def portfolio_pnl(portfolio_id: str, start_date: = None, end_date: = None, *, source: str = None, real_time: bool = False, request_id: Optional[str] = None) -> pd.Series: """ Returns the PnL of a portfolio :param portfolio_id: id of portfolio :param start_date: start date for getting pnl :param end_date: end date for getting pnl :param source: name of function caller :param real_time: whether to retrieve intraday data instead of EOD :param request_id: server request id :return: portfolio pnl values """ reports = GsPortfolioApi.get_reports(portfolio_id) performance_report_id = "" for report in reports: if report.type == ReportType.Portfolio_Performance_Analytics: performance_report_id = if performance_report_id: ppa_report = PerformanceReport.get(performance_report_id) data = ppa_report.get_pnl(start_date, end_date) df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data) df.set_index(pd.DatetimeIndex(df['date']), inplace=True) df.drop(columns=['date']) return _extract_series_from_df(df, QueryType.PNL, True)
def test_get_performance_report(mocker): # mock GsSession mocker.patch.object(GsSession.__class__, 'default_value', return_value=GsSession.get(Environment.QA, 'client_id', 'secret')) mocker.patch.object(GsSession.current, '_get', return_value=Report( id='PPAID', position_source_type=PositionSourceType.Portfolio, position_source_id='PORTFOLIOID', parameters=None, type=ReportType.Portfolio_Performance_Analytics, status=ReportStatus.done)) # run test response = PerformanceReport.get('PPAID') assert response.type == ReportType.Portfolio_Performance_Analytics
def short_pnl(report_id: str, *, source: str = None, real_time: bool = False, request_id: Optional[str] = None) -> pd.Series: """ PNL from short holdings :param report_id: id of performance report :param source: name of function caller :param real_time: whether to retrieve intraday data instead of EOD :param request_id: server request id :return: portfolio short pnl """ start_date = end_date = performance_report = PerformanceReport.get(report_id) constituent_data = performance_report.get_portfolio_constituents( fields=['pnl', 'quantity'], start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date).set_index('date') short_leg = constituent_data[constituent_data['quantity'] < 0]['pnl'] short_leg = short_leg.groupby(level=0).sum() return pd.Series(short_leg, name="shortPnl")
def normalized_performance(report_id: str, aum_source: str = None, *, source: str = None, real_time: bool = False, request_id: Optional[str] = None) -> pd.Series: """ Returns the Normalized Performance of a performance report based on AUM source :param report_id: id of performance report :param aum_source: source to normalize pnl from, default is the aum source on your portfolio, if no aum source is set on your portfolio the default is gross :param source: name of function caller :param real_time: whether to retrieve intraday data instead of EOD :param request_id: server request id :return: portfolio normalized performance **Usage** Returns the normalized performance of the portfolio based on AUM source. If :math:`aum_source` is "Custom AUM": We read AUM from custom AUM uploaded to that portfolio and normalize performance based on that exposure If :math:`aum_source` is one of: Long, Short, RiskAumSource.Net, AumSource.Gross, we take these exposures from the calculated exposures based on daily positions :math:`NP(L/S)_{t} = SUM( PNL(L/S)_{t}/ ( EXP(L/S)_{t} ) - cPNL(L/S)_{t-1) ) if ( EXP(L/S)_{t} ) - cPNL(L/S)_{t-1)) > 0 else: 1/ SUM( PNL(L/S)_{t}/ ( EXP(L/S)_{t} ) - cPNL(L/S)_{t-1) )` For each leg, short and long, then: :math:`NP_{t} = NP(L)_{t} * (EXP(L)_{t} / AUM_{t}) + NP(S)_{t} * (EXP(S)_{t} / AUM_{t}) + 1` This takes into account varying AUM and adjusts for exposure change due to PNL where :math:`cPNL(L/S)_{t-1}` is your performance reports cumulative long or short PNL at date t-1 where :math:`PNL(L/S)_{t}` is your performance reports long or short pnl at date t where :math:`AUM_{t}` is portfolio exposure on date t where :math:`EXP(L/S)_{t}` is the long or short exposure on date t """ start_date = DataContext.current.start_time - relativedelta(1) end_date = DataContext.current.end_time start_date = end_date = performance_report = PerformanceReport.get(report_id) if not aum_source: port = GsPortfolioApi.get_portfolio( performance_report.position_source_id) aum_source = port.aum_source if port.aum_source else RiskAumSource.Gross else: aum_source = RiskAumSource(aum_source) constituent_data = performance_report.get_portfolio_constituents( fields=['assetId', 'pnl', 'quantity', 'netExposure'], start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date).set_index('date') aum_col_name = aum_source.value.lower() aum_col_name = f'{aum_col_name}Exposure' if aum_col_name != 'custom aum' else 'aum' # Split into long and short and aggregate across dates long_side = _return_metrics( constituent_data[constituent_data['quantity'] > 0], list(constituent_data.index.unique()), "long") short_side = _return_metrics( constituent_data[constituent_data['quantity'] < 0], list(constituent_data.index.unique()), "short") # Get aum source data if aum_source == RiskAumSource.Custom_AUM: custom_aum = pd.DataFrame( GsPortfolioApi.get_custom_aum( performance_report.position_source_id, start_date, end_date)) if custom_aum.empty: raise MqError( f'No custom AUM for portfolio {performance_report.position_source_id} between dates {start_date},' f' {end_date}') data = pd.DataFrame.from_records(custom_aum).set_index(['date']) else: data = performance_report.get_many_measures( [aum_col_name], start_date, end_date).set_index(['date']) long_side = long_side.join(data[[f'{aum_col_name}']], how='inner') short_side = short_side.join(data[[f'{aum_col_name}']], how='inner') long_side['longRetWeighted'] = (long_side['longMetrics'] - 1) * long_side['exposure'] * \ (1 / long_side[f'{aum_col_name}']) short_side['shortRetWeighted'] = (short_side['shortMetrics'] - 1) * short_side['exposure'] *\ (1 / short_side[f'{aum_col_name}']) combined = long_side[['longRetWeighted' ]].join(short_side[['shortRetWeighted']], how='inner') combined['normalizedPerformance'] = combined['longRetWeighted'] + combined[ 'shortRetWeighted'] + 1 return pd.Series(combined['normalizedPerformance'], name="normalizedPerformance").dropna()
def normalized_performance(report_id: str, aum_source: str = None, *, source: str = None, real_time: bool = False, request_id: Optional[str] = None) -> pd.Series: """ Returns the Normalized Performance of a performance report based on AUM source :param report_id: id of performance report :param aum_source: source to normalize pnl from, default is the aum source on your portfolio, if no aum source is set on your portfolio the default is gross :param source: name of function caller :param real_time: whether to retrieve intraday data instead of EOD :param request_id: server request id :return: portfolio normalized performance **Usage** Returns the normalized performance of the portfolio based on AUM source. If :math:`aum_source` is "Custom AUM": We read AUM from custom AUM uploaded to that portfolio and normalize performance based on that exposure If :math:`aum_source` is one of: Long, Short, RiskAumSource.Net, AumSource.Gross, we take these exposures from the calculated exposures based on daily positions :math:`NP_{t} = SUM( PNL_{t}/ ( AUM_{t} ) - cPNL_{t-1) ) if ( AUM_{t} ) - cPNL_{t-1) ) > 0 else: 1/ SUM( PNL_{t}/ ( AUM_{t} ) - cPNL_{t-1) )` This takes into account varying AUM and adjusts for exposure change due to PNL where :math:`cPNL_{t-1}` is your performance reports cumulative PNL at date t-1 where :math:`PNL_{t}` is your performance reports pnl at date t where :math:`AUM_{t}` is portfolio exposure on date t """ start_date = DataContext.current.start_date end_date = DataContext.current.end_date ppa_report = PerformanceReport.get(report_id) if not aum_source: port = GsPortfolioApi.get_portfolio(ppa_report.position_source_id) aum_source = port.aum_source if port.aum_source else RiskAumSource.Net else: aum_source = RiskAumSource(aum_source) aum_col_name = aum_source.value.lower() aum_col_name = f'{aum_col_name}Exposure' if aum_col_name != 