def _parseVDbConn(self, mapp, layerInp): '''find attribute key according to layer of input map''' vdb = Module('v.db.connect', map=mapp, flags='g', stdout_=PIPE) vdb = vdb.outputs.stdout for line in vdb.splitlines(): lsplit = line.split('|') layer = lsplit[0].split('/')[0] if str(layer) == str(layerInp): return lsplit[2] return None
def __init__(self, cmd, *args, **kargs): for banned in ['stdout_', 'stderr_', 'finish_', 'run_']: if banned in kargs: raise ValueError('Do not set %s parameter' ', it would be overriden' % banned) kargs['stdout_'] = subprocess.PIPE kargs['stderr_'] = subprocess.PIPE kargs['finish_'] = True kargs['run_'] = False Module.__init__(self, cmd, *args, **kargs)
def main(argv): print 'computing ' step=float(argv[0]) elevin=argv[1] start_day=int(argv[2]) stop_day=int(argv[3]) parent_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())) out_folder=os.path.join(parent_dir,"raw_data","rn") #compute irradiance for each day for day in range(start_day,stop_day): rsun = Module("r.sun", elevation=elevin,step=step,glob_rad=''+str(day),overwrite=True,run_=False, day=day) #r.out.gdal geotiff does not include datum; use AAIGrid format for output raster rout = Module("r.out.gdal",overwrite=True,f=True,input=''+str(day),output=os.path.join(out_folder,'rn'+str(day)),format="AAIGrid") gremove = Module("g.remove",f=True,type='raster',name=''+str(day))
def copy_groups(groups, gisrc_src, gisrc_dst, region=None): """Copy group from one mapset to another, crop the raster to the region :param groups: a list of strings with the group that must be copied from a master to another. :type groups: list of strings :param gisrc_src: path of the GISRC file from where we want to copy the groups :type gisrc_src: str :param gisrc_dst: path of the GISRC file where the groups will be created :type gisrc_dst: str :param region: a region like object or a dictionary with the region parameters that will be used to crop the rasters of the groups :type region: Region object or dictionary :returns: None """ env = os.environ.copy() # instantiate modules get_grp = Module('', flags='lg', stdout_=sub.PIPE, run_=False) set_grp = Module('') get_grp.run_ = True rmloc = lambda r: r.split('@')[0] if '@' in r else r src = read_gisrc(gisrc_src) dst = read_gisrc(gisrc_dst) rm = True if src[2] != dst[2] else False all_rasts = [r[0] for r in findmaps('rast', location=dst[1], gisdbase=dst[2])] for grp in groups: # change gisdbase to src env['GISRC'] = gisrc_src get_grp(group=grp, env_=env) rasts = [r for r in get_grp.outputs.stdout.split()] # change gisdbase to dst env['GISRC'] = gisrc_dst rast2cp = [r for r in rasts if rmloc(r) not in all_rasts] if rast2cp: copy_rasters(rast2cp, gisrc_src, gisrc_dst, region=region) set_grp(group=grp, input=[rmloc(r) for r in rasts] if rast2cp or rm else rasts, env_=env)
def __init__(self, cmd, width=None, height=None, overlap=0, processes=None, split=False, debug=False, region=None, move=None, log=False, start_row=0, start_col=0, out_prefix='', mapset_prefix=None, *args, **kargs): kargs['run_'] = False self.mset = Mapset() self.module = Module(cmd, *args, **kargs) self.width = width self.height = height self.overlap = overlap self.processes = processes self.region = region if region else Region() self.start_row = start_row self.start_col = start_col self.out_prefix = out_prefix self.log = log self.move = move self.gisrc_src = os.environ['GISRC'] self.n_mset, self.gisrc_dst = None, None if self.move: self.n_mset = copy_mapset(self.mset, self.move) self.gisrc_dst = write_gisrc(self.n_mset.gisdbase, self.n_mset.location, rasters = [r for r in select(self.module.inputs, 'raster')] if rasters: copy_rasters(rasters, self.gisrc_src, self.gisrc_dst, region=self.region) vectors = [v for v in select(self.module.inputs, 'vector')] if vectors: copy_vectors(vectors, self.gisrc_src, self.gisrc_dst) groups = [g for g in select(self.module.inputs, 'group')] if groups: copy_groups(groups, self.gisrc_src, self.gisrc_dst, region=self.region) self.bboxes = split_region_tiles(region=region, width=width, height=height, overlap=overlap) if mapset_prefix: self.msetstr = mapset_prefix + "_%03d_%03d" else: self.msetstr = cmd.replace('.', '') + "_%03d_%03d" self.inlist = None if split: self.split() self.debug = debug
def main(options, flags): Module("v.overlay", overwrite=True, ainput=options["region"], alayer="1", atype="auto", binput=options["clouds"], blayer="1", btype="area", operator="not", output="region_mask", olayer="1,0,0", snap=1e-8) Module("g.region", overwrite=True, vector="region_mask", align=options["red"]) Module("r.mask", overwrite=True, maskcats="*", vector="region_mask", layer="1") Module("", overwrite=True, red=options["red"], output="ndvi", viname="ndvi", nir=options["nir"], storage_bit=8) Module("r.recode", overwrite=True, input="ndvi", output="ndvi_class", rules="-", stdin_="-1:0.1:1\n0.1:0.5:2\n0.5:1:3") Module("r.colors", map="ndvi_class", rules="-", stdin_="1 grey\n2 255 255 0\n3 green") Module("", flags='sv', overwrite=True, input="ndvi_class", output="ndvi_class", type="area", column="value") Module("v.clean", overwrite=True, input="ndvi_class", layer="-1", type=[ "point", "line", "boundary", "centroid", "area", "face", "kernel" ], output=options["output"], tool="rmarea", threshold=options["threshold"]) ret = Module('r.univar', flags='g', map='ndvi', stdout_=PIPE) stats = parse_key_val(ret.outputs.stdout) print('-' * 80) print('NDVI value statistics') print('-' * 80) print('NDVI min value: {0:.4f}'.format(float(stats['min']))) print('NDVI max value: {0:.4f}'.format(float(stats['max']))) print('NDVI mean value: {0:.4f}'.format(float(stats['mean']))) print('-' * 80) print('NDVI class statistics') print('-' * 80) ret = Module('', map=options['output'], option='area', stdout_=PIPE) for line in ret.outputs.stdout.splitlines( )[1:]: # skip first line (cat|label|area) # parse line (eg. 1||2712850) data = line.split('|') cat = data[0] area = float(data[-1]) print('NDVI class {0}: {1:.1f} ha'.format(cat, area / 1e4)) # use -c flag for updating statistics if exists Module('v.rast.stats', flags='c', map=options['output'], raster='ndvi', column_prefix='ndvi', method=['minimum', 'maximum', 'average']) # don't print column names (-c) ret = Module('', flags='c', map=options['output'], separator='comma', stdout_=PIPE) for line in ret.outputs.stdout.splitlines(): # parse line (eg. 1,,-0.433962264150943,0.740350877192983,0.051388909449992) cat, label, min, max, mean = line.split(',') print('NDVI class {0}: {1:.4f} (min) {2:.4f} (max) {3:.4f} (mean)'. format(cat, float(min), float(max), float(mean))) return 0
def main(opt, flg): # import functions which depend on sklearn only after parser run from ml_functions import ( balance, explorer_clsfiers, run_classifier, optimize_training, explore_SVC, plot_grid, ) from features import importances, tocsv msgr = get_msgr() indexes = None vect = opt["vector"] vtraining = opt["vtraining"] if opt["vtraining"] else None scaler, decmp = None, None vlayer = opt["vlayer"] if opt["vlayer"] else vect + "_stats" tlayer = opt["tlayer"] if opt["tlayer"] else vect + "_training" rlayer = opt["rlayer"] if opt["rlayer"] else vect + "_results" labels = extract_classes(vtraining, 1) pprint(labels) if opt["scalar"]: scapar = opt["scalar"].split(",") from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler scaler = StandardScaler(with_mean="with_mean" in scapar, with_std="with_std" in scapar) if opt["decomposition"]: dec, params = (opt["decomposition"].split("|") if "|" in opt["decomposition"] else (opt["decomposition"], "")) kwargs = ({k: v for k, v in (p.split("=") for p in params.split(","))} if params else {}) load_decompositions() decmp = DECMP[dec](**kwargs) # if training extract training if vtraining and flg["e"]: msgr.message("Extract training from: <%s> to <%s>." % (vtraining, vect)) extract_training(vect, vtraining, tlayer) flg["n"] = True if flg["n"]: msgr.message("Save arrays to npy files.") save2npy( vect, vlayer, tlayer, fcats=opt["npy_cats"], fcols=opt["npy_cols"], fdata=opt["npy_data"], findx=opt["npy_index"], fclss=opt["npy_tclasses"], ftdata=opt["npy_tdata"], ) # define the classifiers to use/test if opt["pyclassifiers"] and opt["pyvar"]: # import classifiers to use mycls = SourceFileLoader("mycls", opt["pyclassifiers"]).load_module() classifiers = getattr(mycls, opt["pyvar"]) else: from ml_classifiers import CLASSIFIERS classifiers = CLASSIFIERS # Append the SVC classifier if opt["svc_c"] and opt["svc_gamma"]: from sklearn.svm import SVC svc = { "name": "SVC", "classifier": SVC, "kwargs": { "C": float(opt["svc_c"]), "gamma": float(opt["svc_gamma"]), "kernel": opt["svc_kernel"], }, } classifiers.append(svc) # extract classifiers from pyindx if opt["pyindx"]: indexes = [i for i in get_indexes(opt["pyindx"])] classifiers = [classifiers[i] for i in indexes] num = int(opt["n_training"]) if opt["n_training"] else None # load fron npy files Xt = np.load(opt["npy_tdata"]) Yt = np.load(opt["npy_tclasses"]) cols = np.load(opt["npy_cols"]) # Define rules to substitute NaN, Inf, posInf, negInf values rules = {} for key in ("nan", "inf", "neginf", "posinf"): if opt[key]: rules[key] = get_rules(opt[key]) pprint(rules) # Substitute (skip cat column) Xt, rules_vals = substitute(Xt, rules, cols[1:]) Xtoriginal = Xt # scale the data if scaler: msgr.message("Scaling the training data set."), Yt) Xt = scaler.transform(Xt) # decompose data if decmp: msgr.message("Decomposing the training data set.") Xt = decmp.transform(Xt) # Feature importances with forests of trees if flg["f"]:"training_transformed.npy", Xt) importances( Xt, Yt, cols[1:], csv=opt["imp_csv"], img=opt["imp_fig"], # default parameters to save the matplotlib figure **dict(dpi=300, transparent=False, bbox_inches="tight"), ) # optimize the training set if flg["o"]: ind_optimize = int( opt["pyindx_optimize"]) if opt["pyindx_optimize"] else 0 cls = classifiers[ind_optimize] msgr.message("Find the optimum training set.") best, Xbt, Ybt = optimize_training( cls, Xt, Yt, labels, # {v: k for k, v in labels.items()}, scaler, decmp, num=num, maxiterations=1000, ) msg = " - save the optimum training data set to: %s." msgr.message(msg % opt["npy_btdata"])["npy_btdata"], Xbt) msg = " - save the optimum training classes set to: %s." msgr.message(msg % opt["npy_btclasses"])["npy_btclasses"], Ybt) # balance the data if flg["b"]: msg = "Balancing the training data set, each class have <%d> samples." msgr.message(msg % num) Xbt, Ybt = balance(Xt, Yt, num) else: if not flg["o"]: Xbt = (np.load(opt["npy_btdata"]) if os.path.isfile(opt["npy_btdata"]) else Xt) Ybt = (np.load(opt["npy_btclasses"]) if os.path.isfile(opt["npy_btclasses"]) else Yt) # scale the data if scaler: msgr.message("Scaling the training data set."), Ybt) Xt = scaler.transform(Xt) Xbt = scaler.transform(Xbt) if flg["d"]: C_range = [float(c) for c in opt["svc_c_range"].split(",") if c] gamma_range = [ float(g) for g in opt["svc_gamma_range"].split(",") if g ] kernel_range = [ str(s) for s in opt["svc_kernel_range"].split(",") if s ] poly_range = [int(i) for i in opt["svc_poly_range"].split(",") if i] allkwargs = dict(C=C_range, gamma=gamma_range, kernel=kernel_range, degree=poly_range) kwargs = {} for k in allkwargs: if allkwargs[k]: kwargs[k] = allkwargs[k] msgr.message("Exploring the SVC domain.") grid = explore_SVC(Xbt, Ybt, n_folds=5, n_jobs=int(opt["svc_n_jobs"]), **kwargs) import pickle krnlstr = "_".join(s for s in opt["svc_kernel_range"].split(",") if s) pkl = open("grid%s.pkl" % krnlstr, "w") pickle.dump(grid, pkl) pkl.close() # pkl = open('grid.pkl', 'r') # grid = pickle.load(pkl) # pkl.close() plot_grid(grid, save=opt["svc_img"]) # test the accuracy of different classifiers if flg["t"]: # test different classifiers msgr.message("Exploring different classifiers.") msgr.message("cls_id cls_name mean max min std") res = explorer_clsfiers( classifiers, Xt, Yt, labels=labels, indexes=indexes, n_folds=5, bv=flg["v"], extra=flg["x"], ) # TODO: sort(order=...) is working only in the terminal, why? # res.sort(order='mean') with open(opt["csv_test_cls"], "w") as csv: csv.write(tocsv(res)) if flg["c"]: # classify data = np.load(opt["npy_data"]) indx = np.load(opt["npy_index"]) # Substitute using column values data, dummy = substitute(data, rules, cols[1:]) Xt = data[indx] if scaler: msgr.message("Scaling the training data set."), Yt) Xt = scaler.transform(Xt) msgr.message("Scaling the whole data set.") data = scaler.transform(data) if decmp: msgr.message("Decomposing the training data set.") Xt = decmp.transform(Xt) msgr.message("Decompose the whole data set.") data = decmp.transform(data) cats = np.load(opt["npy_cats"])"data_filled_scaled.npy", data) tcols = [] for cls in classifiers: report = (open(opt["report_class"], "w") if opt["report_class"] else sys.stdout) run_classifier(cls, Xt, Yt, Xt, Yt, labels, data, report=report) tcols.append((cls["name"], "INTEGER")) import pickle with open("classification_results.pkl", "w") as res: pickle.dump(classifiers, res) # classifiers = pickle.load(res) msgr.message("Export the results to layer: <%s>" % str(rlayer)) export_results( vect, classifiers, cats, rlayer, vtraining, tcols, overwrite(), pkl="res.pkl", append=flg["a"], ) # res.close() if flg["r"]: rules = ("\n".join([ "%d %s" % (k, v) for k, v in get_colors(vtraining).items() ]) if vtraining else None) msgr.message("Export the layer with results to raster") with Vector(vect, mode="r") as vct: tab = vct.dblinks.by_name(rlayer).table() rasters = [c for c in tab.columns] rasters.remove(tab.key) v2rst = Module("") rclrs = Module("r.colors") for rst in rasters: v2rst( input=vect, layer=rlayer, type="area", use="attr", attrcolumn=rst.encode(), output=(opt["rst_names"] % rst).encode(), memory=1000, overwrite=overwrite(), ) if rules: rclrs(map=rst.encode(), rules="-", stdin_=rules)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from grass.pygrass.modules import Module psc = '41115' Module('v.extract', input='obce', output='obce1', where="psc = '{}'".format(psc)) Module('', ainput='obce', binput='obce1', output='obce_psc_{}'.format(psc), operator='overlap', overwrite=True) Module('g.remove', type='vector', name='obce1', flags='f')
