예제 #1
파일: element.py 프로젝트: gridsim/gridsim
    def __init__(self, friendly_name, mean_power, standard_deviation):
        __init__(self, friendly_name, mean_power, standard_deviation)

        This class provides a Consuming-Producing-Storing element having a
        random behavior. The consecutive consumed or produced power values
        are IID (Independently and Identically Distributed). The distribution
        is Gaussian.

        At initialization, the `mean_power` and 'standard_distribution' are
        provided beside the element `friendly_name`. If `mean_power` is
        positive, the element is in the mean a consumer. If it is negative,
        the element is in the mean a producer.

        :param friendly_name: Friendly name for the element.
            Should be unique within the simulation module.
        :type friendly_name: str

        :param mean_power: The mean value of the Gaussian distributed power.
        :type mean_power: power, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        :param standard_deviation: The standard deviation of the Gaussian
            distributed power.
        :type standard_deviation: power, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        # HACK: when object is constructed with *args or **kwargs
        if not isinstance(mean_power, (int, float)):
            mean_power = units.value(units.to_si(mean_power))
        if not isinstance(standard_deviation, (int, float)):
            standard_deviation = units.value(units.to_si(standard_deviation))

        super(GaussianRandomElectricalCPSElement, self).__init__(friendly_name)
        self._mean_power = mean_power
        self._standard_deviation = standard_deviation
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, friendly_name, k_factor, X, R=0):
        __init__(self, friendly_name, k_factor, X, R=0)

        Class for representing a transformer and/or a phase shifter in an
        electrical network. Its parameters are
        linked to the usual transformer graphical representation below::

                          R              jX                 -   -
                    +-----------+   +-----------+        /   / \   \\
            o--->---|           |---|           |-------|---|--|---|------->---o
                    +-----------+   +-----------+       \   \ /   /
                                                           -   -

        While the transformer changes the voltage amplitude, the phase shifter
        changes the voltage phase. Accepting a complex ``K_factor`` parameter,
        the :class:`.ElectricalGenTransformer` is a common representation for a
        transformer and a phase shifter.

        At initialization, in addition to the line ``friendly_name``, the
        ``K-factor``, the reactance (``X``), and the resistance (``R``) have to be
        given. ``R`` defaults to zero.

        :param friendly_name: Friendly name for the transformer or phase
            shifter. Should be unique within the simulation module, i.e.
            different for example from the friendly name of a bus
        :type friendly_name: str

        :param k_factor: Transformer or phase shifter K-factor.
        :type k_factor: complex

        :param X: Transformer or phase shifter reactance.
        :type X: ohm, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        :param R: Transformer or phase shifter resistance.
        :type R: ohm, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`


        # HACK: when object is constructed with *args or **kwargs
        if not isinstance(X, (int, float)):
            X = units.value(units.to_si(X))
        if not isinstance(R, (int, float)):
            R = units.value(units.to_si(R))

        # super constructor needs units as it is a "public" function
              self).__init__(friendly_name, X * units.ohm, R * units.ohm)

        if k_factor == 0:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Transformer or phase shifter K-factor can not be null')

        self.k_factor = k_factor
예제 #3
파일: network.py 프로젝트: gridsim/gridsim
    def __init__(self, friendly_name, k_factor, X, R=0):
        __init__(self, friendly_name, k_factor, X, R=0)

        Class for representing a transformer and/or a phase shifter in an
        electrical network. Its parameters are
        linked to the usual transformer graphical representation below::

                          R              jX                 -   -
                    +-----------+   +-----------+        /   / \   \\
            o--->---|           |---|           |-------|---|--|---|------->---o
                    +-----------+   +-----------+       \   \ /   /
                                                           -   -

        While the transformer changes the voltage amplitude, the phase shifter
        changes the voltage phase. Accepting a complex ``K_factor`` parameter,
        the :class:`.ElectricalGenTransformer` is a common representation for a
        transformer and a phase shifter.

        At initialization, in addition to the line ``friendly_name``, the
        ``K-factor``, the reactance (``X``), and the resistance (``R``) have to be
        given. ``R`` defaults to zero.

