예제 #1
파일: equil.py 프로젝트: Becksteinlab/MDPOW
    def solvate(self, struct=None, **kwargs):
        """Solvate structure *struct* in a box of solvent.

        The solvent is determined with the *solvent* keyword to the constructor.

              pdb or gro coordinate file (if not supplied, the value is used
              that was supplied to the constructor of :class:`~mdpow.equil.Simulation`)
              All other arguments are passed on to :func:`gromacs.setup.solvate`, but
              set to sensible default values. *top* and *water* are always fixed.

        self.dirs.solvation = realpath(kwargs.setdefault('dirname', self.BASEDIR('solvation')))
        kwargs['struct'] = self._checknotempty(struct or self.files.structure, 'struct')
        kwargs['top'] = self._checknotempty(self.files.topology, 'top')
        kwargs['water'] = self.solvent.box
        kwargs.setdefault('mainselection', '"%s"' % self.molecule)  # quotes are needed for make_ndx
        kwargs.setdefault('distance', self.solvent.distance)
        kwargs['includes'] = asiterable(kwargs.pop('includes',[])) + self.dirs.includes

        params = gromacs.setup.solvate(**kwargs)

        self.files.structure = kwargs['struct']
        self.files.solvated = params['struct']
        self.files.ndx = params['ndx']

        # we can also make a processed topology right now

        return params
예제 #2
파일: equil.py 프로젝트: tsenapathi/MDPOW
    def solvate(self, struct=None, **kwargs):
        """Solvate structure *struct* in a box of solvent.

        The solvent is determined with the *solvent* keyword to the constructor.

              pdb or gro coordinate file (if not supplied, the value is used
              that was supplied to the constructor of :class:`~mdpow.equil.Simulation`)
              All other arguments are passed on to :func:`gromacs.setup.solvate`, but
              set to sensible default values. *top* and *water* are always fixed.

        self.dirs.solvation = realpath(kwargs.setdefault('dirname', self.BASEDIR('solvation')))
        kwargs['struct'] = self._checknotempty(struct or self.files.structure, 'struct')
        kwargs['top'] = self._checknotempty(self.files.topology, 'top')
        kwargs['water'] = self.solvent.box
        kwargs.setdefault('mainselection', '"%s"' % self.molecule)  # quotes are needed for make_ndx
        kwargs.setdefault('distance', self.solvent.distance)
        kwargs['includes'] = asiterable(kwargs.pop('includes',[])) + self.dirs.includes

        params = gromacs.setup.solvate(**kwargs)

        self.files.structure = kwargs['struct']
        self.files.solvated = params['struct']
        self.files.ndx = params['ndx']

        # we can also make a processed topology right now

        return params
예제 #3
    def solvate(self, struct=None, **kwargs):
        """Solvate structure *struct* in a box of solvent.

        The solvent is determined with the *solvent* keyword to the constructor.

              pdb or gro coordinate file (if not supplied, the value is used
              that was supplied to the constructor of :class:`~mdpow.equil.Simulation`)
               minimum distance between solute and the closes box face; the default depends
               on the solvent but can be set explicitly here, too.
               any box type understood by :func:`gromacs.editconf` (``-bt``):

               * "triclinic" is a triclinic box,
               * "cubic" is a rectangular box with all sides equal;
               * "dodecahedron" represents a rhombic dodecahedron;
               * "octahedron" is a truncated octahedron.

               The default is "dodecahedron".
              All other arguments are passed on to :func:`gromacs.setup.solvate`, but
              set to sensible default values. *top* and *water* are always fixed.

        self.dirs.solvation = realpath(
            kwargs.setdefault('dirname', self.BASEDIR('solvation')))
        kwargs['struct'] = self._checknotempty(struct or self.files.structure,
        kwargs['top'] = self._checknotempty(self.files.topology, 'top')
        kwargs['water'] = self.solvent.box
        kwargs.setdefault('mainselection', '"%s"' %
                          self.molecule)  # quotes are needed for make_ndx
        kwargs.setdefault('distance', self.solvent.distance)

        boxtype = kwargs.pop('bt', None)
        boxtype = boxtype if boxtype is not None else "dodecahedron"
        if boxtype not in ("dodecahedron", "triclinic", "cubic", "octahedron"):
            msg = "Invalid boxtype '{0}', not suitable for 'gmx editconf'.".format(
            raise ValueError(msg)
        kwargs['bt'] = boxtype

        kwargs['includes'] = asiterable(kwargs.pop('includes',
                                                   [])) + self.dirs.includes

        params = self._setup_solvate(**kwargs)

        self.files.structure = kwargs['struct']
        self.files.solvated = params['struct']
        self.files.ndx = params['ndx']
        # we can also make a processed topology right now

        return params
예제 #4
def topology(struct=None, protein='protein',
             top='system.top',  dirname='top', 
             posres="posres.itp", **pdb2gmx_args):
    """Build Gromacs topology files from pdb.

           input structure (**required**)
           name of the output files
           name of the topology file
           directory in which the new topology will be stored
           arguments for ``pdb2gmx`` such as ``ff``, ``water``, ...

    .. note::
       At the moment this function simply runs ``pdb2gmx`` and uses
       the resulting topology file directly. If you want to create
       more complicated topologies and maybe also use additional itp
       files or make a protein itp file then you will have to do this

    structure = realpath(struct)

    new_struct = protein + '.gro'
    if posres is None:
        posres = protein + '_posres.itp'

    pdb2gmx_args.update({'f': structure, 'o': new_struct, 'p': top, 'i': posres})

    with in_dir(dirname):
        logger.info("[%(dirname)s] Building topology %(top)r from struct = %(struct)r" % vars())
        # perhaps parse output from pdb2gmx 4.5.x to get the names of the chain itp files?
    return { \
            'top': realpath(dirname, top), \
            'struct': realpath(dirname, new_struct), \
            'posres' : realpath(dirname, posres) }
예제 #5
파일: equil.py 프로젝트: Becksteinlab/MDPOW
    def topology(self, itp='drug.itp', **kwargs):
        """Generate a topology for compound *molecule*.

               Gromacs itp file; will be copied to topology dir and
               included in topology
               name of the topology directory ["top"]
               see source for *top_template*, *topol*

        dirname = kwargs.pop('dirname', self.BASEDIR('top'))
        self.dirs.topology = realpath(dirname)

        top_template = config.get_template(kwargs.pop('top_template', 'system.top'))
        topol = kwargs.pop('topol', os.path.basename(top_template))
        itp = os.path.realpath(itp)
        _itp = os.path.basename(itp)

        with in_dir(dirname):
            shutil.copy(itp, _itp)
                                   [('#include +"compound\.itp"', 'compound\.itp', _itp),
                                    ('#include +"oplsaa\.ff/tip4p\.itp"', 'tip4p\.itp', self.solvent.itp),
                                    ('Compound', 'solvent', self.solvent_type),
                                    ('Compound', 'DRUG', self.molecule),
                                    ('DRUG\s*1', 'DRUG', self.molecule),
        logger.info('[%(dirname)s] Created topology %(topol)r that includes %(_itp)r', vars())

        # update known files and dirs
        self.files.topology = realpath(dirname, topol)
        if not self.dirs.topology in self.dirs.includes:

        return {'dirname': dirname, 'topol': topol}
예제 #6
파일: equil.py 프로젝트: tsenapathi/MDPOW
    def topology(self, itp='drug.itp', **kwargs):
        """Generate a topology for compound *molecule*.

