def main(): g = Digraph(13) with open("../resources/tinyDAG.txt", ) as f: for line in f.readlines(): vertices = " ".join(line.splitlines()).split(' ') if len(vertices) < 2: continue else: v1, v2 = int(vertices[0]), int(vertices[1]) g.add_edge(v1, v2) print(g) dfs = DepthFirstOrder(g) print(dfs) print("v pre post") print("--------------------") for v in range(g.get_V()): print(f'{v} {dfs.pre(v)} {}\n') print('Pre-order') for v in dfs.preorder_vertices(): print(f'{v} ', end="") print() print('Post-order') for v in dfs.postorder_vertices(): print(f'{v} ', end="") print() print(dfs.postorder_vertices()) print('Reverse Post-order') q1 = dfs.reverse_post() for v in q1: print(f'{v} ', end="")
def main(): file_name = '../resources/digraph1.txt' with open(file_name) as f: ints = list() for line in'\n'): ints.append(line) vertices, edges = int(ints[0]), int(ints[1]) graph = Digraph(vertices) inp = ints[ 2:] # skip first 2 lines in tiny.DG.txt i.e. # of vertices and edges for i in range(edges): v, w = inp[i].split(' ') graph.add_edge(int(v), int(w)) s = 3 sources = [3, 4, 5] # bfs = BreadthFirstDirectedPaths(graph, s) bfs = BreadthFirstDirectedPaths(graph, sources=sources) print(bfs) for v in range(graph.get_V()): if bfs.has_path_to(v): print(f'{sources} to {v} ({bfs.dist_to(v)})') path = bfs.path_to(v) while not path.empty(): x = path.get() if x == s or x in sources: print(f'{x}', end="") else: print(f'->{x}', end="") print() else: print(f'{s} to {v} (-): not connected.\n')
def main(): file_name = '../resources/tinyDG.txt' with open(file_name) as f: ints = list() for line in'\n'): ints.append(line) vertices, edges = int(ints[0]), int(ints[1]) graph = Digraph(vertices) print(graph) inp = ints[ 2:] # skip first 2 lines in tiny.DG.txt i.e. # of vertices and edges for i in range(edges): v, w = inp[i].split(' ') graph.add_edge(int(v), int(w)) print(graph) s = 2 dfs = NonrecursiveDirectedDFS(graph, s) print(dfs) for v in range(graph.get_V()): if dfs.marked(v): print(f'{s} is connected to {v} ') else: print(f'{s} not connected to {v}')
def __init__(self, file_name, delimiter=" "): self._st = defaultdict(int) # First pass builds the index by reading strings to associate # distinct strings with an index with open(f"../resources/{file_name}.txt", ) as f: for line in f.readlines(): a = " ".join(line.splitlines()).split(delimiter) for i in range(len(a)): if a[i] not in self._st: self._st[a[i]] = len(self._st) # inverted index to get string keys in an array self._keys = ['' for _ in range(len(self._st))] for name in self._st.keys(): self._keys[self._st.get(name)] = name # second pass builds the digraph by connecting first vertex on each # line to all others self._graph = Digraph(len(self._st)) with open(f"../resources/{file_name}.txt", ) as f: for line in f.readlines(): a = " ".join(line.splitlines()).split(delimiter) v = self._st.get(a[0]) for i in range(1, len(a)): w = self._st.get(a[i]) self._graph.add_edge(v, w)
def __init__(self, synsets=None, hypernyms=None): self._nouns_dict = defaultdict(Bag) self._reverse_nouns_dict = defaultdict(str) max_id = 0 with open(synsets) as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: items = "".join(line.splitlines()).split(',') nouns = items[1].split(' ') for i in range(len(nouns)): if nouns[i] not in self._nouns_dict: nouns_list = Bag() else: nouns_list = self._nouns_dict.get(nouns[i]) nouns_list.add(int(items[0])) self._nouns_dict[nouns[i]] = nouns_list self._reverse_nouns_dict[int(items[0])] = items[1] max_id = max(max_id, int(items[0])) self._dg = Digraph(max_id + 1) with open(hypernyms) as f1: lines = f1.readlines() for line in lines: items = "".join(line.splitlines()).split(',') v = int(items[0]) for i in range(1, len(items)): w = int(items[i]) self._dg.add_edge(v, w) # if not self._is_dag(self._dg): # raise AttributeError('digraph is not acyclic') self._sap = SAP(self._dg)
