예제 #1
def create_mapping((sub, hemi)):
    print sub, hemi

    complex_file = '/scr/ilz3/myelinconnect/struct/surf_%s/orig/mid_surface/%s_%s_mid.vtk'
    simple_file = '/scr/ilz3/myelinconnect/groupavg/indv_space/%s/lowres_%s_d_def.vtk'# version d
    log_file = '/scr/ilz3/myelinconnect/all_data_on_simple_surf/labels/logs/log_worker_%s.txt'%(str(os.getpid()))
    seed_file = '/scr/ilz3/myelinconnect/all_data_on_simple_surf/seeds/%s_%s_highres2lowres_seeds.npy'
    label_file = '/scr/ilz3/myelinconnect/all_data_on_simple_surf/labels/%s_%s_highres2lowres_labels.npy'
    surf_label_file = '/scr/ilz3/myelinconnect/all_data_on_simple_surf/labels/%s_%s_highres2lowres_labels.vtk'

    # load the meshes
    log(log_file, 'Processing %s %s'%(sub, hemi))
    log(log_file, '...loading data', logtime=False)
    complex_v, complex_f, complex_d = read_vtk(complex_file%(hemi, sub, hemi))
    simple_v, simple_f, simple_d = read_vtk(simple_file%(sub, hemi))

    # find those points on the individuals complex mesh that correspond best
    # to the simplified group mesh in subject space
    log(log_file, '...finding unique voronoi seeds')
        voronoi_seed_idx = np.load(seed_file%(sub, hemi))
        voronoi_seed_coord = complex_v[voronoi_seed_idx]
    except IOError:
        voronoi_seed_idx, inaccuracy  = find_voronoi_seeds(simple_v, complex_v)
        np.save(seed_file%(sub, hemi), voronoi_seed_idx)
        # find coordinates of those points in the highres mesh
        voronoi_seed_coord = complex_v[voronoi_seed_idx]
        # double check differences
        log(log_file, '...checking unique vs nearest mapping')
        dist = np.linalg.norm((voronoi_seed_coord - simple_v), axis=1)
        if ((np.mean(dist)-np.mean(inaccuracy[:,0])>0.1)):
            log(log_file, 'Unique seeds very far from nearest seeds!')
            return dist
            sys.exit("Unique seeds very far from nearest seeds %s %s"%(sub,hemi))

    # convert highres mesh into graph containing edge length
    log(log_file, '...creating graph')
    complex_graph = graph_from_mesh(complex_v, complex_f, edge_length=True)

    # find the actual labels
    log(log_file, '...competetive fast marching')
    labels = competetive_fast_marching(complex_v, complex_graph, voronoi_seed_idx)

    # write out labelling file and surface with labels
    log(log_file, '...saving data')
    np.save(label_file%(sub, hemi), labels)
    write_vtk(surf_label_file%(sub, hemi), complex_v, complex_f,
                data=labels[:,1, np.newaxis])

    log(log_file, 'Finished %s %s'%(sub, hemi))

    return log_file
    nonmask = np.delete(idcs, mask)
    embed = np.zeros(((lv.shape[0] + rv.shape[0]), 100))
    embed[nonmask] = embed_masked

    # extend mask to nodes that have a t1avg < 1500
    full_t1 = np.concatenate((lh_t1, rh_t1))
    fullmask = np.unique(np.concatenate((mask, np.where(full_t1 <= 1500)[0])))
    fullmask = np.asarray(fullmask, dtype='int64')
    nonmask_bigmask = np.delete(idcs, fullmask)

    # mask embedding and t1
    masked_t1 = np.delete(full_t1, fullmask)
    masked_embed = np.delete(embed, fullmask, axis=0)

    # estimate sigma2_res from noise in T1
    Gl = graph_from_mesh(lv, lf)
    Gr = graph_from_mesh(rv, rf)

    left_medians = []
    for li in range(lv.shape[0]):
        neigh = Gl.neighbors(li)
        neigh_t1 = [full_t1[n] for n in neigh if not full_t1[n] == 0]
        neigh_dist = [np.abs(full_t1[li] - nt) for nt in neigh_t1]

    right_medians = []
    for ri in range(rv.shape[0]):
        neigh = [x + lv.shape[0] for x in Gr.neighbors(ri)]
        neigh_t1 = [full_t1[n] for n in neigh if not full_t1[n] == 0]
        neigh_dist = [
            np.abs(full_t1[ri + lv.shape[0]] - nt) for nt in neigh_t1
예제 #3
for sub in subjects:
    for hemi in hemis:

        if os.path.isfile('/scr/ilz3/myelinconnect/all_data_on_simple_surf/labels/%s_%s_highres2lowres_labels.npy'%(sub, hemi)):
            print 'processing '+sub+' '+hemi
            # load data
            complex_v,complex_f, complex_d = read_vtk('/scr/ilz3/myelinconnect/struct/surf_%s/orig/mid_surface/%s_%s_mid.vtk'%(hemi, sub, hemi))
            simple_v, simple_f, simple_d = read_vtk('/scr/ilz3/myelinconnect/groupavg/indv_space/%s/lowres_%s_d_def.vtk'%(sub, hemi))
            labelling=np.load('/scr/ilz3/myelinconnect/all_data_on_simple_surf/labels/%s_%s_highres2lowres_labels.npy'%(sub, hemi))
            seeds=np.load('/scr/ilz3/myelinconnect/all_data_on_simple_surf/seeds/%s_%s_highres2lowres_seeds.npy'%(sub, hemi))

            # make an edge label surface and save it
            G = graph_from_mesh(complex_v, complex_f)
            edge_labelling = np.zeros_like(labelling[:,1])
            for v in range(edge_labelling.shape[0]):
                if any(labelling[G.neighbors(v),1] != labelling[v,1]):
                    edge_labelling[v] = 1
            write_vtk(edge_file%(sub, hemi), complex_v, complex_f, 
            # make a no label surface and save it
            if np.where(labelling[:,1]==-1)[0].shape[0] >0:
                no_labelling = np.zeros_like(labelling[:,1])
                for n in list(np.where(labelling[:,1]==-1)[0]):
                    no_labelling[n] = 1
                write_vtk(no_file%(sub, hemi), complex_v, complex_f, 
 rv, rf = rsurf[0], rsurf[1]
 cortex = np.concatenate((lidx, ridx+lv.shape[0]))
 masked_myelin = np.load(myelin_file)
 masked_embed = np.load(embed_file)
 # unmask embedding and myelin
 full_embed = np.zeros(((lv.shape[0]+rv.shape[0]),300))
 full_embed[cortex] = masked_embed
 full_myelin = np.zeros(lv.shape[0]+rv.shape[0],)
 full_myelin[cortex] = masked_myelin
 # estimate sigma2_res from noise in T1
 Gl = graph_from_mesh(lv, lf)
 Gr = graph_from_mesh(rv, rf)
 left_medians= []
 for li in range(lv.shape[0]):
     neigh = Gl.neighbors(li)
     neigh_myelin = [full_myelin[n] for n in neigh if not full_myelin[n]==0]
     neigh_dist = [np.abs(full_myelin[li] - nt) for nt in neigh_myelin]
 right_medians = []
 for ri in range(rv.shape[0]):
     neigh = [x + lv.shape[0] for x in Gr.neighbors(ri)]
     neigh_myelin = [full_myelin[n] for n in neigh if not full_myelin[n]==0]
     neigh_dist = [np.abs(full_myelin[ri+lv.shape[0]] - nt) for nt in neigh_myelin]