# Look up B10 and B11 TIF-files in dir + subdirs and write path/filename to "files" files = glob.glob(path + '/**/*B[1][0-1].TIF') # Look up BQA TIF-files in dir + subdirs and write path/filename to "files_temp" files_bqa = glob.glob(path + '/**/*BQA.TIF') # Create list with B10 only (for lst creation) #files_b10 = glob.glob(path + '/**/*B[1][0].TIF') # Add "files_temp" to "files" files.extend(files_bqa) # Import AOI from file Module("v.import", overwrite = True, input= path_aoi, output="aoi") # Set AOI as Region Module("g.region", overwrite = True, vector="aoi@"+str(mapset) # Import each file "LC08xxxxxxxxxxxx" for i in files: Module("r.import", overwrite = True, memory = 2000, input = i, output = i[-28:-4], extent = "region")
class GridModule(object): # TODO maybe also i.* could be supported easily """Run GRASS raster commands in a multiprocessing mode. :param cmd: raster GRASS command, only command staring with r.* are valid. :type cmd: str :param width: width of the tile, in pixel :type width: int :param height: height of the tile, in pixel. :type height: int :param overlap: overlap between tiles, in pixel. :type overlap: int :param processes: number of threads, default value is equal to the number of processor available. :param split: if True use r.tile to split all the inputs. :type split: bool :param mapset_prefix: if specified created mapsets start with this prefix :type mapset_prefix: str :param run_: if False only instantiate the object :type run_: bool :param args: give all the parameters to the command :param kargs: give all the parameters to the command >>> grd = GridModule('r.slope.aspect', ... width=500, height=500, overlap=2, ... processes=None, split=False, ... elevation='elevation', ... slope='slope', aspect='aspect', overwrite=True) >>> """ def __init__(self, cmd, width=None, height=None, overlap=0, processes=None, split=False, debug=False, region=None, move=None, log=False, start_row=0, start_col=0, out_prefix='', mapset_prefix=None, *args, **kargs): kargs['run_'] = False self.mset = Mapset() self.module = Module(cmd, *args, **kargs) self.width = width self.height = height self.overlap = overlap self.processes = processes self.region = region if region else Region() self.start_row = start_row self.start_col = start_col self.out_prefix = out_prefix self.log = log self.move = move self.gisrc_src = os.environ['GISRC'] self.n_mset, self.gisrc_dst = None, None if self.move: self.n_mset = copy_mapset(self.mset, self.move) self.gisrc_dst = write_gisrc(self.n_mset.gisdbase, self.n_mset.location, rasters = [r for r in select(self.module.inputs, 'raster')] if rasters: copy_rasters(rasters, self.gisrc_src, self.gisrc_dst, region=self.region) vectors = [v for v in select(self.module.inputs, 'vector')] if vectors: copy_vectors(vectors, self.gisrc_src, self.gisrc_dst) groups = [g for g in select(self.module.inputs, 'group')] if groups: copy_groups(groups, self.gisrc_src, self.gisrc_dst, region=self.region) self.bboxes = split_region_tiles(region=region, width=width, height=height, overlap=overlap) if mapset_prefix: self.msetstr = mapset_prefix + "_%03d_%03d" else: self.msetstr = cmd.replace('.', '') + "_%03d_%03d" self.inlist = None if split: self.split() self.debug = debug def __del__(self): if self.gisrc_dst: # remove GISRC file os.remove(self.gisrc_dst) def clean_location(self, location=None): """Remove all created mapsets. :param location: a Location instance where we are running the analysis :type location: Location object """ if location is None: if self.n_mset: self.n_mset.current() location = Location() mapsets = location.mapsets(self.msetstr.split('_')[0] + '_*') for mset in mapsets: Mapset(mset).delete() if self.n_mset and self.n_mset.is_current(): self.mset.current() def split(self): """Split all the raster inputs using r.tile""" rtile = Module('r.tile') inlist = {} for inm in select(self.module.inputs, 'raster'): rtile(input=inm.value, output=inm.value, width=self.width, height=self.height, overlap=self.overlap) patt = '%s-*' % inm.value inlist[inm.value] = sorted( self.mset.glist(type='raster', pattern=patt)) self.inlist = inlist def get_works(self): """Return a list of tuble with the parameters for cmd_exe function""" works = [] reg = Region() if self.move: mdst, ldst, gdst = read_gisrc(self.gisrc_dst) else: ldst, gdst = self.mset.location, self.mset.gisdbase cmd = self.module.get_dict() groups = [g for g in select(self.module.inputs, 'group')] for row, box_row in enumerate(self.bboxes): for col, box in enumerate(box_row): inms = None if self.inlist: inms = {} cols = len(box_row) for key in self.inlist: indx = row * cols + col inms[key] = "%s@%s" % (self.inlist[key][indx], # set the computational region, prepare the region parameters bbox = dict([(k[0], str(v)) for k, v in box.items()[:-2]]) bbox['nsres'] = '%f' % reg.nsres bbox['ewres'] = '%f' % reg.ewres new_mset = self.msetstr % (self.start_row + row, self.start_col + col), works.append((bbox, inms, self.gisrc_src, write_gisrc(gdst, ldst, new_mset), cmd, groups)) return works def define_mapset_inputs(self): """Add the mapset information to the input maps """ for inmap in self.module.inputs: inm = self.module.inputs[inmap] if inm.type in ('raster', 'vector') and inm.value: if '@' not in inm.value: mset = get_mapset_raster(inm.value) inm.value = inm.value + '@%s' % mset def run(self, patch=True, clean=True): """Run the GRASS command :param patch: set False if you does not want to patch the results :type patch: bool :param clean: set False if you does not want to remove all the stuff created by GridModule :type clean: bool """ self.module.flags.overwrite = True self.define_mapset_inputs() if self.debug: for wrk in self.get_works(): cmd_exe(wrk) else: pool = mltp.Pool(processes=self.processes) result = pool.map_async(cmd_exe, self.get_works()) result.wait() pool.close() pool.join() if not result.successful(): raise RuntimeError( _("Execution of subprocesses was not successful")) if patch: if self.move: os.environ['GISRC'] = self.gisrc_dst self.n_mset.current() self.patch() os.environ['GISRC'] = self.gisrc_src self.mset.current() # copy the outputs from dst => src routputs = [ self.out_prefix + o for o in select(self.module.outputs, 'raster') ] copy_rasters(routputs, self.gisrc_dst, self.gisrc_src) else: self.patch() if self.log: # record in the temp directory from grass.lib.gis import G_tempfile tmp, dummy = os.path.split(G_tempfile()) tmpdir = os.path.join(tmp, for k in self.module.outputs: par = self.module.outputs[k] if par.typedesc == 'raster' and par.value: dirpath = os.path.join(tmpdir, if not os.path.isdir(dirpath): os.makedirs(dirpath) fil = open( os.path.join(dirpath, self.out_prefix + par.value), 'w+') fil.close() if clean: self.clean_location() self.rm_tiles() if self.n_mset: gisdbase, location = os.path.split(self.move) self.clean_location(Location(location, gisdbase)) # rm temporary gis_rc os.remove(self.gisrc_dst) self.gisrc_dst = None sht.rmtree(os.path.join(self.move, 'PERMANENT')) sht.rmtree(os.path.join(self.move, def patch(self): """Patch the final results.""" bboxes = split_region_tiles(width=self.width, height=self.height) loc = Location() mset = loc[] mset.visible.extend(loc.mapsets()) for otmap in self.module.outputs: otm = self.module.outputs[otmap] if otm.typedesc == 'raster' and otm.value: rpatch_map(otm.value,, self.msetstr, bboxes, self.module.flags.overwrite, self.start_row, self.start_col, self.out_prefix) def rm_tiles(self): """Remove all the tiles.""" # if split, remove tiles if self.inlist: grm = Module('g.remove') for key in self.inlist: grm(flags='f', type='raster', name=self.inlist[key])
def updateGrassMd(self, md): ''' Update some parameters in r/ This part need revision #TODO ''' if self.type == "vector": if len( > 0: _org = '' for co in if co.organization != '': _org += co.organization + ', ' if != '': _org += + ', ' if co.role != '': _org += co.role + '; ' Module('',, organization=_org, flags='r') if is not None: if len( > 0: for d in if d.type == 'creation': _date = Module('',, date=_date, flags='r') if is not None: if len( > 0: _person = if _person is str: Module('',, person=_person, flags='r') if md.identification.title is not (None or ''): _name = md.identification.title Module('',, map_name=_name, flags='r') if len(md.identification.denominators) > 0: _scale = md.identification.denominators.pop() try: _scale = int(_scale) Module('',, scale=_scale, flags='r') except: pass if md.identification.keywords is not None or len( md.identification.keywords) > 0: _comments = '' for k in md.identification.keywords: for kw in k["keywords"]: if kw != '': _comments += kw + ', ' if k["thesaurus"]["title"] != '': _comments += k["thesaurus"]["title"] + ', ' if k["thesaurus"]["date"] != '': _comments += k["thesaurus"]["date"] + ', ' if k['thesaurus']['datetype'] != '': _comments += k['thesaurus']['datetype'] + ';' Module('',, comment=_comments, flags='r') #------------------------------------------------------------------------ RASTER if self.type == "raster": if md.identification.title is not (None or ''): _title = md.identification.title Module('',, title=_title, overwrite=True) if md.dataquality.lineage is not (None or ''): _history = md.dataquality.lineage Module( '',, # append history=_history) _units = '' if len(md.identification.distance) > 0: _units += md.identification.distance.pop() if len(md.identification.uom) > 0: _units += md.identification.uom.pop() if _units != '': Module('',, units=_units, overwrite=True) if md.identification.keywords is not None or len( md.identification.keywords) > 0: _comments = self.md_grass['description'] for k in md.identification.keywords: for kw in k["keywords"]: if kw != '': _comments += kw + ', ' if k["thesaurus"]["title"] != '': _comments += k["thesaurus"]["title"] + ', ' if k["thesaurus"]["date"] != '': _comments += k["thesaurus"]["date"] + ', ' if k['thesaurus']['datetype'] != '': _comments += k['thesaurus']['datetype'] + ';' Module('',, description=_comments, overwrite=True)
def cleanup(): try: Module('g.remove', flags='f', type='raster', name=output) except CalledModuleError: pass
def main(opt, flg): # import functions which depend on sklearn only after parser run from ml_functions import (balance, explorer_clsfiers, run_classifier, optimize_training, explore_SVC, plot_grid) from features import importances, tocsv msgr = get_msgr() indexes = None vect = opt['vector'] vtraining = opt['vtraining'] if opt['vtraining'] else None scaler, decmp = None, None vlayer = opt['vlayer'] if opt['vlayer'] else vect + '_stats' tlayer = opt['tlayer'] if opt['tlayer'] else vect + '_training' rlayer = opt['rlayer'] if opt['rlayer'] else vect + '_results' labels = extract_classes(vtraining, 1) pprint(labels) if opt['scalar']: scapar = opt['scalar'].split(',') from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler scaler = StandardScaler(with_mean='with_mean' in scapar, with_std='with_std' in scapar) if opt['decomposition']: dec, params = (opt['decomposition'].split('|') if '|' in opt['decomposition'] else (opt['decomposition'], '')) kwargs = ({k: v for k, v in (p.split('=') for p in params.split(','))} if params else {}) load_decompositions() decmp = DECMP[dec](**kwargs) # if training extract training if vtraining and flg['e']: msgr.message("Extract training from: <%s> to <%s>." % (vtraining, vect)) extract_training(vect, vtraining, tlayer) flg['n'] = True if flg['n']: msgr.message("Save arrays to npy files.") save2npy(vect, vlayer, tlayer, fcats=opt['npy_cats'], fcols=opt['npy_cols'], fdata=opt['npy_data'], findx=opt['npy_index'], fclss=opt['npy_tclasses'], ftdata=opt['npy_tdata']) # define the classifiers to use/test if opt['pyclassifiers'] and opt['pyvar']: # import classifiers to use mycls = SourceFileLoader("mycls", opt['pyclassifiers']).load_module() classifiers = getattr(mycls, opt['pyvar']) else: from ml_classifiers import CLASSIFIERS classifiers = CLASSIFIERS # Append the SVC classifier if opt['svc_c'] and opt['svc_gamma']: from sklearn.svm import SVC svc = { 'name': 'SVC', 'classifier': SVC, 'kwargs': { 'C': float(opt['svc_c']), 'gamma': float(opt['svc_gamma']), 'kernel': opt['svc_kernel'] } } classifiers.append(svc) # extract classifiers from pyindx if opt['pyindx']: indexes = [i for i in