예제 #1
def main():
    # lazy imports
    import grass.temporal as tgis

    # Get the options
    input = options["input"]
    output = options["output"]
    twhere = options["twhere"]
    layer = options["layer"]
    type = options["type"]
    column = options["column"]
    where = options["where"]
    extended = flags["e"]
    header = flags["u"]
    separator = grass.separator(options["separator"])

    # Make sure the temporal database exists

    if not output:
        output = None
    if output == "-":
        output = None

    tgis.print_vector_dataset_univar_statistics(input, output, twhere, layer,
                                                type, column, where, extended,
                                                header, separator)
예제 #2
def main():

    # Get the options
    input = options["input"]
    twhere = options["twhere"]
    layer = options["layer"]
    type = options["type"]
    column = options["column"]
    where = options["where"]
    extended = flags["e"]
    header = flags["s"]
    separator = grass.separator(options["separator"])

    # Make sure the temporal database exists

        input, twhere, layer, type, column, where, extended, header, separator)