def test_write_with_depths(two_triangles, ncds): """Tests writing a netcdf file with depth data.""" fname, ncds = ncds grid = two_triangles grid.mesh_name = 'mesh1' gds = Dataset(grid=grid) # Create a Variable object for the depths: depths = Variable(name='depth', location='node', data=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]) depths.attributes['units'] = 'm' depths.attributes['standard_name'] = 'sea_floor_depth_below_geoid' depths.attributes['positive'] = 'down' gds.variables['depth'] = depths, format='netcdf4') ds = netCDF4.Dataset(fname) assert nc_has_variable(ds, 'mesh1') assert nc_has_variable(ds, 'depth') assert nc_var_has_attr_vals( ds, 'depth', { 'coordinates': 'mesh1_node_lon mesh1_node_lat', 'location': 'node', 'mesh': 'mesh1' }) ds.close()
def test_find_variables(): """ does it find the variables? """ ds = Dataset(data_file) var_names = list(ds.variables.keys()) all_vars = ['mesh2d_node_z', 'mesh2d_Numlimdt', 'mesh2d_s1', 'mesh2d_waterdepth', 'mesh2d_s0', 'mesh2d_ucx', 'mesh2d_ucy', 'mesh2d_ucmag', 'mesh2d_ucxq', 'mesh2d_ucyq', 'mesh2d_taus', 'mesh2d_czs', 'mesh2d_sa1', 'mesh2d_flowelem_ba', 'mesh2d_flowelem_bl', 'mesh2d_face_x_bnd', 'mesh2d_face_y_bnd', ] for var in all_vars: assert var in var_names assert len(all_vars) == len(var_names)
def test_load(): """ The file should load without error """ ds = Dataset(data_file) assert isinstance(ds.grid, Grid_U)
def test_find_variables(): """ Does it find the variables? """ ds = Dataset(data_file) var_names = list(ds.variables.keys()) all_vars = [ 'mesh2d_Numlimdt', 'mesh2d_czs', 'mesh2d_diu', 'mesh2d_edge_type', 'mesh2d_edge_x_bnd', 'mesh2d_edge_y_bnd', 'mesh2d_face_x_bnd', 'mesh2d_face_y_bnd', 'mesh2d_flowelem_ba', 'mesh2d_flowelem_bl', 'mesh2d_hu', 'mesh2d_node_z', 'mesh2d_q1', 'mesh2d_s0', 'mesh2d_s1', 'mesh2d_sa1', 'mesh2d_taus', 'mesh2d_u0', 'mesh2d_u1', 'mesh2d_ucmag', 'mesh2d_ucx', 'mesh2d_ucxq', 'mesh2d_ucy', 'mesh2d_ucyq', 'mesh2d_viu', 'mesh2d_waterdepth' ] all_vars.sort() var_names.sort() assert var_names == all_vars # check that they all have valid location attributes: VALID_LOCATIONS = [loc for loc in VALID_UGRID_LOCATIONS if loc is not None] for varname in var_names: assert ds[varname].location in VALID_LOCATIONS
def test_read_variable_attributes(): with chdir(test_data_dir): ds = Dataset('') print(ds.variables['Mesh2_depth'].attributes) assert (ds.variables['Mesh2_depth'].attributes['standard_name'] == 'sea_floor_depth_below_geoid') assert ds.variables['Mesh2_depth'].attributes['units'] == 'm'
def test_write_with_bound_data(two_triangles, ncds): """ Tests writing a netcdf file with data on the boundaries suitable for boundary conditions, for example fluxes. """ fname, ncds = ncds grid = two_triangles grid.mesh_name = 'mesh3' gds = Dataset(grid=grid) # Add the boundary definitions: grid.boundaries = [(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)] # Create a Variable object for boundary conditions: bnds = Variable('bnd_cond', location='boundary', data=[0, 1, 0, 0]) bnds.attributes['long_name'] = 'model boundary conditions' bnds.attributes['flag_values'] = '0 1' bnds.attributes['flag_meanings'] = 'no_flow_boundary open_boundary' gds.variables['bnd_cond'] = bnds ds = netCDF4.Dataset(fname) assert nc_has_variable(ds, 'mesh3') assert nc_has_variable(ds, 'bnd_cond') assert nc_var_has_attr_vals( ds, 'mesh3', {'boundary_node_connectivity': 'mesh3_boundary_nodes'}) assert nc_var_has_attr_vals( ds, 'bnd_cond', { 'location': 'boundary', 'flag_values': '0 1', 'flag_meanings': 'no_flow_boundary open_boundary', 'mesh': 'mesh3', }) # There should be no coordinates attribute or variable for the # boundaries as there is no boundaries_coordinates defined. assert not nc_has_variable(ds, 'mesh_boundary_lon') assert not nc_has_variable(ds, 'mesh_boundary_lat') assert not nc_var_has_attr(ds, 'bnd_cond', 'coordinates') ds.close()
