예제 #1
 def makeStateVector(self, data, local=False):
     create a state vector from the message recieved
     if self.event == Scenario.LANE_CHANGE:
         i = 0
         env_state = []
         if not local:
             self.append_vehicle_state(env_state, data.cur_vehicle_state)
             # self.append_vehicle_state(env_state, data.back_vehicle_state)
             # self.append_vehicle_state(env_state, data.front_vehicle_state)
             for _, vehicle in enumerate(data.adjacent_lane_vehicles):
                 if i < 5:
                     self.append_vehicle_state(env_state, vehicle)
                 i += 1
             cur_vehicle_state = VehicleState()
             cur_vehicle_state.vehicle_location.x = 0
             cur_vehicle_state.vehicle_location.y = 0
             cur_vehicle_state.vehicle_location.theta = 0
             cur_vehicle_state.vehicle_speed = data.cur_vehicle_state.vehicle_speed
             self.append_vehicle_state(env_state, cur_vehicle_state)
             for _, vehicle in enumerate(data.adjacent_lane_vehicles):
                 converted_state = convert_to_local(data.cur_vehicle_state,
                 if i < 5:
                     self.append_vehicle_state(env_state, converted_state)
                 i += 1
         dummy = VehicleState()
         dummy.vehicle_location.x = 100
         dummy.vehicle_location.y = 100
         dummy.vehicle_location.theta = 0
         dummy.vehicle_speed = 0
         while i < 5:
             self.append_vehicle_state(env_state, dummy)
             i += 1
         return env_state
     elif self.event == Scenario.PEDESTRIAN:
         env_state = []
         if not local:
             self.append_vehicle_state(env_state, data.cur_vehicle_state)
             ped_vehicle = VehicleState()
             ped_vehicle.vehicle_location = data.nearest_pedestrian.pedestrian_location
             ped_vehicle.pedestrian_speed = data.nearest_pedestrian.pedestrian_speed
             self.append_vehicle_state(env_state, ped_vehicle)
             cur_vehicle_state = VehicleState()
             cur_vehicle_state.vehicle_location.x = 0
             cur_vehicle_state.vehicle_location.y = 0
             cur_vehicle_state.vehicle_location.theta = 0
             cur_vehicle_state.vehicle_speed = data.cur_vehicle_state.vehicle_speed
             self.append_vehicle_state(env_state, cur_vehicle_state)
             ped_vehicle = VehicleState()
             ped_vehicle.vehicle_location = data.nearest_pedestrian.pedestrian_location
             ped_vehicle.vehicle_speed = data.nearest_pedestrian.pedestrian_speed
             converted_state = convert_to_local(data.cur_vehicle_state,
             self.append_vehicle_state(env_state, converted_state)
         return env_state
예제 #2
    def embedState(self, env_desc: EnvironmentState, scenario: Scenario, local=False) -> np.ndarray:
        Create a state embedding vector from message recieved
        :param env_des: (EnvironmentState) a ROS message describing the environment
        # TODO: Convert the embedding to Frenet coordinate system
        # based on scenario create the embedding accordingly
        if self.event == Scenario.LANE_CHANGE:
            # initialize count of vehicles. We will add 5 vehicles
            # The lane change scenario contains the current vehicle and 5 adjacent vehicles in the state
            count_of_vehicles = 0
            env_state = []

            # if local flag is not set then use absolute coordinates
            if not local:
                self.append_vehicle_state(env_state, env_desc.cur_vehicle_state)
                # TODO: Currently not adding vehicles in the front and back. Might need to add these later.
                # self.append_vehicle_state(env_state, env_desc.back_vehicle_state)
                # self.append_vehicle_state(env_state, env_desc.front_vehicle_state)
                # count += 2
                # add vehicles in the adjacent lane
                for _, vehicle in enumerate(env_desc.adjacent_lane_vehicles):
                    if count_of_vehicles < 5:
                        self.append_vehicle_state(env_state, vehicle)
                    count_of_vehicles += 1
                # use relative coordinates. Current vehicle is origin
                cur_vehicle_state = VehicleState()
                cur_vehicle_state.vehicle_location.x = 0
                cur_vehicle_state.vehicle_location.y = 0
                cur_vehicle_state.vehicle_location.theta = 0
                # Still choose absolute current_vehicle speed wrt global frame
                cur_vehicle_state.vehicle_speed = env_desc.cur_vehicle_state.vehicle_speed
                self.append_vehicle_state(env_state, cur_vehicle_state)

                # TODO: Currently not adding vehicles in the front and back. Might need to add these later.
                # add vehicles in the adjacent lane
                for _, vehicle in enumerate(env_desc.adjacent_lane_vehicles):
                    converted_state = convertToLocal(env_desc.cur_vehicle_state, vehicle)
                    if count_of_vehicles < 5:
                        self.append_vehicle_state(env_state, converted_state)
                    count_of_vehicles += 1

            # add dummy vehicles into the state if not reached 5
            dummy = VehicleState()
            dummy.vehicle_location.x = 100
            dummy.vehicle_location.y = 100
            dummy.vehicle_location.theta = 0
            dummy.vehicle_speed = 0
            while count_of_vehicles < 5:
                self.append_vehicle_state(env_state, dummy)
                count_of_vehicles += 1
            return env_state

        elif self.event == Scenario.PEDESTRIAN:
            # initialize an empty list for the state
            env_state = []

            # choose between local and absolute coordinate system
            # the state embedding contains the vehicle and the pedestrian
            if not local:
                self.append_vehicle_state(env_state, env_desc.cur_vehicle_state)
                ped_vehicle = VehicleState()
                ped_vehicle.vehicle_location = env_desc.nearest_pedestrian.pedestrian_location
                ped_vehicle.pedestrian_speed = env_desc.nearest_pedestrian.pedestrian_speed
                self.append_vehicle_state(env_state, ped_vehicle)
                cur_vehicle_state = VehicleState()
                cur_vehicle_state.vehicle_location.x = 0
                cur_vehicle_state.vehicle_location.y = 0
                cur_vehicle_state.vehicle_location.theta = 0
                cur_vehicle_state.vehicle_speed = env_desc.cur_vehicle_state.vehicle_speed
                self.append_vehicle_state(env_state, cur_vehicle_state)
                ped_vehicle = VehicleState()
                ped_vehicle.vehicle_location = env_desc.nearest_pedestrian.pedestrian_location
                ped_vehicle.vehicle_speed = env_desc.nearest_pedestrian.pedestrian_speed
                converted_state = convertToLocal(env_desc.cur_vehicle_state, ped_vehicle)
                self.append_vehicle_state(env_state, converted_state)
            return env_state