               Gromacs itp file; will be copied to topology dir and
               included in topology
               name of the topology directory ["top"]
               see source for *top_template*, *topol*

        dirname = kwargs.pop('dirname', self.BASEDIR('top'))
        self.dirs.topology = realpath(dirname)

        top_template = config.get_template(kwargs.pop('top_template', 'system.top'))
        topol = kwargs.pop('topol', os.path.basename(top_template))
        itp = os.path.realpath(itp)
        _itp = os.path.basename(itp)

        with in_dir(dirname):
            shutil.copy(itp, _itp)
                                   [('#include +"compound\.itp"', 'compound\.itp', _itp),
                                    ('#include +"oplsaa\.ff/tip4p\.itp"', 'tip4p\.itp', self.solvent.itp),
                                    ('Compound', 'solvent', self.solvent_type),
                                    ('Compound', 'DRUG', self.molecule),
                                    ('DRUG\s*1', 'DRUG', self.molecule),
        logger.info('[%(dirname)s] Created topology %(topol)r that includes %(_itp)r', vars())

        # update known files and dirs
        self.files.topology = realpath(dirname, topol)
        if not self.dirs.topology in self.dirs.includes:

        return {'dirname': dirname, 'topol': topol}
예제 #7
    def _MD(self, protocol, **kwargs):
        """Basic MD driver for this Simulation. Do not call directly."""

        kwargs.setdefault('dirname', self.BASEDIR(protocol))
        kwargs.setdefault('deffnm', self.deffnm)
        kwargs.setdefault('mdp', config.get_template('NPT_opls.mdp'))
        self.dirs[protocol] = realpath(kwargs['dirname'])
        setupMD = kwargs.pop('MDfunc', gromacs.setup.MD)
        kwargs['top'] = self.files.topology
        kwargs['includes'] = asiterable(kwargs.pop('includes',
                                                   [])) + self.dirs.includes
        kwargs['ndx'] = self.files.ndx
            'mainselection'] = None  # important for SD (use custom mdp and ndx!, gromacs.setup._MD)
        self._checknotempty(kwargs['struct'], 'struct')
        if not os.path.exists(kwargs['struct']):
            # struct is not reliable as it depends on qscript so now we just try everything...
            struct = gromacs.utilities.find_first(kwargs['struct'],
                                                  suffices=['pdb', 'gro'])
            if struct is None:
                    "Starting structure %(struct)r does not exist (yet)" %
                raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, "Starting structure not found",
                logger.info("Found starting structure %r (instead of %r).",
                            struct, kwargs['struct'])
                kwargs['struct'] = struct
        # now setup the whole simulation (this is typically gromacs.setup.MD() )
        params = setupMD(**kwargs)
        # params['struct'] is md.gro but could also be md.pdb --- depends entirely on qscript
        self.files[protocol] = params['struct']
        # Gromacs 4.5.x 'mdrun -c PDB'  fails if it cannot find 'residuetypes.dat'
        # so instead of fuffing with GMXLIB we just dump it into the directory
        except IOError:
                "Failed to copy 'residuetypes.dat': mdrun will likely fail to write a final structure"

        return params
예제 #8
def get_lipid_vdwradii(outdir=os.path.curdir, libdir=None):
    """Find vdwradii.dat and add special entries for lipids.

    See :data:`gromacs.setup.vdw_lipid_resnames` for lipid
    resnames. Add more if necessary.
    vdwradii_dat = os.path.join(outdir, "vdwradii.dat")

    if not libdir is None:
        filename = os.path.join(libdir, 'vdwradii.dat')  # canonical name
        if not os.path.exists(filename):
            msg = 'No VDW database file found in %(filename)r.' % vars()
            raise OSError(msg, errno.ENOENT)
            filename = os.path.join(os.environ['GMXLIB'], 'vdwradii.dat')
        except KeyError:
                filename = os.path.join(os.environ['GMXDATA'], 'gromacs', 'top', 'vdwradii.dat')
            except KeyError:
                msg = "Cannot find vdwradii.dat. Set GMXLIB or GMXDATA."
                raise OSError(msg, errno.ENOENT)
    if not os.path.exists(filename):
        msg = "Cannot find %r; something is wrong with the Gromacs installation." % vars()
        logger.exception(msg, errno.ENOENT)
        raise OSError(msg)

    # make sure to catch 3 and 4 letter resnames
    patterns = vdw_lipid_resnames + list(set([x[:3] for x in vdw_lipid_resnames]))
    # TODO: should do a tempfile...
    with open(vdwradii_dat, 'w') as outfile:
        # write lipid stuff before general
        outfile.write('; Special larger vdw radii for solvating lipid membranes\n')
        for resname in patterns:
            for atom,radius in vdw_lipid_atom_radii.items():
                outfile.write('%(resname)4s %(atom)-5s %(radius)5.3f\n' % vars())
        with open(filename, 'r') as infile:
            for line in infile:
    logger.debug('Created lipid vdW radii file %(vdwradii_dat)r.' % vars())
    return realpath(vdwradii_dat)
예제 #9
파일: equil.py 프로젝트: tsenapathi/MDPOW
    def energy_minimize(self, **kwargs):
        """Energy minimize the solvated structure on the local machine.

        *kwargs* are passed to :func:`gromacs.setup.energ_minimize` but if
        :meth:`~mdpow.equil.Simulation.solvate` step has been carried out
        previously all the defaults should just work.

        self.dirs.energy_minimization = realpath(kwargs.setdefault('dirname', self.BASEDIR('em')))
        kwargs['top'] = self.files.topology
        kwargs.setdefault('struct', self.files.solvated)
        kwargs.setdefault('mdp', self.mdp['energy_minimize'])
        kwargs['mainselection'] = None
        kwargs['includes'] = asiterable(kwargs.pop('includes',[])) + self.dirs.includes

        params = gromacs.setup.energy_minimize(**kwargs)

        self.files.energy_minimized = params['struct']

        return params
예제 #10
파일: equil.py 프로젝트: Becksteinlab/MDPOW
    def energy_minimize(self, **kwargs):
        """Energy minimize the solvated structure on the local machine.