def test_write_with_edge_data(two_triangles, ncds): """Tests writing a netcdf file with data on the edges (fluxes, maybe?).""" fname, ncds = ncds two_triangles.mesh_name = 'mesh2' gds = Dataset(grid=two_triangles) # Create a Variable object for fluxes: flux = Variable('flux', location='edge', data=[ 0.0, 0.0, 4.1, 0.0, 5.1, ]) flux.attributes['units'] = 'm^3/s' flux.attributes['long_name'] = 'volume flux between cells' flux.attributes['standard_name'] = 'ocean_volume_transport_across_line' gds.variables['flux'] = flux # Add coordinates for edges. gds.grid.build_edge_coordinates() ds = netCDF4.Dataset(fname) assert nc_has_variable(ds, 'mesh2') assert nc_has_variable(ds, 'flux') assert nc_var_has_attr_vals( ds, 'flux', { 'coordinates': 'mesh2_edge_lon mesh2_edge_lat', 'location': 'edge', 'units': 'm^3/s', 'mesh': 'mesh2' }) assert np.array_equal(ds.variables['mesh2_edge_lon'], gds.grid.edge_coordinates[:, 0]) assert np.array_equal(ds.variables['mesh2_edge_lat'], gds.grid.edge_coordinates[:, 1]) ds.close()
def test_read_TAMU(): with chdir(test_data_dir): if os.path.exists(''): ds = Dataset('') print("TAMU variables are:", ds.variables.keys()) assert isinstance(ds, Dataset) assert isinstance(ds.grid, SGrid) assert isinstance(ds.variables, dict) assert 'water_u' in ds.variables.keys() assert 'water_v' in ds.variables.keys()
def test_read_FVCOM(): '''Optional test to make sure that files from TAMU and NGOFS are read correctly.''' with chdir(test_data_dir): if os.path.exists(''): ds = Dataset('') print("COOPS_NGOFS variables are:", ds.variables.keys()) assert isinstance(ds, Dataset) assert isinstance(ds.grid, UGrid) assert isinstance(ds.variables, dict) assert 'u' in ds.variables.keys() assert 'v' in ds.variables.keys()
def test_missing_variables(var_name): """ these are known not to be found but they should be! """ ds = Dataset(data_file) var_names = list(ds.variables.keys()) assert var_name in var_names
def test_read_variables(): """ It should get the test_read_variables """ with chdir(test_data_dir): ds = Dataset('') varnames = list(ds.variables.keys()) varnames.sort() print("variables are:", varnames) assert varnames == ['Mesh2_depth', 'Mesh2_face_u', 'Mesh2_face_v'] for v in ds.variables.values(): assert isinstance(v, Variable)
def test_info(): """ Make sure the info property is working This doesn't test much -- jsut tht it won't crash """ gds = Dataset(sample_sgrid_file) info = print(info) # just a couple checks to make sure it's not totally bogus assert "gridded.Dataset:" in info assert "variables:" in info assert "attributes:" in info
def test_write_with_velocities(two_triangles, ncds): """Tests writing a netcdf file with velocities on the faces.""" fname, ncds = ncds two_triangles.mesh_name = 'mesh2' gds = Dataset(grid=two_triangles) # Create a Variable object for u velocity: u_vel = Variable('u', location='face', data=[1.0, 2.0]) u_vel.attributes['units'] = 'm/s' u_vel.attributes['standard_name'] = 'eastward_sea_water_velocity' gds.variables['u'] = u_vel # Create a Variable object for v velocity: v_vel = Variable('v', location='face', data=[3.2, 4.3]) v_vel.attributes['units'] = 'm/s' v_vel.attributes['standard_name'] = 'northward_sea_water_velocity' gds.variables['v'] = v_vel # Add coordinates for face data. gds.grid.build_face_coordinates() ds = netCDF4.Dataset(fname) assert nc_has_variable(ds, 'mesh2') assert nc_has_variable(ds, 'u') assert nc_has_variable(ds, 'v') assert nc_var_has_attr_vals( ds, 'u', { 'coordinates': 'mesh2_face_lon mesh2_face_lat', 'location': 'face', 'mesh': 'mesh2', }) ds.close()