get_indexes(opt['pyindx'])] classifiers = [classifiers[i] for i in indexes] num = int(opt['n_training']) if opt['n_training'] else None # load fron npy files Xt = np.load(opt['npy_tdata']) Yt = np.load(opt['npy_tclasses']) cols = np.load(opt['npy_cols']) # Define rules to substitute NaN, Inf, posInf, negInf values rules = {} for key in ('nan', 'inf', 'neginf', 'posinf'): if opt[key]: rules[key] = get_rules(opt[key]) pprint(rules) # Substitute (skip cat column) Xt, rules_vals = substitute(Xt, rules, cols[1:]) Xtoriginal = Xt # scale the data if scaler: msgr.message("Scaling the training data set."), Yt) Xt = scaler.transform(Xt) # decompose data if decmp: msgr.message("Decomposing the training data set.") Xt = decmp.transform(Xt) # Feature importances with forests of trees if flg['f']:'training_transformed.npy', Xt) importances( Xt, Yt, cols[1:], csv=opt['imp_csv'], img=opt['imp_fig'], # default parameters to save the matplotlib figure **dict(dpi=300, transparent=False, bbox_inches='tight')) # optimize the training set if flg['o']: ind_optimize = (int(opt['pyindx_optimize']) if opt['pyindx_optimize'] else 0) cls = classifiers[ind_optimize] msgr.message("Find the optimum training set.") best, Xbt, Ybt = optimize_training( cls, Xt, Yt, labels, # {v: k for k, v in labels.items()}, scaler, decmp, num=num, maxiterations=1000) msg = " - save the optimum training data set to: %s." msgr.message(msg % opt['npy_btdata'])['npy_btdata'], Xbt) msg = " - save the optimum training classes set to: %s." msgr.message(msg % opt['npy_btclasses'])['npy_btclasses'], Ybt) # balance the data if flg['b']: msg = "Balancing the training data set, each class have <%d> samples." msgr.message(msg % num) Xbt, Ybt = balance(Xt, Yt, num) else: if not flg['o']: Xbt = (np.load(opt['npy_btdata']) if os.path.isfile(opt['npy_btdata']) else Xt) Ybt = (np.load(opt['npy_btclasses']) if os.path.isfile(opt['npy_btclasses']) else Yt) # scale the data if scaler: msgr.message("Scaling the training data set."), Ybt) Xt = scaler.transform(Xt) Xbt = scaler.transform(Xbt) if flg['d']: C_range = [float(c) for c in opt['svc_c_range'].split(',') if c] gamma_range = [ float(g) for g in opt['svc_gamma_range'].split(',') if g ] kernel_range = [ str(s) for s in opt['svc_kernel_range'].split(',') if s ] poly_range = [int(i) for i in opt['svc_poly_range'].split(',') if i] allkwargs = dict(C=C_range, gamma=gamma_range, kernel=kernel_range, degree=poly_range) kwargs = {} for k in allkwargs: if allkwargs[k]: kwargs[k] = allkwargs[k] msgr.message("Exploring the SVC domain.") grid = explore_SVC(Xbt, Ybt, n_folds=5, n_jobs=int(opt['svc_n_jobs']), **kwargs) import pickle krnlstr = '_'.join(s for s in opt['svc_kernel_range'].split(',') if s) pkl = open('grid%s.pkl' % krnlstr, 'w') pickle.dump(grid, pkl) pkl.close() # pkl = open('grid.pkl', 'r') # grid = pickle.load(pkl) # pkl.close() plot_grid(grid, save=opt['svc_img']) # test the accuracy of different classifiers if flg['t']: # test different classifiers msgr.message("Exploring different classifiers.") msgr.message("cls_id cls_name mean max min std") res = explorer_clsfiers(classifiers, Xt, Yt, labels=labels, indexes=indexes, n_folds=5, bv=flg['v'], extra=flg['x']) # TODO: sort(order=...) is working only in the terminal, why? #res.sort(order='mean') with open(opt['csv_test_cls'], 'w') as csv: csv.write(tocsv(res)) if flg['c']: # classify data = np.load(opt['npy_data']) indx = np.load(opt['npy_index']) # Substitute using column values data, dummy = substitute(data, rules, cols[1:]) Xt = data[indx] if scaler: msgr.message("Scaling the training data set."), Yt) Xt = scaler.transform(Xt) msgr.message("Scaling the whole data set.") data = scaler.transform(data) if decmp: msgr.message("Decomposing the training data set.") Xt = decmp.transform(Xt) msgr.message("Decompose the whole data set.") data = decmp.transform(data) cats = np.load(opt['npy_cats'])'data_filled_scaled.npy', data) tcols = [] for cls in classifiers: report = (open(opt['report_class'], "w") if opt['report_class'] else sys.stdout) run_classifier(cls, Xt, Yt, Xt, Yt, labels, data, report=report) tcols.append((cls['name'], 'INTEGER')) import pickle with open('classification_results.pkl', 'w') as res: pickle.dump(classifiers, res) #classifiers = pickle.load(res) msgr.message("Export the results to layer: <%s>" % str(rlayer)) export_results(vect, classifiers, cats, rlayer, vtraining, tcols, overwrite(), pkl='res.pkl', append=flg['a']) # res.close() if flg['r']: rules = ('\n'.join([ '%d %s' % (k, v) for k, v in get_colors(vtraining).items() ]) if vtraining else None) msgr.message("Export the layer with results to raster") with Vector(vect, mode='r') as vct: tab = vct.dblinks.by_name(rlayer).table() rasters = [c for c in tab.columns] rasters.remove(tab.key) v2rst = Module('') rclrs = Module('r.colors') for rst in rasters: v2rst(input=vect, layer=rlayer, type='area', use='attr', attrcolumn=rst.encode(), output=(opt['rst_names'] % rst).encode(), memory=1000, overwrite=overwrite()) if rules: rclrs(map=rst.encode(), rules='-', stdin_=rules)
>>> provider.stop() .. """ self.check_server() self.client_conn.send([ RPCDefs.GET_VECTOR_FEATURES_AS_WKB, name, mapset, extent, feature_type, field ]) return self.safe_receive("get_vector_features_as_wkb_list") if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest from grass.pygrass import utils from grass.pygrass.modules import Module Module("g.region", n=40, s=0, e=40, w=0, res=10) Module("r.mapcalc", expression="%s = row() + (10 * col())" % (test_raster_name), overwrite=True) utils.create_test_vector_map(test_vector_name) doctest.testmod() """Remove the generated maps, if exist""" mset = utils.get_mapset_raster(test_raster_name, mapset='') if mset: Module("g.remove", flags='f', type='raster', name=test_raster_name) mset = utils.get_mapset_vector(test_vector_name, mapset='') if mset: Module("g.remove", flags='f', type='vector', name=test_vector_name)
def compute(b4, b8, cl, output, idx): modules = [] if cl: region_mask = "region_mask" + idx modules.append( Module("v.overlay", overwrite=True, ainput=options["region"], binput=cl, operator="not", output=region_mask, run_=False)) else: region_mask = options["region"] modules.append( Module("g.region", overwrite=True, vector=region_mask, align=b4, run_=False)) modules.append( Module("", overwrite=True, input=region_mask, output='mask' + idx, type='area', use='val', value='1', run_=False)) modules.append( Module( "r.mapcalc", overwrite=True, expression= "ndvi{idx} = if(isnull({clouds}), null(), float({b8} - {b4}) / ({b8} + {b4}))" .format(idx=idx, clouds=cl, b8=b8, b4=b4), run_=False)) recode_str = """-1:0.1:1 0.1:0.5:2 0.5:1:3""" modules.append( Module("r.recode", overwrite=True, input="ndvi" + idx, output="ndvi_class" + idx, rules="-", stdin_=recode_str, run_=False)) colors_str = """1 grey 2 255 255 0 3 green""" modules.append( Module("r.colors", map="ndvi_class" + idx, rules="-", stdin_=colors_str, run_=False)) modules.append( Module("", flags='sv', overwrite=True, input="ndvi_class" + idx, output="ndvi_class" + idx, type="area", run_=False)) modules.append( Module("v.clean", overwrite=True, input="ndvi_class" + idx, output=output, tool="rmarea", threshold=options['threshold'], run_=False)) modules.append( Module('v.rast.stats', flags='c', map=output, raster='ndvi' + idx, column_prefix='ndvi', method=['minimum', 'maximum', 'average'], run_=False)) queue.put(MultiModule(modules, sync=False, set_temp_region=True))
def main(): # check if the map is in the current mapset mapset = grass.find_file(opt['map'], element='vector')['mapset'] if not mapset or mapset != grass.gisenv()['MAPSET']: grass.fatal( _("Vector map <{}> not found in the current mapset").format( opt['map'])) # get list of existing columns try: columns = grass.vector_columns(opt['map']).keys() except CalledModuleError as e: return 1 allowed_rasters = ('N2', 'N5', 'N10', 'N20', 'N50', 'N100') # test input feature type vinfo = grass.vector_info_topo(opt['map']) if vinfo['areas'] < 1 and vinfo['points'] < 1: grass.fatal( _("No points or areas found in input vector map <{}>").format( opt['map'])) # check area size limit check_area_size = float(opt['area_size']) > 0 if check_area_size: area_col_name = 'area_{}'.format(os.getpid()) Module('v.db.addcolumn', map=opt['map'], columns='{} double precision'.format(area_col_name)) Module('', map=opt['map'], option='area', units='kilometers', columns=area_col_name, quiet=True) areas = Module('', flags='c', map=opt['map'], columns=area_col_name, where='{} > {}'.format(area_col_name, opt['area_size']), stdout_=grass.PIPE) large_areas = len(areas.outputs.stdout.splitlines()) if large_areas > 0: grass.warning( '{} areas larger than size limit will be skipped from computation' .format(large_areas)) # extract multi values to points for rast in opt['return_period'].split(','): # check valid rasters name = grass.find_file(rast, element='cell')['name'] if not name: grass.warning('Raster map <{}> not found. ' 'Skipped.'.format(rast)) continue if name not in allowed_rasters: grass.warning('Raster map <{}> skipped. ' 'Allowed: {}'.format(rast, allowed_rasters)) continue # perform zonal statistics grass.message('Processing <{}>...'.format(rast)) table = '{}_table'.format(name) if vinfo['areas'] > 0: Module('v.rast.stats', flags='c', map=opt['map'], raster=rast, column_prefix=name, method='average', quiet=True) # handle NULL values (areas smaller than raster resolution) null_values = Module('', map=opt['map'], columns='cat', flags='c', where="{}_average is NULL".format(name), stdout_=grass.PIPE) cats = null_values.outputs.stdout.splitlines() if len(cats) > 0: grass.warning( _("Input vector map <{}> contains very small areas (smaller than " "raster resolution). These areas will be proceeded by querying " "single raster cell.").format(opt['map'])) Module('v.what.rast', map=opt['map'], raster=rast, type='centroid', column='{}_average'.format(name), where="{}_average is NULL".format(name), quiet=True) else: # -> points Module('v.what.rast', map=opt['map'], raster=rast, column='{}_average'.format(name), quiet=True) # add column to the attribute table if not exists rl = float(opt['rainlength']) field_name = 'H_{}T{}'.format(name, opt['rainlength']) if field_name not in columns: Module('v.db.addcolumn', map=opt['map'], columns='{} double precision'.format(field_name)) # determine coefficient for calculation a, c = coeff(rast, rl) if a is None or c is None: grass.fatal("Unable to calculate coefficients") # calculate output values, update attribute table coef = a * rl**(1 - c) expression = '{}_average * {}'.format(name, coef) Module('v.db.update', map=opt['map'], column=field_name, query_column=expression) if check_area_size: Module('v.db.update', map=opt['map'], column=field_name, value='-1', where='{} > {}'.format(area_col_name, opt['area_size'])) # remove unused column Module('v.db.dropcolumn', map=opt['map'], columns='{}_average'.format(name)) if check_area_size: # remove unused column Module('v.db.dropcolumn', map=opt['map'], columns=area_col_name) return 0
def get_zones(vector, zones, layer=1, overwrite=False): v2rast = Module('', input=vector, layer=str(layer), type='area', output=zones, overwrite=overwrite, use='cat') rclr = Module("r.colors", map=zones, color="random")
def updateGrassMd(self, md): """ Update some parameters in r/ This part need revision #TODO """ if self.type == "vector": if len( > 0: _org = "" for co in if co.organization != "": _org += co.organization + ", " if != "": _org += + ", " if co.role != "": _org += co.role + "; " Module("",, organization=_org, flags="r") if is not None: if len( > 0: for d in if d.type == "creation": _date = Module("",, date=_date, flags="r") if is not None: if len( > 0: _person = if _person is str: Module("",, person=_person, flags="r") if md.identification.title is not (None or ""): _name = md.identification.title Module("",, map_name=_name, flags="r") if len(md.identification.denominators) > 0: _scale = md.identification.denominators.pop() try: _scale = int(_scale) Module("",, scale=_scale, flags="r") except: pass if ( md.identification.keywords is not None or len(md.identification.keywords) > 0 ): _comments = "" for k in md.identification.keywords: for kw in k["keywords"]: if kw != "": _comments += kw + ", " if k["thesaurus"]["title"] != "": _comments += k["thesaurus"]["title"] + ", " if k["thesaurus"]["date"] != "": _comments += k["thesaurus"]["date"] + ", " if k["thesaurus"]["datetype"] != "": _comments += k["thesaurus"]["datetype"] + ";" Module("",, comment=_comments, flags="r") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RASTER if self.type == "raster": if md.identification.title is not (None or ""): _title = md.identification.title Module("",, title=_title, overwrite=True) if md.dataquality.lineage is not (None or ""): _history = md.dataquality.lineage Module("",, history=_history) # append _units = "" if len(md.identification.distance) > 0: _units += md.identification.distance.pop() if len(md.identification.uom) > 0: _units += md.identification.uom.pop() if _units != "": Module("",, units=_units, overwrite=True) if ( md.identification.keywords is not None or len(md.identification.keywords) > 0 ): _comments = self.md_grass["description"] for k in md.identification.keywords: for kw in k["keywords"]: if kw != "": _comments += kw + ", " if k["thesaurus"]["title"] != "": _comments += k["thesaurus"]["title"] + ", " if k["thesaurus"]["date"] != "": _comments += k["thesaurus"]["date"] + ", " if k["thesaurus"]["datetype"] != "": _comments += k["thesaurus"]["datetype"] + ";" Module("",, description=_comments, overwrite=True)