        :param friendly_name: Friendly name for the transformer or phase
            shifter. Should be unique within the simulation module, i.e.
            different for example from the friendly name of a bus
        :type friendly_name: str

        :param k_factor: Transformer or phase shifter K-factor.
        :type k_factor: complex

        :param X: Transformer or phase shifter reactance.
        :type X: ohm, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        :param R: Transformer or phase shifter resistance.
        :type R: ohm, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`


        # HACK: when object is constructed with *args or **kwargs
        if not isinstance(X, (int, float)):
            X = units.value(units.to_si(X))
        if not isinstance(R, (int, float)):
            R = units.value(units.to_si(R))

        # super constructor needs units as it is a "public" function
        super(ElectricalGenTransformer, self).__init__(friendly_name, X*units.ohm, R*units.ohm)

        if k_factor == 0:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Transformer or phase shifter K-factor can not be null')

        self.k_factor = k_factor
예제 #4
    def test_si(self):

        km = 56*units.kilometre

        kg = 0.12*units.kilogram

        kwh = 43.1*units.kilowatthour

        self.assertEqual(units.value(units.to_si(km)), 56000)
        self.assertEqual(units.value(units.to_si(kg)), 0.12)
        self.assertEqual(units.value(units.to_si(kg*km)), 6720)
        self.assertEqual(units.value(units.to_si(kwh)), 155160000)  # joule
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, self._value_si, 7)
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, self._value_si, "85.2")
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, friendly_name, start_energy, max_energy, power,
                 read_params, write_params):

        This :class:`Actor` simulates the behavior of a battery. The charge and discharge is considered equal.
        The battery reach a max energy when the battery is full and the empty state when the battery is low.

        .. note :: On consumption, the power is considered positive.
                   On injection, the power is considered negative.

        :param friendly_name: friendly name for the :class:`gridsim.core.AbstractSimulationElement`
        :param start_energy: amount of energy to start with
        :param max_energy: max energy of the battery, the battery will stop storing
        :param power: power rate for the storage and discharge
        :param read_params: read parameter for the actor
        :param write_params: write parameter for the actor
        # HACK: when object is constructed with *args or **kwargs
        if not isinstance(start_energy, (int, float)):
            start_energy = units.value(units.to_si(start_energy))
        if not isinstance(max_energy, (int, float)):
            max_energy = units.value(units.to_si(max_energy))
        if not isinstance(power, (int, float)):
            power = units.value(units.to_si(power))

        AbstractSimulationElement.__init__(self, friendly_name)

        self.read_params = read_params
        self.write_params = write_params

        self._store = True
        self._over_load = False
        self._empty = False
        if start_energy < max_energy:
            self._energy = start_energy
            self.energy = start_energy
            self._energy = max_energy
            self.energy = max_energy

        self._max_energy = max_energy
        self._power = power

        # the simulation runs with second, this is the conversion factor
        self._energy_seconds_to_hours = 3600.0
예제 #6
파일: element.py 프로젝트: DeanZeng/gridsim
    def __init__(self, friendly_name, temperature, position=Position()):
        __init__(self, friendly_name, temperature, position=Position())

        This is a special thermal process with an infinite thermal capacity
        which results that the temperature of the process is constant,
        independent how much energy is taken from or given to the process.

        :param friendly_name: Friendly name to give to the process.
        :type friendly_name: str, unicode
        :param temperature: The (constant) temperature in degrees celsius.
        :type temperature: temperature
        :param position: The position of the :class:`.ThermalProcess`.
        :type position: :class:`Position`

        # HACK: when object is constructed with *args or **kwargs
        if not isinstance(temperature, (int, float)):
            temperature = units.value(units.to_si(temperature))

        # super constructor needs units as it is a "public" function
        super(ConstantTemperatureProcess, self).__init__(
            float('inf')*units.heat_capacity, temperature*units.kelvin,
예제 #7
파일: element.py 프로젝트: gridsim/gridsim
    def __init__(self, friendly_name, power):
        __init__(self, friendly_name, power)

        This class provides the simplest Consuming-Producing-Storing element
        having a constant behavior.

        At initialization, the consumed or produced constant `power` has to
        be provided beside the element `friendly_name`. Power is positive, if
        consumed, negative, if produced. With the 'calculate' method the
        energy consumed or produced during the simulation step is calculated
        from the constant power value.

        :param friendly_name: Friendly name for the element. Should be unique
            within the simulation module.
        :type friendly_name: str

        :param power: The constant consumed (if positive) or produced
            (if negative) power.
        :type power: power, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        # HACK: when object is constructed with *args or **kwargs
        if not isinstance(power, (int, float)):
            power = units.value(units.to_si(power))
        super(ConstantElectricalCPSElement, self).__init__(friendly_name)
        self.power = power
예제 #8
파일: element.py 프로젝트: gridsim/gridsim
    def __init__(self, friendly_name, cycle_delta_time, power_values,
        __init__(self, friendly_name, cycle_delta_time, power_values, cycle_start_time=0*units.second)

        This class provides a cyclic Consuming-Producing-Storing element for
        which the consumed or produced power values may be updated. Update
        will take place at next cycle start.