def test_load_sgrid(): """ tests you can intitilize an conforming sgrid file""" sinusoid = Dataset(sample_sgrid_file) assert True # just to make it a test
def test_save_invalid_format(): ds = Dataset() with pytest.raises(ValueError):"a_filename.txt", format="text")
def test_simple_read(): """Can it be read at all?""" with chdir(test_data_dir): ds = Dataset('') assert isinstance(ds, Dataset) assert isinstance(ds.grid, UGrid)
def test_write_everything(twenty_one_triangles, ncds): """An example with all features enabled, and a less trivial grid.""" fname, ncds = ncds grid = twenty_one_triangles grid.mesh_name = 'mesh' gds = Dataset(grid=grid) grid.build_edges() grid.build_face_face_connectivity() grid.build_edge_coordinates() grid.build_face_coordinates() grid.build_boundary_coordinates() # Depth on the nodes. depths = Variable('depth', location='node', data=np.linspace(1, 10, 20)) depths.attributes['units'] = 'm' depths.attributes['standard_name'] = 'sea_floor_depth_below_geoid' depths.attributes['positive'] = 'down' gds.variables['depth'] = depths # Create a Variable object for u velocity: u_vel = Variable('u', location='face', data=np.sin(np.linspace(3, 12, 21))) u_vel.attributes['units'] = 'm/s' u_vel.attributes['standard_name'] = 'eastward_sea_water_velocity' gds.variables['u'] = u_vel # Create a Variable object for v velocity: v_vel = Variable('v', location='face', data=np.sin(np.linspace(12, 15, 21))) v_vel.attributes['units'] = 'm/s' v_vel.attributes['standard_name'] = 'northward_sea_water_velocity' gds.variables['v'] = v_vel # Fluxes on the edges: flux = Variable('flux', location='edge', data=np.linspace(1000, 2000, 41)) flux.attributes['units'] = 'm^3/s' flux.attributes['long_name'] = 'volume flux between cells' flux.attributes['standard_name'] = 'ocean_volume_transport_across_line' gds.variables['flux'] = flux # Boundary conditions: bounds = np.zeros((19, ), dtype=np.uint8) bounds[7] = 1 bnds = Variable('bnd_cond', location='boundary', data=bounds) bnds.attributes['long_name'] = 'model boundary conditions' bnds.attributes['flag_values'] = '0 1' bnds.attributes['flag_meanings'] = 'no_flow_boundary open_boundary' gds.variables['bnd_cond'] = bnds ds = netCDF4.Dataset(fname) # Now the tests: assert nc_has_variable(ds, 'mesh') assert nc_has_variable(ds, 'depth') assert nc_var_has_attr_vals(ds, 'depth', { 'coordinates': 'mesh_node_lon mesh_node_lat', 'location': 'node' }) assert nc_has_variable(ds, 'u') assert nc_has_variable(ds, 'v') assert nc_var_has_attr_vals( ds, 'u', { 'coordinates': 'mesh_face_lon mesh_face_lat', 'location': 'face', 'mesh': 'mesh' }) assert nc_var_has_attr_vals( ds, 'v', { 'coordinates': 'mesh_face_lon mesh_face_lat', 'location': 'face', 'mesh': 'mesh' }) assert nc_has_variable(ds, 'flux') assert nc_var_has_attr_vals( ds, 'flux', { 'coordinates': 'mesh_edge_lon mesh_edge_lat', 'location': 'edge', 'units': 'm^3/s', 'mesh': 'mesh' }) assert nc_has_variable(ds, 'mesh') assert nc_has_variable(ds, 'bnd_cond') assert nc_var_has_attr_vals( ds, 'mesh', {'boundary_node_connectivity': 'mesh_boundary_nodes'}) assert nc_var_has_attr_vals( ds, 'bnd_cond', { 'location': 'boundary', 'flag_values': '0 1', 'flag_meanings': 'no_flow_boundary open_boundary', 'mesh': 'mesh' }) ds.close() # And make sure pyugrid can reload it! gds = Dataset(fname) grid = gds.grid # And that some things are the same. # NOTE: more testing might be good here. # maybe some grid comparison functions? assert grid.mesh_name == 'mesh' assert len(grid.nodes) == 20 depth = gds.variables['depth'] assert depth.attributes['units'] == 'm' u = gds.variables['u'] assert u.attributes['units'] == 'm/s'