예제 #1
def _render_file(file_yo, context, output_filename=None):
    global raw
    if file_yo.get("children"):
        # We DoNt ReNdEr FiLeS wItH cHiLdReN
        for base_file in file_yo["children"]:
            _render_file(base_file, context)
        desired_fname = file_yo['filename'] if output_filename is None else output_filename
        output = open(BUILD_DIR + desired_fname, "w+")
        parent_file = None

        if file_yo['vars'].get("PARENT"):
            parent_file = open(file_yo['vars']['PARENT'], "r")

        in_file = open(file_yo['file'], "r")

        if parent_file:
            for line in parent_file:
                to_write = line
                stripped = line.strip()
                if "xXx RAW_IMA_GIVE_IT_TO_YA xXx" == stripped:
                    import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
                    raw = True
                    to_write = ""
                elif "xXx LESS_RAW xXx" == stripped:
                    raw = False
                    to_write = ""
                elif 'xXx' in line and raw is False:
                    if '@' in line:
                        to_write = interpolate(line.replace("@", ""), {}, context)
                    elif '=' in line:
                        to_write = interpolate(line, file_yo, context)
                        # ChIlD BloCk oR SoMeThIng, Yo
                        beginning = line.split("xXx")[0]
                        end = line.split("xXx")[2]
                        block_name = line.split("xXx")[1].strip()
                        block_data = file_yo['blocks'].get(block_name, "")
                        to_write = beginning + block_data + end

                output.write(to_write if "core" not in to_write else to_write)
            for line in in_file:
                to_write = line
                if 'xXx' in line and raw is False:
                    to_write = interpolate(line, file_yo, context)


        if parent_file:
def _render_file(file_yo, context, output_filename=None):
    if file_yo.get("children"):
        # We DoNt ReNdEr FiLeS wItH cHiLdReN
        for base_file in file_yo["children"]:
            _render_file(base_file, context)
        desired_fname = file_yo['filename'] if output_filename is None else output_filename
        output = open(BUILD_DIR + desired_fname, "w+")
        parent_file = None

        if file_yo['vars'].get("PARENT"):
            parent_file = open(file_yo['vars']['PARENT'], "r")

        in_file = open(file_yo['file'], "r")

        if parent_file:
            for line in parent_file:
                to_write = line
                if 'xXx' in line:
                    if '@' in line:
                        to_write = interpolate(line.replace("@", ""), {}, context)
                    elif '=' in line:
                        to_write = interpolate(line, file_yo, context)
                        # ChIlD BloCk oR SoMeThIng, Yo
                        beginning = line.split("xXx")[0]
                        end = line.split("xXx")[2]
                        block_name = line.split("xXx")[1].strip()
                        block_data = file_yo['blocks'].get(block_name, "")
                        to_write = beginning + block_data + end

                output.write(to_write if "core" not in to_write else to_write)
            for line in in_file:
                to_write = line
                if 'xXx' in line:
                    to_write = interpolate(line, file_yo, context)


        if parent_file:
예제 #3
def parse_file(context, radical_file):
    tfile = open(TEMPLATE_DIR + radical_file, "r")
    file_meta = {}
    file_meta['file'] = TEMPLATE_DIR + radical_file
    file_meta['filename'] = radical_file
    file_meta['vars'] = {}
    file_meta['blocks'] = {}
    file_meta['loops'] = []

    reading_block = False
    block_str = ""
    end_str = ""
    block_name = ""

    loop_stack = None
    active_loops = 0
    for line in tfile:
        stripped = line.strip()
        if "xXx" in stripped and "=" in stripped.split("xXx")[1]:
            var = parse_variable(line)
            file_meta['vars'][var[0]] = var[1]
        elif "xXx TTYL xXx" == stripped:
            file_meta['blocks'][block_name] = block_str + end_str
            reading_block = False
            block_str = ""
            block_name = ""
            end_str = ""
        # We LoOpIn BaBy
        elif "xXx LOOP " in stripped:
            variables = stripped.split("xXx")[1].strip().replace("LOOP ",
                                                                 "").split(" ")
            active_loops = active_loops + 1
            print "We've entered timeskip {}!".format(variables[1])
            if loop_stack is None:
                loop_stack = {
                    "loop_depth": active_loops,
                    "loop_variable": variables[0],
                    "loop_str": "",
                    "loop_list": variables[1],
                    "loop_subloop": None
                #ThIs WoRkS FoR MoRe ThAn TwO LoOpS
                def recurse_bro(item):
                    if item is None:
                        loop_stack["loop_subloop"] = {
                            "loop_depth": active_loops,
                            "loop_variable": variables[0],
                            "loop_str": "",
                            "loop_list": variables[1],
                            "loop_subloop": None