def shp_to_raster(shp, inSource, cellsize, nodata, outRaster, epsg=None, rst_template=None, api='gdal', snap=None): """ Feature Class to Raster cellsize will be ignored if rst_template is defined * API's Available: - gdal; - arcpy; - pygrass; - grass; """ if api == 'gdal': from osgeo import gdal, ogr from gasp.prop.ff import drv_name if not epsg: from gasp.prop.feat import get_shp_sref srs = get_shp_sref(shp).ExportToWkt() else: from gasp.prop.prj import epsg_to_wkt srs = epsg_to_wkt(epsg) # Get Extent dtShp = ogr.GetDriverByName(drv_name(shp)).Open(shp, 0) lyr = dtShp.GetLayer() if not rst_template: x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = lyr.GetExtent() x_res = int((x_max - x_min) / cellsize) y_res = int((y_max - y_min) / cellsize) else: from import rst_to_array img_temp = gdal.Open(rst_template) geo_transform = img_temp.GetGeoTransform() y_res, x_res = rst_to_array(rst_template).shape # Create output dtRst = gdal.GetDriverByName(drv_name(outRaster)).Create( outRaster, x_res, y_res, gdal.GDT_Byte) if not rst_template: dtRst.SetGeoTransform((x_min, cellsize, 0, y_max, 0, -cellsize)) else: dtRst.SetGeoTransform(geo_transform) dtRst.SetProjection(srs) bnd = dtRst.GetRasterBand(1) bnd.SetNoDataValue(nodata) gdal.RasterizeLayer(dtRst, [1], lyr, burn_values=[1]) del lyr dtShp.Destroy() elif api == 'arcpy': import arcpy if rst_template: tempEnvironment0 = arcpy.env.extent arcpy.env.extent = template if snap: tempSnap = arcpy.env.snapRaster arcpy.env.snapRaster = snap obj_describe = arcpy.Describe(shp) geom = obj_describe.ShapeType if geom == u'Polygon': arcpy.PolygonToRaster_conversion(shp, inField, outRaster, "CELL_CENTER", "NONE", cellsize) elif geom == u'Polyline': arcpy.PolylineToRaster_conversion(shp, inField, outRaster, "MAXIMUM_LENGTH", "NONE", cellsize) if rst_template: arcpy.env.extent = tempEnvironment0 if snap: arcpy.env.snapRaster = tempSnap elif api == 'grass' or api == 'pygrass': """ Vectorial geometry to raster If source is None, the convertion will be based on the cat field. If source is a string, the convertion will be based on the field with a name equal to the given string. If source is a numeric value, all cells of the output raster will have that same value. """ __USE = "cat" if not inSource else "attr" if type(inSource) == str or \ type(inSource) == unicode else "val" if type(inSource) == int or \ type(inSource) == float else None if not __USE: raise ValueError('\'source\' parameter value is not valid') if api == 'pygrass': from grass.pygrass.modules import Module m = Module("", input=shp, output=outRaster, use=__USE, attribute_column=inSource if __USE == "attr" else None, value=inSource if __USE == "val" else None, overwrite=True, run_=False, quiet=True) m() else: from gasp import exec_cmd rcmd = exec_cmd(( " input={} output={} use={}{} " "--overwrite --quiet" ).format( shp, outRaster, __USE, "" if __USE == "cat" else " attribute_column={}".format(inSource) \ if __USE == "attr" else " val={}".format(inSource) )) else: raise ValueError('API {} is not available'.format(api)) return outRaster
def saveXML(self, path=None, xml_out_name=None, wxparent=None, overwrite=False): ''' Save init. record of OWSLib objects to ISO XML file''' # if output file name is None, use map name and add suffix if xml_out_name is None: xml_out_name = self.type + '_' + str('@')[0] # + self.schema_type if not xml_out_name.lower().endswith('.xml'): xml_out_name += '.xml' if not path: path = os.path.join(mdutil.pathToMapset(), 'metadata') if not os.path.exists(path): print(os.makedirs(path)) path = os.path.join(path, xml_out_name) # generate xml using jinja profiles env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(self.dirpath)) env.globals.update(zip=zip) profile = env.get_template(self.profilePath) iso_xml = profile.render( # write xml to flat file if wxparent is not None: if os.path.isfile(path): if mdutil.yesNo( wxparent, 'Metadata file exists. Do you want to overwrite metadata file: %s?' % path, 'Overwrite dialog'): try: xml_file = open(path, "w") xml_file.write(iso_xml) xml_file.close() Module('g.message', message='metadata exported: \n\ %s' % (str(path))) except IOError as e: print("I/O error({0}): {1}".format( e.errno, e.strerror)) grass.fatal('ERROR: cannot write xml to file') return path else: try: xml_file = open(path, "w") xml_file.write(iso_xml) xml_file.close() Module('g.message', message='metadata exported: \n\ %s' % (str(path))) except IOError as e: print("I/O error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)) grass.fatal('ERROR: cannot write xml to file') # sys.exit() return path else: if os.path.isfile(path): Module('g.message', message='Metadata file exists: %s' % path) if overwrite: try: xml_file = open(path, "w") xml_file.write(iso_xml) xml_file.close() Module('g.message', message='Metadata file has been overwritten') return path except IOError as e: print("I/O error({0}): {1}".format( e.errno, e.strerror)) grass.fatal('error: cannot write xml to file') else: Module('g.message', message='For overwriting use flag -overwrite') return False else: try: xml_file = open(path, "w") xml_file.write(iso_xml) xml_file.close() Module('g.message', message='Metadata file has been exported') return path except IOError as e: print("I/O error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)) grass.fatal('error: cannot write xml to file')
def cleanup(): """Remove temporary maps specified in the global list""" cleanrast = list(reversed(CLEAN_RAST)) for rast in cleanrast: Module("g.remove", flags="f", type="all", name=rast, quiet=True)
def main(options, flags): gisbase = os.getenv('GISBASE') if not gisbase: gs.fatal(_('$GISBASE not defined')) return 0 # Variables ref = options['reference'] REF = ref.split(',') pro = options['projection'] if pro: PRO = pro.split(',') else: PRO = REF opn = [z.split('@')[0] for z in PRO] out = options['output'] region = options['region'] flag_d = flags['d'] flag_e = flags['e'] flag_p = flags['p'] # get current region settings, to compare to new ones later regbu1 = tmpname("region") gs.parse_command("g.region", save=regbu1) # Check if region, projected layers or mask is given if region: ffile = gs.find_file(region, element="region") if not ffile: gs.fatal(_("the region {} does not exist").format(region)) if not pro and not checkmask() and not region: gs.fatal( _("You need to provide projected layers, a region, or " "a mask has to be set")) if pro and len(REF) != len(PRO): gs.fatal( _("The number of reference and projection layers need to " "be the same. Your provided %d reference and %d" "projection variables") % (len(REF), len(PRO))) # Text for history in metadata opt2 = dict((k, v) for k, v in options.iteritems() if v) hist = ' '.join("{!s}={!r}".format(k, v) for (k, v) in opt2.iteritems()) hist = "r.exdet {}".format(hist) unused, tmphist = tempfile.mkstemp() with open(tmphist, "w") as text_file: text_file.write(hist) # Create covariance table VI = CoVar(maps=REF) # Import reference data & compute univar stats per reference layer s = len(REF) dat_ref = stat_mean = stat_min = stat_max = None layer = garray.array() for i, map in enumerate(REF):, null=np.nan) r, c = layer.shape if dat_ref is None: dat_ref = np.empty((s, r, c), dtype=np.double) if stat_mean is None: stat_mean = np.empty((s), dtype=np.double) if stat_min is None: stat_min = np.empty((s), dtype=np.double) if stat_max is None: stat_max = np.empty((s), dtype=np.double) stat_min[i] = np.nanmin(layer) stat_mean[i] = np.nanmean(layer) stat_max[i] = np.nanmax(layer) dat_ref[i, :, :] = layer del layer # Compute mahalanobis over full set of reference layers mahal_ref = mahal(v=dat_ref, m=stat_mean, VI=VI) mahal_ref_max = max(mahal_ref[np.isfinite(mahal_ref)]) if flag_e: mahalref = "{}_mahalref".format(out) mahal_ref.write(mapname=mahalref)"Mahalanobis distance map saved: {}").format(mahalref)) gs.run_command("", map=mahalref, title="Mahalanobis distance map", units="unitless", description="Mahalanobis distance map in reference " "domain", loadhistory=tmphist) del mahal_ref # Remove mask and set new region based on user-defined region or # otherwise based on projection layers if checkmask(): gs.run_command("r.mask", flags="r") if region: gs.run_command("g.region", region=region)"The region has set to the region {}").format(region)) if pro: gs.run_command("g.region", raster=PRO[0]) # TODO: only set region to PRO[0] when different from current region"The region has set to match the proj raster layers")) # Import projected layers in numpy array s = len(PRO) dat_pro = None layer = garray.array() for i, map in enumerate(PRO):, null=np.nan) r, c = layer.shape if dat_pro is None: dat_pro = np.empty((s, r, c), dtype=np.double) dat_pro[i, :, :] = layer del layer # Compute mahalanobis distance mahal_pro = mahal(v=dat_pro, m=stat_mean, VI=VI) if flag_d: mahalpro = "{}_mahalpro".format(out) mahal_pro.write(mapname=mahalpro)"Mahalanobis distance map saved: {}").format(mahalpro)) gs.run_command("", map=mahalpro, title="Mahalanobis distance map projection domain", units="unitless", loadhistory=tmphist, description="Mahalanobis distance map in projection " "domain estimated using covariance of refence data") # Compute NT1 tmplay = tmpname(out) mnames = [None] * len(REF) for i in xrange(len(REF)): tmpout = tmpname("exdet") # TODO: computations below sometimes result in very small negative # numbers, which are not 'real', but rather due to some differences # in handling digits in grass and python, hence second mapcalc # statement. Need to figure out how to handle this better. gs.mapcalc( "eval(" "tmp = min(($prolay - $refmin), ($refmax - $prolay),0) / " "($refmax - $refmin))\n" "$Dij = if(tmp > -0.000000001, 0, tmp)", Dij=tmpout, prolay=PRO[i], refmin=stat_min[i], refmax=stat_max[i], quiet=True) mnames[i] = tmpout gs.run_command("r.series", quiet=True, input=mnames, output=tmplay, method="sum") # Compute most influential covariate (MIC) metric for NT1 if flag_p: tmpla1 = tmpname(out) gs.run_command("r.series", quiet=True, output=tmpla1, input=mnames, method="min_raster") # Compute NT2 tmpla2 = tmpname(out) nt2map = garray.array() nt2map[...] = mahal_pro / mahal_ref_max nt2map.write(mapname=tmpla2) # Compute most influential covariate (MIC) metric for NT2 if flag_p: tmpla3 = tmpname(out) laylist = [] layer = garray.array() for i, map in enumerate(opn): gs.use_temp_region() gs.run_command("g.region", quiet=True, region=regbu1) REFtmp = [x for num, x in enumerate(REF) if not num == i] stattmp = np.delete(stat_mean, i, axis=0) VItmp = CoVar(maps=REFtmp) gs.del_temp_region() dat_protmp = np.delete(dat_pro, i, axis=0) ymap = mahal(v=dat_protmp, m=stattmp, VI=VItmp) # in Mesgaran et al, the MIC2 is the max icp, but that is the # same as the minimum mahalanobis distance (ymap) # icp = (mahal_pro - ymap) / mahal_pro * 100 layer[:, :] = ymap tmpmahal = tmpname(out) layer.write(tmpmahal) laylist.append(tmpmahal) gs.run_command("r.series", quiet=True, output=tmpla3, input=laylist, method="min_raster", overwrite=True) # Compute nt1, nt2, and nt1and2 novelty maps nt1 = "{}_NT1".format(out) nt2 = "{}_NT2".format(out) nt12 = "{}_NT1NT2".format(out) expr = ";".join([ "$nt12 = if($tmplay < 0, $tmplay, $tmpla2)", "$nt2 = if($tmplay >= 0, $tmpla2, null())", "$nt1 = if($tmplay < 0, $tmplay, null())" ]) gs.mapcalc(expr, nt12=nt12, nt1=nt1, nt2=nt2, tmplay=tmplay, tmpla2=tmpla2, quiet=True) # Write metadata nt1, nt2, nt1and2 maps gs.run_command("", map=nt1, units="unitless", title="Type 1 similarity", description="Type 1 similarity (NT1)", loadhistory=tmphist) gs.run_command("", map=nt2, units="unitless", title="Type 2 similarity", description="Type 2 similarity (NT2)", loadhistory=tmphist) gs.run_command("", map=nt12, units="unitless", title="Type 1 + 2 novelty / similarity", description="Type 1 + 2 similarity (NT1)", loadhistory=tmphist) # Compute MIC maps if flag_p: mic12 = "{}_MICNT1and2".format(out) expr = "$mic12 = if($tmplay < 0, $tmpla1, " \ "if($tmpla2>1, $tmpla3, -1))" gs.mapcalc(expr, tmplay=tmplay, tmpla1=tmpla1, tmpla2=tmpla2, tmpla3=tmpla3, mic12=mic12, quiet=True) # Write category labels to MIC maps tmpcat = tempfile.mkstemp() with open(tmpcat[1], "w") as text_file: text_file.write("-1:None\n") for cats in xrange(len(opn)): text_file.write("{}:{}\n".format(cats, opn[cats])) gs.run_command("r.category", quiet=True, map=mic12, rules=tmpcat[1], separator=":") os.remove(tmpcat[1]) CATV = Module('r.category', map=mic12, stdout_=PIPE).outputs.stdout Module('r.category', map=mic12, rules="-", stdin_=CATV, quiet=True) gs.run_command("", map=mic12, units="unitless", title="Most influential covariate", description="Most influential covariate (MIC) for NT1" "and NT2", loadhistory=tmphist) # Write color table gs.write_command("r.colors", map=nt12, rules='-', stdin=COLORS_EXDET, quiet=True) # Finalize"Done...."))
