class CleanOsUser(LocalBaseOM): ''' This class is for cleaning os user, it will not cleaning group. ''' def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' self.userProfile = "" self.user = "" self.logger = None ########################################################################## # Help context. ########################################################################## def usage(self): """ function: usage input : NA output : NA """ print(" is a utility to clean OS user.") print(" ") print("Usage:") print(" python3 --help") print(" python3 -U user") print(" ") print("Common options:") print(" -U the database program and cluster owner") print(" --help show this help, then exit") print(" ") def __checkParameters(self): """ function: Check parameter from command line input : NA output: NA """ try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "U:l:", ["help"]) except getopt.GetoptError as e: GaussLog.exitWithError(ErrorCode.GAUSS_500["GAUSS_50000"] % str(e)) if (len(args) > 0): GaussLog.exitWithError(ErrorCode.GAUSS_500["GAUSS_50000"] % str(args[0])) logFile = "" for key, value in opts: if (key == "-U"): self.user = value elif (key == "-l"): logFile = value elif (key == "--help"): self.usage() sys.exit(0) else: GaussLog.exitWithError(ErrorCode.GAUSS_500["GAUSS_50000"] % key) Parameter.checkParaVaild(key, value) if (self.user == ""): GaussLog.exitWithError(ErrorCode.GAUSS_500["GAUSS_50001"] % 'U' + ".") try: DefaultValue.checkUser(self.user, False) except Exception as e: GaussLog.exitWithError(str(e)) if (logFile == ""): logFile = DefaultValue.getOMLogPath(DefaultValue.LOCAL_LOG_FILE, self.user, "") self.logger = GaussLog(logFile, "CleanOsUser") self.logger.ignoreErr = True ########################################################################## # This is the main clean OS user flow. ########################################################################## def cleanOsUser(self): """ function: Clean OS user input : NA output: NA """ self.__checkParameters() self.logger.log("Cleaning crash OS user.") try: # clean semaphore subprocess.getstatusoutput("ipcs -s|awk '/ %s /{print $2}'|" "xargs -n1 ipcrm -s" % self.user) # get install path cmd = "su - %s -c 'echo $GAUSSHOME' 2>/dev/null" % self.user (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd) if (status != 0): self.logger.logExit(ErrorCode.GAUSS_518["GAUSS_51802"] % "$GAUSSHOME" + " Error:\n%s" % output) gaussHome = output.strip() if (gaussHome == ""): self.logger.debug("$GAUSSHOME is null. This means you may " "must clean crash install path manually.") self.logger.debug("The installation path is %s." % gaussHome) # delete user status, output = subprocess.getstatusoutput("userdel -f %s" % self.user) if (status != 0): self.logger.logExit(ErrorCode.GAUSS_503["GAUSS_50314"] % self.user + " Error: \n%s" % output) # delete path status, output = subprocess.getstatusoutput("rm -rf '%s'" % gaussHome) if (status != 0): self.logger.logExit(ErrorCode.GAUSS_502["GAUSS_50209"] % gaussHome + " Error: \n%s" % output) except Exception as e: self.logger.logExit(str(e)) self.logger.log("Successfully cleaned OS user.") def removeAllowUsers(self): """ function: Remove the specific user from 'AllowUsers' in /etc/ssh/sshd_config input : NA output: NA """ sshd_config = "/etc/ssh/sshd_config" try: cmd = "cat %s | grep -E '\\<AllowUsers\\>'" % sshd_config (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd) # Not found, or there is an error. if status != 0: if output is None or len(output.lstrip()) == 0: self.logger.debug("No 'AllowUsers' configuration found" " in %s" % sshd_config) else: # Error occurred, but there is no need to report. self.logger.debug("Failed to get 'AllowUsers' from %s" % sshd_config) return allowUsersLineBefore = output.lstrip() userList = allowUsersLineBefore.split() userList.remove(self.user) allowUsersLineRemoved = ' '.join(userList) cmd = "sed -i 's/%s/%s/g' %s" % ( allowUsersLineBefore, allowUsersLineRemoved, sshd_config) (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd) # Not found, or there is an error. if status != 0: self.logger.debug( "Failed to remove user '%s' from " "'AllowUsers' in %s. Command: %s, Error: %s" % (self.user, sshd_config, cmd, output)) except Exception as e: self.logger.debug("Failed to remove user '%s' from 'AllowUsers'" " in %s. Error: %s" % (self.user, sshd_config, str(e)))
class CheckUninstall: ''' classdocs ''' def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' self.installPath = "" self.user = "" self.cleanUser = False self.cleanData = False self.logger = None ########################################################################## # Help context. U:R:oC:v: ########################################################################## def usage(self): """ function: usage input : NA output : NA """ print(" is a utility to check Gauss MPP Database" " status .") print(" ") print("Usage:") print(" python3 --help") print(" python3 -R installpath -U user [-d] [-u]" " [-l log]") print(" ") print("Common options:") print(" -U the database program and cluster owner") print(" -R the database program path") print(" -d clean data path") print(" -u clean user") print(" -l log directory") print(" --help show this help, then exit") print(" ") ########################################################################## # check uninstall ########################################################################## def checkUninstall(self): """ function: Check all kinds of environment. It includes: 1. Input parameters. 2. OS version. 3. User Info 4. If it has a old install. input : NA output: NA """ self.__checkParameters() self.__checkOSVersion() self.__checkOsUser() self.__checkInstanllPath() self.logger.closeLog() def __checkParameters(self): """ function: check input parameters input : NA output: NA """ try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "U:R:l:du", ["help"]) except getopt.GetoptError as e: GaussLog.exitWithError(ErrorCode.GAUSS_500["GAUSS_50000"] % str(e)) if (len(args) > 0): GaussLog.exitWithError(ErrorCode.GAUSS_500["GAUSS_50000"] % str(args[0])) logFile = "" for key, value in opts: if (key == "-U"): self.user = value elif (key == "-R"): self.installPath = value elif (key == "-l"): logFile = value elif (key == "-d"): self.cleanData = True elif (key == "-u"): self.cleanUser = True elif (key == "--help"): self.usage() sys.exit(0) else: GaussLog.exitWithError(ErrorCode.GAUSS_500["GAUSS_50000"] % key) Parameter.checkParaVaild(key, value) if (self.user == ""): GaussLog.exitWithError(ErrorCode.GAUSS_500["GAUSS_50001"] % 'U' + ".") if (self.installPath == ""): raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_500["GAUSS_50001"] % 'R' + ".") if (logFile == ""): logFile = DefaultValue.getOMLogPath(DefaultValue.LOCAL_LOG_FILE, "", self.installPath, "") self.logger = GaussLog(logFile, "CheckUninstall") self.logger.debug("The installation path of program: " + self.installPath) self.logger.debug("The parameter of clean user is: %s." % self.cleanUser) self.logger.debug("The parameter of clean data is: %s." % self.cleanData) def __checkOSVersion(self): """ function: Check operator system version, install binary file version. input : NA output: NA """ self.logger.log("Checking OS version.") try: if (not DefaultValue.checkOsVersion()): raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_519["GAUSS_51900"] + "The current system is: %s." % platform.platform()) except Exception as e: raise Exception(str(e)) self.logger.log("Successfully checked OS version.") def __checkOsUser(self): """ function: Check if user exists and get $GAUSSHOME input : NA output: NA """ if not self.cleanUser: self.logger.log("Skipping user check. ") return self.logger.log("Checking OS user.") try: DefaultValue.checkUser(self.user, False) except Exception as e: raise Exception(str(e)) # Get GAUSSHOME cmd = "echo $GAUSSHOME 2>/dev/null" (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd) if (status != 0): self.logger.debug("The cmd is %s " % cmd) raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_518["GAUSS_51802"] % "$GAUSSHOME" + " Error:\n%s" % output) gaussHome = output.strip() if (gaussHome == ""): raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_518["GAUSS_51800"] % "$GAUSSHOME") if (gaussHome != self.installPath): self.logger.debug("$GAUSSHOME: %s." % gaussHome) self.logger.debug("Installation path parameter: %s." % self.installPath) raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_518["GAUSS_51807"]) self.logger.log("Successfully checked OS user.") def __checkInstanllPath(self): """ function: Check if path exists and get owner input : NA output: NA """ self.logger.log("Checking installation path.") if (not os.path.exists(self.installPath)): self.logger.log("Installation path does not exist: %s." % self.installPath) if (not self.cleanData and not self.cleanUser): raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_502["GAUSS_50219"] % "installation path") else: # Get owner cmd = "stat -c '%%U:%%G' %s" % self.installPath (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd) if (status != 0): self.logger.debug("The cmd is %s " % cmd) raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_503["GAUSS_50308"] + " Error: \n%s" % str(output)) owerInfo = output.strip() (user, group) = owerInfo.split(':') if (self.user != user.strip()): self.logger.debug("The owner information of installation" " path: %s." % owerInfo) self.logger.debug("User parameter : %s." % self.user) raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_503["GAUSS_50315"] % (self.user, self.installPath)) self.logger.log("Successfully checked installation path.")
class Uninstall(LocalBaseOM): """ uninstall the cluster """ def __init__(self): """ Constructor """ super(Uninstall, self).__init__() self.installPath = "" self.user = "" self.keepDir = False self.mpprcFile = "" self.logFile = "" self.logger = None self.installflag = False self.clusterInfo = None self.localNode = None self.keepData = True self.method = "" self.action = "" ########################################################################## # Help context. U:R:oC:v: ########################################################################## def usage(self): """ function: usage """ print(" is a utility to uninstall Gauss MPP Database.") print(" ") print("Usage:") print(" python3 --help") print(" python3 -U user -R installpath [-c] [-l log]") print(" ") print("Common options:") print(" -U the database program and cluster owner") print(" -R the database program install path") print(" -l the log path") print(" --help show this help, then exit") print(" ") ########################################################################## # This is the main uninstall flow. ########################################################################## def uninstall(self): """ function: Remove install path content, which depend on $GAUSSHOME input : NA output: NA """ try: self.logger.debug("OLAP's local uninstall.") self.__cleanMonitor() self.__cleanInstallProgram() self.__changeuserEnv() self.logger.closeLog() except Exception as e: raise Exception(str(e)) def __changeuserEnv(self): """ function: Change user GAUSS_ENV input : NA output: NA """ # clean os user environment variable self.logger.log("Modifying user's environmental variable $GAUSS_ENV.") userProfile = self.mpprcFile DefaultValue.updateUserEnvVariable(userProfile, "GAUSS_ENV", "1") if "HOST_IP" in os.environ.keys(): g_file.deleteLine(userProfile, "^\\s*export\\s*WHITELIST_ENV=.*$") self.logger.log("Successfully modified user's environmental" " variable GAUSS_ENV.") self.logger.debug("Deleting symbolic link to $GAUSSHOME if exists.") gaussHome = DefaultValue.getInstallDir(self.user) if gaussHome == "": raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_518["GAUSS_51800"] % "$GAUSSHOME") if os.path.islink(gaussHome): self.installPath = os.path.realpath(gaussHome) os.remove(gaussHome) else: self.logger.debug("symbolic link does not exists.") self.logger.debug("Deleting bin file in installation path.") g_file.removeDirectory("%s/bin" % self.installPath) self.logger.debug("Successfully deleting bin file in" " installation path.") def __cleanMonitor(self): """ function: clean om_monitor process and delete cron input : NA output: NA """ self.logger.log("Deleting monitor.") try: # get all content by crontab command (status, output) = g_OSlib.getAllCrontab() # overwrit crontabFile, make it empty. crontabFile = "%s/gauss_crontab_file_%d" \ % (DefaultValue.getTmpDirFromEnv(), os.getpid()) g_file.createFile(crontabFile, True) content_CronTabFile = [output] g_file.writeFile(crontabFile, content_CronTabFile) g_file.deleteLine(crontabFile, "\/bin\/om_monitor") g_OSlib.execCrontab(crontabFile) g_file.removeFile(crontabFile) # clean om_monitor,cm_agent,cm_server process for progname in ["om_monitor", "cm_agent", "cm_server"]: g_OSlib.killallProcess(self.user, progname, '9') except Exception as e: if os.path.exists(crontabFile): g_file.removeFile(crontabFile) raise Exception(str(e)) self.logger.log("Successfully deleted OMMonitor.") def checkParameters(self): """ function: Check input parameters input : NA output: NA """ try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "t:U:R:l:X:M:T", ["help", "delete-data"]) except getopt.GetoptError as e: GaussLog.exitWithError(ErrorCode.GAUSS_500["GAUSS_50000"] % str(e)) if (len(args) > 0): GaussLog.exitWithError(ErrorCode.GAUSS_500["GAUSS_50000"] % str(args[0])) for key, value in opts: if (key == "-U"): self.user = value elif (key == "-R"): self.installPath = value elif (key == "-l"): self.logFile = value elif (key == "--help"): self.usage() sys.exit(0) elif (key == "-T"): self.installflag = True elif key == "--delete-data": self.keepData = False elif key == "-M": self.method = value elif key == "-t": self.action = value else: GaussLog.exitWithError(ErrorCode.GAUSS_500["GAUSS_50000"] % key) Parameter.checkParaVaild(key, value) if (self.user == ""): GaussLog.exitWithError(ErrorCode.GAUSS_500["GAUSS_50001"] % 'U' + ".") if (self.installPath == ""): GaussLog.exitWithError(ErrorCode.GAUSS_500["GAUSS_50001"] % 'R' + ".") self.mpprcFile = DefaultValue.getMpprcFile() if (self.logFile == ""): self.logFile = DefaultValue.getOMLogPath( DefaultValue.LOCAL_LOG_FILE, self.user, self.installPath) def __initLogger(self): """ function: Init logger input : NA output: NA """ self.logger = GaussLog(self.logFile, "UninstallApp") def __cleanInstallProgram(self): """ function: Clean install program input : NA output: NA """ if (not os.path.exists(self.installPath)): self.logger.log("The installation directory does not exist. ") return realLink = self.installPath if os.path.islink(self.installPath): realLink = os.readlink(self.installPath) # delete upgrade directory self.logger.debug("Starting delete other installation directory.") try: recordVersionFile = os.path.realpath( os.path.join(self.installPath, "record_app_directory")) if os.path.isfile(recordVersionFile): with open(recordVersionFile, 'r') as fp: retLines = fp.readlines() if len(retLines) != 2: raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_502["GAUSS_50222"] % recordVersionFile) oldPath = retLines[0].strip() newPath = retLines[1].strip() if os.path.normcase(oldPath) == os.path.normcase(realLink): g_file.removeDirectory(newPath) else: g_file.removeDirectory(oldPath) self.logger.debug("Successfully deleted other installation" " path need to delete.") else: self.logger.debug("No other installation path need" " to delete.") except Exception as e: raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_502["GAUSS_50209"] % "other installation" + " Can not delete other installation" " directory: %s." % str(e)) self.logger.log("Removing the installation directory.") try: fileList = os.listdir(self.installPath) for fileName in fileList: fileName = fileName.replace("/", "").replace("..", "") filePath = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(self.installPath), fileName) if os.path.isfile(filePath): os.remove(filePath) elif