        *kwargs* are passed to :func:`gromacs.setup.energ_minimize` but if
        :meth:`~mdpow.equil.Simulation.solvate` step has been carried out
        previously all the defaults should just work.

        self.dirs.energy_minimization = realpath(kwargs.setdefault('dirname', self.BASEDIR('em')))
        kwargs['top'] = self.files.topology
        kwargs.setdefault('struct', self.files.solvated)
        kwargs.setdefault('mdp', self.mdp['energy_minimize'])
        kwargs['mainselection'] = None
        kwargs['includes'] = asiterable(kwargs.pop('includes',[])) + self.dirs.includes

        params = gromacs.setup.energy_minimize(**kwargs)

        self.files.energy_minimized = params['struct']

        return params
예제 #11
파일: equil.py 프로젝트: Becksteinlab/MDPOW
    def _MD(self, protocol, **kwargs):
        """Basic MD driver for this Simulation. Do not call directly."""

        kwargs.setdefault('dirname', self.BASEDIR(protocol))
        kwargs.setdefault('deffnm', self.deffnm)
        kwargs.setdefault('mdp', config.get_template('NPT_opls.mdp'))
        self.dirs[protocol] = realpath(kwargs['dirname'])
        setupMD = kwargs.pop('MDfunc', gromacs.setup.MD)
        kwargs['top'] = self.files.topology
        kwargs['includes'] = asiterable(kwargs.pop('includes',[])) + self.dirs.includes
        kwargs['ndx'] = self.files.ndx
        kwargs['mainselection'] = None # important for SD (use custom mdp and ndx!, gromacs.setup._MD)
        self._checknotempty(kwargs['struct'], 'struct')
        if not os.path.exists(kwargs['struct']):
            # struct is not reliable as it depends on qscript so now we just try everything...
            struct = gromacs.utilities.find_first(kwargs['struct'], suffices=['pdb', 'gro'])
            if struct is None:
                logger.error("Starting structure %(struct)r does not exist (yet)" % kwargs)
                raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, "Starting structure not found", kwargs['struct'])
                logger.info("Found starting structure %r (instead of %r).", struct, kwargs['struct'])
                kwargs['struct'] = struct
        # now setup the whole simulation (this is typically gromacs.setup.MD() )
        params =  setupMD(**kwargs)
        # params['struct'] is md.gro but could also be md.pdb --- depends entirely on qscript
        self.files[protocol] = params['struct']
        # Gromacs 4.5.x 'mdrun -c PDB'  fails if it cannot find 'residuetypes.dat'
        # so instead of fuffing with GMXLIB we just dump it into the directory
            shutil.copy(config.topfiles['residuetypes.dat'], self.dirs[protocol])
            logger.warn("Failed to copy 'residuetypes.dat': mdrun will likely fail to write a final structure")

        return params
예제 #12
        except GromacsError, err:
            # or should I rather fail here?
            wmsg = "Failed to make main index file %r ... maybe set mainselection='...'.\n"\
                   "The error message was:\n%s\n" % (ndx, str(err))
            warnings.warn(wmsg, category=GromacsFailureWarning)
            trj_compact_main(f='ionized.gro', s='ionized.tpr', o='compact.gro', n=ndx)
        except GromacsError, err:
            wmsg = "Failed to make compact pdb for visualization... pressing on regardless. "\
                   "The error message was:\n%s\n" % str(err)
            warnings.warn(wmsg, category=GromacsFailureWarning)

    return {'qtot': qtot,
            'struct': realpath(dirname, 'ionized.gro'),
            'ndx': realpath(dirname, ndx),      # not sure why this is propagated-is it used?
            'mainselection': mainselection,

def check_mdpargs(d):
    """Check if any arguments remain in dict *d*."""
    if len(d) > 0:
        wmsg = "Unprocessed mdp option are interpreted as options for grompp:\n"+str(d)
        warnings.warn(wmsg, category=UsageWarning)
    return len(d) == 0

def energy_minimize(dirname='em', mdp=config.templates['em.mdp'],
                    struct='solvate/ionized.pdb', top='top/system.top',
예제 #13
def _setup_MD(
    walltime=1 / 3.0,
    """Generic function to set up a ``mdrun`` MD simulation.

    See the user functions for usage.

    if struct is None:
        raise ValueError("struct must be set to a input structure")
    structure = realpath(struct)
    topology = realpath(top)
        index = realpath(ndx)
    except AttributeError:  # (that's what realpath(None) throws...)
        index = None  # None is handled fine below

    qname = mdp_kwargs.pop("sgename", qname)  # compatibility for old scripts
    qscript = mdp_kwargs.pop("sge", qscript)  # compatibility for old scripts
    qscript_template = config.get_template(qscript)
    mdp_template = config.get_template(mdp)

    nsteps = int(float(runtime) / float(dt))

    mdp = deffnm + ".mdp"
    tpr = deffnm + ".tpr"
    mainindex = deffnm + ".ndx"
    final_structure = deffnm + ".gro"  # guess... really depends on templates,could also be DEFFNM.pdb

    # write the processed topology to the default output
    mdp_parameters = {"nsteps": nsteps, "dt": dt, "pp": "processed.top"}

    add_mdp_includes(topology, mdp_parameters)

    logger.info("[%(dirname)s] input mdp  = %(mdp_template)r", vars())
    with in_dir(dirname):
        if not (mdp_parameters.get("Tcoupl", "").lower() == "no" or mainselection is None):
            logger.info("[%(dirname)s] Automatic adjustment of T-coupling groups" % vars())

            # make index file in almost all cases; with mainselection == None the user
            # takes FULL control and also has to provide the template or index
            groups = make_main_index(structure, selection=mainselection, oldndx=index, ndx=mainindex)
            natoms = dict([(g["name"], float(g["natoms"])) for g in groups])
            tc_group_names = ("__main__", "__environment__")  # defined in make_main_index()
                x = natoms["__main__"] / natoms["__environment__"]
            except KeyError:
                x = 0  # force using SYSTEM in code below
                wmsg = (
                    "Missing __main__ and/or __environment__ index group.\n"
                    "This probably means that you have an atypical system. You can "
                    "set mainselection=None and provide your own mdp and index files "
                    "in order to set up temperature coupling.\n"
                    "If no T-coupling is required then set Tcoupl='no'.\n"
                    "For now we will just couple everything to 'System'."
                warnings.warn(wmsg, category=AutoCorrectionWarning)
            if x < 0.1:
                # couple everything together
                tau_t = firstof(mdp_parameters.pop("tau_t", 0.1))
                ref_t = firstof(mdp_parameters.pop("ref_t", 300))
                # combine all in one T-coupling group
                mdp_parameters["tc-grps"] = "System"
                mdp_parameters["tau_t"] = tau_t  # this overrides the commandline!
                mdp_parameters["ref_t"] = ref_t  # this overrides the commandline!
                mdp_parameters["gen-temp"] = mdp_parameters.pop("gen_temp", ref_t)
                wmsg = (
                    "Size of __main__ is only %.1f%% of __environment__ so "
                    "we use 'System' for T-coupling and ref_t = %g K and "
                    "tau_t = %g 1/ps (can be changed in mdp_parameters).\n" % (x * 100, ref_t, tau_t)
                warnings.warn(wmsg, category=AutoCorrectionWarning)
                # couple protein and bath separately
                n_tc_groups = len(tc_group_names)
                tau_t = asiterable(mdp_parameters.pop("tau_t", 0.1))
                ref_t = asiterable(mdp_parameters.pop("ref_t", 300))