def main(options, flags): gisbase = os.getenv("GISBASE") if not gisbase: gs.fatal(_("$GISBASE not defined")) return 0 # Reference / sample area or points ref_rast = options["ref_rast"] ref_vect = options["ref_vect"] if ref_rast: reftype = gs.raster_info(ref_rast) if reftype["datatype"] != "CELL": gs.fatal(_("The ref_rast map must have type CELL (integer)")) if (reftype["min"] != 0 and reftype["min"] != 1) or reftype["max"] != 1: gs.fatal( _( "The ref_rast map must be a binary raster," " i.e. it should contain only values 0 and 1 or 1 only" " (now the minimum is {} and maximum is {})".format( reftype["min"], reftype["max"] ) ) ) # old environmental layers & variable names reference_layer = options["env"] reference_layer = reference_layer.split(",") raster_exists(reference_layer) variable_name = [z.split("@")[0] for z in reference_layer] variable_name = [x.lower() for x in variable_name] # new environmental variables projection_layers = options["env_proj"] if not projection_layers: to_be_projected = False projection_layers = reference_layer else: to_be_projected = True projection_layers = projection_layers.split(",") raster_exists(projection_layers) if ( len(projection_layers) != len(reference_layer) and len(projection_layers) != 0 ): gs.fatal( _( "The number of reference and predictor variables" " should be the same. You provided {} reference and {}" " projection variables".format( len(reference_layer), len(projection_layers) ) ) ) # output layers opl = options["output"] opc = opl + "_MES" ipi = [opl + "_" + i for i in variable_name] # flags flm = flags["m"] flk = flags["k"] fln = flags["n"] fli = flags["i"] flc = flags["c"] # digits / precision digits = int(options["digits"]) digits2 = pow(10, digits) # get current region settings, to compare to new ones later region_1 = gs.parse_command("g.region", flags="g") # Text for history in metadata opt2 = dict((k, v) for k, v in options.items() if v) hist = " ".join("{!s}={!r}".format(k, v) for (k, v) in opt2.items()) hist = "r.mess {}".format(hist) unused, tmphist = tempfile.mkstemp() with open(tmphist, "w") as text_file: text_file.write(hist) # Create reference layer if not defined if not ref_rast and not ref_vect: ref_rast = tmpname("tmp0") Module( "r.mapcalc", "{0} = if(isnull({1}),null(),1)".format(ref_rast, reference_layer[0]), quiet=True, ) # Create the recode table - Reference distribution is raster citiam = gs.find_file(name="MASK", element="cell", mapset=gs.gisenv()["MAPSET"]) if citiam["fullname"]: rname = tmpname("tmp3") Module("r.mapcalc", expression="{} = MASK".format(rname), quiet=True) if ref_rast: vtl = ref_rast # Create temporary layer based on reference layer tmpf0 = tmpname("tmp2") Module( "r.mapcalc", expression="{0} = int({1} * 1)".format(tmpf0, vtl), quiet=True ) Module("r.null", map=tmpf0, setnull=0, quiet=True) if citiam["fullname"]: Module("r.mask", flags="r", quiet=True) for i in range(len(reference_layer)): # Create mask based on combined MASK/reference layer Module("r.mask", raster=tmpf0, quiet=True) # Calculate the frequency distribution tmpf1 = tmpname("tmp4") Module( "r.mapcalc", expression="{0} = int({1} * {2})".format( tmpf1, digits2, reference_layer[i] ), quiet=True, ) stats_out = Module( "r.stats", flags="cn", input=tmpf1, sort="asc", separator=";", stdout_=PIPE, ).outputs.stdout stval = {} stats_outlines = stats_out.replace("\r", "").split("\n") stats_outlines = [_f for _f in stats_outlines if _f] for z in stats_outlines: [val, count] = z.split(";") stval[float(val)] = float(count) sstval = sorted(stval.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0)) sstval = np.matrix(sstval) a = np.cumsum(np.array(sstval), axis=0) b = np.sum(np.array(sstval), axis=0) c = a[:, 1] / b[1] * 100 # Remove tmp mask and set region to env_proj if needed Module("r.mask", quiet=True, flags="r") if to_be_projected: gs.use_temp_region() Module("g.region", quiet=True, raster=projection_layers[0]) # get new region settings, to compare to original ones later region_2 = gs.parse_command("g.region", flags="g") # Get min and max values for recode table (based on full map) tmpf2 = tmpname("tmp5") Module( "r.mapcalc", expression="{0} = int({1} * {2})".format( tmpf2, digits2, projection_layers[i] ), quiet=True, ) d = gs.parse_command("r.univar", flags="g", map=tmpf2, quiet=True) # Create recode rules Dmin = int(d["min"]) Dmax = int(d["max"]) envmin = np.min(np.array(sstval), axis=0)[0] envmax = np.max(np.array(sstval), axis=0)[0] if Dmin < envmin: e1 = Dmin - 1 else: e1 = envmin - 1 if Dmax > envmax: e2 = Dmax + 1 else: e2 = envmax + 1 a1 = np.hstack([(e1), np.array(sstval.T[0])[0, :]]) a2 = np.hstack([np.array(sstval.T[0])[0, :] - 1, (e2)]) b1 = np.hstack([(0), c]) fd2, tmprule = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=variable_name[i]) with open(tmprule, "w") as text_file: for k in np.arange(0, len(b1.T)): text_file.write( "%s:%s:%s\n" % (str(int(a1[k])), str(int(a2[k])), str(b1[k])) ) # Create the recode layer and calculate the IES compute_ies(tmprule, ipi[i], tmpf2, envmin, envmax) Module( "", map=ipi[i], title="IES {}".format(reference_layer[i]), units="0-100 (relative score)", description="Environmental similarity {}".format(reference_layer[i]), loadhistory=tmphist, ) # Clean up os.close(fd2) os.remove(tmprule) # Change region back to original gs.del_temp_region() # Create the recode table - Reference distribution is vector else: vtl = ref_vect # Copy point layer and add columns for variables tmpf0 = tmpname("tmp7") Module( "v.extract", quiet=True, flags="t", input=vtl, type="point", output=tmpf0 ) Module("v.db.addtable", quiet=True, map=tmpf0) # TODO: see if there is a more efficient way to handle the mask if citiam["fullname"]: Module("r.mask", quiet=True, flags="r") # Upload raster values and get value in python as frequency table sql1 = "SELECT cat FROM {}".format(str(tmpf0)) cn = len(np.hstack(db.db_select(sql=sql1))) for m in range(len(reference_layer)): # Set mask back (this means that points outside the mask will # be ignored in the computation of the frequency distribution # of the reference variabele env(m)) if citiam["fullname"]: Module("g.copy", raster=[rname, "MASK"], quiet=True) # Compute frequency distribution of variable(m) mid = str(m) laytype = gs.raster_info(reference_layer[m])["datatype"] if laytype == "CELL": columns = "envvar_{} integer".format(str(mid)) else: columns = "envvar_{} double precision".format(str(mid)) Module("v.db.addcolumn", map=tmpf0, columns=columns, quiet=True) sql2 = "UPDATE {} SET envvar_{} = NULL".format(str(tmpf0), str(mid)) Module("db.execute", sql=sql2, quiet=True) coln = "envvar_{}".format(str(mid)) Module( "v.what.rast", quiet=True, map=tmpf0, layer=1, raster=reference_layer[m], column=coln, ) sql3 = ( "SELECT {0}, count({0}) from {1} WHERE {0} IS NOT NULL " "GROUP BY {0} ORDER BY {0}" ).format(coln, tmpf0) volval = np.vstack(db.db_select(sql=sql3)) volval = volval.astype(np.float, copy=False) a = np.cumsum(volval[:, 1], axis=0) b = np.sum(volval[:, 1], axis=0) c = a / b * 100 # Check for point without values if b < cn: _( "Please note that there were {} points without " "value. This is probably because they are outside " "the computational region or mask".format((cn - b)) ) ) # Set region to env_proj layers (if different from env) and remove # mask (if set above) if citiam["fullname"]: Module("r.mask", quiet=True, flags="r") if to_be_projected: gs.use_temp_region() Module("g.region", quiet=True, raster=projection_layers[0]) region_2 = gs.parse_command("g.region", flags="g") # Multiply env_proj layer with dignum tmpf2 = tmpname("tmp8") Module( "r.mapcalc", expression="{0} = int({1} * {2})".format( tmpf2, digits2, projection_layers[m] ), quiet=True, ) # Calculate min and max values of sample points and raster layer envmin = int(min(volval[:, 0]) * digits2) envmax = int(max(volval[:, 0]) * digits2) Drange = gs.read_command("", flags="r", map=tmpf2) Drange = str.splitlines(Drange) Drange = np.hstack([i.split("=") for i in Drange]) Dmin = int(Drange[1]) Dmax = int(Drange[3]) if Dmin < envmin: e1 = Dmin - 1 else: e1 = envmin - 1 if Dmax > envmax: e2 = Dmax + 1 else: e2 = envmax + 1 a0 = volval[:, 0] * digits2 a0 = a0.astype(, copy=False) a1 = np.hstack([(e1), a0]) a2 = np.hstack([a0 - 1, (e2)]) b1 = np.hstack([(0), c]) fd3, tmprule = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=variable_name[m]) with open(tmprule, "w") as text_file: for k in np.arange(0, len(b1)): rtmp = "{}:{}:{}\n".format( str(int(a1[k])), str(int(a2[k])), str(b1[k]) ) text_file.write(rtmp) # Create the recode layer and calculate the IES compute_ies(tmprule, ipi[m], tmpf2, envmin, envmax) Module( "", map=ipi[m], title="IES {}".format(reference_layer[m]), units="0-100 (relative score)", description="Environmental similarity {}".format(reference_layer[m]), loadhistory=tmphist, ) # Clean up os.close(fd3) os.remove(tmprule) # Change region back to original gs.del_temp_region() # Calculate MESS statistics # Set region to env_proj layers (if different from env) # Note: this changes the region, to ensure the newly created layers # are actually visible to the user. This goes against normal practise # There will be a warning. if to_be_projected: Module("g.region", quiet=True, raster=projection_layers[0]) # MES Module("r.series", quiet=True, output=opc, input=ipi, method="minimum") gs.write_command("r.colors", map=opc, rules="-", stdin=COLORS_MES, quiet=True) # Write layer metadata Module( "", map=opc, title="Areas with novel conditions", units="0-100 (relative score)", description="The multivariate environmental similarity" "(MES)", loadhistory=tmphist, ) # Area with negative MES if fln: mod1 = "{}_novel".format(opl) Module("r.mapcalc", "{} = int(if( {} < 0, 1, 0))".format(mod1, opc), quiet=True) # Write category labels Module("r.category", map=mod1, rules="-", stdin=RECL_MESNEG, quiet=True) # Write layer metadata Module( "", map=mod1, title="Areas with novel conditions", units="-", source1="Based on {}".format(opc), description="1 = novel conditions, 0 = within range", loadhistory=tmphist, ) # Most dissimilar variable (MoD) if flm: tmpf4 = tmpname("tmp9") mod2 = "{}_MoD".format(opl) Module("r.series", quiet=True, output=tmpf4, input=ipi, method="min_raster") Module("r.mapcalc", "{} = int({})".format(mod2, tmpf4), quiet=True) fd4, tmpcat = tempfile.mkstemp() with open(tmpcat, "w") as text_file: for cats in range(len(ipi)): text_file.write("{}:{}\n".format(str(cats), reference_layer[cats])) Module("r.category", quiet=True, map=mod2, rules=tmpcat, separator=":") os.close(fd4) os.remove(tmpcat) # Write layer metadata Module( "", map=mod2, title="Most dissimilar variable (MoD)", units="-", source1="Based on {}".format(opc), description="Name of most dissimilar variable", loadhistory=tmphist, ) # sum(IES), where IES < 0 if flk: mod3 = "{}_SumNeg".format(opl) c0 = -0.01 / digits2 Module( "r.series", quiet=True, input=ipi, method="sum", range=("-inf", c0), output=mod3, ) gs.write_command("r.colors", map=mod3, rules="-", stdin=COLORS_MES, quiet=True) # Write layer metadata Module( "", map=mod3, title="Sum of negative IES values", units="-", source1="Based on {}".format(opc), description="Sum of negative IES values", loadhistory=tmphist, ) # Number of layers with negative values if flc: tmpf5 = tmpname("tmp10") mod4 = "{}_CountNeg".format(opl) MinMes = gs.read_command("", quiet=True, flags="r", map=opc) MinMes = str.splitlines(MinMes) MinMes = float(np.hstack([i.split("=") for i in MinMes])[1]) c0 = -0.0001 / digits2 Module( "r.series", quiet=True, input=ipi, output=tmpf5, method="count", range=(MinMes, c0), ) gs.mapcalc("$mod4 = int($tmpf5)", mod4=mod4, tmpf5=tmpf5, quiet=True) # Write layer metadata Module( "", map=mod4, title="Number of layers with negative values", units="-", source1="Based on {}".format(opc), description="Number of layers with negative values", loadhistory=tmphist, ) # Remove IES layers if fli: Module("g.remove", quiet=True, flags="f", type="raster", name=ipi) # Clean up tmp file # os.remove(tmphist) gs.message(_("Finished ...\n")) if region_1 != region_2: gs.message( _( "\nPlease note that the region has been changes to match" " the set of projection (env_proj) variables.\n" ) )
def main(): settings = options['settings'] scene_names = options['scene_name'].split(',') output = options['output'] nprocs = int(options['nprocs']) clouds = int(options['clouds']) producttype = options['producttype'] start = options['start'] end = options['end'] use_scenenames = flags['s'] ind_folder = flags['f'] ### check if we have the + i.sentinel.import addons if not grass.find_program('', '--help'): grass.fatal( _("The '' module was not found, install it first:" ) + "\n" + "g.extension i.sentinel") ### Test if all required data are there if not os.path.isfile(settings): grass.fatal(_("Settings file <%s> not found" % (settings))) ### set some common environmental variables, like: os.environ.update( dict(GRASS_COMPRESS_NULLS='1', GRASS_COMPRESSOR='ZSTD', GRASS_MESSAGE_FORMAT='plain')) ### test nprocs Settings if nprocs > mp.cpu_count(): grass.fatal("Using %d parallel processes but only %d CPUs available." % (nprocs, mp.cpu_count())) ### sentinelsat allows only three parallel downloads elif nprocs > 2: grass.message("Maximum number of parallel processes for Downloading" + " fixed to 2 due to sentinelsat API restrictions") nprocs = 2 if use_scenenames: scenenames = scene_names ### check if the filename is valid ### TODO: refine check, it's currently a very lazy check if len(scenenames[0]) < 10: grass.fatal( "No scene names indicated. Please provide scenenames in \ the format S2A_MSIL1C_20180822T155901_N0206_R097_T17SPV_20180822T212023.SAFE" ) else: ### get a list of scenenames to download i_sentinel_download_string = grass.parse_command( '', settings=settings, producttype=producttype, start=start, end=end, clouds=clouds, flags='l') i_sentinel_keys = i_sentinel_download_string.keys() scenenames = [item.split(' ')[1] for item in i_sentinel_keys] ### parallelize download grass.message(_("Downloading Sentinel-2 data...")) ### adapt nprocs to number of scenes if len(scenenames) == 1: nprocs = 1 queue_download = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=nprocs) for idx, scenename in enumerate(scenenames): producttype, start_date, end_date, query_string = scenename_split( scenename) ### output into separate folders, easier to import in a parallel way: if ind_folder: outpath = os.path.join(output, 'dl_s2_%s' % str(idx + 1)) else: outpath = output i_sentinel_download = Module('', settings=settings, start=start_date, end=end_date, producttype=producttype, query=query_string, output=outpath, run_=False) queue_download.put(i_sentinel_download) queue_download.wait()