        :param friendly_name: Friendly name for the element.
            Should be unique within the simulation module.
        :type friendly_name: str

        :param cycle_delta_time: cycle time resolution value in seconds.
        :type cycle_delta_time: int

        :param power_values: power values consumed or produced during a cycle.
        :type power_values: 1-D numpy array of float

        :param cycle_start_time: cycle start time in seconds. Defaults to 0.
        :type cycle_start_time: int

        # HACK: when object is constructed with *args or **kwargs
        if power_values.dtype is not (int, float):
            power_values = units.value(units.to_si(power_values))

        super(UpdatableCyclicElectricalCPSElement, self).\
            __init__(friendly_name, cycle_delta_time,
                     power_values, cycle_start_time)
        self._new_power_values = power_values
        self._update_done = True
예제 #9
파일: battery.py 프로젝트: gridsim/gridsim
    def __init__(self, friendly_name, start_energy, max_energy, power, read_params, write_params):

        This :class:`Actor` simulates the behavior of a battery. The charge and discharge is considered equal.
        The battery reach a max energy when the battery is full and the empty state when the battery is low.

        .. note :: On consumption, the power is considered positive.
                   On injection, the power is considered negative.

        :param friendly_name: friendly name for the :class:`gridsim.core.AbstractSimulationElement`
        :param start_energy: amount of energy to start with
        :param max_energy: max energy of the battery, the battery will stop storing
        :param power: power rate for the storage and discharge
        :param read_params: read parameter for the actor
        :param write_params: write parameter for the actor
        # HACK: when object is constructed with *args or **kwargs
        if not isinstance(start_energy, (int, float)):
            start_energy = units.value(units.to_si(start_energy))
        if not isinstance(max_energy, (int, float)):
            max_energy = units.value(units.to_si(max_energy))
        if not isinstance(power, (int, float)):
            power = units.value(units.to_si(power))

        AbstractSimulationElement.__init__(self, friendly_name)

        self.read_params = read_params
        self.write_params = write_params

        self._store = True
        self._over_load = False
        self._empty = False
        if start_energy < max_energy:
            self._energy = start_energy
            self.energy = start_energy
            self._energy = max_energy
            self.energy = max_energy

        self._max_energy = max_energy
        self._power = power

        # the simulation runs with second, this is the conversion factor
        self._energy_seconds_to_hours = 3600.0
예제 #10
파일: core.py 프로젝트: gridsim/gridsim
    def __init__(self, friendly_name, X, R=0*units.ohm):
        __init__(self, friendly_name, X, R=0*units.ohm)

        This class is the base for all electrical element that can be placed
        on a network branch, e.g. transmission lines, transformers,
        phase shifters,... It is based on the general
        :class:`.AbstractElectricalElement` class. At initialization the user
        has to give the two-port ``friendly_name``.

        :param friendly_name: Friendly name for the element.
            Should be unique within the simulation module.
        :type friendly_name: str

        :param X: reactance of the element
        :type X: ohm, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        :param R: resistance of the element
        :type R: ohm, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        # HACK: when object is constructed with *args or **kwargs
        if not isinstance(X, (int, float)):
            X = units.value(units.to_si(X))
        if not isinstance(R, (int, float)):
            R = units.value(units.to_si(R))

        super(AbstractElectricalTwoPort, self).__init__(friendly_name, )

        if X <= 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Line reactance X cannot be negative or null')
        if R < 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Line resistance R can not be negative number')

        self.X = X
        The reactance.
        self.R = R
예제 #11
    def __init__(self, friendly_name, X, R=0 * units.ohm):
        __init__(self, friendly_name, X, R=0*units.ohm)

        This class is the base for all electrical element that can be placed
        on a network branch, e.g. transmission lines, transformers,
        phase shifters,... It is based on the general
        :class:`.AbstractElectricalElement` class. At initialization the user
        has to give the two-port ``friendly_name``.

