예제 #1
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: viveksck/pgmult
def initialize_pyrngs():
    from gslrandom import PyRNG, get_omp_num_threads
    if "OMP_NUM_THREADS" in os.environ:
        num_threads = os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"]
        num_threads = get_omp_num_threads()
    assert num_threads > 0

    # Choose random seeds
    seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=num_threads)
    return [PyRNG(seed) for seed in seeds]
예제 #2
def initialize_pyrngs():
    from gslrandom import PyRNG, get_omp_num_threads
    if "OMP_NUM_THREADS" in os.environ:
        num_threads = os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"]
        num_threads = get_omp_num_threads()
    assert num_threads > 0

    # Choose random seeds
    seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=num_threads)
    return [PyRNG(seed) for seed in seeds]
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, model, T, S, F, minibatchfrac=1.):
        Initialize a parent array Z of size TxKxKxB to model the
        event parents for data matrix S (TxK) which has been filtered
        to create filtered data array F (TxKxB).

        Also create a background parent array of size TxK to specify
        how many events are attributed to the background process.

        :param T: Number of time bins
        :param K: Number of processes
        :param B: Number of basis functions
        :param S: Data matrix (TxK)
        :param F: Filtered data matrix (TxKxB)
        self.model = model
        self.dt = model.dt
        self.K = model.K
        self.B = model.B

        # TODO: Remove dependencies on S and F
        self.T = T
        # self.S = S
        # self.F = F
        self.minibatchfrac = minibatchfrac

        # Save sparse versions of S and F
        self.ts = []
        self.Ts = []
        self.Ns = []
        self.Ss = []
        self.Fs = []
        for k in range(self.K):
            # Find the rows where S[:,k] is nonzero
            tk = np.where(S[:, k])[0]
            self.Ss.append(S[tk, k].astype(np.uint32))
            self.Ns.append(S[tk, k].sum())
        self.Ns = np.array(self.Ns)

        # The base class handles the parent variables
        # We use a sparse representation that only considers times (rows)
        # where there is a spike
        self._Z = None
        self._EZ = None

        # Initialize GSL RNGs for resampling Z
        from gslrandom import PyRNG, get_omp_num_threads
        num_threads = max(1, get_omp_num_threads())
        seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=num_threads)
        self.pyrngs = [PyRNG(seed) for seed in seeds]
예제 #4
def test_multi_rng_multi_N_multi_p_with_out():
    K = 5
    A = 3
    B = 2
    N_AB = (np.arange(1, A*B+1) * 10).reshape((A, B))
    p_ABK = np.ones((A, B, K)) / K
    p_ABK[0, 1, :] = [0.5, 0.25, 0.05, 0.1, 0.1]  # make one non-uniform
    p_ABK[1, 0, :] = [0.9, 0.05, 0.03, 0.01, 0.01]  # make one really non-uniform
    rngs = [PyRNG(rn.randint(2**16)) for _ in xrange(get_omp_num_threads())]

    n_iter = 10000
    z_ABK = np.zeros((A, B, K))
    for _ in xrange(n_iter):
        n_ABK = np.zeros((A, B, K), dtype=np.uint32)
        multinomial(rngs, N_AB, p_ABK, out=n_ABK)
        np.allclose(n_ABK.sum(axis=-1), N_AB)
        z_ABK += n_ABK
    norm_z_ABK = z_ABK.astype(float) / np.sum(z_ABK, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
    assert np.allclose(norm_z_ABK, p_ABK, atol=1e-2)
예제 #5
def test_multi_rng_multi_N_multi_p_with_out():
    K = 5
    A = 3
    B = 2
    N_AB = (np.arange(1, A * B + 1) * 10).reshape((A, B))
    p_ABK = np.ones((A, B, K)) / K
    p_ABK[0, 1, :] = [0.5, 0.25, 0.05, 0.1, 0.1]  # make one non-uniform
    p_ABK[1, 0, :] = [0.9, 0.05, 0.03, 0.01,
                      0.01]  # make one really non-uniform
    rngs = [PyRNG(rn.randint(2**16)) for _ in xrange(get_omp_num_threads())]

    n_iter = 10000
    z_ABK = np.zeros((A, B, K))
    for _ in xrange(n_iter):
        n_ABK = np.zeros((A, B, K), dtype=np.uint32)
        multinomial(rngs, N_AB, p_ABK, out=n_ABK)
        np.allclose(n_ABK.sum(axis=-1), N_AB)
        z_ABK += n_ABK
    norm_z_ABK = z_ABK.astype(float) / np.sum(z_ABK, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
    assert np.allclose(norm_z_ABK, p_ABK, atol=1e-2)
예제 #6
def test_parallel_multi_N_multi_p_with_out():
    # Multiple N counts, multiple p arrays, out structure provided
    L = 10
    N = np.arange(L, dtype=np.uint32) + 10
    K = 5
    p = np.zeros((L, K))
    p[:5] = 1./K * np.ones(K)
    p[5:] = np.asarray([0.5, 0.25, 0.05, 0.1, 0.1])