                if len(tau_t) != n_tc_groups:
                    tau_t = n_tc_groups * [tau_t[0]]
                    wmsg = (
                        "%d coupling constants should have been supplied for tau_t. "
                        "Using %f 1/ps for all of them." % (n_tc_groups, tau_t[0])
                    warnings.warn(wmsg, category=AutoCorrectionWarning)
                if len(ref_t) != n_tc_groups:
                    ref_t = n_tc_groups * [ref_t[0]]
                    wmsg = "%d temperatures should have been supplied for ref_t. " "Using %g K for all of them." % (
                    warnings.warn(wmsg, category=AutoCorrectionWarning)

                mdp_parameters["tc-grps"] = tc_group_names
                mdp_parameters["tau_t"] = tau_t
                mdp_parameters["ref_t"] = ref_t
                mdp_parameters["gen-temp"] = mdp_parameters.pop("gen_temp", ref_t[0])
            index = realpath(mainindex)
        if mdp_parameters.get("Tcoupl", "").lower() == "no":
            logger.info("Tcoupl == no: disabling all temperature coupling mdp options")
            mdp_parameters["tc-grps"] = ""
            mdp_parameters["tau_t"] = ""
            mdp_parameters["ref_t"] = ""
            mdp_parameters["gen-temp"] = ""
        if mdp_parameters.get("Pcoupl", "").lower() == "no":
            logger.info("Pcoupl == no: disabling all pressure coupling mdp options")
            mdp_parameters["tau_p"] = ""
            mdp_parameters["ref_p"] = ""
            mdp_parameters["compressibility"] = ""

        unprocessed = gromacs.cbook.edit_mdp(mdp_template, new_mdp=mdp, **mdp_parameters)
        gromacs.grompp(f=mdp, p=topology, c=structure, n=index, o=tpr, **unprocessed)

        runscripts = gromacs.qsub.generate_submit_scripts(

    logger.info("[%(dirname)s] output mdp = %(mdp)r", vars())
    logger.info("[%(dirname)s] output ndx = %(ndx)r", vars())
    logger.info("[%(dirname)s] output tpr = %(tpr)r", vars())
    logger.info("[%(dirname)s] output runscripts = %(runscripts)r", vars())
        "[%(dirname)s] All files set up for a run time of %(runtime)g ps " "(dt=%(dt)g, nsteps=%(nsteps)g)" % vars()

    kwargs = {
        "struct": realpath(os.path.join(dirname, final_structure)),  # guess
        "top": topology,
        "ndx": index,  # possibly mainindex
        "qscript": runscripts,
        "mainselection": mainselection,
        "deffnm": deffnm,  # return deffnm (tpr = deffnm.tpr!)
    kwargs.update(mdp_kwargs)  # return extra mdp args so that one can use them for prod run
    return kwargs
예제 #14
            warnings.warn(wmsg, category=GromacsFailureWarning)
            trj_compact_main(f="ionized.gro", s="ionized.tpr", o="compact.pdb", n=ndx)
        except GromacsError, err:
            wmsg = (
                "Failed to make compact pdb for visualization... pressing on regardless. "
                "The error message was:\n%s\n" % str(err)
            warnings.warn(wmsg, category=GromacsFailureWarning)

    return {
        "qtot": qtot,
        "struct": realpath(dirname, "ionized.gro"),
        "ndx": realpath(dirname, ndx),  # not sure why this is propagated-is it used?
        "mainselection": mainselection,

def check_mdpargs(d):
    """Check if any arguments remain in dict *d*."""
    if len(d) > 0:
        wmsg = "Unprocessed mdp option are interpreted as options for grompp:\n" + str(d)
        warnings.warn(wmsg, category=UsageWarning)
    return len(d) == 0

def energy_minimize(
예제 #15
def energy_minimize(dirname='em', mdp=config.templates['em.mdp'],
                    struct='solvate/ionized.pdb', top='top/system.top',
                    output='em.pdb', deffnm="em",
                    mdrunner=None, **kwargs):
    """Energy minimize the system.

    This sets up the system (creates run input files) and also runs
    ``mdrun_d``. Thus it can take a while.

    Additional itp files should be in the same directory as the top file.

    Many of the keyword arguments below already have sensible values.

          set up under directory dirname [em]
          input structure (gro, pdb, ...) [solvate/ionized.pdb]
          output structure (will be put under dirname) [em.pdb]
          default name for mdrun-related files [em]
          topology file [top/system.top]
          mdp file (or use the template) [templates/em.mdp]
          additional directories to search for itp files
          :class:`gromacs.run.MDrunner` class; by defauly we
          just try :func:`gromacs.mdrun_d` and :func:`gromacs.mdrun` but a
          MDrunner class gives the user the ability to run mpi jobs
          etc. [None]
          remaining key/value pairs that should be changed in the
          template mdp file, eg ``nstxtcout=250, nstfout=250``.

    .. note:: If :func:`~gromacs.mdrun_d` is not found, the function
              falls back to :func:`~gromacs.mdrun` instead.

    structure = realpath(struct)
    topology = realpath(top)
    mdp_template = config.get_template(mdp)
    deffnm = deffnm.strip()

    # write the processed topology to the default output
    kwargs.setdefault('pp', 'processed.top')

    # filter some kwargs that might come through when feeding output
    # from previous stages such as solvate(); necessary because *all*
    # **kwargs must be *either* substitutions in the mdp file *or* valid
    # command line parameters for ``grompp``.
    kwargs.pop('ndx', None)
    # mainselection is not used but only passed through; right now we
    # set it to the default that is being used in all argument lists
    # but that is not pretty. TODO.
    mainselection = kwargs.pop('mainselection', '"Protein"')
    # only interesting when passed from solvate()
    qtot = kwargs.pop('qtot', 0)

    mdp = deffnm+'.mdp'
    tpr = deffnm+'.tpr'

    logger.info("[%(dirname)s] Energy minimization of struct=%(struct)r, top=%(top)r, mdp=%(mdp)r ..." % vars())

    add_mdp_includes(topology, kwargs)

    if qtot != 0:
        # At the moment this is purely user-reported and really only here because
        # it might get fed into the function when using the keyword-expansion pipeline
        # usage paradigm.
        wmsg = "Total charge was reported as qtot = %(qtot)g <> 0; probably a problem." % vars()
        warnings.warn(wmsg, category=BadParameterWarning)

    with in_dir(dirname):
        unprocessed = gromacs.cbook.edit_mdp(mdp_template, new_mdp=mdp, **kwargs)
        gromacs.grompp(f=mdp, o=tpr, c=structure, p=topology, **unprocessed)
        mdrun_args = dict(v=True, stepout=10, deffnm=deffnm, c=output)
        if mdrunner is None:
            except (AttributeError, OSError):
                # fall back to mdrun if no double precision binary
                wmsg = "No 'mdrun_d' binary found so trying 'mdrun' instead.\n"\
                    "(Note that energy minimization runs better with mdrun_d.)"
                warnings.warn(wmsg, category=AutoCorrectionWarning)
            # user wants full control and provides simulation.MDrunner **class**
            # NO CHECKING --- in principle user can supply any callback they like
            mdrun = mdrunner(**mdrun_args)