os.path.isdir(filePath): if (fileName == "bin"): binFileList = os.listdir(filePath) for binFile in binFileList: fileInBinPath = os.path.join(filePath, binFile) if os.path.isfile(fileInBinPath) and \ binFile != "cluster_static_config": os.remove(fileInBinPath) elif os.path.islink(fileInBinPath): os.remove(fileInBinPath) elif os.path.isdir(fileInBinPath): g_file.removeDirectory(fileInBinPath) else: g_file.removeDirectory(filePath) self.logger.debug("Remove path:%s." % filePath) self.logger.debug("Successfully deleted bin file" " in installation path.") except Exception as e: raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_502["GAUSS_50209"] % "installation" + " Can not delete installation directory: %s." % str(e)) # regular match delete empty directory self.logger.debug("Starting delete empty installation directory.") try: removeflag = False namePrefix = os.path.basename(self.installPath) gaussPath = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(self.installPath)) curInstallName = os.path.basename(realLink) fileList = os.listdir(gaussPath) for fileName in fileList: if fileName.strip() != curInstallName.strip(): filePath = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(gaussPath), fileName) if os.path.isdir(filePath) \ and not os.listdir(filePath) and "_" in fileName: fileNameElement = fileName.split("_", 1) if namePrefix.strip() == fileNameElement[0].strip(): res = '^(?![0-9]+$)(?![a-zA-Z]+$)[0-9A-Za-z]{8}$', fileNameElement[1].strip()) if res: removeflag = True g_file.removeDirectory(filePath) if removeflag: self.logger.debug("Successfully deleted empty" " installation path.") else: self.logger.debug("No empty installation path need" " to delete.") except Exception as e: raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_502["GAUSS_50209"] % "other installation" + " Can not delete empty installation" " directory: %s." % str(e)) self.logger.log("Successfully deleted installation directory.") def init(self): """ function: constuctor """ self.__initLogger()
class Postuninstall(LocalBaseOM): """ execute unPreInstall """ def __init__(self): self.action = "" self.userInfo = "" self.user = "" = "" self.clusterConfig = "" self.preparePath = "" self.checkEmpty = False self.envParams = [] self.userProfile = "" self.logFile = "" self.clusterToolPath = "" self.tmpFile = "" self.component = [] self.clusterComponent = [] self.logger = None self.userHome = "" def initGlobals(self): """ init global variables input : NA output: NA """ global g_nodeInfo self.logger = GaussLog(self.logFile, self.action) if self.clusterConfig != "": if os.path.isfile(self.clusterConfig): self.clusterToolPath = DefaultValue.getPreClusterToolPath( self.user, self.clusterConfig) self.readConfigInfoByXML() hostName = DefaultValue.GetHostIpOrName() g_nodeInfo = self.clusterInfo.getDbNodeByName(hostName) if (g_nodeInfo is None): self.logger.logExit( ErrorCode.GAUSS_516["GAUSS_51620"] % "local" + " There is no host named %s!" % hostName) else: self.logger.logExit(ErrorCode.GAUSS_502["GAUSS_50210"] % ("config file [%s]" % self.clusterConfig)) elif self.action != ACTION_CLEAN_DEPENDENCY: try: self.clusterToolPath = DefaultValue.getClusterToolPath( self.user) except Exception as e: self.logger.logExit(ErrorCode.GAUSS_502["GAUSS_50219"] % "the cluster tool path" + " Error: \n%s" % str(e)) if not self.clusterToolPath: self.logger.logExit(ErrorCode.GAUSS_502["GAUSS_50219"] % "cluster tool path") # make sure if we are using env seperate version, # and get the right profile # we can not check mppenvfile exists here mppenvFile = DefaultValue.getEnv(DefaultValue.MPPRC_FILE_ENV) if (mppenvFile != "" and mppenvFile is not None): self.userProfile = mppenvFile else: self.userProfile = "/home/%s/.bashrc" % self.user def usage(self): """ Usage: python3 -t action -u user [-X xmlfile] [-l log] Common options: -t the type of action -u the os user of cluster -X the xml file path -l the path of log file --help show this help, then exit """ print(self.usage.__doc__) def parseCommandLine(self): """ function: Check parameter from command line input : NA output: NA """ try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "t:u:X:l:f:Q:P:", ["help"]) except Exception as e: self.usage() GaussLog.exitWithError(ErrorCode.GAUSS_500["GAUSS_50000"] % str(e)) if (len(args) > 0): GaussLog.exitWithError(ErrorCode.GAUSS_500["GAUSS_50000"] % str(args[0])) for (key, value) in opts: if (key == "--help"): self.usage() sys.exit(0) elif (key == "-t"): self.action = value elif (key == "-u"): self.user = value elif (key == "-X"): self.clusterConfig = value elif (key == "-l"): self.logFile = os.path.realpath(value) elif (key == "-f"): self.tmpFile = value elif key == "-Q": self.clusterToolPath = value elif key == "-P": self.userHome = value else: GaussLog.exitWithError(ErrorCode.GAUSS_500["GAUSS_50000"] % key) Parameter.checkParaVaild(key, value) def checkParameter(self): """ function: Check parameter from command line input : NA output: NA """ if self.action == "": GaussLog.exitWithError(ErrorCode.GAUSS_500["GAUSS_50001"] % "t" + ".") if self.logFile == "": self.logFile = DefaultValue.getOMLogPath( DefaultValue.LOCAL_LOG_FILE, self.user, "") if self.user == "" and self.action != ACTION_CLEAN_DEPENDENCY: GaussLog.exitWithError(ErrorCode.GAUSS_500["GAUSS_50001"] % "u" + ".") def getSyslogType(self): """ function: judge syslog type input : NA output: str """ self.logger.debug("Judging the syslog type is rsyslog or syslog-ng.") if (os.path.isfile(RSYSLOG_CONFIG_FILE)): return RSYSLOG elif (os.path.isfile(SYSLOG_NG_CONFIG_FILE)): return SYSLOG_NG else: self.logger.logExit(ErrorCode.GAUSS_502["GAUSS_50219"] % "rsyslog or syslog-ng" + " \nError: Failed to judge the syslog type.") def cleanWarningConfig(self): """ function: clean syslog-ng/rsyslog config input : NA output: NA """ self.logger.debug("Cleaning syslog-ng configuration.") # judge the installed syslog type on the local host is rsyslog # or syslog-ng syslogType = self.getSyslogType() if (syslogType == SYSLOG_NG): self.cleanWarningConfigForSyslogng() elif (syslogType == RSYSLOG): self.cleanWarningConfigForRsyslog() self.logger.debug("Successfully cleaned system log.") def cleanWarningConfigForSyslogng(self): """ function: clean syslog-ng config input : NA output: NA """ # clean client syslog-ng configure cmd = "(if [ -s '%s' ]; then " % SYSLOG_NG_CONFIG_FILE cmd += \ "sed -i -e '/^filter f_gaussdb.*$/d' %s " % SYSLOG_NG_CONFIG_FILE cmd += "-e '/^destination d_gaussdb.*$/d' %s " % SYSLOG_NG_CONFIG_FILE cmd += \ "-e '/^log { source(src); filter(f_gaussdb); " \ "destination(d_gaussdb); };$/d' %s;fi;) " % SYSLOG_NG_CONFIG_FILE self.logger.debug("Command for cleaning client system log: %s" % cmd) (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd) if (status != 0): self.logger.logExit(ErrorCode.GAUSS_514["GAUSS_51400"] % cmd + " Error:\n%s" % output) # clean server syslog-ng configure cmd = "(if [ -s '%s' ]; then " % SYSLOG_NG_CONFIG_FILE cmd += \ "sed -i -e '/^template t_gaussdb.*$/d' %s " % SYSLOG_NG_CONFIG_FILE cmd += "-e '/^source s_gaussdb.*$/d' %s " % SYSLOG_NG_CONFIG_FILE cmd += "-e '/^filter f_gaussdb.*$/d' %s " % SYSLOG_NG_CONFIG_FILE cmd += "-e '/^destination d_gaussdb.*$/d' %s " % SYSLOG_NG_CONFIG_FILE cmd += \ "-e '/^log { source(s_gaussdb); " \ "filter(f_gaussdb); destination(d_gaussdb); };$/d' %s;" \ "fi; " % SYSLOG_NG_CONFIG_FILE cmd += "if [ -s '%s' ]; then " % SYSLOG_NG_CONFIG_FILE_SERVER cmd += \ "sed -i -e '/^SYSLOGD_OPTIONS=\\\"-r -m 0\\\"/d' %s " \ % SYSLOG_NG_CONFIG_FILE_SERVER cmd += "-e '/^KLOGD_OPTIONS=\\\"-x\\\"/d' %s; " \ % SYSLOG_NG_CONFIG_FILE_SERVER cmd += "fi) " self.logger.debug("Command for cleaning server system log: %s" % cmd) (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd) if (status != 0): self.logger.logExit(ErrorCode.GAUSS_514["GAUSS_51400"] % cmd + " Error:\n%s" % output) # restart the syslog service (status, output) = g_service.manageOSService("syslog", "restart") if (status != 0): self.logger.logExit(ErrorCode.GAUSS_508["GAUSS_50802"] % "restart syslog" + " Error: \n%s" % output) def cleanWarningConfigForRsyslog(self): """ function: clean rsyslog config input : NA output: NA """ # clean rsyslog config on client and server cmd = "(if [ -s '%s' ]; then " % RSYSLOG_CONFIG_FILE cmd += \ "sed -i -e '/^$ModLoad imjournal.