def cmd_tskill(view, edit, args, wd, rkey): if len(args) > 0: l = [] for tid in args: tid = tid.lstrip('#') tid = tid_alias.get('%s-%s' % (tid, wd), tid) l.append('kill %s: %s' % (tid, ('yes' if gs.cancel_task(tid) else 'no'))) push_output(view, rkey, '\n'.join(l)) return try: now = with gs.sm_lck: tasks = sorted(gs.sm_tasks.iteritems()) l = [] for tid, t in tasks: if t['cancel']: pfx = '#%s' % tid else: pfx = '(uninterruptible)' l.append('%s %s %s: %s' % (pfx, (now - t['start'].replace(microsecond=0)), t['domain'], t['message'])) s = '\n'.join(l) except Exception as ex: gs.error_traceback(DOMAIN) s = 'Error: %s' % ex push_output(view, rkey, s)
def run(self, edit): v = self.view pos = gs.sel(v).begin() inscope = lambda p: v.score_selector(p, 'path.9o') > 0 if not inscope(pos): pos -= 1 if not inscope(pos): return path = v.substr(v.extract_scope(pos)) if URL_PATH_PAT.match(path): if path.lower().startswith('gs.packages://'): path = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), path[14:]) else: try: if not URL_SCHEME_PAT.match(path): path = 'http://%s' % path gs.notify(DOMAIN, 'open url: %s' % path) webbrowser.open_new_tab(path) except Exception: gs.error_traceback(DOMAIN) return wd = v.settings().get('9o.wd') or active_wd() m = SPLIT_FN_POS_PAT.match(path) path = gs.apath(( if m else path), wd) row = max(0, int( - 1 if (m and else 0) col = max(0, int( - 1 if (m and else 0) if os.path.exists(path): gs.focus(path, row, col, win=self.view.window()) else: gs.notify(DOMAIN, "Invalid path `%s'" % path)
def run(self): default_file_name = 'untitled.go' pkg_name = 'main' view = gs.active_valid_go_view() try: basedir = gs.basedir_or_cwd(view and view.file_name()) for fn in os.listdir(basedir): if fn.endswith('.go'): name, _ = mg9.pkg_name(os.path.join(basedir, fn), '') if name: pkg_name = name break except Exception: gs.error_traceback('GsNewGoFile') view = self.window.new_file() view.set_name(default_file_name) view.set_syntax_file('Packages/GoSublime/GoSublime.tmLanguage') edit = view.begin_edit() try: view.replace(edit, sublime.Region(0, view.size()), 'package %s\n' % pkg_name) view.sel().clear() view.sel().add(view.find(pkg_name, 0, sublime.LITERAL)) finally: view.end_edit(edit)
def cmd_tskill(view, edit, args, wd, rkey): if len(args) > 0: l = [] for tid in args: tid = tid.lstrip('#') l.append('kill %s: %s' % (tid, ('yes' if gs.cancel_task(tid) else 'no'))) push_output(view, rkey, '\n'.join(l)) return try: now = with gs.sm_lck: tasks = sorted(gs.sm_tasks.iteritems()) l = [] for tid, t in tasks: if t['cancel']: pfx = '#%s' % tid else: pfx = '(uninterruptible)' l.append('%s %s %s: %s' % (pfx, (now - t['start'].replace(microsecond=0)), t['domain'], t['message'])) s = '\n'.join(l) except Exception as ex: gs.error_traceback(DOMAIN) s = 'Error: %s' % ex push_output(view, rkey, s)
def run(self, edit): v = self.view pos = gs.sel(v).begin() inscope = lambda p: v.score_selector(p, 'path.9o') > 0 if not inscope(pos): pos -= 1 if not inscope(pos): return path = v.substr(v.extract_scope(pos)) if URL_PATH_PAT.match(path): if path.lower().startswith('gs.packages://'): path = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), path[14:]) else: try: if not URL_SCHEME_PAT.match(path): path = 'http://%s' % path gs.notify(DOMAIN, 'open url: %s' % path) webbrowser.open_new_tab(path) except Exception: gs.error_traceback(DOMAIN) return wd = v.settings().get('9o.wd') or active_wd() m = SPLIT_FN_POS_PAT.match(path) path = gs.apath(( if m else path), wd) row = max(0, int( if (m and else 0) col = max(0, int( if (m and else 0) if os.path.exists(path): gs.focus(path, row, col, win=self.view.window()) else: gs.notify(DOMAIN, "Invalid path `%s'" % path)