        # em.gro --> gives 'Bad box in file em.gro' warning --- why??
        # --> use em.pdb instead.
        if not os.path.exists(output):
            errmsg = "Energy minimized system NOT produced."
            raise GromacsError(errmsg)
        final_struct = realpath(output)

    logger.info("[%(dirname)s] energy minimized structure %(final_struct)r" % vars())
    return {'struct': final_struct,
            'top': topology,
            'mainselection': mainselection,
예제 #16
    def __init__(self, molecule=None, **kwargs):
        """Set up Simulation instance.

        The *molecule* of the compound molecule should be supplied. Existing files
        (which have been generated in previous runs) can also be supplied.

              Identifier for the compound molecule. This is the same as the
              entry in the ``[ molecule ]`` section of the itp file. ["DRUG"]
              If provided and *molecule* is ``None`` then load the instance from
              the pickle file *filename*, which was generated with
              base directory; all other directories are created under it
              'OPLS-AA' or 'CHARMM' or 'AMBER'
              'water' or 'octanol' or 'cyclohexane' or 'wetoctanol'
              ``None`` chooses the default (e.g, :data:`mdpow.forcefields.DEFAULT_WATER_MODEL`
              for ``solvent == "water"``. Other options are the models defined in
              :data:`mdpow.forcefields.GROMACS_WATER_MODELS`. At the moment, there are no
              alternative parameterizations included for other solvents.
              dict with keys corresponding to the stages ``energy_minimize``,
              ``MD_restrained``, ``MD_relaxed``,
              ``MD_NPT`` and values *mdp* file names (if no entry then the
              package defaults are used)
               minimum distance between solute and closest box face
              advanced keywords for short-circuiting; see

        self.__cache = {}
        filename = kwargs.pop('filename', None)
        dirname = kwargs.pop('dirname', self.dirname_default)

        forcefield = kwargs.pop('forcefield', 'OPLS-AA')
        solvent = kwargs.pop('solvent', self.solvent_default)
        # mdp files --- should get values from default runinput.cfg
        # None values in the kwarg mdp dict are ignored
        # self.mdp: key = stage, value = path to MDP file

        # 'water' will choose the default ('tip4p'), other choices are
        # 'tip3p', 'spc', 'spce', 'm24', for water; no choices
        # available for 'cyclohexane' and 'octanol'
        solventmodel = kwargs.pop('solventmodel', None)

        mdp_kw = kwargs.pop('mdp', {})
        self.mdp = dict((stage, config.get_template(fn))
                        for stage, fn in self.mdp_defaults.items())
            dict((stage, config.get_template(fn))
                 for stage, fn in mdp_kw.items() if fn is not None))

        if molecule is None and filename is not None:
            # load from pickle file
            self.filename = filename
            kwargs = {}  # for super
            self.molecule = molecule or 'DRUG'
            self.dirs = AttributeDict(
                basedir=realpath(dirname),  # .../Equilibrium/<solvent>
                includes=list(asiterable(kwargs.pop('includes', []))) +
            # pre-set filenames: keyword == variable name
            self.files = AttributeDict([(k, kwargs.pop(k, None))
                                        for k in self.filekeys])
            self.deffnm = kwargs.pop("deffnm", "md")

            if self.files.topology:
                # assume that a user-supplied topology lives in a 'standard' top dir
                # that includes the necessary itp file(s)
                self.dirs.topology = realpath(

            self.forcefield = forcefield
            self.solvent_type = solvent
            self.solventmodel_identifier = forcefields.get_solvent_identifier(
            if self.solventmodel_identifier is None:
                msg = "No parameters for solvent {0} and solventmodel {1} available.".format(
                    solvent, solventmodel)
                raise ValueError(msg)
            self.solventmodel = forcefields.get_solvent_model(

            distance = kwargs.pop('distance', None)
            distance = distance if distance is not None else DIST[solvent]

            self.solvent = AttributeDict(itp=self.solventmodel.itp,

            self.filename = filename or self.solvent_type + '.simulation'

        super(Simulation, self).__init__(**kwargs)
예제 #17
def solvate(struct='top/protein.pdb', top='top/system.top',
            distance=0.9, boxtype='dodecahedron',
            concentration=0, cation='NA', anion='CL',
            water='spc', solvent_name='SOL', with_membrane=False,
            ndx = 'main.ndx', mainselection = '"Protein"',
    """Put protein into box, add water, add counter-ions.

    Currently this really only supports solutes in water. If you need
    to embedd a protein in a membrane then you will require more
    sophisticated approaches.

    However, you *can* supply a protein already inserted in a
    bilayer. In this case you will probably want to set *distance* =
    ``None`` and also enable *with_membrane* = ``True`` (using extra
    big vdw radii for typical lipids).

    .. Note:: The defaults are suitable for solvating a globular
       protein in a fairly tight (increase *distance*!) dodecahedral

      *struct* : filename
          pdb or gro input structure
      *top* : filename
          Gromacs topology
      *distance* : float
          When solvating with water, make the box big enough so that
          at least *distance* nm water are between the solute *struct*
          and the box boundary.
          Set *boxtype*  to ``None`` in order to use a box size in the input
          file (gro or pdb).
      *boxtype* or *bt*: string
          Any of the box types supported by :class:`~gromacs.tools.Editconf`
          (triclinic, cubic, dodecahedron, octahedron). Set the box dimensions
          either with *distance* or the *box* and *angle* keywords.

          If set to ``None`` it will ignore *distance* and use the box
          inside the *struct* file.