def main(): # check if the map is in the current mapset mapset = grass.find_file(opt["map"], element="vector")["mapset"] if not mapset or mapset != grass.gisenv()["MAPSET"]: grass.fatal( _("Vector map <{}> not found in the current mapset").format( opt["map"])) # get list of existing columns try: columns = grass.vector_columns(opt["map"]).keys() except CalledModuleError as e: return 1 allowed_rasters = ("N2", "N5", "N10", "N20", "N50", "N100") # test input feature type vinfo = grass.vector_info_topo(opt["map"]) if vinfo["areas"] < 1 and vinfo["points"] < 1: grass.fatal( _("No points or areas found in input vector map <{}>").format( opt["map"])) # check area size limit check_area_size = float(opt["area_size"]) > 0 if check_area_size: area_col_name = "area_{}".format(os.getpid()) Module( "", map=opt["map"], option="area", units="kilometers", columns=area_col_name, quiet=True, ) areas = Module( "", flags="c", map=opt["map"], columns=area_col_name, where="{} > {}".format(area_col_name, opt["area_size"]), stdout_=grass.PIPE, ) large_areas = len(areas.outputs.stdout.splitlines()) if large_areas > 0: grass.warning( "{} areas larger than size limit will be skipped from computation" .format(large_areas)) # extract multi values to points for rast in opt["return_period"].split(","): # check valid rasters name = grass.find_file(rast, element="cell")["name"] if not name: grass.warning("Raster map <{}> not found. " "Skipped.".format(rast)) continue if name not in allowed_rasters: grass.warning("Raster map <{}> skipped. " "Allowed: {}".format(rast, allowed_rasters)) continue # perform zonal statistics grass.message("Processing <{}>...".format(rast)) table = "{}_table".format(name) if vinfo["areas"] > 0: Module( "v.rast.stats", flags="c", map=opt["map"], raster=rast, column_prefix=name, method="average", quiet=True, ) # handle NULL values (areas smaller than raster resolution) null_values = Module( "", map=opt["map"], columns="cat", flags="c", where="{}_average is NULL".format(name), stdout_=grass.PIPE, ) cats = null_values.outputs.stdout.splitlines() if len(cats) > 0: grass.warning( _("Input vector map <{}> contains very small areas (smaller than " "raster resolution). These areas will be proceeded by querying " "single raster cell.").format(opt["map"])) Module( "v.what.rast", map=opt["map"], raster=rast, type="centroid", column="{}_average".format(name), where="{}_average is NULL".format(name), quiet=True, ) else: # -> points Module( "v.what.rast", map=opt["map"], raster=rast, column="{}_average".format(name), quiet=True, ) # add column to the attribute table if not exists rl = float(opt["rainlength"]) field_name = "H_{}T{}".format(name, opt["rainlength"]) if field_name not in columns: Module( "v.db.addcolumn", map=opt["map"], columns="{} double precision".format(field_name), ) # determine coefficient for calculation a, c = coeff(rast, rl) if a is None or c is None: grass.fatal("Unable to calculate coefficients") # calculate output values, update attribute table coef = a * rl**(1 - c) expression = "{}_average * {}".format(name, coef) Module("v.db.update", map=opt["map"], column=field_name, query_column=expression) if check_area_size: Module( "v.db.update", map=opt["map"], column=field_name, value="-1", where="{} > {}".format(area_col_name, opt["area_size"]), ) # remove unused column Module("v.db.dropcolumn", map=opt["map"], columns="{}_average".format(name)) if check_area_size: # remove unused column Module("v.db.dropcolumn", map=opt["map"], columns=area_col_name) return 0
def get_topology(self, map): vinfo = Module('',, flags='t', quiet=True, stdout_=PIPE) features = parse_key_val(vinfo.outputs.stdout)
def erase(inShp, erase_feat, out, splitMultiPart=None, notTbl=None, api='pygrass'): """ Difference between two feature classes API's Available: * pygrass; * grass; * saga; """ if api == 'saga': """ Using SAGA GIS It appears to be very slow """ from glass.pys import execmd cmd = ('saga_cmd shapes_polygons 15 -A {in_shp} -B {erase_shp} ' '-RESULT {output} -SPLIT {sp}').format( in_shp=inShp, erase_shp=erase_feat, output=out, sp='0' if not splitMultiPart else '1') outcmd = execmd(cmd) elif api == 'pygrass': """ Use pygrass """ from grass.pygrass.modules import Module erase = Module("v.overlay", ainput=inShp, atype="area", binput=erase_feat, btype="area", operator="not", output=out, overwrite=True, run_=False, quiet=True, flags='t' if notTbl else None) erase() elif api == 'grass': """ Use GRASS GIS tool via command line """ from glass.pys import execmd rcmd = execmd( ("v.overlay ainput={} atype=area binput={} " "btype=area operator=not output={} {}" "--overwrite --quiet").format(inShp, erase_feat, out, "" if not notTbl else "-t ")) else: raise ValueError('API {} is not available!'.format(api)) return out
def main(): # Get the options input = options["input"] output = options["output"] start = options["start"] stop = options["stop"] base = options["basename"] cycle = options["cycle"] lower = options["lower"] upper = options["upper"] offset = options["offset"] limits = options["limits"] shift = options["shift"] scale = options["scale"] method = options["method"] granularity = options["granularity"] register_null = flags["n"] reverse = flags["r"] # Make sure the temporal database exists tgis.init() # We need a database interface dbif = tgis.SQLDatabaseInterfaceConnection() dbif.connect() mapset = tgis.get_current_mapset() if input.find("@") >= 0: id = input else: id = input + "@" + mapset input_strds = tgis.SpaceTimeRasterDataset(id) if input_strds.is_in_db() == False: dbif.close() grass.fatal(_("Space time raster dataset <%s> not found") % (id)) if output.find("@") >= 0: out_id = output else: out_id = output + "@" + mapset # The output space time raster dataset output_strds = tgis.SpaceTimeRasterDataset(out_id) if output_strds.is_in_db(dbif): if not grass.overwrite(): dbif.close() grass.fatal(_("Space time raster dataset <%s> is already in the " "database, use overwrite flag to overwrite") % out_id) if tgis.check_granularity_string(granularity, input_strds.get_temporal_type()) == False: dbif.close() grass.fatal(_("Invalid granularity")) if tgis.check_granularity_string(cycle, input_strds.get_temporal_type()) == False: dbif.close() grass.fatal(_("Invalid cycle")) if offset: if tgis.check_granularity_string(offset, input_strds.get_temporal_type()) == False: dbif.close() grass.fatal(_("Invalid offset")) # The lower threshold space time raster dataset if lower: if not range: dbif.close() grass.fatal(_("You need to set the range to compute the occurrence" " space time raster dataset")) if lower.find("@") >= 0: lower_id = lower else: lower_id = lower + "@" + mapset lower_strds = tgis.SpaceTimeRasterDataset(lower_id) if lower_strds.is_in_db() == False: dbif.close() grass.fatal(_("Space time raster dataset <%s> not found") % (lower_strds.get_id())) if lower_strds.get_temporal_type() != input_strds.get_temporal_type(): dbif.close() grass.fatal(_("Temporal type of input strds and lower strds must be equal")) # The upper threshold space time raster dataset if upper: if not lower: dbif.close() grass.fatal(_("The upper option works only in conjunction with the lower option")) if upper.find("@") >= 0: upper = upper else: upper_id = upper + "@" + mapset upper_strds = tgis.SpaceTimeRasterDataset(upper_id) if upper_strds.is_in_db() == False: dbif.close() grass.fatal(_("Space time raster dataset <%s> not found") % (upper_strds.get_id())) if upper_strds.get_temporal_type() != input_strds.get_temporal_type(): dbif.close() grass.fatal(_("Temporal type of input strds and upper strds must be equal")) input_strds_start, input_strds_end = input_strds.get_temporal_extent_as_tuple() if input_strds.is_time_absolute(): start = tgis.string_to_datetime(start) if stop: stop = tgis.string_to_datetime(stop) else: stop = input_strds_end start = tgis.adjust_datetime_to_granularity(start, granularity) else: start = int(start) if stop: stop = int(stop) else: stop = input_strds_end if input_strds.is_time_absolute(): end = tgis.increment_datetime_by_string(start, cycle) else: end = start + cycle limit_relations = ["EQUALS", "DURING", "OVERLAPS", "OVERLAPPING", "CONTAINS"] count = 1 output_maps = [] while input_strds_end > start and stop > start: # Make sure that the cyclic computation will stop at the correct time if stop and end > stop: end = stop where = "start_time >= \'%s\' AND start_time < \'%s\'"%(str(start), str(end)) input_maps = input_strds.get_registered_maps_as_objects(where=where, dbif=dbif) grass.message(_("Processing cycle %s - %s"%(str(start), str(end)))) if len(input_maps) == 0: continue # Lets create a dummy list of maps with granularity conform intervals gran_list = [] gran_list_low = [] gran_list_up = [] gran_start = start while gran_start < end: map = input_strds.get_new_map_instance("%i@%i"%(count, count)) if input_strds.is_time_absolute(): gran_end = tgis.increment_datetime_by_string(gran_start, granularity) map.set_absolute_time(gran_start, gran_end) gran_start = tgis.increment_datetime_by_string(gran_start, granularity) else: gran_end = gran_start + granularity map.set_relative_time(gran_start, gran_end, input_strds.get_relative_time_unit()) gran_start = gran_start + granularity gran_list.append(copy(map)) gran_list_low.append(copy(map)) gran_list_up.append(copy(map)) # Lists to compute the topology with upper and lower datasets # Create the topology between the granularity conform list and all maps # of the current cycle gran_topo = tgis.SpatioTemporalTopologyBuilder(), input_maps) if lower: lower_maps = lower_strds.get_registered_maps_as_objects(dbif=dbif) gran_lower_topo = tgis.SpatioTemporalTopologyBuilder(), lower_maps) if upper: upper_maps = upper_strds.get_registered_maps_as_objects(dbif=dbif) gran_upper_topo = tgis.SpatioTemporalTopologyBuilder(), upper_maps) old_map_name = None # Aggregate num_maps = len(gran_list) for i in xrange(num_maps): if reverse: map = gran_list[num_maps - i - 1] else: map = gran_list[i] # Select input maps based on temporal topology relations input_maps = [] if map.get_equal(): input_maps += map.get_equal() elif map.get_contains(): input_maps += map.get_contains() elif map.get_overlaps(): input_maps += map.get_overlaps() elif map.get_overlapped(): input_maps += map.get_overlapped() elif map.get_during(): input_maps += map.get_during() # Check input maps if len(input_maps) == 0: continue # New output map output_map_name = "%s_%i" % (base, count) output_map_id = map.build_id(output_map_name, mapset) output_map = input_strds.get_new_map_instance(output_map_id) # Check if new map is in the temporal database if output_map.is_in_db(dbif): if grass.overwrite(): # Remove the existing temporal database entry output_map.delete(dbif) output_map = input_strds.get_new_map_instance(output_map_id) else: grass.fatal(_("Map <%s> is already registered in the temporal" " database, use overwrite flag to overwrite.") % (output_map.get_map_id())) map_start, map_end = map.get_temporal_extent_as_tuple() if map.is_time_absolute(): output_map.set_absolute_time(map_start, map_end) else: output_map.set_relative_time(map_start, map_end, map.get_relative_time_unit()) limits_vals = limits.split(",") limits_lower = float(limits_vals[0]) limits_upper = float(limits_vals[1]) lower_map_name = None if lower: relations = gran_list_low[i].get_temporal_relations() for relation in limit_relations: if relation in relations: lower_map_name = str(relations[relation][0].get_id()) break upper_map_name = None if upper: relations = gran_list_up[i].get_temporal_relations() for relation in limit_relations: if relation in relations: upper_map_name = str(relations[relation][0].get_id()) break input_map_names = [] for input_map in input_maps: input_map_names.append(input_map.get_id()) # Set up the module accmod = Module("r.series.accumulate", input=input_map_names, output=output_map_name, run_=False) if old_map_name: accmod.inputs["basemap"].value = old_map_name if lower_map_name: accmod.inputs["lower"].value = lower_map_name if upper_map_name: accmod.inputs["upper"].value = upper_map_name accmod.inputs["limits"].value = (limits_lower, limits_upper) if shift: accmod.inputs["shift"].value = float(shift) if scale: accmod.inputs["scale"].value = float(scale) if method: accmod.inputs["method"].value = method print accmod if accmod.popen.returncode != 0: dbif.close() grass.fatal(_("Error running r.series.accumulate")) output_maps.append(output_map) old_map_name = output_map_name count += 1 # Increment the cycle start = end if input_strds.is_time_absolute(): start = end if offset: start = tgis.increment_datetime_by_string(end, offset) end = tgis.increment_datetime_by_string(start, cycle) else: if offset: start = end + offset end = start + cycle # Insert the maps into the output space time dataset if output_strds.is_in_db(dbif): if grass.overwrite(): output_strds.delete(dbif) output_strds = input_strds.get_new_instance(out_id) temporal_type, semantic_type, title, description = input_strds.get_initial_values() output_strds.set_initial_values(temporal_type, semantic_type, title, description) output_strds.insert(dbif) empty_maps = [] # Register the maps in the database count = 0 for output_map in output_maps: count += 1 if count%10 == 0: grass.percent(count, len(output_maps), 1) # Read the raster map data output_map.load() # In case of a empty map continue, do not register empty maps if not register_null: if output_map.metadata.get_min() is None and \ output_map.metadata.get_max() is None: empty_maps.append(output_map) continue # Insert map in temporal database output_map.insert(dbif) output_strds.register_map(output_map, dbif) # Update the spatio-temporal extent and the metadata table entries output_strds.update_from_registered_maps(dbif) grass.percent(1, 1, 1) dbif.close() # Remove empty maps if len(empty_maps) > 0: for map in empty_maps: grass.run_command("g.remove", flags='f', type="rast", pattern=map.get_name(), quiet=True)