    # Create some RNGs
    rngs = [PyRNG() for _ in xrange(get_omp_num_threads())]

    n_iter = 1000000
    z = np.zeros((L,K))
    for _ in xrange(n_iter):
        out = np.zeros((L,K), dtype=np.uint32)
        multinomial_par(rngs, N, p, out)
        assert out.shape == (L,K)
        assert (out.sum(axis=1) == N).all()
        z += out

    print z/z.sum(axis=1)[:,np.newaxis]
    assert (np.abs(z/z.sum(axis=1)[:,np.newaxis] - p) < 1e-2).all()
예제 #7
from gslrandom import PyRNG, multinomial, seeded_multinomial, get_omp_num_threads
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as rn
import time

I = 100000
K = 1000

N_I = rn.poisson(rn.gamma(2, 500, size=I)).astype(np.uint32)
P_IK = 1. / K * np.ones((I, K), dtype=np.float)

N_IK = np.ones((I, K), dtype=np.uint32)
s = time.time()
seeded_multinomial(N_I, P_IK, N_IK)
print '%fs: No PyRNG parallel version with %d cores' % (time.time() - s,
assert (N_IK.sum(axis=1) == N_I).all()

rngs = [PyRNG(rn.randint(2**16)) for _ in xrange(get_omp_num_threads())]
N_IK = np.ones((I, K), dtype=np.uint32)
s = time.time()
multinomial(rngs, N_I, P_IK, N_IK)
print '%fs: PyRNG parallel version with %d cores' % (time.time() - s,
assert (N_IK.sum(axis=1) == N_I).all()

rng = PyRNG(rn.randint(2**16))
N_IK = np.ones((I, K), dtype=np.uint32)
s = time.time()
multinomial(rng, N_I, P_IK, N_IK)
print '%fs: PyRNG version with 1 core' % (time.time() - s)
예제 #8
    def __init__(self, model, T, S, F):
        Initialize a parent array Z of size TxKxKxB to model the
        event parents for data matrix S (TxK) which has been filtered
        to create filtered data array F (TxKxB).

        Also create a background parent array of size TxK to specify
        how many events are attributed to the background process.

        :param T: Number of time bins
        :param K: Number of processes
        :param B: Number of basis functions
        :param S: Data matrix (TxK)
        :param F: Filtered data matrix (TxKxB)
        self.model = model
        self.dt = model.dt
        self.K = model.K
        self.B = model.B

        # TODO: Remove dependencies on S and F
        self.T = T
        self.S = S
        self.F = F

        # Save sparse versions of S and F
        self.ts = []
        self.Ts = []
        self.Ns = []
        self.Ss = []
        self.Fs = []
        for k in range(self.K):
            # Find the rows where S[:,k] is nonzero
                tk = np.where(S[:,k])[0]
        self.Ns = np.array(self.Ns)

        # The base class handles the parent variables
        # We use a sparse representation that only considers times (rows)
        # where there is a spike
        self._Z = None
        self._EZ = None

        # Initialize GSL RNGs for resampling Z
            from gslrandom import PyRNG, get_omp_num_threads
            if "OMP_NUM_THREADS" in os.environ:
                num_threads = os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"]
                num_threads = get_omp_num_threads()
            assert num_threads > 0

            # Choose random seeds
            seeds = np.random.randint(2 ** 16, size=num_threads)
            self.pyrngs = [PyRNG(seed) for seed in seeds]
            self.USE_GSL = True
            warn("Failed to import gslrandom for parallel multinomial sampling. "
                 "Defaulting to pure python instead. "
                 "This will have a significant impact on performance. "
                 "To install gslrandom, see https://github.com/slinderman/gslrandom")
            self.USE_GSL = False
예제 #9
    def __init__(self, model, T, S, F):
        Initialize a parent array Z of size TxKxKxB to model the
        event parents for data matrix S (TxK) which has been filtered
        to create filtered data array F (TxKxB).