def main(): file_name = '../resources/tinyDG.txt' with open(file_name) as f: ints = list() for line in'\n'): ints.append(line) vertices, edges = int(ints[0]), int(ints[1]) graph = Digraph(vertices) print(graph) inp = ints[ 2:] # skip first 2 lines in tiny.DG.txt i.e. # of vertices and edges for i in range(edges): v, w = inp[i].split(' ') graph.add_edge(int(v), int(w)) print(graph) scc = KosarajuSharirSCC(graph) m = scc.count() print(f'{m} strong components') components = [Queue() for _ in range(m)] for v in range(graph.get_V()): components[].put(v) for i in range(m): for v in components[i].queue: print(f'{v} ', end="") print()
class SymbolDigraph: def __init__(self, file_name, delimiter=" "): self._st = defaultdict(int) # First pass builds the index by reading strings to associate # distinct strings with an index with open(f"../resources/{file_name}.txt", ) as f: for line in f.readlines(): a = " ".join(line.splitlines()).split(delimiter) for i in range(len(a)): if a[i] not in self._st: self._st[a[i]] = len(self._st) # inverted index to get string keys in an array self._keys = ['' for _ in range(len(self._st))] for name in self._st.keys(): self._keys[self._st.get(name)] = name # second pass builds the digraph by connecting first vertex on each # line to all others self._graph = Digraph(len(self._st)) with open(f"../resources/{file_name}.txt", ) as f: for line in f.readlines(): a = " ".join(line.splitlines()).split(delimiter) v = self._st.get(a[0]) for i in range(1, len(a)): w = self._st.get(a[i]) self._graph.add_edge(v, w) def contains(self, s): return s in self._st def index_of(self, s): return self._st.get(s) def name_of(self, v): self.__validate_vertex(v) if isinstance(v, int): return self._keys[v] else: return self._keys[v.item] def digraph(self): return self._graph def __validate_vertex(self, v): n = self._graph.get_V() if isinstance(v, int): if v < 0 or v >= n: raise ValueError(f'vertex {v} is not between 0 and {n - 1}') else: if v.item < 0 or v.item >= n: raise ValueError(f'vertex {v} is not between 0 and {n - 1}') def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}(_st={self._st}, _graph={self._graph}, _keys={self._keys})>'
def main(): with open("../resources/digraph1.txt") as f: values = "".join(f.readlines()).split('\n') V, E = int(values[0]), int(values[1]) g = Digraph(V) sap = SAP(g) for line in values: vertices = "".join(line).split(' ') if len(vertices) < 2: continue else: v, w = int(vertices[0]), int(vertices[1]) g.add_edge(v, w) length = sap.length(v, w) ancestor = sap.ancestor(v, w) print(f'length = {length}, ancestor={ancestor}') # sap = SAP(g) print(g) print(sap)
def read_graph_file(filename: str) -> (Graph, [Vertex], [tuple]): """ Read a graph file from the class specified format. Args: * filename - Read in the file specified by filename Returns: A tuple that contains a graph object and two lists """ graph = Graph() verts = [] edges = [] is_weighted = None # Open up the file and parse the graph from text with open(filename, "r") as file: counter = 0 # Iterate through the file for line in file: # Obtain the type of graph if counter == 0: graph_type = line.strip() if graph_type == "G": graph = Graph() elif graph_type == "D": graph = Digraph() else: raise ValueError("Graph type not properly specified") # Obtain the verticies for the graph. elif counter == 1: for key in line.strip().split(","): verts.append(Vertex(key)) # Obtain all the edges. elif counter > 1: edge = line.strip("()\n").split(",") if is_weighted is None: is_weighted = bool(len(edge) == 3) elif is_weighted and len(edge) < 3: raise ValueError( "You specified an edge with weights and one without. You should only do one or the other." ) if len(edge) != 3 and len(edge) != 2: raise ValueError( f"You specified an incorrect amount of args for the edge: {line}" ) edges.append(edge) counter += 1 return graph, verts, edges