          *bt* overrides the value of *boxtype*.
          List of three box lengths [A,B,C] that are used by :class:`~gromacs.tools.Editconf`
          in combination with *boxtype* (``bt`` in :program:`editconf`) and *angles*.
          Setting *box* overrides *distance*.
          List of three angles (only necessary for triclinic boxes).
      *concentration* : float
          Concentration of the free ions in mol/l. Note that counter
          ions are added in excess of this concentration.
      *cation* and *anion* : string
          Molecule names of the ions. This depends on the chosen force field.
      *water* : string
          Name of the water model; one of "spc", "spce", "tip3p",
          "tip4p". This should be appropriate for the chosen force
          field. If an alternative solvent is required, simply supply the path to a box
          with solvent molecules (used by :func:`~gromacs.genbox`'s  *cs* argument)
          and also supply the molecule name via *solvent_name*.
          Name of the molecules that make up the solvent (as set in the itp/top).
          Typically needs to be changed when using non-standard/non-water solvents.
      *with_membrane* : bool
           ``True``: use special ``vdwradii.dat`` with 0.1 nm-increased radii on
           lipids. Default is ``False``.
      *ndx* : filename
          How to name the index file that is produced by this function.
      *mainselection* : string
          A string that is fed to :class:`~gromacs.tools.Make_ndx` and
          which should select the solute.
      *dirname* : directory name
          Name of the directory in which all files for the solvation stage are stored.
          List of additional directories to add to the mdp include path
          Additional arguments are passed on to
          :class:`~gromacs.tools.Editconf` or are interpreted as parameters to be
          changed in the mdp file.

    structure = realpath(struct)
    topology = realpath(top)

    # arguments for editconf that we honour
    editconf_keywords = ["box", "bt", "angles", "c", "center", "aligncenter",
                         "align", "translate", "rotate", "princ"]
    editconf_kwargs = dict((k,kwargs.pop(k,None)) for k in editconf_keywords)
    editconf_boxtypes = ["triclinic", "cubic", "dodecahedron", "octahedron", None]

    # needed for topology scrubbing
    scrubber_kwargs = {'marker': kwargs.pop('marker',None)}

    # sanity checks and argument dependencies
    bt = editconf_kwargs.pop('bt')
    boxtype = bt if bt else boxtype   # bt takes precedence over boxtype
    if not boxtype in editconf_boxtypes:
        msg = "Unsupported boxtype %(boxtype)r: Only %(boxtypes)r are possible." % vars()
        raise ValueError(msg)
    if editconf_kwargs['box']:
        distance = None    # if box is set then user knows what she is doing...

    # handle additional include directories (kwargs are also modified!)
    mdp_kwargs = add_mdp_includes(topology, kwargs)

    if water.lower() in ('spc', 'spce'):
        water = 'spc216'
    elif water.lower() == 'tip3p':
        water = 'spc216'
        logger.warning("TIP3P water model selected: using SPC equilibrated box "
                       "for initial solvation because it is a reasonable starting point "
                       "for any 3-point model. EQUILIBRATE THOROUGHLY!")

    # By default, grompp should not choke on a few warnings because at
    # this stage the user cannot do much about it (can be set to any
    # value but is kept undocumented...)
    grompp_maxwarn = kwargs.pop('maxwarn',10)

    # clean topology (if user added the marker; the default marker is
    # ; Gromacs auto-generated entries follow:
    n_removed = gromacs.cbook.remove_molecules_from_topology(topology, **scrubber_kwargs)

    with in_dir(dirname):
        logger.info("[%(dirname)s] Solvating with water %(water)r..." % vars())
        if boxtype is None:
            hasBox = False
            ext = os.path.splitext(structure)[1]
            if ext == '.gro':
                hasBox = True
            elif ext == '.pdb':
                with open(structure) as struct:
                    for line in struct:
                        if line.startswith('CRYST'):
                            hasBox = True
            if not hasBox:
                msg = "No box data in the input structure %(structure)r and boxtype is set to None" % vars()
                raise MissingDataError(msg)
            distance = boxtype = None   # ensures that editconf just converts
        editconf_kwargs.update({'f': structure, 'o': 'boxed.gro',
                                'bt': boxtype, 'd': distance})

        if with_membrane:
            vdwradii_dat = get_lipid_vdwradii()  # need to clean up afterwards
            logger.info("Using special vdW radii for lipids %r" % vdw_lipid_resnames)

            gromacs.genbox(p=topology, cp='boxed.gro', cs=water, o='solvated.gro')
            if with_membrane:
                # remove so that it's not picked up accidentally
        logger.info("Solvated system with %s", water)

        with open('none.mdp','w') as mdp:
            mdp.write('; empty mdp file\ninclude = %(include)s\nrcoulomb = 1\nrvdw = 1\nrlist = 1\n' % mdp_kwargs)

        qtotgmx = gromacs.cbook.grompp_qtot(f='none.mdp', o='topol.tpr', c='solvated.gro',
                                            p=topology, stdout=False, maxwarn=grompp_maxwarn)

        qtot = round(qtotgmx)
        logger.info("[%(dirname)s] After solvation: total charge qtot = %(qtotgmx)r = %(qtot)r" % vars())

        if concentration != 0:
            logger.info("[%(dirname)s] Adding ions for c = %(concentration)f M..." % vars())
            # target concentration of free ions c ==>
            #    N = N_water * c/c_water
            # add ions for concentration to the counter ions (counter ions are less free)
            # get number of waters (count OW ... works for SPC*, TIP*P water models)
            rc,output,junk = gromacs.make_ndx(f='topol.tpr', o='ow.ndx',
                                              input=('keep 0', 'del 0', 'a OW*', 'name 0 OW', '', 'q'),
            groups = gromacs.cbook.parse_ndxlist(output)
            gdict = dict([(g['name'], g) for g in groups])   # overkill...
            N_water = gdict['OW']['natoms']                  # ... but dict lookup is nice
            N_ions = int(N_water * concentration/CONC_WATER) # number of monovalents
            N_ions = 0

        # neutralize (or try -neutral switch of genion???)
        n_cation = n_anion = 0
        if qtot > 0:
            n_anion = int(abs(qtot))
        elif qtot < 0:
            n_cation = int(abs(qtot))

        n_cation += N_ions
        n_anion  += N_ions

        if n_cation != 0 or n_anion != 0:
            # sanity check:
            assert qtot + n_cation - n_anion < 1e-6
            logger.info("[%(dirname)s] Adding n_cation = %(n_cation)d and n_anion = %(n_anion)d ions..." % vars())
            gromacs.genion(s='topol.tpr', o='ionized.gro', p=topology,
                           pname=cation, nname=anion, np=n_cation, nn=n_anion,
            # fake ionized file ... makes it easier to continue without too much fuzz
            except OSError, err:
                if err.errno != errno.ENOENT:
            os.symlink('solvated.gro', 'ionized.gro')

        qtot = gromacs.cbook.grompp_qtot(f='none.mdp', o='ionized.tpr', c='ionized.gro',
                                         p=topology, stdout=False, maxwarn=grompp_maxwarn)

        if abs(qtot) > 1e-4:
            wmsg = "System has non-zero total charge qtot = %(qtot)g e." % vars()
            warnings.warn(wmsg, category=BadParameterWarning)

        # make main index
            make_main_index('ionized.tpr', selection=mainselection, ndx=ndx)
        except GromacsError, err:
            # or should I rather fail here?
            wmsg = "Failed to make main index file %r ... maybe set mainselection='...'.\n"\
                   "The error message was:\n%s\n" % (ndx, str(err))
            warnings.warn(wmsg, category=GromacsFailureWarning)
예제 #18
    def topology(self, itp='drug.itp', prm=None, **kwargs):
        """Generate a topology for compound *molecule*.