        :param friendly_name: Friendly name for the element.
            Should be unique within the simulation module.
        :type friendly_name: str

        :param X: reactance of the element
        :type X: ohm, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        :param R: resistance of the element
        :type R: ohm, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        # HACK: when object is constructed with *args or **kwargs
        if not isinstance(X, (int, float)):
            X = units.value(units.to_si(X))
        if not isinstance(R, (int, float)):
            R = units.value(units.to_si(R))

        super(AbstractElectricalTwoPort, self).__init__(friendly_name, )

        if X <= 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Line reactance X cannot be negative or null')
        if R < 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Line resistance R can not be negative number')

        self.X = X
        The reactance.
        self.R = R
예제 #12
    def calculate(self, time, delta_time):
        unit_delta_time = delta_time

        if self._time_converter == None:
            volume = units.to_si(units(self._time_series.volume,
                                       units.litre)) * delta_time
            volume = units.to_si(
                      units.litre)) * delta_time / units.value(
                          self._time_converter(1), units.second)

        # thermal losses when used [W/K]
        on_losses = units.value(volume) * units.value(
            Water().weight) * units.value(
                Water().thermal_capacity) / unit_delta_time

        # total thermal losses [W/K]
        losses = self._off_losses + on_losses

        self._temperature = self._temperature + \
                            ((unit_delta_time * losses / self._cb) * (self._temperature_in - self._temperature)) + \
                            (unit_delta_time / self._cb) * self.power
예제 #13
파일: devices.py 프로젝트: gridsim/semsim
    def calculate(self, time, delta_time):


        unit_delta_time = delta_time

        volume = units.to_si(units(self._time_series.volume, units.litre))*delta_time/units.value(self._time_converter(1), units.second)

        # thermal losses when used [W/K]
        on_losses = units.value(volume)*units.value(Water().weight)*units.value(Water().thermal_capacity)/unit_delta_time

        # total thermal losses [W/K]
        losses = self._off_losses + on_losses

        self._temperature = self._temperature + \
            ((unit_delta_time*losses/self._cb)*(self._temperature_in-self._temperature)) +\
예제 #14
파일: element.py 프로젝트: gridsim/gridsim
    def __init__(self, friendly_name, cycle_delta_time, power_values,
        __init__(self, friendly_name, cycle_delta_time, power_values, cycle_start_time=0)

        This class provides a Consuming-Producing-Storing element having a
        cyclic behavior.

        At initialization, beside the element `friendly_name`, the cycle time
        resolution `cycle_delta_time`, the cycle sequence of `power_values`,
        and the `cycle_start_time` have to be given.

        :param friendly_name: Friendly name for the element. Should be unique
            within the simulation module.
        :type friendly_name: str

        :param cycle_delta_time: cycle time resolution value in seconds.
        :type cycle_delta_time: int

        :param power_values: power values consumed or produced during a cycle.
        :type power_values: 1-D numpy array of power

        :param cycle_start_time: cycle start time in seconds. Defaults to 0.
        :type cycle_start_time: int

        super(CyclicElectricalCPSElement, self).__init__(friendly_name)

        # HACK: when object is constructed with *args or **kwargs
        if power_values.dtype is not (int, float):
            power_values = units.value(units.to_si(power_values))

        if power_values.dtype != float:
            raise TypeError("'power_values' has to be an array of floats.")
        if len(power_values.shape) != 1:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "'power_values' has to be a one-dimensional array")

        self._cycle_delta_time = cycle_delta_time
        self._power_values = power_values
        self._cycle_length = len(power_values)
        self._cycle_start_time = cycle_start_time
예제 #15
파일: core.py 프로젝트: DeanZeng/gridsim
    def __init__(self,
        __init__(self, friendly_name, thermal_conductivity, from_process, to_process, contact_area=1*units.metre**2, thickness=1*units.metre)

        A thermal coupling connects two thermal processes allowing them to
        exchange thermal energy.

        :param friendly_name: The friendly name to identify the element.
        :type friendly_name: str

        :param thermal_conductivity: The thermal conductivity of the thermal
        :type thermal_conductivity: thermal conductivity, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        :param from_process: The first process coupled
        :type from_process: :class:`ThermalProcess`

        :param to_process: The second process coupled process.
        :type to_process: :class:`ThermalProcess`

        :param contact_area: The size of the contact area
        :type contact_area: square_meter, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        :param thickness: the thickness of the contact area
        :type thickness: meter, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        # HACK: when object is constructed with *args or **kwargs
        if not isinstance(thermal_conductivity, (int, float)):
            thermal_conductivity = units.value(
        if not isinstance(contact_area, (int, float)):
            contact_area = units.value(units.to_si(contact_area))
        if not isinstance(thickness, (int, float)):
            thickness = units.value(units.to_si(thickness))

        super(ThermalCoupling, self).__init__(friendly_name)

        self.from_process = from_process
        self.to_process = to_process

        self.thermal_conductivity = thermal_conductivity
        The thermal conductivity of the coupling in W/K.
        self._contact_area = contact_area
        The size of the contact area between the two :class:`ThermalProcess`
        self._thickness = thickness
        The thickness of the material between the two :class:`ThermalProcess`
        self._delta_energy = 0
        The energy variation
        self.power = None
예제 #16
    def __init__(self,