def main(): g = Digraph(13) with open("../resources/tinyDG.txt", ) as f: for line in f.readlines(): vertices = " ".join(line.splitlines()).split(' ') if len(vertices) < 2: continue else: v1, v2 = int(vertices[0]), int(vertices[1]) g.add_edge(v1, v2) finder = DirectedCycleX(g) print(finder) if finder.has_cycle(): print('Directed cycle') for v in finder.get_cycle(): print(f'{v} ', end="") print() else: print('No directed cycle')
def main(): g = Digraph(13) with open("../resources/tinyDG.txt", ) as f: for line in f.readlines(): vertices = " ".join(line.splitlines()).split(' ') if len(vertices) < 2: continue else: v1, v2 = int(vertices[0]), int(vertices[1]) g.add_edge(v1, v2) print(g) euler = DirectedEulerianCycle(g) print(euler) print("Eulerian cycle: ") if euler.has_eulerian_cycle(): for v in euler.cycle(): print(v + " ") print() else: print("none") print()
def __init__(self, regex): m = len(regex) graph = Digraph(m + 1) ops = LifoQueue() # stack of states for i in range(m): lp = i # for left parentheses add Epsilon transition to next state, and push state index to stack if regex[i] == '(' or regex[i] == '|': # '|' is operator for or # if the regex has left parentheses '(' or the '|' meta-characters, # push the *state index [i]* of the meta-character on the stack ops.put(i) # if we encounter a right parentheses, pop the corresponding left parentheses and/or '|' elif regex[i] == ')': _or = ops.get() # 2-way or operator if regex[_or] == '|': lp = ops.get() graph.add_edge(lp, _or + 1) graph.add_edge(_or, i) else: lp = _or # else: # assert False # closure operator * (uses 1-character lookahead) if i < m - 1 and regex[i + 1] == '*': graph.add_edge(lp, i + 1) graph.add_edge(i + 1, lp) if regex[i] in ("(", "*", ")"): graph.add_edge(i, i + 1) if ops.qsize() != 0: raise ValueError('Invalid regular expression') self._m = m self._graph = graph self._regex = regex
def main(): file_name = '../resources/tinyDG.txt' with open(file_name) as f: ints = list() for line in'\n'): ints.append(line) vertices, edges = int(ints[0]), int(ints[1]) graph = Digraph(vertices) # print(graph) inp = ints[ 2:] # skip first 2 lines in tiny.DG.txt i.e. # of vertices and edges sources = Bag() sources.add(1) sources.add(5) sources.add(10) for i in range(edges): v, w = inp[i].split(' ') graph.add_edge(int(v), int(w)) # print(graph) # s = 6 # reachable from single source vertex, s # dfs = DirectedDFS(graph, int(s)) # print(dfs) # reachable from many source vertices, sources dfs = DirectedDFS(graph, sources) # print(dfs) for v in range(graph.get_V()): if dfs.marked(v): print(f'{v} ')
def main(args: argparse.Namespace): """ Check if a path exists between two vertices. Args: * args - The parsed argument namespace from argparse """ # Input checks if not args.folder: raise ValueError("There was no npm folder path specified!") vertices, edges = traverse_npm_folder(args.folder.rstrip("/")) graph = Digraph() # Obtain the graph properties and then fill out the graph. fill_graph(graph, vertices, edges) hist = dict() root = args.folder.rstrip("/").split("/")[-1] print("#### START EVALUATION ####\n") print(f"\tExamining the directory: {root}") highest = 0 dependency = "" for key, vertex in graph.graph.items(): if len(vertex.neighbors) > highest: highest = len(vertex.neighbors) dependency = key print( f"\tMost depended on package: {dependency} with {highest} dependants") path_len, package = graph.find_longest_path() print( f"\tThe longest shortest path was: {path_len} edges and to the package: {package}" ) is_acyclic = graph.prove_acyclic(args.folder.strip("/").split("/")[-1]) print(f"\tThe graph is acyclic: {is_acyclic}") print("\n#### END EVALUATION ####")