               Gromacs itp file; will be copied to topology dir and
               included in topology
               Gromacs prm file; if given, will be copied to topology
               dir and included in topology
               name of the topology directory ["top"]
               see source for *top_template*, *topol*

        dirname = kwargs.pop('dirname', self.BASEDIR('top'))
        self.dirs.topology = realpath(dirname)

        setting = forcefields.get_ff_paths(self.forcefield)
        template = forcefields.get_top_template(self.solvent_type)

        top_template = config.get_template(kwargs.pop('top_template',
        topol = kwargs.pop('topol', os.path.basename(top_template))
        self.top_template = top_template
        itp = os.path.realpath(itp)
        _itp = os.path.basename(itp)

        if prm is None:
            prm_kw = ''
            prm = os.path.realpath(prm)
            _prm = os.path.basename(prm)
            prm_kw = '#include "{}"'.format(_prm)

        with in_dir(dirname):
            shutil.copy(itp, _itp)
            if prm is not None:
                shutil.copy(prm, _prm)
            gromacs.cbook.edit_txt(top_template, [
                (r'#include +"oplsaa\.ff/forcefield\.itp"', r'oplsaa\.ff/',
                (r'#include +"compound\.itp"', r'compound\.itp', _itp),
                (r'#include +"oplsaa\.ff/tip4p\.itp"',
                 r'oplsaa\.ff/tip4p\.itp', setting[0] + self.solvent.itp),
                (r'#include +"oplsaa\.ff/ions_opls\.itp"',
                 r'oplsaa\.ff/ions_opls\.itp', setting[1]),
                (r'#include +"compound\.prm"', r'#include +"compound\.prm"',
                (r'#include +"water\.itp"', r'water\.itp', setting[2]),
                (r'Compound', 'solvent', self.solvent_type),
                (r'Compound', 'DRUG', self.molecule),
                (r'DRUG\s*1', 'DRUG', self.molecule),
            '[%(dirname)s] Created topology %(topol)r that includes %(_itp)r',

        # update known files and dirs
        self.files.topology = realpath(dirname, topol)
        if not self.dirs.topology in self.dirs.includes:

        return {'dirname': dirname, 'topol': topol}
예제 #19
def _setup_MD(dirname,
              deffnm='md', mdp=config.templates['md_OPLSAA.mdp'],
              top='top/system.top', ndx=None,
              qscript=config.qscript_template, qname=None, startdir=None, mdrun_opts="", budget=None, walltime=1/3.,
              dt=0.002, runtime=1e3, multi=1, **mdp_kwargs):
    """Generic function to set up a ``mdrun`` MD simulation.

    See the user functions for usage.
    @param qname: name of the queing system, may be None.
    @param multi: setup multiple concurrent simulations. These are based upon deffnm being set, 
                  and a set of mdp / tpr are created named [deffnm]0.tpr. [deffnm]1.tpr, ...

    if struct is None:
        raise ValueError('struct must be set to a input structure')
    structure = realpath(struct)
    topology = realpath(top)
        index = realpath(ndx)
    except AttributeError:  # (that's what realpath(None) throws...)
        index = None        # None is handled fine below

    qname = mdp_kwargs.pop('sgename', qname)    # compatibility for old scripts
    qscript = mdp_kwargs.pop('sge', qscript)    # compatibility for old scripts
    qscript_template = config.get_template(qscript)
    mdp_template = config.get_template(mdp)

    nsteps = int(float(runtime)/float(dt))

    mainindex = deffnm + '.ndx'
    final_structure = deffnm + '.pdb'   # guess... really depends on templates,could also be DEFFNM.pdb

    # write the processed topology to the default output
    mdp_parameters = {'nsteps':nsteps, 'dt':dt}

    add_mdp_includes(topology, mdp_parameters)
    # the basic result dictionary
    # depending on options, various bits might be added to this.
    result = {'struct': realpath(os.path.join(dirname, final_structure)),      # guess
             'top': topology,
             'ndx': index,            # possibly mainindex
             'mainselection': mainselection,
             'deffnm': deffnm,        # return deffnm (tpr = deffnm.tpr!)

    with in_dir(dirname):
        if not (mdp_parameters.get('Tcoupl','').lower() == 'no' or mainselection is None):
            logger.info("[%(dirname)s] Automatic adjustment of T-coupling groups" % vars())

            # make index file in almost all cases; with mainselection == None the user
            # takes FULL control and also has to provide the template or index
            groups = make_main_index(structure, selection=mainselection,
                                     oldndx=index, ndx=mainindex)
            natoms = dict([(g['name'], float(g['natoms'])) for g in groups])
            tc_group_names = ('__main__', '__environment__')   # defined in make_main_index()
                x = natoms['__main__']/natoms['__environment__']
            except KeyError:
                x = 0   # force using SYSTEM in code below
                wmsg = "Missing __main__ and/or __environment__ index group.\n" \
                       "This probably means that you have an atypical system. You can " \
                       "set mainselection=None and provide your own mdp and index files " \
                       "in order to set up temperature coupling.\n" \
                       "If no T-coupling is required then set Tcoupl='no'.\n" \
                       "For now we will just couple everything to 'System'."
                warnings.warn(wmsg, category=AutoCorrectionWarning)
            if x < 0.1:
                # couple everything together
                tau_t = firstof(mdp_parameters.pop('tau_t', 0.1))
                ref_t = firstof(mdp_parameters.pop('ref_t', 300))
                # combine all in one T-coupling group
                mdp_parameters['tc-grps'] = 'System'
                mdp_parameters['tau_t'] = tau_t   # this overrides the commandline!
                mdp_parameters['ref_t'] = ref_t   # this overrides the commandline!
                mdp_parameters['gen-temp'] = mdp_parameters.pop('gen_temp', ref_t)
                wmsg = "Size of __main__ is only %.1f%% of __environment__ so " \
                       "we use 'System' for T-coupling and ref_t = %g K and " \
                       "tau_t = %g 1/ps (can be changed in mdp_parameters).\n" \
                       % (x * 100, ref_t, tau_t)
                warnings.warn(wmsg, category=AutoCorrectionWarning)
                # couple protein and bath separately
                n_tc_groups = len(tc_group_names)
                tau_t = asiterable(mdp_parameters.pop('tau_t', 0.1))
                ref_t = asiterable(mdp_parameters.pop('ref_t', 300))