*$/d' %s " % RSYSLOG_CONFIG_FILE cmd += "-e '/^$ModLoad imudp.*$/d' %s " % RSYSLOG_CONFIG_FILE cmd += "-e '/^$UDPServerRun 514.*$/d' %s " % RSYSLOG_CONFIG_FILE cmd += \ "-e '/^$imjournalRatelimitInterval.*$/d' %s " % RSYSLOG_CONFIG_FILE cmd += "-e '/^$imjournalRatelimitBurst.*$/d' %s " % RSYSLOG_CONFIG_FILE cmd += "-e '/^%s.*$/d' %s; " % (AP_RSYSLOG_FACILITY_LEVEL, RSYSLOG_CONFIG_FILE) cmd += "fi) " self.logger.debug("Command for cleaning crash rsyslog: %s." % cmd) (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd) if (status != 0): self.logger.logExit(ErrorCode.GAUSS_502["GAUSS_50207"] % 'crash rsyslog' + " Error: \n%s" % output) # restart the rsyslog service (status, output) = g_service.manageOSService("rsyslog", "restart") if (status != 0): self.logger.logExit(ErrorCode.GAUSS_508["GAUSS_50802"] % "restart rsyslog" + " Error: \n%s" % output) def cleanEnvSoftware(self): """ function: clean environment software and variable Gauss-MPPDB* & sctp_patch is came from R5 upgrade R7 input : NA output: NA """ self.logger.debug("Cleaning the environmental software and variable.") # clean environment software path = "%s/%s" % (self.clusterToolPath, PSSHDIR) g_file.removeDirectory(path) path = "%s/lib" % self.clusterToolPath g_file.removeDirectory(path) path = "%s/script" % self.clusterToolPath g_file.removeDirectory(path) path = "%s/sudo" % self.clusterToolPath g_file.removeDirectory(path) path = "%s/" % self.clusterToolPath g_file.removeFile(path) path = "%s/version.cfg" % self.clusterToolPath g_file.removeFile(path) path = "%s/" % self.clusterToolPath g_file.removeFile(path) path = "%s/libcgroup" % self.clusterToolPath g_file.removeDirectory(path) path = "%s/server.key.cipher" % self.clusterToolPath g_file.removeFile(path) path = "%s/server.key.rand" % self.clusterToolPath g_file.removeFile(path) path = "%s/%s*" % (self.clusterToolPath, VersionInfo.PRODUCT_NAME) g_file.removeDirectory(path) path = "%s/Gauss*" % (self.clusterToolPath) g_file.removeDirectory(path) path = "%s/sctp_patch" % (self.clusterToolPath) g_file.removeDirectory(path) path = "%s/unixodbc" % self.clusterToolPath g_file.removeDirectory(path) path = "%s/%s" % (self.clusterToolPath, Const.UPGRADE_SQL_FILE) g_file.removeFile(path) path = "%s/%s" % (self.clusterToolPath, Const.UPGRADE_SQL_SHA) g_file.removeFile(path) self.logger.debug( "Successfully cleaned the environmental software and variable.") self.logger.debug("Cleaning environmental software.") # clean environment variable cmd = "(if [ -s '%s' ]; then " % PROFILE_FILE cmd += "sed -i -e '/^export GPHOME=%s$/d' %s " % ( self.clusterToolPath.replace('/', '\/'), PROFILE_FILE) cmd += \ "-e '/^export PATH=\$GPHOME\/pssh-2.3.1\/bin:" \ "\$GPHOME\/script:\$PATH$/d' %s " % PROFILE_FILE cmd += \ "-e '/^export PATH=\$GPHOME\/script\/gspylib\/pssh\/bin:" \ "\$GPHOME\/script:\$PATH$/d' %s " % PROFILE_FILE cmd += \ "-e '/^export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\$GPHOME\/lib:" \ "\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH$/d' %s " % PROFILE_FILE cmd += \ "-e '/^export PYTHONPATH=\$GPHOME\/lib$/d' %s; fi) " % PROFILE_FILE self.logger.debug("Command for cleaning environment variable: %s." % cmd) (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd) if (status != 0): self.logger.logExit(ErrorCode.GAUSS_514["GAUSS_51400"] % cmd + " Error:\n%s" % output) self.logger.debug( "Successfully cleaned environmental software and variable.") def checkUnPreInstall(self): """ function: check whether do uninstall before unpreinstall input : NA output: NA """ self.logger.debug("Checking UnPreInstall.") # check if user exist try: DefaultValue.getUserId(self.user) except Exception as e: self.logger.logExit(str(e)) # check if user profile exist if (not os.path.exists(self.userProfile)): self.logger.debug("The %s does not exist." % self.userProfile + " Please skip to check UnPreInstall.") return # check $GAUSSHOME cmd = "su - %s -c 'source %s && echo $GAUSS_ENV' 2>/dev/null" % ( self.user, self.userProfile) self.logger.debug("Command for getting $GAUSSHOME: %s" % cmd) (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd) if (status != 0): self.logger.logExit(ErrorCode.GAUSS_514["GAUSS_51400"] % cmd + " Error:\n%s" % output) gaussEnv = output.strip() if (gaussEnv == "2"): self.logger.logExit(ErrorCode.GAUSS_525["GAUSS_52501"] % "gs_uninstall") # check $GAUSS_ENV cmd = "su - %s -c 'source %s && echo $GAUSS_ENV' 2>/dev/null" % ( self.user, self.userProfile) self.logger.debug("Command for getting $GAUSS_ENV: %s" % cmd) (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd) if (status != 0): self.logger.logExit(ErrorCode.GAUSS_514["GAUSS_51400"] % cmd + " Error:\n%s" % output) gaussEnv = output.strip() if (str(gaussEnv) != "1"): self.logger.logExit(ErrorCode.GAUSS_525["GAUSS_52501"] % "gs_preinstall") self.logger.debug("Successfully checked UnPreInstall.") def cleanGaussEnv(self): """ function: clean $GAUSS_ENV input : NA output: NA """ self.logger.debug("Cleaning $GAUSS_ENV.") # check if user profile exist if (self.userProfile is not None and self.userProfile != ""): userProfile = self.userProfile else: userProfile = "/home/%s/.bashrc" % self.user if (not os.path.exists(userProfile)): self.logger.debug("The %s does not exist." % userProfile + " Please skip to clean $GAUSS_ENV.") return # clean user's environmental variable DefaultValue.cleanUserEnvVariable(userProfile, cleanGAUSS_WARNING_TYPE=True) # clean $GAUSS_ENV envContent = "^\\s*export\\s*GAUSS_ENV=.*$" g_file.deleteLine(userProfile, envContent) self.logger.debug("Cleaned $GAUSS_ENV.") def cleanNetworkfile(self, backIpNIC, virtualIp): """ function: clean configured IP in Network file input : NA output: NA """ self.logger.debug("Cleaning network file.") try: # read information from networkfile networkfile = "/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-" + backIpNIC networkinfo = [] # check if the file is a link g_OSlib.checkLink(networkfile) with open(networkfile, "r") as fp: networkinfo = fp.readlines() LABEL = self.getLABEL(virtualIp, networkfile) if (LABEL is not None): # init linenum for delete del_1 = 0 del_2 = 0 linenum = 1 for line in networkinfo: if (line.split("=")[1].strip() == virtualIp): # find if the netmask exist, if exist, delete this line cmd_g = "grep -n 'NETMASK_%s=' %s" % (LABEL, networkfile) (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd_g) if (status == 0): linenum_net = int(output.split(":")[0]) if (linenum + 1 == linenum_net): del_1 = linenum_net # find if the LABEL number exist, # if exist, delete this line cmd_g = "grep -n 'LABEL_%s=' %s " % (LABEL, networkfile) (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd_g) if (status == 0): linenum_net = int(output.split(":")[0]) if (linenum + 2 == linenum_net): del_2 = linenum_net # delete issues which exist if (del_1 != 0 and del_2 != 0): cmd = "sed -i '%dd;%dd;%dd' %s" % ( linenum, del_1, del_2, networkfile) elif (del_1 != 0 and del_2 == 0): cmd = "sed -i '%dd;%dd' %s" % (linenum, del_1, networkfile) elif (del_1 == 0 and del_2 != 0): cmd = "sed -i '%dd;%dd' %s" % (linenum, del_2, networkfile) else: cmd = "sed -i '%dd' %s" % (linenum, networkfile) (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd) if (status != 0): raise Exception( ErrorCode.GAUSS_514["GAUSS_51400"] % cmd + "Error:\n%s" % output) linenum += 1 self.logger.log( "Successfully clean virtual Ip from network file") else: raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_502["GAUSS_50204"] % ("the LABEL number of %s " % virtualIp)) self.logger.debug("Successfully cleaned network file.") except Exception as e: self.logger.log("Error: Write networkfile failed." + str(e)) def IsSuSE12SP0(self): """ function:Check is OS SuSE12.0 