def handle(self, job_id, **options): job = Job.objects.get(id=job_id) if not job.physical: return '' config = Configuration.get() job.redirect_output() preseed_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'preseeds', 'build-node.preseed') with open(preseed_path, 'w') as fp: fp.write(render_to_string('build-node.preseed.tmpl', {'config': config})) try: run_cmd(['sudo', 'cobbler', 'system', 'remove', '--name=%s' % (job.build_node().name,)]) except: pass run_cmd(['sudo', 'cobbler', 'system', 'add', '--name=%s' % (job.build_node().name,), '--mac-address=%s' % (job.build_node().mac,), '--profile=%s-x86_64' % (job.description['ubuntu_series'],), '--ip-address=%s' % (job.build_node().ip,), '--dns-name=%s' % (job.build_node().fqdn(),), '--hostname=%s' % (job.build_node().fqdn(),), '--kickstart=%s' % (preseed_path,), '--kopts="log_host=%s ' 'log_port=%d ' 'netcfg/disable_autoconfig=true ' 'netcfg/dhcp_failed=true ' "netcfg/dhcp_options='Configure network manually' " 'netcfg/get_nameservers=%s ' 'netcfg/get_ipaddress=%s ' 'netcfg/get_netmask=%s ' 'netcfg/get_gateway=%s ' 'netcfg/confirm_static=true ' 'clock-setup/ntp-server=%s ' 'partman-auto/disk=%s"' % (utils.src_ip(job.build_node().ip), job.log_listener_port, config.name_server(), job.build_node().ip, config.netmask, config.gateway, config.ntp_server(), job.build_node().hardware_profile.description['boot_disk']), '--power-user=%s' % (job.build_node().power_user,), '--power-address=%s' % (job.build_node().power_address,), '--power-pass=%s' % (job.build_node().power_password,), '--power-id=%s' % (job.build_node().power_id,), '--power-type=%s' % (job.build_node().power_type,),]) run_cmd(['sudo', 'cobbler', 'system', 'edit', '--name=%s' % (job.build_node().name,), '--netboot-enabled=true']) run_cmd(['sudo', 'cobbler', 'sync']) run_cmd(['sudo', 'cobbler', 'system', 'poweroff', '--name=%s' % (job.build_node().name,)]) sleep(5) run_cmd(['sudo', 'cobbler', 'system', 'poweron', '--name=%s' % (job.build_node().name,)])
def handle(self, job_id, **options): job = Job.objects.get(id=job_id) if not job.physical: return '' config = Configuration.get() job.redirect_output() fabric_env.host_string = '%s@%s' % (config.admin_user, job.build_node().ip) fabric_env.password = config.admin_password fabric_env.abort_on_prompts = True fabric_env.sudo_prefix = 'sudo -H -S -p \'%(sudo_prompt)s\' ' nodes = job.non_build_nodes() for node in nodes: sudo('timeout 10 cobbler system poweroff --name=%s' % (node,))
def handle(self, job_id, **options): print "a" job = Job.objects.get(id=job_id) print "b" if not job.physical: print "c" timeout = time() + 300 print "d" while timeout > time(): print "e" if job.cloud_slave_reservation.update_state() == job.cloud_slave_reservation.READY: return "" print "f" sleep(5) print "g" print "h" return "Did not work" print "i" config = Configuration.get() job.redirect_output() def wait_for_ubuntu_install_to_finish(): timeout = time() + 60 * 25 while time() < timeout: output = run_cmd(["sudo", "cobbler", "system", "dumpvars", "--name=%s" % (job.build_node().name,)]) for l in output.split("\n"): if l.startswith("netboot_enabled") and l.endswith("False"): return True print "Not done yet. %s seconds left." % (timeout - time(),) self.stdout.flush() sleep(5) return False def wait_for_ssh_to_become_available(): timeout = time() + 60 * 25 while time() < timeout: try: run("true") return True except NetworkError, e: print e self.stdout.flush() sleep(5) return False
def handle(self, job_id, **options): job = Job.objects.get(id=job_id) config = Configuration.get() job.redirect_output() print 'General config: ' print 'Subnet :', config.subnet print 'Netmask :', config.netmask print 'Domain :', config.domain print 'Gateway :', config.gateway print 'NTP servers :', config.ntp_servers print 'Name servers:', config.nameservers print 'Proxy :', config.proxy print 'Admin user :'******'Admin passwd:', config.admin_password print print 'Job details:' print 'Ubuntu version:', job.description['ubuntu_series'] if 'manifest' in job.description: print 'Manifest :' print ' Repository:', job.description['manifest']['git']['repository'] print ' Branch :', job.description['manifest']['git']['branch'] print ' Subdir :', job.description['manifest']['git'].get('subdir', '.') print 'Users and tenants:' for tenant in job.description.get('tenants', []): print ' Tenant:' print ' Name :', tenant['name'] print ' Description:', tenant.get('description') for user in job.description.get('users', []): print ' User:'******' Name :', user['name'] print ' Password:'******'password'] print ' E-mail :', user.get('email') print ' Tenant :', user['tenant'] print ' Roles :', user.get('roles', []) print 'Images:' for image in job.description.get('images', []): print ' Image:' print ' Name :', image['name'] print ' Container format:', image.get('container_format', 'bare') print ' Disk format :', image.get('disk-format', 'raw') print ' Source :', image['url'] print 'Archive information:' for archive in job.description['archives']: print ' Archive:' print ' Name :', archive['name'] print ' Pocket :', archive['pocket'] print ' Location :', archive['location'] print ' Components:', ' '.join(archive['components']) print ' Key ID :', archive['key_id'] print ' Line :', archive['line'] print ' Proxy :', archive['proxy'] print ' Key data :' print '\n'.join([' %s' % l for l in archive['key_data'].split('\n')]) print print "Participating nodes:" header() for node in job.nodes(): extra_info = [] if node == job.build_node(): extra_info += ['build node'] if node == job.control_node(): extra_info += ['controller node'] describe_node(node, ', '.join(extra_info))
def handle(self, job_id, **options): job = Job.objects.get(id=job_id) config = Configuration.get() job.redirect_output() job._configure_fabric_for_control_node() # This is crude and horrible admin_user = job.description['users'][0] non_priv_user1 = job.description['users'][1] non_priv_user2 = job.description['users'][2] tempest_default_overrides['ALL'] = {'username' : non_priv_user1['name'], 'tenant_name': non_priv_user1['tenant'], 'password': non_priv_user1['password'], 'alt_username' : non_priv_user2['name'], 'alt_tenant_name': non_priv_user2['tenant'], 'alt_password': non_priv_user2['password']} tempest_default_overrides['identity-admin'] = {'username' : admin_user['name'], 'tenant_name': admin_user['tenant'], 'password': admin_user['password']} tempest_default_overrides['compute-admin'] = tempest_default_overrides['identity-admin'] tempest_default_overrides['compute'] = {} tempest_default_overrides['compute']['create_image_enabled'] = 'false' tempest_default_overrides['compute']['resize_available'] = 'false' tempest_default_overrides['compute']['change_password_available'] = 'false' tempest_default_overrides['compute']['whitebox_enabled'] = 'false' tempest_default_overrides['network'] = {} tempest_default_overrides['network']['api_version'] = 'v2.0' sudo('apt-get -y install python-glanceclient') image_id = run('OS_USERNAME=%s OS_PASSWORD=%s OS_TENANT_NAME=%s OS_AUTH_URL=%s glance image-list --name="%s" | tail -n 2 | head -n 1 | sed -e "s/^..//g" -e "s/ .*//g"' % (non_priv_user1['name'], non_priv_user1['password'], non_priv_user1['tenant'], 'http://%s:5000/v2.0/' % (job.control_node().external_ip), job.description['images'][0]['name'])).strip() if not 'ALL' in tempest_default_overrides: tempest_default_overrides['ALL'] = {} tempest_default_overrides['ALL']['image_ref'] = image_id tempest_default_overrides['ALL']['image_ref_alt'] = image_id sudo('apt-get -y install git python-unittest2 python-testtools python-testresources') run('git clone -b stable/folsom') conf_sample = StringIO() get('tempest/etc/tempest.conf.sample', conf_sample) out = '' for l in conf_sample.getvalue().split('\n'): if l.startswith('['): section = l[1:-1] elif l.strip() == '': pass elif l.startswith('#'): pass else: k, v = l.split('=') k, v = k.strip(), v.strip() if section in tempest_default_overrides and k in tempest_default_overrides[section]: v = tempest_default_overrides[section][k] elif 'ALL' in tempest_default_overrides and k in tempest_default_overrides['ALL']: v = tempest_default_overrides['ALL'][k] l = "%s = %s" % (k, v) out += "%s\n" % (l,) put(StringIO(out), 'tempest/etc/tempest.conf') result = run("cd tempest ; nosetests -v -a '!whitebox' tempest") if (result.return_code == 0): print "gate packages"