        :param friendly_name: Friendly name to give to the process.
        :type friendly_name: str, unicode
        :param height: the height of the boiler
        :type height: units.metre
        :param radius: the radius of the boiler
        :type radius: units.metre
        :param thickness: the thickness of the boiler
        :type thickness: units.metre
        :param initial_temperature: the initial temperature of the water
                                    in the boiler.
        :type initial_temperature: units.kelvin
        :param heat_transfer_coeff: the heat transfer coefficient
        :type heat_transfer_coeff: units.watt/(units.kelvin*(units.meter**2)
        :param power: the electrical power to heat the boiler
        :type power: units.watt
        :param temperature_in: the temperature of the input water
        :type temperature_in: units.kelvin
        :param time_series: the time_series to load the stream
        :type time_series: class:`gridsim.timeseries.TimeSeries`
        :param readparamlist: read parameter of the actor
        :param writeparamlist: write parameter of the actor
        :param time_converter:
        :type time_converter: types.FunctionType or ``None``

        # HACK: when object is constructed with *args or **kwargs
        if not isinstance(height, (int, float)):
            height = units.value(units.to_si(height))
        if not isinstance(radius, (int, float)):
            radius = units.value(units.to_si(radius))
        if not isinstance(thickness, (int, float)):
            thickness = units.value(units.to_si(thickness))
        if not isinstance(initial_temperature, (int, float)):
            initial_temperature = units.value(units.to_si(initial_temperature))
        if not isinstance(heat_transfer_coeff, (int, float)):
            heat_transfer_coeff = units.value(units.to_si(heat_transfer_coeff))
        if not isinstance(temperature_in, (int, float)):
            temperature_in = units.value(units.to_si(temperature_in))
        if not isinstance(power, (int, float)):
            power = units.value(units.to_si(power))

        super(Boiler, self). \

        self.readparamtype = readparamlist
        self.writeparamtype = writeparamlist

        self._time_converter = time_converter

        self._time_series = time_series

        self._height = height
        self._radius = radius
        self._thickness = thickness

        self._initial_temperature = initial_temperature
        self._temperature = self._initial_temperature

        self._heat_transfer_coeff = heat_transfer_coeff

        self._power = power
        self.old_power = 0

        self._temperature_in = temperature_in

        # potential energy [J/K]
        self._cb = units.value(Water().thermal_capacity) * \
                   units.value(Water().weight) * math.pi * self._height * (self._radius ** 2)

        # global loss factor [W/K.m2]
        self._ub = 1 / ((1 / self._heat_transfer_coeff) +
                        (self._thickness /

        # thermal losses when off [W/K]
        self._off_losses = self._ub * (
            (2. * math.pi *
             (self._radius**2)) + (2 * math.pi * self._height * self._radius))

        self._on = False
예제 #17
파일: network.py 프로젝트: gridsim/gridsim
    def __init__(self, friendly_name, length, X, R=0, B=0):
        __init__(self, friendly_name, length, X, R=0, B=0)

        Class for representing a transmission line in an electrical network.
        Its parameters are linked to the
        transmission line PI model represented graphically below::

                                  R              jX
                            +-----------+   +-----------+
            o--->---o-------|           |---|           |-------o--->---o
                    |       +-----------+   +-----------+       |
                    |                                           |
                  -----  jB/2                                 -----  jB/2
                  -----                                       -----
                    |                                           |
                    |                                           |
                   ---                                         ---

        At initialization, in addition to the line ``friendly_name``,
        the line length, the line reactance (``X``), line resistance (``R``) and
        line charging (B) have to be given. ``R`` and ``B`` default to zero.

        :param friendly_name: Friendly name for the line. Should be unique
            within the simulation module, i.e. different for example from the
            friendly name of a bus.
        :type friendly_name: str

        :param length: Line length.
        :type length: length, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        :param X: Line reactance.
        :type X: ohm, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        :param R: Line resistance.
        :type R: ohm, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        :param B: Line charging.
        :type B: siemens, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        # HACK: when object is constructed with *args or **kwargs
        if not isinstance(length, (int, float)):
            length = units.value(units.to_si(length))
        if not isinstance(X, (int, float)):
            X = units.value(units.to_si(X))
        if not isinstance(R, (int, float)):
            R = units.value(units.to_si(R))
        if not isinstance(B, (int, float)):
            B = units.value(units.to_si(B))

