예제 #1
def generate_loop(fail_edge, edges, max_iter, named_states, old_context):

    context = copy.deepcopy(old_context)

    loop = []
    i = 0
    curr_edge = fail_edge
    einfo = edge_obj(curr_edge[2])
    full_guard = einfo['guard']
    while i < max_iter:
        failed = get_failed_guard(full_guard, context)
        nextedge = get_next_edge(failed, full_guard, curr_edge, edges,
                                 named_states, copy.deepcopy(context))
        nextinfo = edge_obj(nextedge[2])
        context = run_transition(context, nextedge, nextinfo, named_states)
        curr_edge = nextedge

        # failing transition is now traversable, return the loop
        if (evaluate_guards(full_guard, context)
                and nextedge[1] == fail_edge[0]):
            return loop, context
        i += 1

    raise Exception('Unable to find loop')
예제 #2
def get_next_edge(failed_guards, full_guard, curr_edge, edges, named_states,
    outgoing = get_outgoing(curr_edge[0], edges)

    candidates = [
        x for x in outgoing
        if (evaluate_guards(edge_obj(x[2])['guard'], context))
    if (len(candidates) > 0):

        bf_vals = [[] for c in candidates]

        #current branch function value for all guards
        curr_bf_vals = eval(full_guard[0]['branch_f']['func'], {}, context)
        i = 0
        for candidate in candidates:
            ctx = copy.deepcopy(context)
            curr_cand = edge_obj(candidate[2])
            ctx = run_transition(ctx, candidate, curr_cand, named_states)
            #compute the branch function value of the target guard after executing each candidate transition
            bf_vals[i] = eval(full_guard[0]['branch_f']['func'], {}, ctx)
            i += 1

        #return the transition that gave the minimum branch function value
        return candidates[bf_vals.index(min(bf_vals))]
        return None
예제 #3
def print_path(path):
    for edge in path:
        einfo = edge_obj(edge[2])
        edgelabel = ''
        if 'event' in einfo and einfo['event']['type'] != 'empty':
            edgelabel += einfo['event']['code'] + ' '
        if 'guard' in einfo:
            edgelabel += '[ '
            for i in range(0, len(einfo['guard'])):
                if (einfo['guard'][i]['code'] != 'True'):
                    edgelabel += einfo['guard'][i]['code']
                    if (len(einfo['guard']) > 1 and i < len(einfo['guard']) - 1):
                        edgelabel += ' AND '
            edgelabel += ']'
        if 'action' in einfo:
            edgelabel += '/ '
            for a in einfo['action']:
                edgelabel += ' ' + a['code'] + ';'
        print(str(edge[0]) + ' --> ' + str(edge[1]) + ' ' + edgelabel)
def handle_executability(path, named_states, edges, mocks_init):

    newpath = []
    context = {}

    #import mocks
    for statement in mocks_init:
        exec(statement, {}, context)

    i = 0
    max_iter = 30
    for edge in path:
        edgeinfo = edge_obj(edge[2])
        if (not evaluate_guards(edgeinfo['guard'], context)):
            loop, ctx = generate_loop(edge, edges, max_iter, named_states, context)
            if(len(loop) != 0):
                context = ctx
                newpath += loop
        context = run_transition(context, edge, edgeinfo, named_states)
        i += 1
    return newpath