def cleanup(): Module('g.remove', flags='f', name='region_mask', type='vector') Module('g.remove', flags='f', name='ndvi', type='raster') Module('g.remove', flags='f', name='ndvi_class', type='raster') Module('g.remove', flags='f', name='ndvi_class', type='vector')
def main(): elev = options["input"] output = options["output"] n_dir = int(options["ndir"]) notParallel = flags["p"] global TMP_NAME, CLEANUP if options["basename"]: TMP_NAME = options["basename"] CLEANUP = False colorized_output = options["colorized_output"] colorize_color = options["color_table"] if colorized_output: color_raster_tmp = TMP_NAME + "_color_raster" else: color_raster_tmp = None color_raster_type = options["color_source"] color_input = options["color_input"] if color_raster_type == "color_input" and not color_input: gcore.fatal(_("Provide raster name in color_input option")) if color_raster_type != "color_input" and color_input: gcore.fatal( _( "The option color_input is not needed" " when not using it as source for color" ) ) # this would be needed only when no value would allowed if not color_raster_type and color_input: color_raster_type = "color_input" # enable for convenience if ( color_raster_type == "aspect" and colorize_color and colorize_color not in ["default", "aspectcolr"] ): gcore.warning( _( "Using possibly inappropriate color table <{}>" " for aspect".format(colorize_color) ) ) horizon_step = 360.0 / n_dir horizon_intervals = np.arange(0, 360, horizon_step) msgr = get_msgr() # checks if there are already some maps old_maps = _get_horizon_maps() if old_maps: if not gcore.overwrite(): CLEANUP = False msgr.fatal( _( "You have to first check overwrite flag or remove" " the following maps:\n" "{names}" ).format(names=",".join(old_maps)) ) else: msgr.warning( _("The following maps will be overwritten: {names}").format( names=",".join(old_maps) ) ) if not gcore.overwrite() and color_raster_tmp: check_map_name(color_raster_tmp) try: if notParallel is False: if options["maxdistance"]: maxdistance = float(options["maxdistance"]) else: maxdistance = None r_horizon = Module( "r.horizon", elevation=elev, maxdistance=maxdistance, flags="d", run_=False, ) queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=int(options["processes"])) for d in horizon_intervals: r_horizon_prc = deepcopy(r_horizon) r_horizon_prc.inputs.direction = d r_horizon_prc.outputs.output = TMP_NAME queue.put(r_horizon_prc) queue.wait() else: params = {} if options["maxdistance"]: params["maxdistance"] = options["maxdistance"] gcore.run_command( "r.horizon", elevation=elev, step=horizon_step, output=TMP_NAME, flags="d", **params ) new_maps = _get_horizon_maps() if flags["o"]: msgr.message(_("Computing openness ...")) expr = "{out} = 1 - (sin({first}) ".format(first=new_maps[0], out=output) for horizon in new_maps[1:]: expr += "+ sin({name}) ".format(name=horizon) expr += ") / {n}.".format(n=len(new_maps)) else: msgr.message(_("Computing skyview factor ...")) expr = "{out} = 1 - (sin( if({first} < 0, 0, {first}) ) ".format( first=new_maps[0], out=output ) for horizon in new_maps[1:]: expr += "+ sin( if({name} < 0, 0, {name}) ) ".format(name=horizon) expr += ") / {n}.".format(n=len(new_maps)) grast.mapcalc(exp=expr) gcore.run_command("r.colors", map=output, color="grey") except CalledModuleError: msgr.fatal( _( "r.horizon failed to compute horizon elevation " "angle maps. Please report this problem to developers." ) ) return 1 if colorized_output: if color_raster_type == "slope": gcore.run_command("r.slope.aspect", elevation=elev, slope=color_raster_tmp) elif color_raster_type == "aspect": gcore.run_command("r.slope.aspect", elevation=elev, aspect=color_raster_tmp) elif color_raster_type == "dxy": gcore.run_command("r.slope.aspect", elevation=elev, dxy=color_raster_tmp) elif color_raster_type == "color_input": color_raster_tmp = color_input else: color_raster_tmp = elev # don't modify user's color table for inputs if colorize_color and color_raster_type not in ["input", "color_input"]: rcolors_flags = "" if flags["n"]: rcolors_flags += "n" gcore.run_command( "r.colors", map=color_raster_tmp, color=colorize_color, flags=rcolors_flags, ) gcore.run_command( "r.shade", shade=output, color=color_raster_tmp, output=colorized_output ) grast.raster_history(colorized_output) grast.raster_history(output) return 0
def main(): # user specified variables dem = options["elevation"] slope = options["slope"] aspect = options["aspect"] neighborhood_size = options["size"] output = options["output"] nprocs = int(options["nprocs"]) # check for valid neighborhood sizes neighborhood_size = neighborhood_size.split(",") neighborhood_size = [int(i) for i in neighborhood_size] if any([True for i in neighborhood_size if i % 2 == 0]): grass.fatal( "Invalid size - neighborhood sizes have to consist of odd numbers") if min(neighborhood_size) == 1: grass.fatal("Neighborhood sizes have to be > 1") # determine nprocs if nprocs < 0: n_cores = mp.cpu_count() nprocs = n_cores - (nprocs + 1) # temporary raster map names for slope, aspect, x, y, z components if slope == "": slope_raster = create_tempname("tmpSlope_") else: slope_raster = slope if aspect == "": aspect_raster = create_tempname("tmpAspect_") else: aspect_raster = aspect z_raster = create_tempname("tmpzRaster_") x_raster = create_tempname("tmpxRaster_") y_raster = create_tempname("tmpyRaster_") # create slope and aspect rasters if slope == "" or aspect == "": grass.message("Calculating slope and aspect...") grass.run_command( "r.slope.aspect", elevation=dem, slope=slope_raster, aspect=aspect_raster, format="degrees", precision="FCELL", zscale=1.0, min_slope=0.0, quiet=True, ) # calculate x y and z rasters # note - GRASS sin/cos functions differ from ArcGIS which expects input grid in radians # whereas GRASS functions expect degrees # no need to convert slope and aspect to radians as in the original ArcGIS script x_expr = "{x} = float( sin({a}) * sin({b}) )".format(x=x_raster, a=aspect_raster, b=slope_raster) y_expr = "{y} = float( cos({a}) * sin({b}) )".format(y=y_raster, a=aspect_raster, b=slope_raster) z_expr = "{z} = float( cos({a}) )".format(z=z_raster, a=slope_raster) # calculate x, y, z components (parallel) grass.message("Calculating x, y, and z rasters...") mapcalc = Module("r.mapcalc", run_=False) queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=nprocs) mapcalc1 = copy.deepcopy(mapcalc) m = mapcalc1(expression=x_expr) queue.put(m) mapcalc2 = copy.deepcopy(mapcalc) m = mapcalc2(expression=y_expr) queue.put(m) mapcalc3 = copy.deepcopy(mapcalc) m = mapcalc3(expression=z_expr) queue.put(m) queue.wait() # calculate x, y, z neighborhood sums (parallel) grass.message( "Calculating sums of x, y, and z rasters in selected neighborhoods...") x_sum_list = [] y_sum_list = [] z_sum_list = [] neighbors = Module("r.neighbors", overwrite=True, run_=False) queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=nprocs) for size in neighborhood_size: # create temporary raster names for neighborhood x, y, z sums x_sum_raster = create_tempname("tmpxSumRaster_") x_sum_list.append(x_sum_raster) y_sum_raster = create_tempname("tmpySumRaster_") y_sum_list.append(y_sum_raster) z_sum_raster = create_tempname("tmpzSumRaster_") z_sum_list.append(z_sum_raster) # queue jobs for x, y, z neighborhood sums neighbors_xsum = copy.deepcopy(neighbors) n = neighbors_xsum(input=x_raster, output=x_sum_raster, method="average", size=size) queue.put(n) neighbors_ysum = copy.deepcopy(neighbors) n = neighbors_ysum(input=y_raster, output=y_sum_raster, method="average", size=size) queue.put(n) neighbors_zsum = copy.deepcopy(neighbors) n = neighbors_zsum(input=z_raster, output=z_sum_raster, method="average", size=size) queue.put(n) queue.wait() # calculate the resultant vector and final ruggedness raster # modified from the original script to multiple each SumRaster by the n neighborhood cells to get the sum grass.message("Calculating the final ruggedness rasters...") mapcalc = Module("r.mapcalc", run_=False) queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=nprocs) vrm_list = [] for x_sum_raster, y_sum_raster, z_sum_raster, size in zip( x_sum_list, y_sum_list, z_sum_list, neighborhood_size): if len(neighborhood_size) > 1: vrm_name = "_".join([output, str(size)]) else: vrm_name = output vrm_list.append(vrm_name) vrm_expr = "{x} = float(1-( (sqrt(({a}*{d})^2 + ({b}*{d})^2 + ({c}*{d})^2) / {d})))".format( x=vrm_name, a=x_sum_raster, b=y_sum_raster, c=z_sum_raster, d=int(size) * int(size), ) mapcalc1 = copy.deepcopy(mapcalc) m = mapcalc1(expression=vrm_expr) queue.put(m) queue.wait() # set colors grass.run_command("r.colors", flags="e", map=vrm_list, color="ryb") # set metadata for vrm, size in zip(vrm_list, neighborhood_size): title = "Vector Ruggedness Measure (size={size})".format(size=size) grass.run_command("", map=vrm, title=title) return 0
if (reg.rows, reg.cols) != array.shape: msg = "Region and array are different: %r != %r" raise TypeError(msg % ((reg.rows, reg.cols), array.shape)) with RasterRow(rastname, mode='w', mtype=mtype, overwrite=overwrite) as new: newrow = Buffer((array.shape[1], ), mtype=mtype) for row in array: newrow[:] = row[:] new.put_row(newrow) if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest from grass.pygrass.modules import Module Module("g.region", n=40, s=0, e=40, w=0, res=10) Module("r.mapcalc", expression="%s = row() + (10 * col())" % (test_raster_name), overwrite=True) Module("", map=test_raster_name, title="A test map", history="Generated by r.mapcalc", description="This is a test map") cats = """11:A 12:B 13:C 14:D 21:E 22:F 23:G
def main(options, flags): gisbase = os.getenv('GISBASE') if not gisbase: gs.fatal(_('$GISBASE not defined')) return 0 # Variables RAST = options['raster'] RAST = RAST.split(',') RASTL = [z.split('@')[0] for z in RAST] RASTL = [x.lower() for x in RASTL] RAST2 = options['raster2'] RAST2 = RAST2.split(',') RASTL2 = [z.split('@')[0] for z in RAST2] RASTL2 = [x.lower() for x in RASTL2] VECT = options['vector'] OUTP = options['output'] # Create vector with column names CT = ['x double precision, y double precision, label integer'] for i in xrange(len(RAST)): DT = gs.parse_command('', flags='g', map=RAST[i], quiet=True)['datatype'] if DT == 'CELL': CT.append("ID_{0} integer, {0} varchar(255)".format(RASTL[i])) else: CT.append("ID_{0} double precision, {0} varchar(255)".format( RASTL[i])) CNT = ','.join(CT) # Get raster points of raster layers with labels # Export point map to text file first and use that as input in r.what # TODO: the above is workaround to get vector cat value as label. Easier, # would be to use vector point map directly as input, but that does not # give label to link back to old vector layer PAT = Module('v.out.ascii', input=VECT, format='point', separator='space', precision=12, stdout_=PIPE).outputs.stdout CAT = Module('r.what', flags='f', map=RAST, stdin_=PAT, stdout_=PIPE).outputs.stdout CATV = CAT.replace('|*|', '||') Module('', input='-', stdin_=CATV, output=OUTP, columns=CNT, separator='pipe', format='point', x=1, y=2, quiet=True) # Get raster points of raster layers without labels (optional) if options['raster2']: for j in xrange(len(RAST2)): DT = gs.parse_command('', flags='g', map=RAST2[j], quiet=True)['datatype'] if DT == 'CELL': CT = "{} integer".format(RASTL2[j]) else: CT = "{} double precision".format(RASTL2[j]) Module('v.db.addcolumn', map=OUTP, columns=CT) Module('v.what.rast', map=OUTP, raster=RAST2[j], column=RASTL2[j]) # Write metadata opt2 = dict((k, v) for k, v in options.iteritems() if v) hist = ' '.join("{!s}={!r}".format(k, v) for (k, v) in opt2.iteritems()) hist = "v.what.rastlabel {}".format(hist) Module('', map=OUTP, comment="created with v.what.rastlabel", cmdhist=hist, flags='r', quiet=True)