        # super constructor needs units as it is a "public" function
        super(ElectricalTransmissionLine, self).__init__(friendly_name, X*units.ohm, R*units.ohm)

        if length <= 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Length has to be a strictly positive number')
        if B < 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Line charging B can not be negative number')

        self.length = length
        The transmission line length.
        self.B = B
예제 #18
파일: core.py 프로젝트: gridsim/gridsim
    def __init__(self, friendly_name,
                 thermal_capacity, initial_temperature, mass=1,
        __init__(self, friendly_name, thermal_capacity, initial_temperature, mass=1*units.kilogram, position=Position()):

        The very basic element of a thermal simulation. A thermal process
        represents a closed thermal envelope like a room or a amount of
        matter which has an uniform thermal capacity and and stores an amount of
        thermal energy resulting in a temperature. Those thermal processes
        can be coupled by :class:`ThermalCoupling` element.

        :param friendly_name: The name to give to the thermal process.
        :type friendly_name: str

        :param thermal_capacity: The thermal capacity of the process.
            See :class:`.Material`.
        :type thermal_capacity: heat_capacity, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        :param initial_temperature: The initial temperature of the process in
        :type initial_temperature: kelvin, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        :param mass: the mass of the element
        :type mass: mass, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        :param position: The position of the process.
        :type position: :class:`.Position`

        # HACK: when object is constructed with *args or **kwargs
        if not isinstance(thermal_capacity, (int, float)):
            thermal_capacity = units.value(units.to_si(thermal_capacity))
        if not isinstance(initial_temperature, (int, float)):
            initial_temperature = units.value(units.to_si(initial_temperature))
        if not isinstance(mass, (int, float)):
            mass = units.value(units.to_si(mass))

        super(ThermalProcess, self).__init__(friendly_name, position)

        self._initial_temperature = initial_temperature
        The initial temperature of the process. Need for reset.

        self._mass = mass
        The mass of the thermal process.

        self._thermal_capacity = thermal_capacity
        The thermal capacity of the thermal process.

        self.temperature = self._initial_temperature
        The temperature of the process.

        self._internal_thermal_energy = self._initial_temperature * \
            self._thermal_capacity * self._mass
        The internal thermal energy stored inside the thermal process.

        self.thermal_energy = self._internal_thermal_energy
예제 #19
파일: core.py 프로젝트: gridsim/gridsim
    def __init__(self, friendly_name, thermal_conductivity,
                 from_process, to_process,
                 contact_area=1, thickness=1):
        __init__(self, friendly_name, thermal_conductivity, from_process, to_process, contact_area=1*units.metre**2, thickness=1*units.metre)

        A thermal coupling connects two thermal processes allowing them to
        exchange thermal energy.

        :param friendly_name: The friendly name to identify the element.
        :type friendly_name: str

        :param thermal_conductivity: The thermal conductivity of the thermal
        :type thermal_conductivity: thermal conductivity, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        :param from_process: The first process coupled
        :type from_process: :class:`ThermalProcess`

        :param to_process: The second process coupled process.
        :type to_process: :class:`ThermalProcess`

        :param contact_area: The size of the contact area
        :type contact_area: square_meter, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        :param thickness: the thickness of the contact area
        :type thickness: meter, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        # HACK: when object is constructed with *args or **kwargs
        if not isinstance(thermal_conductivity, (int, float)):
            thermal_conductivity = units.value(units.to_si(thermal_conductivity))
        if not isinstance(contact_area, (int, float)):
            contact_area = units.value(units.to_si(contact_area))
        if not isinstance(thickness, (int, float)):
            thickness = units.value(units.to_si(thickness))

        super(ThermalCoupling, self).__init__(friendly_name)

        self.from_process = from_process
        self.to_process = to_process

        self.thermal_conductivity = thermal_conductivity
        The thermal conductivity of the coupling in W/K.
        self._contact_area = contact_area
        The size of the contact area between the two :class:`ThermalProcess`
        self._thickness = thickness
        The thickness of the material between the two :class:`ThermalProcess`
        self._delta_energy = 0
        The energy variation
        self.power = None
예제 #20
파일: element.py 프로젝트: gridsim/gridsim
    def __init__(self, friendly_name, fname_or_power_values, frequencies=None):
        __init__(self, friendly_name, fname_or_power_values, frequencies=None)

        This class provides a Consuming-Producing-Storing element having a
        random behavior. The consecutive consumed or produced power values
        are IID (Independently and Identically Distributed). The distribution,
        discrete and finite, is given as parameter.