input :NA output :bool """ if (os.path.isfile("/etc/SuSE-release")): cmd = "grep -i 'PATCHLEVEL' /etc/SuSE-release " \ "| awk -F '=' '{print $2}'" (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd) if (status == 0 and output != ""): if (output.strip().isdigit() and int(output.strip()) == 0): return True else: raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_514["GAUSS_51400"] % cmd + " Error: \n%s " % output) return False def getLABEL(self, virtualIp, networkfile): """ function: get LABEL number of virtual ip from network file input : fp, virtualIp output: int """ # check if the file is a link g_OSlib.checkLink(networkfile) with open(networkfile, "r") as fp: for line in fp: if line.split("=")[1].strip() == virtualIp: if line.split("IPADDR_")[1].split("=%s" % virtualIp)[0]: return line.split("IPADDR_")[1].split("=%s" % virtualIp)[0] else: return None return None def cleanGroup(self): """ function: clean group input : NA output: NA """ self.logger.debug("Cleaning user group.") hostName = DefaultValue.GetHostIpOrName() groupname = self.user try: groupid = grp.getgrnam(groupname).gr_gid except Exception: self.logger.debug("group %s has been deleted." % groupname) sys.exit(0) cmd = "cat /etc/passwd | awk -F [:] '{print $1 \" \"$4}'" \ "|grep ' %s$'" % groupid (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd) if status == 0: self.logger.logExit( "Warning: There are other users in the group %s on %s," " skip to delete group." % (groupname, hostName)) elif status == 1: cmd = "groupdel %s" % groupname (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd) if status != 0: self.logger.logExit("Warning: Failed to delete group " "%s by cmd:%s. Error: \n%s" % (groupname, cmd, output)) else: self.logger.logExit("Warning: Failed to delete group " "%s by cmd:%s. Error: \n%s" % (groupname, cmd, output)) self.logger.debug("Successfully cleaned user group.") def cleanScript(self): """ function: clean script """ # clean lib libPath = os.path.join(self.clusterToolPath, LIBPATH) if os.path.exists(libPath): g_file.removeDirectory(libPath) # clean om script scriptPath = os.path.join(self.clusterToolPath, SCRIPTPATH) if os.path.exists(scriptPath): g_file.removeDirectory(scriptPath) # clean root script path root_script_path = os.path.join(DefaultValue.ROOT_SCRIPTS_PATH, self.user) if os.path.exists(root_script_path): g_file.removeDirectory(root_script_path) # if /root/gauss_om has no files, delete it. if not os.listdir(DefaultValue.ROOT_SCRIPTS_PATH): g_file.removeDirectory(DefaultValue.ROOT_SCRIPTS_PATH) # clean others if os.path.exists(self.clusterToolPath): g_file.cleanDirectoryContent(self.clusterToolPath) if self.userHome != "": if os.path.exists(self.userHome): g_file.removeDirectory(self.userHome) def cleanEnv(self): """ function: clean envriment variable """ self.logger.debug("Begin clean envrionment variable") if not self.userProfile: self.logger.logExit("Clean Env failed: can not get user profile.") for comp in self.clusterComponent: comp.cleanEnv(self.userProfile) # clean user's environment variable self.logger.debug("Clean user environment variable.") DefaultValue.cleanUserEnvVariable(self.userProfile, cleanGAUSS_WARNING_TYPE=True) # clean GAUSS_ENV self.logger.debug("Clean GAUSS_ENV.") g_file.deleteLine(self.userProfile, "^\\s*export\\s*GAUSS_ENV=.*$") self.logger.debug("Clean envrionment variable successfully.") def cleanPath(self): """ function: clean path input: NA output: NA """ self.logger.debug("Begin clean path") if os.path.exists(self.clusterInfo.appPath): self.logger.debug("Deleting the install directory.") cleanPath = os.path.join(self.clusterInfo.appPath, "./*") g_file.removeDirectory(cleanPath) self.logger.debug("Successfully deleted the install directory.") for i in self.component: i.cleanPath() gsdbHomePath = "/home/%s/gsdb_home" % self.user if os.path.exists(gsdbHomePath): self.logger.debug("Deleting the gsdb home path.") g_file.removeDirectory(gsdbHomePath) self.logger.debug("Successfully deleted the gsdb home path.") self.logger.debug("Clean Path successfully.") def run(self): try: self.parseCommandLine() self.checkParameter() self.initGlobals() except Exception as e: GaussLog.exitWithError(str(e)) try: if (self.action == ACTION_CLEAN_SYSLOG_CONFIG): self.cleanWarningConfig() elif (self.action == ACTION_CLEAN_TOOL_ENV): self.cleanEnvSoftware() elif (self.action == ACTION_CHECK_UNPREINSTALL): self.checkUnPreInstall() elif (self.action == ACTION_CLEAN_GAUSS_ENV): self.cleanGaussEnv() elif (self.action == ACTION_DELETE_GROUP): self.cleanGroup() elif (self.action == ACTION_CLEAN_DEPENDENCY): self.cleanScript() elif (self.action == ACTION_CLEAN_ENV): self.cleanEnv() elif (self.action == ACTION_CLEAN_INSTANCE_PATHS): self.cleanPath() else: self.logger.logExit(ErrorCode.GAUSS_500["GAUSS_50000"] % self.action) except Exception as e: self.logger.logExit(str(e))
class ParallelBaseOM(object): """ Base class of parallel command """ ACTION_INSTALL = "install" ACTION_CONFIG = "config" ACTION_START = "start" ACTION_REDISTRIBUTE = "redistribute" ACTION_HEALTHCHECK = "healthcheck" HEALTH_CHECK_BEFORE = "before" HEALTH_CHECK_AFTER = "after" """ Base class for parallel command """ def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' self.logger = None self.clusterInfo = None self.oldClusterInfo = None self.sshTool = None self.action = "" # Cluster config file. self.xmlFile = "" self.oldXmlFile = "" self.logType = DefaultValue.LOCAL_LOG_FILE self.logFile = "" self.localLog = "" self.user = "" = "" self.mpprcFile = "" # Temporary catalog for install self.operateStepDir = TempfileManagement.getTempDir( "%s_step" % self.__class__.__name__.lower()) # Temporary files for install step self.operateStepFile = "%s/%s_step.dat" % ( self.operateStepDir, self.__class__.__name__.lower()) self.initStep = "" self.dws_mode = False self.rollbackCommands = [] self.etcdCons = [] self.cmCons = [] self.gtmCons = [] self.cnCons = [] self.dnCons = [] # localMode is same as isSingle in all OM script, expect for # gs_preinstall. # in gs_preinstall, localMode means local mode for master-standby # cluster. # in gs_preinstall, localMode also means local mode for single # cluster(will not create os user). # in gs_preinstall, isSingle means single cluster, it will create # os user. # not isSingle and not localMode : master-standby cluster global # mode(will create os user). # not isSingle and localMode : master-standby cluster local # mode(will not create os user). # isSingle and not localMode : single cluster(will create os user). # isSingle and localMode : single cluster(will not create os user). self.localMode = False self.isSingle = False # Indicates whether there is a logical cluster. # If elastic_group exists, the current cluster is a logical cluster. # Otherwise, it is a large physical cluster. self.isElasticGroup = False self.isAddElasticGroup = False self.lcGroup_name = "" # Lock the cluster mode, there are two modes: exclusive lock and # wait lock mode, # the default exclusive lock self.lockMode = "exclusiveLock" # SinglePrimaryMultiStandby support binary upgrade, inplace upgrade self.isSinglePrimaryMultiStandby = False # Adapt to 200 and 300 self.productVersion = None def initComponent(self): """ function: Init component input : NA output: NA """ for nodeInfo in self.clusterInfo.dbNodes: self.initKernelComponent(nodeInfo) def initComponentAttributes(self, component): """ function: Init component attributes on current node input : Object component output: NA """ component.logger = self.logger component.binPath = "%s/bin" % self.clusterInfo.appPath component.dwsMode = self.dws_mode def initKernelComponent(self, nodeInfo): """ function: Init kernel component input : Object nodeInfo output: NA """ for inst in nodeInfo.datanodes: component = DN_OLAP() # init component cluster type component.clusterType = self.clusterInfo.clusterType component.instInfo = inst self.initComponentAttributes(component) self.dnCons.append(component) def initLogger(self, module=""): """ function: Init logger input : module output: NA """ # log level LOG_DEBUG = 1 self.logger = GaussLog(self.logFile, module, LOG_DEBUG) dirName = os.path.dirname(self.logFile) self.localLog = os.path.join(dirName, DefaultValue.LOCAL_LOG_FILE) def initClusterInfo(self, refreshCN=True): """ function: Init cluster info input : NA output: NA """ try: self.clusterInfo = dbClusterInfo() if (refreshCN): static_config_file = "%s/bin/cluster_static_config" % \ DefaultValue.getInstallDir(self.user) self.clusterInfo.initFromXml(self.xmlFile, static_config_file) else: self.clusterInfo.initFromXml(self.xmlFile) except Exception as e: raise Exception(str(e)) self.logger.debug("Instance information of cluster:\n%s." % str(self.clusterInfo)) def initClusterInfoFromStaticFile(self, user, flag=True): """ function: Function to init clusterInfo from static file input : user output: NA """ try: self.clusterInfo = dbClusterInfo() self.clusterInfo.initFromStaticConfig(user) except Exception as e: raise Exception(str(e)) if flag: self.logger.debug("Instance information of cluster:\n%s." % str(self.clusterInfo)) def initSshTool(self, nodeNames, timeout=0): """ function: Init ssh tool input : nodeNames, timeout output: NA """ self.sshTool = SshTool(nodeNames, self.logger.logFile, timeout) def check_cluster_version_consistency(self, clusterNodes, newNodes=None): """ """ self.logger.log("Check cluster version consistency.") if newNodes is None: newNodes = [] dic_version_info = {} # check version.cfg on every node. gp_home = DefaultValue.getEnv("GPHOME") gauss_home = DefaultValue.getEnv("GAUSSHOME") if not (os.path.exists(gp_home) and os.path.exists(gauss_home)): GaussLog.exitWithError(ErrorCode.GAUSS_502["GAUSS_50201"] % ("%s", "or %s") % (gp_home, gauss_home)) for ip in clusterNodes: if ip in newNodes: cmd = "pssh -s -H %s 'cat %s/version.cfg'" % \ (ip, DefaultValue.getEnv("GPHOME")) else: cmd = "pssh -s -H %s 'cat %s/bin/upgrade_version'" % \ (ip, DefaultValue.getEnv("GAUSSHOME")) status, output = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd) if (status != 0): raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_514["GAUSS_51400"] % cmd + " Error:\n%s" % str(output)) if len(output.strip().split()) < 3: raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_516["GAUSS_51623"]) dic_version_info[ip] = ",".join(output.strip().split()[1:]) self.logger.debug("The cluster version on every node.") for check_ip, version_info in dic_version_info.items(): self.logger.debug("%s : %s" % (check_ip, version_info)) if len(set(dic_version_info.values())) != 1: L_inconsistent = list(set(dic_version_info.values())) self.logger.debug("The package version on some nodes are " "inconsistent\n%s" % str(L_inconsistent)) raise Exception("The package version on some nodes are " "inconsistent,%s" % str(L_inconsistent)) self.logger.log("Successfully checked cluster version.") def checkBaseFile(self, checkXml=True): """ function: Check xml file and log file input : checkXml output: NA """ if (checkXml): if (self.xmlFile == ""): raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_500["GAUSS_50001"] % 'X' + ".") if (not os.path.exists(self.xmlFile)): raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_502["GAUSS_50201"] % ("configuration file [%s]" % self.xmlFile)) if (not os.path.isabs(self.xmlFile)): raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_502["GAUSS_50213"] % ("configuration file [%s]" % self.xmlFile)) else: self.xmlFile = "" if (self.logFile == ""): self.logFile = DefaultValue.getOMLogPath(self.logType, self.user, "", self.xmlFile) if (not os.path.isabs(self.logFile)): raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_502["GAUSS_50213"] % "log") def initSignalHandler(self): """ function: Function to init signal handler input : NA output: NA """ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, signal.SIG_IGN) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN) signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal.SIG_IGN) signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIG_IGN) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, signal.SIG_IGN) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, signal.SIG_IGN) def print_signal_stack(self, frame): """ function: Function to print signal stack input : frame output: NA """ if (self.logger is None): return try: import inspect stacks = inspect.getouterframes(frame) for curr in range(len(stacks)): stack = stacks[curr] self.logger.debug("Stack level: %d. File: %s. Function: " "%s. LineNo: %d." % (curr, stack[1], stack[3], stack[2])) self.logger.debug("Code: %s." % (stack[4][0].strip().strip("\n"))) except Exception as e: self.logger.debug("Failed to print signal stack. Error: \n%s" % str(e)) def raise_handler(self, signal_num, frame): """ function: Function to raise handler input : signal_num, frame output: NA """ if (self.logger is not None): self.logger.debug("Received signal[%d]." % (signal_num)) self.print_signal_stack(frame) raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_516["GAUSS_51614"] % (signal_num)) def setupTimeoutHandler(self): """ function: Function to set up time out handler input : NA output: NA """ signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.timeout_handler) def setTimer(self, timeout): """ function: Function to set timer input : timeout output: NA """ self.logger.debug("Set timer. The timeout: %d." % timeout) signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.timeout_handler) signal.alarm(timeout) def resetTimer(self): """ function: Reset timer input : NA output: NA """ signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal.SIG_IGN) self.logger.debug("Reset timer. Left time: %d." % signal.alarm(0)) def timeout_handler(self, signal_num, frame): """ function: Received the timeout signal input : signal_num, frame output: NA """ if (self.logger is not None): self.logger.debug("Received the timeout signal: [%d]." % (signal_num)) self.print_signal_stack(frame) raise Timeout("Time out.") def waitProcessStop(self, processKeywords, hostname): """ function: Wait the process stop input : process name output: NA """ count = 0 while (True): psCmd = "ps ux|grep -v grep |awk '{print \$11}'|grep '%s' " % \ processKeywords.strip() (status, output) = self.sshTool.getSshStatusOutput(psCmd, [hostname]) # Determine whether the process can be found. if (status[hostname] != DefaultValue.SUCCESS): self.logger.debug("The %s process stopped." % processKeywords) break count += 1 if (count % 20 == 0): self.logger.debug("The %s process exists." % processKeywords) time.sleep(3) def managerOperateStepDir(self, action='create', nodes=None): """ function: manager operate step directory input : NA output: currentStep """ if nodes is None: nodes = [] try: # Creating the backup directory if (action == "create"): cmd = "(if [ ! -d '%s' ];then mkdir -p '%s' -m %s;fi)" % ( self.operateStepDir, self.operateStepDir, DefaultValue.KEY_DIRECTORY_MODE) else: cmd = "(if [ -d '%s' ];then rm -rf '%s';fi)" % ( self.operateStepDir, self.operateStepDir) DefaultValue.execCommandWithMode(cmd, "%s temporary directory" % action, self.sshTool, self.localMode or self.isSingle, "", nodes) except Exception as e: raise Exception(str(e)) def readOperateStep(self): """ function: read operate step signal input : NA output: currentStep """ currentStep = self.initStep if not os.path.exists(self.operateStepFile): self.logger.debug("The %s does not exits." % self.operateStepFile) return currentStep if not os.path.isfile(self.operateStepFile): self.logger.debug("The %s must be a file." % self.operateStepFile) return currentStep with open(self.operateStepFile, "r") as fp: line = fp.readline().strip() if line is not None and line != "": currentStep = line return currentStep def writeOperateStep(self, stepName, nodes=None): """ function: write operate step signal input : step output: NA """ if nodes is None: nodes = [] try: # write the step into INSTALL_STEP # open the INSTALL_STEP with open(self.operateStepFile, "w") as