'custom aum' else 'aum' measures = [aum_col_name, 'pnl' ] if aum_source != RiskAumSource.Custom_AUM else ['pnl'] data = ppa_report.get_many_measures(measures, start_date, end_date) data.loc[0, 'pnl'] = 0 data['cumulativePnlT-1'] = data['pnl'].cumsum(axis=0) data = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data).set_index(['date']) if aum_source == RiskAumSource.Custom_AUM: custom_aum = pd.DataFrame( GsPortfolioApi.get_custom_aum(ppa_report.position_source_id, start_date, end_date)) if custom_aum.empty: raise MqError( f'No custom AUM for portfolio {ppa_report.position_source_id} between dates {start_date},' f' {end_date}') custom_aum = pd.DataFrame.from_records(custom_aum).set_index(['date']) data = data.join(custom_aum.loc[:, aum_col_name], how='inner') if aum_source == RiskAumSource.Short: data[f'{aum_col_name}'] = -1 * data[f'{aum_col_name}'] data['normalizedExposure'] = data[f'{aum_col_name}'] - data[ 'cumulativePnlT-1'] data[ 'pnlOverNormalizedExposure'] = data['pnl'] / data['normalizedExposure'] data['normalizedPerformance'] = data['pnlOverNormalizedExposure'].cumsum( axis=0) + 1 data.loc[data.normalizedExposure < 0, 'normalizedPerformance'] = 1 / data.loc[:, 'normalizedPerformance'] return pd.Series(data['normalizedPerformance'], name="normalizedPerformance").dropna()
def normalized_performance(report_id: str, leg: str = None, *, source: str = None, real_time: bool = False, request_id: Optional[str] = None) -> pd.Series: """ Returns the Normalized Performance of a performance report based on AUM source :param report_id: id of performance report :param leg: short or long :param source: name of function caller :param real_time: whether to retrieve intraday data instead of EOD :param request_id: server request id :return: portfolio normalized performance **Usage** Returns the normalized performance of the portfolio. :math:`NP(L/S)_{t} = SUM( PNL(L/S)_{t}/ ( EXP(L/S)_{t} ) - cPNL(L/S)_{t-1) ) if ( EXP(L/S)_{t} ) > 0 else: 1/ SUM( PNL(L/S)_{t}/ ( EXP(L/S)_{t} ) - cPNL(L/S)_{t-1) )` For each leg, short and long, then: :math:`NP_{t} = NP(L)_{t} * SUM(EXP(L)) / SUM(GROSS_EXP) + NP(S)_{t} * SUM(EXP(S)) / SUM(GROSS_EXP) + 1` If leg is short, set SUM(EXP(L)) to 0, if leg is long, set SUM(EXP(S)) to 0 where :math:`cPNL(L/S)_{t-1}` is your performance reports cumulative long or short PNL at date t-1 where :math:`PNL(L/S)_{t}` is your performance reports long or short pnl at date t where :math:`GROSS_EXP_{t}` is portfolio gross exposure on date t where :math:`EXP(L/S)_{t}` is the long or short exposure on date t """ start_date = DataContext.current.start_time end_date = DataContext.current.end_time start_date = (start_date - BDay(1)).date() end_date = performance_report = PerformanceReport.get(report_id) constituent_data = performance_report.get_portfolio_constituents( fields=['assetId', 'pnl', 'quantity', 'netExposure'], start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date).set_index( 'date') if leg: if leg.lower() == "long": constituent_data = constituent_data[constituent_data['quantity'] > 0] if leg.lower() == "short": constituent_data = constituent_data[constituent_data['quantity'] < 0] # Split into long and short and aggregate across dates long_side = _return_metrics(constituent_data[constituent_data['quantity'] > 0], list(constituent_data.index.unique()), "long") short_side = _return_metrics(constituent_data[constituent_data['quantity'] < 0], list(constituent_data.index.unique()), "short") short_exposure = sum(abs(short_side['exposure'])) long_exposure = sum(long_side['exposure']) gross_exposure = short_exposure + long_exposure long_side['longRetWeighted'] = (long_side['longMetrics'] - 1) * (long_exposure / gross_exposure) short_side['shortRetWeighted'] = (short_side['shortMetrics'] - 1) * (short_exposure / gross_exposure) combined = long_side[['longRetWeighted']].join(short_side[['shortRetWeighted']], how='inner') combined['normalizedPerformance'] = combined['longRetWeighted'] + combined['shortRetWeighted'] + 1 return pd.Series(combined['normalizedPerformance'], name="normalizedPerformance").dropna()