예제 #1
def voterank(graph, num_of_nodes=0):
    """Evalute VoteRank on a graph.

        graph (:class:`graphscope.Graph`): A simple graph.
        num_of_nodes (unsigned long int, optional): Number of ranked nodes to extract. Default all nodes.

        :voterank : list
         Ordered list of computed seeds. Only nodes with positive number of votes are returned.


    .. code:: python

        >>> import graphscope
        >>> from graphscope.dataset import load_p2p_network
        >>> sess = graphscope.session(cluster_type="hosts", mode="eager")
        >>> g = load_p2p_network(sess)
        >>> # project to a simple graph (if needed)
        >>> pg = g.project(vertices={"host": ["id"]}, edges={"connect": ["dist"]})
        >>> c = graphscope.voterank(pg, num_of_nodes=10)
        >>> sess.close()
    num_of_nodes = int(num_of_nodes)
    c = AppAssets(algo="voterank", context="vertex_data")(graph, num_of_nodes)
    r = c.to_dataframe({"id": "v.id", "result": "r"})
    r = r[r["result"] != 0].sort_values(by=["result"])
    return r["id"].tolist()
예제 #2
def single_source_dijkstra_path_length(G, source, weight=None):
    if weight is None:
        weight = "weight"
    pg = G.project_to_simple(e_prop=weight)
    ctx = AppAssets(algo="sssp_projected")(pg, source)
    return ctx.to_dataframe({"node": "v.id", "result": "r"})