def run(self): default_file_name = "untitled.go" pkg_name = "main" view = gs.active_valid_go_view() try: basedir = gs.basedir_or_cwd(view and view.file_name()) for fn in os.listdir(basedir): if fn.endswith(".go"): name, _ = mg9.pkg_name(os.path.join(basedir, fn), "") if name: pkg_name = name break except Exception: gs.error_traceback("GsNewGoFile") view = self.window.new_file() view.set_name(default_file_name) view.set_syntax_file("Packages/GoSublime/GoSublime.tmLanguage") edit = view.begin_edit() try: view.replace(edit, sublime.Region(0, view.size()), "package %s\n" % pkg_name) view.sel().clear() view.sel().add(view.find(pkg_name, 0, sublime.LITERAL)) finally: view.end_edit(edit)
def _save_all(win, wd): if gs.setting('autosave') is True and win is not None: for v in win.views(): try: fn = v.file_name() if fn and v.is_dirty() and fn.endswith('.go') and os.path.dirname(fn) == wd: v.run_command('gs_fmt_save') except Exception: gs.error_traceback(DOMAIN)
def _save_all(win, wd): if gs.setting('autosave') is True and win is not None: for v in win.views(): try: fn = v.file_name() if fn and v.is_dirty() and fn.endswith( '.go') and os.path.dirname(fn) == wd: v.run_command('gs_fmt_save') except Exception: gs.error_traceback(DOMAIN)
def expand_jdata(v): if gs.is_a(v, {}): for k in v: v[k] = expand_jdata(v[k]) elif gs.is_a_string(v) and v.startswith('base64:'): try: v = base64.b64decode(v[7:]) except Exception: v = '' gs.error_traceback(DOMAIN) return v
def _recv(): while True: try: ln = _recv_q.get() try: ln = ln.strip() if ln: r, _ = gs.json_decode(ln, {}) token = r.get('token', '') k = REQUEST_PREFIX + token req = gs.attr(k) gs.del_attr(k) if req and req.f: gs.debug( DOMAIN, "margo response: method: %s, token: %s, dur: %0.3fs, err: `%s'" % ( req.method, req.token, (time.time() -, r.get('error', ''), )) dat = expand_jdata(r.get('data', {})) err = r.get('error', '') try: keep = req.f(dat, err) is not True if keep: = time.time() gs.set_attr(k, req) except Exception: gs.error_traceback(DOMAIN) else: gs.debug(DOMAIN, 'Ignoring margo: token: %s' % token) except Exception: gs.println(gs.traceback()) except Exception: gs.println(gs.traceback()) break
def _recv(): while True: try: ln = _recv_q.get() try: ln = ln.strip() if ln: r, _ = gs.json_decode(ln, {}) token = r.get('token', '') k = REQUEST_PREFIX+token req = gs.attr(k) gs.del_attr(k) if req and req.f: gs.debug(DOMAIN, "margo response: method: %s, token: %s, dur: %0.3fs, err: `%s'" % ( req.method, req.token, (time.time() -, r.get('error', ''), )) dat = expand_jdata(r.get('data', {})) err = r.get('error', '') try: keep = req.f(dat, err) is not True if keep: = time.time() gs.set_attr(k, req) except Exception: gs.error_traceback(DOMAIN) else: gs.debug(DOMAIN, 'Ignoring margo: token: %s' % token) except Exception: gs.println(gs.traceback()) except Exception: gs.println(gs.traceback()) break