def job_id_GET(request, v): try: job = model.grid.get_job(v['id']) except JobNotFoundException as e: return JSONResponse({'error_msg': e.args[0]}, http.NOT_FOUND) return JSONResponse(job.to_dict(), http.OK)
def job_files_PUT(request, v): try: job = model.grid.get_job(v['id']) except JobNotFoundException as e: return JSONResponse({'error_msg': e.args[0]}, http.NOT_FOUND) if v['type'] == "files": file_path = job.input_path(v['path']) elif v['type'] == "output": file_path = job.output_path(v['path']) elif v['type'] == "executable": file_path = job.executable_path(v['path']) else: return JSONResponse({'error_msg': "Invalid file type."}, http.BAD_REQUEST) job.create_file_path(file_path) request.raw_to_file(file_path) if v['type'] == "executable": job.add_executable(v['path']) else: job.add_file(v['path']) return JSONResponse(v)
def job_POST(request): d = request.json if not validate_request( d, ['wall_time', 'deadline', 'flags', 'budget', 'job_type']): return JSONResponse({'error_msg': 'Invalid Job JSON received.'}, http.BAD_REQUEST) try: name = "Unknown" if d.has_key("name"): name = d["name"] job = model.grid.add_job(flags=d['flags'], wall_time=d['wall_time'], deadline=d['deadline'], budget=d['budget'], job_type=d['job_type'], name=name) except InvalidJobParameterException as e: return JSONResponse({'error_msg': "%s" % e.args[0]}, http.BAD_REQUEST) return JSONResponse( { 'success': "Job added successfully.", 'id': job.job_id }, http.OK)
def node_id_GET(request, v): try: node = model.grid.get_node(v['id']) except NodeNotFoundException as e: return JSONResponse({'error_msg': e.args[0]}, http.NOT_FOUND) return JSONResponse(model.grid.node_to_dict(node), http.OK)
def node_POST(request): if not validate_request(request.json, ['host', 'port', 'cores', 'programs', 'cost']): return JSONResponse({'error_msg': 'Invalid Node JSON received.'}, http.BAD_REQUEST) node = request.json node_id = model.grid.add_node(node) return JSONResponse({'node_id': node_id}, http.OK)
def task_id_DELETE(request, v): try: task = model.server.get_task(v['id']) except (TaskNotFoundException) as e: return JSONResponse({'error_msg': e.args[0]}, http.BAD_REQUEST) model.server.kill_task(task) return JSONResponse({'success': 'Task killed.'}, 200)
def node_id_POST(request, v): if not validate_request(request.json, []): return JSONResponse({'error_msg': 'Invalid Node JSON received.'}, http.BAD_REQUEST) try: node = model.grid.update_node(v['id'], request.json) except NodeNotFoundException as e: return JSONResponse({'error_msg': e.args[0]}, http.NOT_FOUND) return JSONResponse(model.grid.node_to_dict(node), http.OK)
def job_id_DELETE(request, v): try: job = model.grid.get_job(v['id']) except JobNotFoundException as e: return JSONResponse({'error_msg': e.args[0]}, http.NOT_FOUND) job.kill_msg = "Killed on request by client." try: model.grid.kill_job(job) except NodeUnavailableException as e: return JSONResponse({'error_msg': e.args[0]}, http.BAD_REQUEST) return JSONResponse({'success': "Job killed successfully."}, http.OK)
def job_status_PUT(request, v): d = request.json if not validate_request(d, ['status']): return JSONResponse({'error_msg': 'Invalid status JSON received.'}, http.BAD_REQUEST) try: job = model.grid.update_job_status(v['id'], d['status']) except JobNotFoundException as e: return JSONResponse({'error_msg': e.args[0]}, http.NOT_FOUND) except InvalidJobParameterException as e: return JSONResponse({'error_msg': e.args[0]}, http.BAD_REQUEST) return JSONResponse(job.to_dict(), http.OK)
def nodes_GET(request): nodeList = model.grid.nodes.values() jsonNodes = [] for node in nodeList: try: cpu = node['cpu'] except KeyError: cpu = 0 if node['status'] != "DEAD": n = { "host": node['host'], "port": node['port'], "node_id": node['node_id'], "status": node['status'], "work_units": [], "type": node['type'], "node_ident": node['node_ident'], "cores": node['cores'], "cpu": cpu, "cost": node['cost'] } for unit in node["work_units"]: n["work_units"].append(unit.to_dict()) jsonNodes.append(n) return JSONResponse({'nodes': jsonNodes}, 200)
def job_GET(request): jobs = safe_jobs = {} for key, job in jobs.items(): safe_jobs.update({key: job.to_dict()}) return JSONResponse(safe_jobs, http.OK)
def job_workunit_POST(request, v): if not validate_request(request.json, ['work_unit_id', 'kill_msg']): return JSONResponse({'error_msg': 'Invalid Work Unit JSON received.'}, http.BAD_REQUEST) try: job = model.grid.get_job(v['id']) except JobNotFoundException as e: return JSONResponse({'error_msg': e.args[0]}, http.NOT_FOUND) unit = model.grid.finish_work_unit(job, request.json['work_unit_id']) if request.json['kill_msg'] != None: unit.kill_msg = request.json['kill_msg'] unit.kill() return JSONResponse(unit.to_dict(), http.OK)