        elif "xXx BBL xXx" == stripped:
            active_loops = active_loops - 1
            if active_loops == 0:
                temp_loop_str = _render_loop(loop_stack, context)
                # AsSuMe WeRe In A bLoCk
                block_str = block_str + temp_loop_str
                # wE DoNe LoOpIn NoW
                loop_stack = None
        elif "xXx" in stripped and reading_block is True:
            if '@' in stripped:
                line = stripped = interpolate(stripped.replace("@", ""), {},
        elif "xXx" in stripped and reading_block is False:
            reading_block = True
            lstripped = line.split("xXx")
            block_name = lstripped[1].strip()
            block_str = lstripped[0]
            end_str = lstripped[2]
        if active_loops == 0 and reading_block is True and "xXx" not in stripped:
            block_str = block_str + line
        if active_loops > 0:

            def recurse_bro(item):
                if item is not None:
                    if item["loop_depth"] <= active_loops:
                        if "xXx LOOP" in stripped and item[
                                "loop_depth"] != active_loops:
                            item["loop_str"] = item["loop_str"] + stripped
                        elif "xXx LOOP" not in stripped:
                            item["loop_str"] = item["loop_str"] + stripped


    return file_meta
def parse_file(context, radical_file):
    tfile = open(TEMPLATE_DIR + radical_file, "r")
    file_meta = {}
    file_meta['file'] = TEMPLATE_DIR + radical_file
    file_meta['filename'] = radical_file
    file_meta['vars'] = {}
    file_meta['blocks'] = {}
    file_meta['loops'] = []

    reading_block = False
    block_str = ""
    end_str = ""
    block_name = ""

    loop_stack = None
    active_loops = 0
    for line in tfile:
        stripped = line.strip()
        if "xXx" in stripped and "=" in stripped.split("xXx")[1]:
            var = parse_variable(line)
            file_meta['vars'][var[0]] = var[1]
        elif "xXx TTYL xXx" == stripped:
            file_meta['blocks'][block_name] = block_str + end_str
            reading_block = False
            block_str = ""
            block_name = ""
            end_str = ""
        # We LoOpIn BaBy
        elif "xXx LOOP " in stripped:
            variables = stripped.split("xXx")[1].strip().replace("LOOP ", "").split(" ")
            active_loops = active_loops + 1
            print "We've entered timeskip {}!".format(variables[1])
            if loop_stack is None:
                loop_stack = {
                    "loop_depth": active_loops,
                    "loop_variable": variables[0],
                    "loop_str": "",
                    "loop_list": variables[1],
                    "loop_subloop": None
                #ThIs WoRkS FoR MoRe ThAn TwO LoOpS
                def recurse_bro(item):
                    if item is None:
                        loop_stack["loop_subloop"] = {
                            "loop_depth": active_loops,
                            "loop_variable": variables[0],
                            "loop_str": "",
                            "loop_list": variables[1],
                            "loop_subloop": None

        elif "xXx BBL xXx" == stripped:
            active_loops = active_loops - 1
            if active_loops == 0:
                temp_loop_str = _render_loop(loop_stack, context)
                # AsSuMe WeRe In A bLoCk
                block_str = block_str + temp_loop_str
                # wE DoNe LoOpIn NoW
                loop_stack = None
        elif "xXx" in stripped and reading_block is True:
            if '@' in stripped:
                line = stripped = interpolate(stripped.replace("@", ""), {}, context)
        elif "xXx" in stripped and reading_block is False:
            reading_block = True
            lstripped = line.split("xXx")
            block_name = lstripped[1].strip()
            block_str = lstripped[0]
            end_str = lstripped[2]
        if active_loops == 0 and reading_block is True and "xXx" not in stripped:
            block_str = block_str + line
        if active_loops > 0:
            def recurse_bro(item):
                if item is not None:
                    if item["loop_depth"] <= active_loops:
                        if "xXx LOOP" in stripped and item["loop_depth"] != active_loops:
                            item["loop_str"] = item["loop_str"] + stripped
                        elif "xXx LOOP" not in stripped:
                            item["loop_str"] = item["loop_str"] + stripped