                if len(tau_t) != n_tc_groups:
                    tau_t = n_tc_groups * [tau_t[0]]
                    wmsg = "%d coupling constants should have been supplied for tau_t. "\
                        "Using %f 1/ps for all of them." % (n_tc_groups, tau_t[0])
                    warnings.warn(wmsg, category=AutoCorrectionWarning)
                if len(ref_t) != n_tc_groups:
                    ref_t = n_tc_groups * [ref_t[0]]
                    wmsg = "%d temperatures should have been supplied for ref_t. "\
                        "Using %g K for all of them." % (n_tc_groups, ref_t[0])
                    warnings.warn(wmsg, category=AutoCorrectionWarning)

                mdp_parameters['tc-grps'] = tc_group_names
                mdp_parameters['tau_t'] = tau_t
                mdp_parameters['ref_t'] = ref_t
                mdp_parameters['gen-temp'] = mdp_parameters.pop('gen_temp', ref_t[0])
            index = realpath(mainindex)
        if mdp_parameters.get('Tcoupl','').lower() == 'no':
            logger.info("Tcoupl == no: disabling all temperature coupling mdp options")
            mdp_parameters['tc-grps'] = ""
            mdp_parameters['tau_t'] = ""
            mdp_parameters['ref_t'] = ""
            mdp_parameters['gen-temp'] = ""
        if mdp_parameters.get('Pcoupl','').lower() == 'no':
            logger.info("Pcoupl == no: disabling all pressure coupling mdp options")
            mdp_parameters['tau_p'] = ""
            mdp_parameters['ref_p'] = ""
            mdp_parameters['compressibility'] = ""
        # do multiple concurrent simulations - ensemble sampling
        if multi > 1:
            for i in range(multi):
                new_mdp = deffnm + str(i) + ".mdp"
                mdout = deffnm + "out" + str(i) + ".mdp"
                pp = "processed" + str(i) + ".top"
                tpr = deffnm + str(i) + ".tpr"
                # doing ensemble sampling, so give differnt seeds for each one
                # if we are using 32 bit gromacs, make seeds are are 32 bit even on
                # 64 bit machine
                mdp_parameters["andersen_seed"] = random.randint(0,2**31) 
                mdp_parameters["gen_seed"] = random.randint(0,2**31)
                mdp_parameters["ld_seed"] = random.randint(0,2**31)
                unprocessed = gromacs.cbook.edit_mdp(mdp_template, new_mdp=new_mdp, **mdp_parameters)
                gromacs.grompp(f=new_mdp, p=topology, c=structure, n=index, o=tpr, 
                               po=mdout, pp=pp, **unprocessed)
            # only add multi to result if we really are doing multiple runs
            result["multi"] = multi
            new_mdp = deffnm + '.mdp'
            tpr = deffnm + '.tpr'
            unprocessed = gromacs.cbook.edit_mdp(mdp_template, new_mdp=new_mdp, **mdp_parameters)
            gromacs.grompp(f=new_mdp, p=topology, c=structure, n=index, o=tpr, 
                           po="mdout.mdp", pp="processed.top", **unprocessed)
        # generate scripts for queing system if requested
        if qname is not None:
            runscripts = gromacs.qsub.generate_submit_scripts(
                qscript_template, deffnm=deffnm, jobname=qname, budget=budget,
                startdir=startdir, mdrun_opts=mdrun_opts, walltime=walltime)
            result["qscript"] =runscripts
    logger.info("[%(dirname)s] All files set up for a run time of %(runtime)g ps "
                "(dt=%(dt)g, nsteps=%(nsteps)g)" % vars())

    result.update(mdp_kwargs)  # return extra mdp args so that one can use them for prod run
    result.pop('define', None) # but make sure that -DPOSRES does not stay...
    return result
예제 #20
파일: equil.py 프로젝트: Becksteinlab/MDPOW
    def __init__(self, molecule=None, **kwargs):
        """Set up Simulation instance.

        The *molecule* of the compound molecule should be supplied. Existing files
        (which have been generated in previous runs) can also be supplied.

              Identifier for the compound molecule. This is the same as the
              entry in the ``[ molecule ]`` section of the itp file. ["DRUG"]
              If provided and *molecule* is ``None`` then load the instance from
              the pickle file *filename*, which was generated with
              base directory; all other directories are created under it
              'water' or 'octanol' or 'cyclohexane'
              ``None`` chooses the default (e.g, :data:`mdpow.forcefields.DEFAULT_WATER_MODEL`
              for ``solvent == "water"``. Other options are the models defined in
              :data:`mdpow.forcefields.GROMACS_WATER_MODELS`. At the moment, there are no
              alternative parameterizations included for other solvents.
              dict with keys corresponding to the stages ``energy_minimize``,
              ``MD_restrained``, ``MD_relaxed``,
              ``MD_NPT`` and values *mdp* file names (if no entry then the
              package defaults are used)
              advanced keywords for short-circuiting; see

        self.__cache = {}
        filename = kwargs.pop('filename', None)
        dirname = kwargs.pop('dirname', self.dirname_default)

        solvent = kwargs.pop('solvent', self.solvent_default)
        # mdp files --- should get values from default runinput.cfg
        # None values in the kwarg mdp dict are ignored
        # self.mdp: key = stage, value = path to MDP file

        # 'water' will choose the default ('tip4p'), other choices are
        # 'tip3p', 'spc', 'spce', for water; no choices
        # available for 'cyclohexane' and 'octanol'
        solventmodel = kwargs.pop('solventmodel', None)

        mdp_kw = kwargs.pop('mdp', {})
        self.mdp = dict((stage, config.get_template(fn)) for stage,fn in self.mdp_defaults.items())
        self.mdp.update(dict((stage, config.get_template(fn)) for stage,fn in mdp_kw.items() if fn is not None))

        if molecule is None and filename is not None:
            # load from pickle file
            self.filename = filename
            kwargs = {}    # for super
            self.molecule = molecule or 'DRUG'
            self.dirs = AttributeDict(
                basedir=realpath(dirname),    # .../Equilibrium/<solvent>
                includes=list(asiterable(kwargs.pop('includes',[]))) + [config.includedir],
            # pre-set filenames: keyword == variable name
            self.files = AttributeDict([(k, kwargs.pop(k, None)) for k in self.filekeys])
            self.deffnm = kwargs.pop("deffnm", "md")

            if self.files.topology:
                # assume that a user-supplied topology lives in a 'standard' top dir
                # that includes the necessary itp file(s)
                self.dirs.topology = realpath(os.path.dirname(self.files.topology))

            self.solvent_type = solvent
            self.solventmodel_identifier = forcefields.get_solvent_identifier(solvent, solventmodel)
            if self.solventmodel_identifier is None:
                msg = "No parameters for solvent {0} and solventmodel {1} available.".format(
                    solvent, solventmodel)
                raise ValueError(msg)
            self.solventmodel = forcefields.get_solvent_model(self.solventmodel_identifier)

            distance = kwargs.pop('distance', None)
            distance = distance if distance is not None else DIST[solvent]

            self.solvent = AttributeDict(itp=self.solventmodel.itp,

            self.filename = filename or self.solvent_type+'.simulation'

        super(Simulation, self).__init__(**kwargs)