def main(): global rm_regions, rm_rasters, rm_vectors, tmpfolder # parameters if options['s2names']: s2names = options['s2names'].split(',') if os.path.isfile(s2names[0]): with open(s2names[0], 'r') as f: s2namesstr = else: s2namesstr = ','.join(s2names) tmpdirectory = options['directory'] test_nprocs_memory() if not grass.find_program('', '--help'): grass.fatal( _("The '' module was not found, install it first:" ) + "\n" + "g.extension i.sentinel") if not grass.find_program('i.sentinel.import', '--help'): grass.fatal( _("The 'i.sentinel.import' module was not found, install it first:" ) + "\n" + "g.extension i.sentinel") if not grass.find_program('', '--help'): grass.fatal( _("The '' module was not found, install it first:" ) + "\n" + "g.extension i.sentinel") if not grass.find_program('i.zero2null', '--help'): grass.fatal( _("The 'i.zero2null' module was not found, install it first:") + "\n" + "g.extension i.zero2null") # create temporary directory to download data if tmpdirectory: if not os.path.isdir(tmpdirectory): try: os.makedirs(tmpdirectory) except: grass.fatal(_("Unable to create temp dir")) else: tmpdirectory = grass.tempdir() tmpfolder = tmpdirectory # make distinct download and sen2cor directories try: download_dir = os.path.join(tmpdirectory, 'download_{}'.format(os.getpid())) os.makedirs(download_dir) except Exception as e: grass.fatal(_('Unable to create temp dir {}').format(download_dir)) if not options['input_dir']: # auxiliary variable showing whether each S2-scene lies in an # individual folder single_folders = True download_args = { 'settings': options['settings'], 'nprocs': options['nprocs'], 'output': download_dir, 'datasource': options['datasource'], 'flags': 'f' } if options['limit']: download_args['limit'] = options['limit'] if options['s2names']: download_args['flags'] += 's' download_args['scene_name'] = s2namesstr.strip() if options['datasource'] == 'USGS_EE': if flags['e']: download_args['flags'] += 'e' download_args['producttype'] = 'S2MSI1C' else: download_args['clouds'] = options['clouds'] download_args['start'] = options['start'] download_args['end'] = options['end'] download_args['producttype'] = options['producttype'] grass.run_command('', **download_args) else: download_dir = options['input_dir'] single_folders = False number_of_scenes = len(os.listdir(download_dir)) nprocs_final = min(number_of_scenes, int(options['nprocs'])) # run atmospheric correction if flags['a']: sen2cor_folder = os.path.join(tmpdirectory, 'sen2cor_{}'.format(os.getpid())) try: os.makedirs(sen2cor_folder) except Exception as e: grass.fatal( _("Unable to create temporary sen2cor folder {}").format( sen2cor_folder)) grass.message( _('Starting atmospheric correction with sen2cor...').format( nprocs_final)) queue_sen2cor = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=nprocs_final) for idx, subfolder in enumerate(os.listdir(download_dir)): if single_folders is False: if subfolder.endswith('.SAFE'): filepath = os.path.join(download_dir, subfolder) else: folderpath = os.path.join(download_dir, subfolder) for file in os.listdir(folderpath): if file.endswith('.SAFE'): filepath = os.path.join(folderpath, file) output_dir = os.path.join(sen2cor_folder, 'sen2cor_result_{}'.format(idx)) try: os.makedirs(output_dir) except Exception: grass.fatal( _('Unable to create directory {}').format(output_dir)) sen2cor_module = Module( 'i.sentinel-2.sen2cor', input_file=filepath, output_dir=output_dir, sen2cor_path=options['sen2cor_path'], nprocs=1, run_=False # all remaining sen2cor parameters can be left as default ) queue_sen2cor.put(sen2cor_module) queue_sen2cor.wait() download_dir = sen2cor_folder single_folders = True grass.message(_("Importing Sentinel scenes ...")) env = grass.gisenv() start_gisdbase = env['GISDBASE'] start_location = env['LOCATION_NAME'] start_cur_mapset = env['MAPSET'] ### save current region id = str(os.getpid()) currentregion = 'tmp_region_' + id rm_regions.append(currentregion) grass.run_command('g.region', save=currentregion, flags='p') queue_import = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=nprocs_final) memory_per_proc = round(float(options['memory']) / nprocs_final) mapsetids = [] importflag = 'rn' if flags['i']: importflag += 'i' if flags['c']: importflag += 'c' json_standard_folder = os.path.join(env['GISDBASE'], env['LOCATION_NAME'], env['MAPSET'], 'cell_misc') if not os.path.isdir(json_standard_folder): os.makedirs(json_standard_folder) for idx, subfolder in enumerate(os.listdir(download_dir)): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(download_dir, subfolder)): mapsetid = 'S2_import_%s' % (str(idx + 1)) mapsetids.append(mapsetid) import_kwargs = { "mapsetid": mapsetid, "memory": memory_per_proc, "pattern": options["pattern"], "flags": importflag, "region": currentregion, "metadata": json_standard_folder } if single_folders is True: directory = os.path.join(download_dir, subfolder) else: directory = download_dir if subfolder.endswith(".SAFE"): pattern_file = subfolder.split(".SAFE")[0] elif subfolder.endswith(".zip"): pattern_file = subfolder.split(".zip")[0] if ".SAFE" in pattern_file: pattern_file = pattern_file.split(".SAFE")[0] else: grass.warning( _("{} is not in .SAFE or .zip format, " "skipping...").format( os.path.join(download_dir, subfolder))) continue import_kwargs["pattern_file"] = pattern_file import_kwargs["input"] = directory i_sentinel_import = Module("i.sentinel.import.worker", run_=False, **import_kwargs) queue_import.put(i_sentinel_import) queue_import.wait() grass.run_command('g.remove', type='region', name=currentregion, flags='f') # verify that switching the mapset worked env = grass.gisenv() gisdbase = env['GISDBASE'] location = env['LOCATION_NAME'] cur_mapset = env['MAPSET'] if cur_mapset != start_cur_mapset: grass.fatal("New mapset is <%s>, but should be <%s>" % (cur_mapset, start_cur_mapset)) # copy maps to current mapset maplist = [] cloudlist = [] for new_mapset in mapsetids: for vect in grass.parse_command('g.list', type='vector', mapset=new_mapset): cloudlist.append(vect) grass.run_command('g.copy', vector=vect + '@' + new_mapset + ',' + vect) for rast in grass.parse_command('g.list', type='raster', mapset=new_mapset): maplist.append(rast) grass.run_command('g.copy', raster=rast + '@' + new_mapset + ',' + rast) grass.utils.try_rmdir(os.path.join(gisdbase, location, new_mapset)) # space time dataset grass.message(_("Creating STRDS of Sentinel scenes ...")) if options['strds_output']: strds = options['strds_output'] grass.run_command('t.create', output=strds, title="Sentinel-2", desc="Sentinel-2", quiet=True) # check GRASS version g79_or_higher = False gversion = grass.parse_command("g.version", flags="g")["version"] gversion_base = gversion.split(".")[:2] gversion_base_int = tuple([int(a) for a in gversion_base]) if gversion_base_int >= tuple((7, 9)): g79_or_higher = True # create register file registerfile = grass.tempfile() file = open(registerfile, 'w') for imp_rast in list(set(maplist)): band_str_tmp1 = imp_rast.split("_")[2] band_str = band_str_tmp1.replace("B0", "").replace("B", "") date_str1 = imp_rast.split('_')[1].split('T')[0] date_str2 = "%s-%s-%s" % (date_str1[:4], date_str1[4:6], date_str1[6:]) time_str = imp_rast.split('_')[1].split('T')[1] clock_str2 = "%s:%s:%s" % (time_str[:2], time_str[2:4], time_str[4:]) write_str = "%s|%s %s" % (imp_rast, date_str2, clock_str2) if g79_or_higher is True: write_str += "|S2_%s" % band_str file.write("%s\n" % write_str) file.close() grass.run_command('t.register', input=strds, file=registerfile, quiet=True) # remove registerfile grass.try_remove(registerfile) if flags['c']: stvdsclouds = strds + '_clouds' grass.run_command('t.create', output=stvdsclouds, title="Sentinel-2 clouds", desc="Sentinel-2 clouds", quiet=True, type='stvds') registerfileclouds = grass.tempfile() fileclouds = open(registerfileclouds, 'w') for imp_clouds in cloudlist: date_str1 = imp_clouds.split('_')[1].split('T')[0] date_str2 = "%s-%s-%s" % (date_str1[:4], date_str1[4:6], date_str1[6:]) time_str = imp_clouds.split('_')[1].split('T')[1] clock_str2 = "%s:%s:%s" % (time_str[:2], time_str[2:4], time_str[4:]) fileclouds.write("%s|%s %s\n" % (imp_clouds, date_str2, clock_str2)) fileclouds.close() grass.run_command('t.register', type='vector', input=stvdsclouds, file=registerfileclouds, quiet=True) grass.message("<%s> is created" % (stvdsclouds)) # remove registerfile grass.try_remove(registerfileclouds) # extract strds for each band bands = [] pattern = options['pattern'] if "(" in pattern: global beforebrackets, afterbrackets beforebrackets = re.findall(r"(.*?)\(", pattern)[0] inbrackets = re.findall(r"\((.*?)\)", pattern)[0] afterbrackets = re.findall(r"\)(.*)", pattern)[0] bands = [ "%s%s%s" % (beforebrackets, x, afterbrackets) for x in inbrackets.split('|') ] else: bands = pattern.split('|') for band in bands: if flags['i'] and ('20' in band or '60' in band): band.replace('20', '10').replace('60', '10') grass.run_command('t.rast.extract', input=strds, where="name like '%" + band + "%'", output="%s_%s" % (strds, band), quiet=True) grass.message("<%s_%s> is created" % (strds, band))
class GridModule(object): # TODO maybe also i.* could be supported easily """Run GRASS raster commands in a multiprocessing mode. :param cmd: raster GRASS command, only command staring with r.* are valid. :type cmd: str :param width: width of the tile, in pixel :type width: int :param height: height of the tile, in pixel. :type height: int :param overlap: overlap between tiles, in pixel. :type overlap: int :param processes: number of threads, default value is equal to the number of processor available. :param split: if True use r.tile to split all the inputs. :type split: bool :param run_: if False only instantiate the object :type run_: bool :param args: give all the parameters to the command :param kargs: give all the parameters to the command >>> grd = GridModule('r.slope.aspect', ... width=500, height=500, overlap=2, ... processes=None, split=False, ... elevation='elevation', ... slope='slope', aspect='aspect', overwrite=True) >>> """ def __init__(self, cmd, width=None, height=None, overlap=0, processes=None, split=False, debug=False, region=None, move=None, log=False, start_row=0, start_col=0, out_prefix='', *args, **kargs): kargs['run_'] = False self.mset = Mapset() self.module = Module(cmd, *args, **kargs) self.width = width self.height = height self.overlap = overlap self.processes = processes self.region = region if region else Region() self.start_row = start_row self.start_col = start_col self.out_prefix = out_prefix self.log = log self.move = move self.gisrc_src = os.environ['GISRC'] self.n_mset, self.gisrc_dst = None, None if self.move: self.n_mset = copy_mapset(self.mset, self.move) self.gisrc_dst = write_gisrc(self.n_mset.gisdbase, self.n_mset.location, rasters = [r for r in select(self.module.inputs, 'raster')] if rasters: copy_rasters(rasters, self.gisrc_src, self.gisrc_dst, region=self.region) vectors = [v for v in select(self.module.inputs, 'vector')] if vectors: copy_vectors(vectors, self.gisrc_src, self.gisrc_dst) groups = [g for g in select(self.module.inputs, 'group')] if groups: copy_groups(groups, self.gisrc_src, self.gisrc_dst, region=self.region) self.bboxes = split_region_tiles(region=region, width=width, height=height, overlap=overlap) self.msetstr = cmd.replace('.', '') + "_%03d_%03d" self.inlist = None if split: self.split() self.debug = debug def __del__(self): if self.gisrc_dst: # remove GISRC file os.remove(self.gisrc_dst) def clean_location(self, location=None): """Remove all created mapsets. :param location: a Location instance where we are running the analysis :type location: Location object """ if location is None: if self.n_mset: self.n_mset.current() location = Location() mapsets = location.mapsets(self.msetstr.split('_')[0] + '_*') for mset in mapsets: Mapset(mset).delete() if self.n_mset and self.n_mset.is_current(): self.mset.current() def split(self): """Split all the raster inputs using r.tile""" rtile = Module('r.tile') inlist = {} for inm in select(self.module.inputs, 'raster'): rtile(input=inm.value, output=inm.value, width=self.width, height=self.height, overlap=self.overlap) patt = '%s-*' % inm.value inlist[inm.value] = sorted(self.mset.glist(type='rast', pattern=patt)) self.inlist = inlist def get_works(self): """Return a list of tuble with the parameters for cmd_exe function""" works = [] reg = Region() if self.move: mdst, ldst, gdst = read_gisrc(self.gisrc_dst) else: ldst, gdst = self.mset.location, self.mset.gisdbase cmd = self.module.get_dict() groups = [g for g in select(self.module.inputs, 'group')] for row, box_row in enumerate(self.bboxes): for col, box in enumerate(box_row): inms = None if self.inlist: inms = {} cols = len(box_row) for key in self.inlist: indx = row * cols + col inms[key] = "%s@%s" % (self.inlist[key][indx], # set the computational region, prepare the region parameters bbox = dict([(k[0], str(v)) for k, v in box.items()[:-2]]) bbox['nsres'] = '%f' % reg.nsres bbox['ewres'] = '%f' % reg.ewres new_mset = self.msetstr % (self.start_row + row, self.start_col + col), works.append((bbox, inms, self.gisrc_src, write_gisrc(gdst, ldst, new_mset), cmd, groups)) return works def define_mapset_inputs(self): """Add the mapset information to the input maps """ for inmap in self.module.inputs: inm = self.module.inputs[inmap] if inm.type in ('raster', 'vector') and inm.value: if '@' not in inm.value: mset = get_mapset_raster(inm.value) inm.value = inm.value + '@%s' % mset def run(self, patch=True, clean=True): """Run the GRASS command :param patch: set False if you does not want to patch the results :type patch: bool :param clean: set False if you does not want to remove all the stuff created by GridModule :type clean: bool """ self.module.flags.overwrite = True self.define_mapset_inputs() if self.debug: for wrk in self.get_works(): cmd_exe(wrk) else: pool = mltp.Pool(processes=self.processes) result = pool.map_async(cmd_exe, self.get_works()) result.wait() if not result.successful(): raise RuntimeError(_("Execution of subprocesses was not successful")) if patch: if self.move: os.environ['GISRC'] = self.gisrc_dst self.n_mset.current() self.patch() os.environ['GISRC'] = self.gisrc_src self.mset.current() # copy the outputs from dst => src routputs = [self.out_prefix + o for o in select(self.module.outputs, 'raster')] copy_rasters(routputs, self.gisrc_dst, self.gisrc_src) else: self.patch() if self.log: # record in the temp directory from grass.lib.gis import G_tempfile tmp, dummy = os.path.split(G_tempfile()) tmpdir = os.path.join(tmp, for k in self.module.outputs: par = self.module.outputs[k] if par.typedesc == 'raster' and par.value: dirpath = os.path.join(tmpdir, if not os.path.isdir(dirpath): os.makedirs(dirpath) fil = open(os.path.join(dirpath, self.out_prefix + par.value), 'w+') fil.close() if clean: self.clean_location() self.rm_tiles() if self.n_mset: gisdbase, location = os.path.split(self.move) self.clean_location(Location(location, gisdbase)) # rm temporary gis_rc os.remove(self.gisrc_dst) self.gisrc_dst = None sht.rmtree(os.path.join(self.move, 'PERMANENT')) sht.rmtree(os.path.join(self.move, def patch(self): """Patch the final results.""" bboxes = split_region_tiles(width=self.width, height=self.height) loc = Location() mset = loc[] mset.visible.extend(loc.mapsets()) for otmap in self.module.outputs: otm = self.module.outputs[otmap] if otm.typedesc == 'raster' and otm.value: rpatch_map(otm.value,, self.msetstr, bboxes, self.module.flags.overwrite, self.start_row, self.start_col, self.out_prefix) def rm_tiles(self): """Remove all the tiles.""" # if split, remove tiles if self.inlist: grm = Module('g.remove') for key in self.inlist: grm(flags='f', type='rast', pattern=self.inlist[key])
def isTableExists(name): res = Module('db.tables', flags='p', stdout_=PIPE) for line in res.outputs.stdout.splitlines(): if name == line: return True return False