    return file_meta
예제 #5
def main(context):
    all_templates = []
    for radical_file in listdir(TEMPLATE_DIR):
        if not radical_file.endswith(".html"):

        tfile = open(TEMPLATE_DIR + radical_file, "r")
        file_meta = {}
        file_meta['file'] = TEMPLATE_DIR + radical_file
        file_meta['filename'] = radical_file
        file_meta['vars'] = {}
        file_meta['blocks'] = {}
        file_meta['loops'] = []

        reading_block = False
        block_str = ""
        end_str = ""
        block_name = ""

        loop_stack = None
        active_loops = 0
        for line in tfile:
            stripped = line.strip()
            if "xXx" in stripped and "=" in stripped.split("xXx")[1]:
                var = parse_variable(line)
                file_meta['vars'][var[0]] = var[1]
            elif "xXx TTYL xXx" == stripped:
                file_meta['blocks'][block_name] = block_str + end_str
                reading_block = False
                block_str = ""
                block_name = ""
                end_str = ""
            # We LoOpIn BaBy
            elif "xXx LOOP " in stripped:
                variables = stripped.split("xXx")[1].strip().replace("LOOP ", "").split(" ")
                active_loops = active_loops + 1
                print "We've entered timeskip {}!".format(variables[1])
                if loop_stack is None:
                    loop_stack = {
                        "loop_depth": active_loops,
                        "loop_variable": variables[0],
                        "loop_str": "",
                        "loop_list": variables[1],
                        "loop_subloop": None
                    #ThIs WoRkS FoR MoRe ThAn TwO LoOpS
                    def recurse_bro(item):
                        if item is None:
                            loop_stack["loop_subloop"] = {
                                "loop_depth": active_loops,
                                "loop_variable": variables[0],
                                "loop_str": "",
                                "loop_list": variables[1],
                                "loop_subloop": None

            elif "xXx BBL xXx" == stripped:
                active_loops = active_loops - 1
                if active_loops == 0:
                    temp_loop_str = _render_loop(loop_stack, context)
                    # AsSuMe WeRe In A bLoCk
                    block_str = block_str + temp_loop_str
                    # wE DoNe LoOpIn NoW
                    loop_stack = None
            elif "xXx" in stripped and reading_block is True:
                if '@' in stripped:
                    line = stripped = interpolate(stripped.replace("@", ""), {}, context)
            elif "xXx" in stripped and reading_block is False:
                reading_block = True
                lstripped = line.split("xXx")
                block_name = lstripped[1].strip()
                block_str = lstripped[0]
                end_str = lstripped[2]
            if active_loops == 0 and reading_block is True and "xXx" not in stripped:
                block_str = block_str + line
            if active_loops > 0:
                def recurse_bro(item):
                    if item is not None:
                        if item["loop_depth"] <= active_loops:
                            if "xXx LOOP" in stripped and item["loop_depth"] != active_loops:
                                item["loop_str"] = item["loop_str"] + stripped
                            elif "xXx LOOP" not in stripped:
                                item["loop_str"] = item["loop_str"] + stripped


    # BuIlD a SiCk TrEe oF TeMpLaTeS yO
    tree = {}
    for tfile in all_templates:
        if tfile['vars'].get('PARENT'):
            parent = tfile['vars']['PARENT']
            if tree.get(parent):
                tree[parent] = {
                        'children': [tfile]

    for base_file in tree:
        if base_file != BLOGPOST_TEMPLATE:

    #for post in listdir(POSTS_DIR):
    #    import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
    #    "ASDF"

    # BeCaUsE WhY NoT
    return 0