(company)

    # count and build title
    count = qs.count()

    # Count by type
    xqs = qs.values('message_type').annotate(num_results=Count('id'))
    text_before = '<h3>{{ company }} summary for all host by message type</h3>'

    count_by_type_type = map(list, xqs.order_by('message_type').values_list('message_type', 'num_results'))
    graph21 = XGraphCK('column', count_by_type_type, width=6, text_before=text_before)

    count_by_type_count = map(list, xqs.order_by('-num_results').values_list('message_type', 'num_results'))
    graph22 = XGraphCK('pie', count_by_type_count, width=6, text_before=text_before)

    # Put graphs on page
    graphpage.objs.append(XGraphRow([graph21, graph22]))

    # Display summary by event type for all hosts by for this company by host name

    qs = syslog_query(company)

    # count and build title
    count = qs.count()

    # Get counts by type and host
    xqs = qs.values('message_type', 'node__host_name').annotate(num_results=Count('id'))
    xxx = xqs.order_by('message_type').values('message_type', 'node__host_name', 'num_results')

    # create series for summary by host & make a graph
    data = xgraphck_multiple_series(xxx, 'message_type', 'node__host_name', 'num_results')
    library = {}
    xgraph_nested_set(library, 'title.text', '{} Syslog Type Summary By Host'.format(company))
    xgraph_nested_set(library, 'plotOptions.column.stacking', 'normal')
    options = "height='500px' library=" + str(library)
    graph41 = XGraphCK('column', data, width=6, options=options)

    # create series for summary by message type and make a graph
    data = xgraphck_multiple_series(xxx, 'node__host_name', 'message_type', 'num_results')
    library = {}
    xgraph_nested_set(library, 'title.text', '{} Syslog Type Summary By Type'.format(company))
    # xgraph_nested_set(library, 'plotOptions.column.stacking', 'normal')
    options = "height='500px' library=" + str(library)
    graph42 = XGraphCK('column', data, width=6, options=options)

    # Put graphs on page
    # graphpage.objs.append(XGraphRow([graph41, graph42], text_before=host_text))
    graphpage.objs.append(XGraphRow([graph41, graph42]))

    # Display summary for each host for this company

    # get the hosts for this company and put it on the page
    hosts = [n[0] for n in VNode.objects.filter(company__company_name=company).values_list('host_name')]
    text_before = 'Details by Host\n' \
                  '===============\n' \
                  '{{ company }} has the following hosts: ' + ', '.join(hosts)
    hosts_text = '<h3>The company has the following hosts: ' + ', '.join(hosts) + '</h3>'

    for host in hosts:
        # get the syslog qs for this company/node
        qs = syslog_query(company, host)

        # count and build title
        count = qs.count()
        host_text = '<h3>Company: {} Host: {}</h3><p>Total syslog records {}</p>'.format(company, host, count)

        # Count by type
        xqs = qs.values('message_type').annotate(num_results=Count('id'))

        count_by_type_type = map(list, xqs.order_by('message_type').values_list('message_type', 'num_results'))
        graph11 = XGraphCK('column', count_by_type_type, width=6)

        count_by_type_count = map(list, xqs.order_by('-num_results').values_list('message_type', 'num_results'))
        graph12 = XGraphCK('pie', count_by_type_count, width=6)

        # Put graphs on page
        graphpage.objs.append(XGraphRow([graph11, graph12], text_before=host_text))

    return locals()