for c in Waters:
			print >> myfile, '             '
			peakcount = systems[(b, c)]
			shift = peak[peakcount]
			print >> myfile2, '{0}	{1} {2}'.format('#File:', b, c)
			for d in frange(start_time, end_time, 0.5):
				l = d + 0.5
				l = str(l)
				d = str(d)
				xvg = XVG()
				filename = 'g_rad_dmap_%dpc_w%d_%sns_%sns.xvg'%(b,c,d,l, )
				if not os.path.isfile(filename):
					print >> myfile, '{0}  {1}  {2}'.format(filename, 'nan', 'nan')
					print >> myfile2, '{0}  {1}'.format('nan', 'nan')
				input = xvg.array
				x = input[0]
	# Here we create the array "zcoord" with the z-coordinates of the slices subtracting the shift value.
				slicestotal = len(input) - 1
				S = ZLENGTH/ slicestotal
				zcoord = np.zeros(len(input)-1)
				for i in range(1,len(input)): 
					zcoord[i-1] = (S *(i-1))-shift

	# We set the number of the first slice as "zeroslice", which will be used later for leaving the first 8nm above the surface out of the fitted data.
				zeroslice = 0
				cnt = 0
				for slicepos in zcoord:
					if slicepos >= 0.0: 
						zeroslice = cnt