        Beside the element ``friendly_name``, the constructor parameters are
        either the name of the file the distribution has to be read from, either
        the potentially consumed or produced ``power_values``,together with their
        ``frequencies`` or probabilities. Input ``power values`` has to be a
        monotonically increasing sequence of float. Input 'frequencies' can be
        either integers (number of occurrences), or floats summing to 1.0
        (relative frequencies or probabilities), or monotonically increasing
        sequence of positive floats ending with 1.0 (cumulative relative
        frequencies or probabilities)

        :param friendly_name: Friendly name for the element.
            Should be unique within the simulation module.
        :type friendly_name: str

        :param fname_or_power_values: Name of the file from which the
            distribution has to be read or Power values which may be consumed
            (positive) or produced (negative), ordered in a monotonically
            increasing sequence.
        :type fname_or_power_values: either string or 1-D numpy array of float

        :param frequencies: Number of occurrences (frequencies), or relative
            frequencies, or cumulative relative frequencies of corresponding
            power values, if those are given as second parameter, None if
            filename is given as 2nd parameter
        :type frequencies: None or 1-D numpy array of integer or float

        # HACK: when object is constructed with *args or **kwargs
        if fname_or_power_values.dtype is not (int, float):
           fname_or_power_values = units.value(units.to_si(fname_or_power_values))

        super(AnyIIDRandomElectricalCPSElement, self).__init__(friendly_name)
        # if first parameter is a string (name of a file), read data
        if isinstance(fname_or_power_values, str):
            if not frequencies is None:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "'frequencies' cannot be passed as argument, they are read "
                    "from file with name '" + fname_or_power_values +
                    "' in this case")
            [power_values, frequencies] = self._read_hist_from_file(
            power_values = fname_or_power_values  # just copy variable
        # check
        if power_values.dtype != float:
            raise TypeError("'power_values' has to be an array of floats.")
        if len(power_values.shape) != 1:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "'power_values' has to be a one-dimensional array")
        if not frequencies.dtype in (int, float):
            raise TypeError(
                "'frequencies' has to be an array of integers or floats.")
        if len(frequencies.shape) != 1:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "'frequencies' has to be a one-dimensional array")
        if frequencies.shape[0] != power_values.shape[0]:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "'frequencies' and 'power_values' must have the same length")
        self._power_values = power_values
        if frequencies[-1] == 1.0:
            for i_pos in range(1, frequencies.shape[0]):
                if frequencies[i_pos] <= frequencies[i_pos - 1]:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "cumulative relative 'frequencies' should be "
                        "monotonically increasing.")
            self._cdf = frequencies
            if frequencies.dtype == int:
            sum_freq = sum(frequencies)
            if sum_freq == 0.:
                raise TypeError(
                    "sum of values in 'frequencies' may not be zero.")
            self._cdf = np.cumsum((1.0 / sum_freq) * frequencies)
예제 #21
    def __init__(self, friendly_name, length, X, R=0, B=0):
        __init__(self, friendly_name, length, X, R=0, B=0)

        Class for representing a transmission line in an electrical network.
        Its parameters are linked to the
        transmission line PI model represented graphically below::

                                  R              jX
                            +-----------+   +-----------+
            o--->---o-------|           |---|           |-------o--->---o
                    |       +-----------+   +-----------+       |
                    |                                           |
                  -----  jB/2                                 -----  jB/2
                  -----                                       -----
                    |                                           |
                    |                                           |
                   ---                                         ---

        At initialization, in addition to the line ``friendly_name``,
        the line length, the line reactance (``X``), line resistance (``R``) and
        line charging (B) have to be given. ``R`` and ``B`` default to zero.

        :param friendly_name: Friendly name for the line. Should be unique
            within the simulation module, i.e. different for example from the
            friendly name of a bus.
        :type friendly_name: str

        :param length: Line length.
        :type length: length, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        :param X: Line reactance.
        :type X: ohm, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        :param R: Line resistance.
        :type R: ohm, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        :param B: Line charging.
        :type B: siemens, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        # HACK: when object is constructed with *args or **kwargs
        if not isinstance(length, (int, float)):
            length = units.value(units.to_si(length))
        if not isinstance(X, (int, float)):
            X = units.value(units.to_si(X))
        if not isinstance(R, (int, float)):
            R = units.value(units.to_si(R))
        if not isinstance(B, (int, float)):
            B = units.value(units.to_si(B))

        # super constructor needs units as it is a "public" function
              self).__init__(friendly_name, X * units.ohm, R * units.ohm)

        if length <= 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Length has to be a strictly positive number')
        if B < 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Line charging B can not be negative number')

        self.length = length
        The transmission line length.
        self.B = B
예제 #22
파일: devices.py 프로젝트: gridsim/semsim
    def __init__(self, friendly_name, height, radius, thickness,
                 initial_temperature, heat_transfer_coeff, power,