def node_GET(request): nodes = model.grid.nodes safe_nodes = {} for key, node in nodes.items(): safe_nodes.update({key: model.grid.node_to_dict(node)}) return JSONResponse(safe_nodes, http.OK)
def job_submit_executable_POST(request, v): file_name = request.query["qqfile"][0] try: job = model.grid.get_job(v['tmp_job_id']) except JobNotFoundException as e: return JSONResponse({'error_msg': e.args[0]}, http.NOT_FOUND) file_path = job.executable_path(file_name) job.create_file_path(file_path) request.raw_to_file(file_path) job.add_executable(file_name) return JSONResponse({ 'tmp_job_id': v['tmp_job_id'], 'filename': file_path }, 200)
def scheduler_PUT(request): d = request.json if not validate_request(d, ['scheduler']): return JSONResponse({'error_msg': 'Invalid Scheduler JSON Received'}, http.BAD_REQUEST) try: model.grid.scheduler = request.json['scheduler'] except InvalidSchedulerException as e: return JSONResponse( { 'error_msg': "Invalid Scheduler %s. Valid Schedulers: %s" % (request.json['scheduler'], ", ".join(model.grid.SCHEDULERS)) }, http.BAD_REQUEST) return JSONResponse({'success': 'Scheduler changed.'}, http.OK)
def jobs_GET(request): queued_jobs = model.grid.get_queued() queued_jobs = ljobs = [] for j in queued_jobs.values(): ljobs.append(j.to_dict()) return JSONResponse({'jobs': ljobs}, 200)
def job_output_file_GET(request, v): try: job = model.grid.get_job(v['id']) except JobNotFoundException as e: return JSONResponse({'error_msg': e.args[0]}, http.NOT_FOUND) file_path = "%s/%s" % (job.output_dir, v['file_name']) try: f = open(file_path, "r") f.close() except IOError as e: return JSONResponse( { 'error_msg': "Unable to open file %s for Job %s; File does not exist" % (v['file_name'], v['id']) }, http.BAD_REQUEST) return FileResponse(file_path)
def log_GET(request): # We also want to track an "id" so that we can make UI updates # more efficiently (so we don't redraw stuff thats already drawn) start = len(model.grid.scheduler.mem_log) - 100 if start < 0: start = 0 logs = [] for i in xrange(start, len(model.grid.scheduler.mem_log)): logs.append({"id": i, "log": model.grid.scheduler.mem_log[i]}) return JSONResponse({'log': logs}, 200)
def job_output_files_GET(request, v): try: job = model.grid.get_job(v['id']) except JobNotFoundException as e: return JSONResponse({'error_msg': e.args[0]}, http.NOT_FOUND) if job.status == "READY": return JSONResponse( { 'error_msg': "Job %s is still waiting to be scheduled." % v['id'] }, http.BAD_REQUEST) elif job.status == "PENDING": return JSONResponse( {'error_msg': "The Grid is still initialising Job %s." % v['id']}, http.BAD_REQUEST) elif job.status == "RUNNING": info_msg = "Warning: Job %s is still running. Output files for running portions of the job will be missing." % v[ 'id'] elif job.status == "KILLED": info_msg = "Warning: Job %s has been killed: %s Output returned will be incomplete." % ( v['id'], job.kill_msg) else: info_msg = "" files_list = [] for unit in job.work_units: if unit.status == "FINISHED" or unit.status == "KILLED": files_list.append("%s_%s.o" % (job.job_id, unit.work_unit_id)) files_list.append("%s_%s.e" % (job.job_id, unit.work_unit_id)) if unit.status == "KILLED" and job.status != "KILLED": info_msg += "Warning: Work unit %s has been killed:" % unit.work_unit_id info_msg += " %s Output returned will be incomplete for this work unit.\n" % unit.kill_msg return JSONResponse({ 'output_URIs': files_list, 'info_msg': info_msg }, http.OK)
def route(routes, env): request = Request(env) #print "Request: " + str( request.raw ) route = route_find(routes, env) if route: func, func_vars = route if func_vars: return func(request, func_vars) else: return func(request) else: return JSONResponse({'error_msg': 'Request not found'}, http.NOT_FOUND)
def task_POST(request): d = request.json if not gridservice.utils.validate_request(d, [ 'work_unit_id', 'job_id', 'executable', 'filename', 'flags', 'wall_time', 'deadline' ]): return JSONResponse({'error_msg': 'Invalid Job JSON received.'}, http.BAD_REQUEST) try: task = model.server.add_task(job_id=d['job_id'], work_unit_id=d['work_unit_id'], executable=d['executable'], filename=d['filename'], flags=d['flags'], wall_time=d['wall_time'], deadline=d['deadline']) except (InputFileNotFoundException, ExecutableNotFoundException) as e: return JSONResponse({'error_msg': e.args[0]}, http.BAD_REQUEST) return JSONResponse({ 'success': 'Task created.', 'task_id': task.task_id }, 200)