def read_file(text_file): graph = Graph() verts = [] edges = [] is_weighted = None with open(text_file, "r") as open_file: line_counter = 0 for line in open_file: if line_counter == 0: # Chooses either a Graph or Digraph graph_type = line.strip() if graph_type == "G": graph = Graph() elif graph_type == "D": graph = Digraph() else: raise ValueError( "A Graph type has not been properly specified") if line_counter == 1: # Adds all the Verticies from the txt file for key in line.strip().split(","): verts.append(key) elif line_counter > 1: # Add all the edges and checks if its weighted edge = line.strip("()\n").split(",") if is_weighted is None: is_weighted = bool(len(edge) == 3) elif is_weighted and len(edge) < 3: raise ValueError( "All edges must be either unweighted or weighted") if len(edge) != 3 and len(edge) != 2: raise ValueError( f"Text file has unusual amount of arguments for edges") if len(edge) > 3: raise ValueError("To many arguments for the edges") edges.append(edge) line_counter += 1 # Traverses through the txt file line by line return graph, verts, edges
class WordNet: def __init__(self, synsets=None, hypernyms=None): self._nouns_dict = defaultdict(Bag) self._reverse_nouns_dict = defaultdict(str) max_id = 0 with open(synsets) as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: items = "".join(line.splitlines()).split(',') nouns = items[1].split(' ') for i in range(len(nouns)): if nouns[i] not in self._nouns_dict: nouns_list = Bag() else: nouns_list = self._nouns_dict.get(nouns[i]) nouns_list.add(int(items[0])) self._nouns_dict[nouns[i]] = nouns_list self._reverse_nouns_dict[int(items[0])] = items[1] max_id = max(max_id, int(items[0])) self._dg = Digraph(max_id + 1) with open(hypernyms) as f1: lines = f1.readlines() for line in lines: items = "".join(line.splitlines()).split(',') v = int(items[0]) for i in range(1, len(items)): w = int(items[i]) self._dg.add_edge(v, w) # if not self._is_dag(self._dg): # raise AttributeError('digraph is not acyclic') self._sap = SAP(self._dg) def nouns_dict(self): return self._nouns_dict def rev_nouns_dict(self): return self._reverse_nouns_dict def _is_dag(self, dg): dc = DirectedCycle(dg) return dc.has_cycle() def nouns(self): # returns all WordNet nouns return list(self._nouns_dict.keys()) def is_noun(self, word): # is the word a WordNet noun? return True if word in self._nouns_dict else False def distance(self, noun_a, noun_b): # distance between noun_a and noun_b if not self.is_noun(noun_a) or not self.is_noun(noun_b): raise AttributeError(f'noun arguments to distance() not found') return self._sap.length( self._nouns_dict.get(noun_a).first.item, self._nouns_dict.get(noun_b).first.item) def sap(self, noun_a, noun_b): # a synset (second field of synsets.txt) that is the common ancestor of noun_a and noun_b # in a shortest ancestral path (defined below) if not self.is_noun(noun_a) or not self.is_noun(noun_b): raise AttributeError(f'noun arguments to distance() not found') _id = self._sap.ancestor( self._nouns_dict.get(noun_a).first.item, self._nouns_dict.get(noun_b).first.item) return self._reverse_nouns_dict.get(_id) def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}(' \ f'_dg={self._dg})>'
def __init__(self, g: Digraph): self._tc = [DirectedDFS(g, v) for v in range(g.get_V())]