        :param friendly_name:Friendly name to give to the process.
        :type friendly_name: str, unicode
        :param height: the height of the boiler
        :type height: units.metre
        :param radius: the radius of the boiler
        :type radius: units.metre
        :param thickness: the thickness of the boiler
        :type thickness: units.metre
        :param initial_temperature: the initial temperature of the water
                                    in the boiler.
        :type initial_temperature: units.kelvin
        :param heat_transfer_coeff: the heat transfer coefficient
        :type heat_transfer_coeff: units.watt/(units.kelvin*(units.meter**2)
        :param power: the electrical power to heat the boiler
        :type power: units.watt
        :param temperature_in: the temperature of the input water
        :type temperature_in: units.kelvin
        :param time_series: the time_series to load the stream
        :type time_series: class:`gridsim.timeseries.TimeSeries`
        :param time_converter:
        :type time_converter: types.FunctionType or ``None``

        # HACK: when object is constructed with *args or **kwargs
        if not isinstance(height, (int, float)):
            height = units.value(units.to_si(height))
        if not isinstance(radius, (int, float)):
            radius = units.value(units.to_si(radius))
        if not isinstance(thickness, (int, float)):
            thickness = units.value(units.to_si(thickness))
        if not isinstance(initial_temperature, (int, float)):
            initial_temperature = units.value(units.to_si(initial_temperature))
        if not isinstance(heat_transfer_coeff, (int, float)):
            heat_transfer_coeff = units.value(units.to_si(heat_transfer_coeff))
        if not isinstance(temperature_in, (int, float)):
            temperature_in = units.value(units.to_si(temperature_in))
        if not isinstance(power, (int, float)):
            power = units.value(units.to_si(power))

        super(Boiler, self).\

        self._time_converter = time_converter

        self._time_series = time_series

        self._height = height
        self._radius = radius
        self._thickness = thickness

        self._initial_temperature = initial_temperature
        self._temperature = self._initial_temperature

        self._heat_transfer_coeff = heat_transfer_coeff

        self._power = power
        self.old_power = 0

        self._temperature_in = temperature_in

        # potential energy [J/K]
        self._cb = units.value(Water().thermal_capacity) * \

        # global loss factor [W/K.m2]
        self._ub = 1/((1/self._heat_transfer_coeff) +

        # thermal losses when off [W/K]
        self._off_losses = self._ub * ((2.*math.pi*(self._radius**2)) +

        self._on = False
예제 #23
파일: core.py 프로젝트: DeanZeng/gridsim
    def __init__(self,
        __init__(self, friendly_name, thermal_capacity, initial_temperature, mass=1*units.kilogram, position=Position()):

        The very basic element of a thermal simulation. A thermal process
        represents a closed thermal envelope like a room or a amount of
        matter which has an uniform thermal capacity and and stores an amount of
        thermal energy resulting in a temperature. Those thermal processes
        can be coupled by :class:`ThermalCoupling` element.

        :param friendly_name: The name to give to the thermal process.
        :type friendly_name: str

        :param thermal_capacity: The thermal capacity of the process.
            See :class:`.Material`.
        :type thermal_capacity: heat_capacity, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        :param initial_temperature: The initial temperature of the process in
        :type initial_temperature: kelvin, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        :param mass: the mass of the element
        :type mass: mass, see :mod:`gridsim.unit`

        :param position: The position of the process.
        :type position: :class:`.Position`

        # HACK: when object is constructed with *args or **kwargs
        if not isinstance(thermal_capacity, (int, float)):
            thermal_capacity = units.value(units.to_si(thermal_capacity))
        if not isinstance(initial_temperature, (int, float)):
            initial_temperature = units.value(units.to_si(initial_temperature))
        if not isinstance(mass, (int, float)):
            mass = units.value(units.to_si(mass))

        super(ThermalProcess, self).__init__(friendly_name, position)

        self._initial_temperature = initial_temperature
        The initial temperature of the process. Need for reset.

        self._mass = mass
        The mass of the thermal process.

        self._thermal_capacity = thermal_capacity
        The thermal capacity of the thermal process.

        self.temperature = self._initial_temperature
        The temperature of the process.

        self._internal_thermal_energy = self._initial_temperature * \
            self._thermal_capacity * self._mass
        The internal thermal energy stored inside the thermal process.

        self.thermal_energy = self._internal_thermal_energy
예제 #24
 def _value_si(self, a):
     return units.value(units.to_si(a))