        Also create a background parent array of size TxK to specify
        how many events are attributed to the background process.

        :param T: Number of time bins
        :param K: Number of processes
        :param B: Number of basis functions
        :param S: Data matrix (TxK)
        :param F: Filtered data matrix (TxKxB)
        self.model = model
        self.dt = model.dt
        self.K = model.K
        self.B = model.B

        # TODO: Remove dependencies on S and F
        self.T = T
        self.S = S
        self.F = F

        # Save sparse versions of S and F
        self.ts = []
        self.Ts = []
        self.Ns = []
        self.Ss = []
        self.Fs = []
        for k in range(self.K):
            # Find the rows where S[:,k] is nonzero
            tk = np.where(S[:, k])[0]
            self.Ss.append(S[tk, k].astype(np.uint32))
            self.Ns.append(S[tk, k].sum())
        self.Ns = np.array(self.Ns)

        # The base class handles the parent variables
        # We use a sparse representation that only considers times (rows)
        # where there is a spike
        self._Z = None
        self._EZ = None

        # Initialize GSL RNGs for resampling Z
            from gslrandom import PyRNG, get_omp_num_threads
            if "OMP_NUM_THREADS" in os.environ:
                num_threads = os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"]
                num_threads = get_omp_num_threads()
            assert num_threads > 0

            # Choose random seeds
            seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=num_threads)
            self.pyrngs = [PyRNG(seed) for seed in seeds]
            self.USE_GSL = True
                "Failed to import gslrandom for parallel multinomial sampling. "
                "Defaulting to pure python instead. "
                "This will have a significant impact on performance. "
                "To install gslrandom, see https://github.com/slinderman/gslrandom"
            self.USE_GSL = False
예제 #10
from gslrandom import PyRNG, multinomial, seeded_multinomial, get_omp_num_threads
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as rn
import time

I = 100000
K = 1000

N_I = rn.poisson(rn.gamma(2, 500, size=I)).astype(np.uint32)
P_IK = 1./K * np.ones((I, K), dtype=np.float)

N_IK = np.ones((I, K), dtype=np.uint32)
s = time.time()
seeded_multinomial(N_I, P_IK, N_IK)
print '%fs: No PyRNG parallel version with %d cores' % (time.time() - s, get_omp_num_threads())
assert (N_IK.sum(axis=1) == N_I).all()

rngs = [PyRNG(rn.randint(2**16)) for _ in xrange(get_omp_num_threads())]
N_IK = np.ones((I, K), dtype=np.uint32)
s = time.time()
multinomial(rngs, N_I, P_IK, N_IK)
print '%fs: PyRNG parallel version with %d cores' % (time.time() - s, len(rngs))
assert (N_IK.sum(axis=1) == N_I).all()

rng = PyRNG(rn.randint(2**16))
N_IK = np.ones((I, K), dtype=np.uint32)
s = time.time()
multinomial(rng, N_I, P_IK, N_IK)
print '%fs: PyRNG version with 1 core' % (time.time() - s)
assert (N_IK.sum(axis=1) == N_I).all()
예제 #11
from gslrandom import PyRNG, multinomial, seeded_multinomial, get_omp_num_threads
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as rn
import time

I = 100000
K = 1000

N_I = rn.poisson(rn.gamma(2, 500, size=I)).astype(np.uint32)
P_IK = 1./K * np.ones((I, K), dtype=np.float)

N_IK = np.ones((I, K), dtype=np.uint32)
s = time.time()
seeded_multinomial(N_I, P_IK, N_IK)
print(('%fs: No PyRNG parallel version with %d cores' % (time.time() - s, get_omp_num_threads())))
assert (N_IK.sum(axis=1) == N_I).all()

rngs = [PyRNG(rn.randint(2**16)) for _ in range(get_omp_num_threads())]
N_IK = np.ones((I, K), dtype=np.uint32)
s = time.time()
multinomial(rngs, N_I, P_IK, N_IK)
print(('%fs: PyRNG parallel version with %d cores' % (time.time() - s, len(rngs))))
assert (N_IK.sum(axis=1) == N_I).all()

rng = PyRNG(rn.randint(2**16))
N_IK = np.ones((I, K), dtype=np.uint32)
s = time.time()
multinomial(rng, N_I, P_IK, N_IK)
print(('%fs: PyRNG version with 1 core' % (time.time() - s)))
assert (N_IK.sum(axis=1) == N_I).all()