g_DB: # write the INSTALL_STEP g_DB.write(stepName) g_DB.write(os.linesep) g_DB.flush() # change the INSTALL_STEP permissions g_file.changeMode(DefaultValue.KEY_FILE_MODE, self.operateStepFile) # distribute file to all nodes cmd = "mkdir -p -m %s '%s'" % (DefaultValue.KEY_DIRECTORY_MODE, self.operateStepDir) DefaultValue.execCommandWithMode( cmd, "create backup directory " "on all nodes", self.sshTool, self.localMode or self.isSingle, "", nodes) if not self.localMode and not self.isSingle: self.sshTool.scpFiles(self.operateStepFile, self.operateStepDir, nodes) except Exception as e: # failed to write the step into INSTALL_STEP raise Exception(str(e)) def distributeFiles(self): """ function: distribute package to every host input : NA output: NA """ self.logger.debug("Distributing files.") try: # get the all nodes hosts = self.clusterInfo.getClusterNodeNames() if DefaultValue.GetHostIpOrName() not in hosts: raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_516["GAUSS_51619"] % DefaultValue.GetHostIpOrName()) hosts.remove(DefaultValue.GetHostIpOrName()) # Send xml file to every host DefaultValue.distributeXmlConfFile(self.sshTool, self.xmlFile, hosts, self.mpprcFile) # Successfully distributed files self.logger.debug("Successfully distributed files.") except Exception as e: # failed to distribute package to every host raise Exception(str(e)) def checkPreInstall(self, user, flag, nodes=None): """ function: check if have done preinstall on given nodes input : user, nodes output: NA """ if nodes is None: nodes = [] try: cmd = "%s -U %s -t %s" % ( OMCommand.getLocalScript("Local_Check_PreInstall"), user, flag) DefaultValue.execCommandWithMode(cmd, "check preinstall", self.sshTool, self.localMode or self.isSingle, "", nodes) except Exception as e: raise Exception(str(e)) def checkNodeInstall(self, nodes=None, checkParams=None, strictUserCheck=True): """ function: Check node install input : nodes, checkParams, strictUserCheck output: NA """ if nodes is None: nodes = [] if checkParams is None: checkParams = [] validParam = ["shared_buffers", "max_connections"] cooGucParam = "" for param in checkParams: entry = param.split("=") if (len(entry) != 2): raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_500["GAUSS_50009"]) if (entry[0].strip() in validParam): cooGucParam += " -C \\\"%s\\\"" % param self.logger.log("Checking installation environment on all nodes.") cmd = "%s -U %s:%s -R %s %s -l %s -X '%s'" % ( OMCommand.getLocalScript("Local_Check_Install"), self.user,, self.clusterInfo.appPath, cooGucParam, self.localLog, self.xmlFile) if (not strictUserCheck): cmd += " -O" self.logger.debug("Checking the install command: %s." % cmd) DefaultValue.execCommandWithMode(cmd, "check installation environment", self.sshTool, self.localMode or self.isSingle, "", nodes) def cleanNodeConfig(self, nodes=None, datadirs=None): """ function: Clean instance input : nodes, datadirs output: NA """ self.logger.log("Deleting instances from all nodes.") if nodes is None: nodes = [] if datadirs is None: datadirs = [] cmdParam = "" for datadir in datadirs: cmdParam += " -D %s " % datadir cmd = "%s -U %s %s -l %s" % (OMCommand.getLocalScript( "Local_Clean_Instance"), self.user, cmdParam, self.localLog) DefaultValue.execCommandWithMode(cmd, "clean instance", self.sshTool, self.localMode or self.isSingle, "", nodes) self.logger.log("Successfully deleted instances from all nodes.") @staticmethod def getPrepareKeysCmd(key_file, user, confFile, destPath, logfile, userProfile="", localMode=False): """ function: get etcd communication keys command input: key_file, user, confFile, destPath, localMode:do not scp keys output: NA """ if (not os.path.exists(key_file)): raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_502["GAUSS_50201"] % key_file) if (not userProfile): userProfile = DefaultValue.getMpprcFile() # create the directory on all nodes cmd = "source %s; %s -U %s -X %s --src-file=%s --dest-path=%s -l %s" \ % (userProfile, OMCommand.getLocalScript("Local_PrepareKeys"), user, confFile, key_file, destPath, logfile) # if local mode, only prepare keys, do not scp keys to cluster nodes if (localMode): cmd += " -L" return cmd def getClusterRings(self, clusterInfo): """ function: get clusterRings from cluster info input: DbclusterInfo() instance output: list """ hostPerNodeList = self.getDNHostnamesPerNode(clusterInfo) # Loop the hostname list on each node where the master and slave # of the DB instance. for i in range(len(hostPerNodeList)): # Loop the list after the i-th list for perNodelist in hostPerNodeList[i + 1:len(hostPerNodeList)]: # Define a tag flag = 0 # Loop the elements of each perNodelist for hostNameElement in perNodelist: # If elements on the i-th node, each element of the # list are joined in hostPerNodeList[i if hostNameElement in hostPerNodeList[i]: flag = 1 for element in perNodelist: if element not in hostPerNodeList[i]: hostPerNodeList[i].append(element) if (flag == 1): hostPerNodeList.remove(perNodelist) return hostPerNodeList def getDNHostnamesPerNode(self, clusterInfo): """ function: get DB hostnames per node input: DbclusterInfo() instance output: list """ hostPerNodeList = [] for dbNode in clusterInfo.dbNodes: nodeDnlist = [] # loop per node for dnInst in dbNode.datanodes: if (dnInst.instanceType == DefaultValue.MASTER_INSTANCE): if dnInst.hostname not in nodeDnlist: nodeDnlist.append(dnInst.hostname) # get other standby and dummy hostname instances = clusterInfo.getPeerInstance(dnInst) for inst in instances: if inst.hostname not in nodeDnlist: nodeDnlist.append(inst.hostname) if nodeDnlist != []: hostPerNodeList.append(nodeDnlist) return hostPerNodeList # for olap function def checkIsElasticGroupExist(self, dbNodes): """ function: Check if elastic_group exists. input : NA output: NA """ self.logger.debug("Checking if elastic group exists.") self.isElasticGroup = False coorNode = [] # traverse old nodes for dbNode in dbNodes: if (len(dbNode.coordinators) >= 1): coorNode.append(dbNode.coordinators[0]) break # check elastic group CHECK_GROUP_SQL = "SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pgxc_group " \ "WHERE group_name='elastic_group' " \ "and group_kind='e'; " (checkstatus, checkoutput) = ClusterCommand.remoteSQLCommand( CHECK_GROUP_SQL, self.user, coorNode[0].hostname, coorNode[0].port) if (checkstatus != 0 or not checkoutput.isdigit()): raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_502["GAUSS_50219"] % "node group" + " Error:\n%s" % str(checkoutput)) elif (checkoutput.strip() == '1'): self.isElasticGroup = True elif (checkoutput.strip() == '0'): self.isElasticGroup = False else: raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_502["GAUSS_50219"] % "the number of node group") self.logger.debug("Successfully checked if elastic group exists.") def checkHostnameIsLoop(self, nodenameList): """ function: check if hostname is looped input : NA output: NA """ isRing = True # 1.get ring information in the cluster clusterRings = self.getClusterRings(self.clusterInfo) nodeRing = "" nodenameRings = [] # 2.Check if the node is in the ring for num in iter(clusterRings): ringNodeList = [] for nodename in nodenameList: if (nodename in num): ringNodeList.append(nodename) if (len(ringNodeList) != 0 and len(ringNodeList) == len(num)): nodenameRings.append(ringNodeList) if (len(ringNodeList) != 0 and len(ringNodeList) != len(num)): isRing = False break else: continue if not isRing: raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_500["GAUSS_50004"] % "h" + " The hostname (%s) specified by the -h parameter " "must be looped." % nodeRing) return (clusterRings, nodenameRings) def getDNinstanceByNodeName(self, hostname, isMaster=True): """ function: Get the DB instance of the node based on the node name. input : hostname isMaster: get master DB instance output: NA """ masterdnInsts = [] standbydnInsts = [] # notice for dbNode in self.clusterInfo.dbNodes: if ( == hostname): for dbInst in dbNode.datanodes: # get master DB instance if (dbInst.instanceType == DefaultValue.MASTER_INSTANCE): masterdnInsts.append(dbInst) # get standby or dummy DB instance else: standbydnInsts.append(dbInst) if (isMaster): return masterdnInsts else: return standbydnInsts def getSQLResultList(self, sql, user, hostname, port, database="postgres"): """ """ (status, output) = ClusterCommand.remoteSQLCommand(sql, user, hostname, port, False, database) if status != 0 or ClusterCommand.findErrorInSql(output): raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_514["GAUSS_51400"] % sql + " Error:\n%s" % str(output)) # split the output string with '\n' resultList = output.split("\n") return resultList def getCooInst(self): """ function: get CN instance input : NA output: CN instance """ coorInst = [] # get CN on nodes for dbNode in self.clusterInfo.dbNodes: if (len(dbNode.coordinators) >= 1): coorInst.append(dbNode.coordinators[0]) # check if contain CN on nodes if (len(coorInst) == 0): raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_526["GAUSS_52602"]) else: return coorInst def getGroupName(self, fieldName, fieldVaule): """ function: Get nodegroup name by field name and field vaule. input : field name and field vaule output: node group name """ # 1.get CN instance info from cluster cooInst = self.getCooInst() # 2.obtain the node group OBTAIN_SQL = "select group_name from pgxc_group where %s = %s; " % \ (fieldName, fieldVaule) # execute the sql command (status, output) = ClusterCommand.remoteSQLCommand(OBTAIN_SQL, self.user, cooInst[0].hostname, cooInst[0].port, ignoreError=False) if (status != 0): raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_514["GAUSS_51400"] % OBTAIN_SQL + " Error:\n%s" % str(output)) return output.strip() def killKernalSnapshotThread(self, dnInst): """ function: kill snapshot thread in Kernel, avoid dead lock with redistribution) input : NA output: NA """ self.logger.debug("Stopping snapshot thread in database node Kernel.") killSnapshotSQL = "select * from kill_snapshot();" (status, output) = ClusterCommand.remoteSQLCommand( killSnapshotSQL, self.user, dnInst.hostname, dnInst.port, False, DefaultValue.DEFAULT_DB_NAME) if (status != 0): raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_514["GAUSS_51400"] % killSnapshotSQL + " Error:\n%s" % str(output)) self.logger.debug("Successfully stopped snapshot " "thread in database node Kernel.") def createServerCa(self, hostList=None): """ function: create grpc ca file input : NA output: NA """ self.logger.debug("Generating CA files.") if hostList is None: hostList = [] appPath = DefaultValue.getInstallDir(self.user) caPath = os.path.join(appPath, "share/sslcert/om") self.logger.debug("The ca file dir is: %s." % caPath) if (len(hostList) == 0): for dbNode in self.clusterInfo.dbNodes: hostList.append( # Create CA dir and prepare files for using. self.logger.debug("Create CA file directory.") try: DefaultValue.createCADir(self.sshTool, caPath, hostList) self.logger.debug("Add hostname to config file.") DefaultValue.createServerCA(DefaultValue.SERVER_CA, caPath, self.logger) # Clean useless files, and change permission of ca file to 600. DefaultValue.cleanServerCaDir(caPath) self.logger.debug("Scp CA files to all nodes.") except Exception as e: certFile = caPath + "/demoCA/cacert.pem" if os.path.exists(certFile): g_file.removeFile(certFile) DefaultValue.cleanServerCaDir(caPath) raise Exception(str(e)) if not self.isSingle: # localhost no need scp files for certFile in DefaultValue.SERVER_CERT_LIST: scpFile = os.path.join(caPath, "%s" % certFile) self.sshTool.scpFiles(scpFile, caPath, hostList) self.logger.debug("Successfully generated server CA files.") def createGrpcCa(self, hostList=None): """ function: create grpc ca file input : NA output: NA """ self.logger.debug("Generating grpc CA files.") if hostList is None: hostList = [] appPath = DefaultValue.getInstallDir(self.user) caPath = os.path.join(appPath, "share/sslcert/grpc") self.logger.debug("The ca file dir is: %s." % caPath) if (len(hostList) == 0): for dbNode in self.clusterInfo.dbNodes: hostList.append( # Create CA dir and prepare files for using. self.logger.debug("Create CA file directory.") try: DefaultValue.createCADir(self.sshTool, caPath, hostList) self.logger.debug("Add hostname to config file.") configPath = os.path.join(appPath, "share/sslcert/grpc/openssl.cnf") self.logger.debug("The ca file dir is: %s." % caPath) # Add hostname to openssl.cnf file. DefaultValue.changeOpenSslConf(configPath, hostList) self.logger.debug("Generate CA files.") DefaultValue.createCA(DefaultValue.GRPC_CA, caPath) # Clean useless files, and change permission of ca file to 600. DefaultValue.cleanCaDir(caPath) self.logger.debug("Scp CA files to all nodes.") except Exception as e: certFile = caPath + "/demoCA/cacertnew.pem" if os.path.exists(certFile): g_file.removeFile(certFile) DefaultValue.cleanCaDir(caPath) raise Exception(str(e)) for certFile in DefaultValue.GRPC_CERT_LIST: scpFile = os.path.join(caPath, "%s" % certFile) self.sshTool.scpFiles(scpFile, caPath, hostList) self.logger.debug("Successfully generated grpc CA files.") def genCipherAndRandFile(self, hostList=None, initPwd=None): self.logger.debug("Encrypting cipher and rand files.") if hostList is None: hostList = [] appPath = DefaultValue.getInstallDir(self.user) binPath = os.path.join(appPath, "bin") retry = 0 while True: if not initPwd: sshpwd = getpass.getpass("Please enter password for database:") sshpwd_check = getpass.getpass("Please repeat for database:") else: sshpwd = sshpwd_check = initPwd if sshpwd_check != sshpwd: sshpwd = "" sshpwd_check = "" self.logger.error(ErrorCode.GAUSS_503["GAUSS_50306"] % "database" + "The two passwords are different, " "please enter password again.") else: cmd = "%s/gs_guc encrypt -M server -K %s -D %s " % ( binPath, sshpwd, binPath) (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd) sshpwd = "" sshpwd_check = "" initPwd = "" if status != 0: self.logger.error(ErrorCode.GAUSS_503["GAUSS_50322"] % "database" + "Error:\n %s" % output) else: break if retry >= 2: raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_503["GAUSS_50322"] % "database") retry += 1 g_file.changeMode(DefaultValue.KEY_FILE_MODE, "'%s'/server.key.cipher" % binPath) g_file.changeMode(DefaultValue.KEY_FILE_MODE, "'%s'/server.key.rand" % binPath) if len(hostList) == 0: for dbNode in self.clusterInfo.dbNodes: hostList.append( if not self.isSingle: # localhost no need scp files for certFile in DefaultValue.BIN_CERT_LIST: scpFile = os.path.join(binPath, "%s" % certFile) self.sshTool.scpFiles(scpFile, binPath, hostList) self.logger.debug("Successfully encrypted cipher and rand files.")
class LocalBaseOM(object): """ Base class for local command """ def __init__(self, logFile=None, user=None, clusterConf=None, dwsMode=False, initParas=None, gtmInitParas=None): ''' Constructor ''' if (logFile is not None): self.logger = GaussLog(logFile, self.__class__.__name__) else: self.logger = None self.clusterInfo = None self.dbNodeInfo = None self.clusterConfig = clusterConf self.user = user = "" self.dws_mode = dwsMode if initParas is None: initParas = [] self.initParas = initParas if gtmInitParas is None: gtmInitParas = [] self.gtmInitParas = gtmInitParas self.etcdCons = [] self.cmCons = [] self.gtmCons = [] self.cnCons = [] self.dnCons = [] self.gtsCons = [] def initComponent(self): """ function: Init component input : NA output: NA """ self.initKernelComponent() def initComponentAttributes(self, component): """ function: Init component attributes on current node input : Object component output: NA """ component.logger = self.logger component.binPath = "%s/bin" % self.clusterInfo.appPath component.dwsMode = self.dws_mode def initKernelComponent(self): """ function: Init kernel component on current node input : Object nodeInfo output: NA """ for inst in self.dbNodeInfo.datanodes: component = DN_OLAP() # init component cluster type component.clusterType = self.clusterInfo.clusterType component.instInfo = inst component.instInfo.peerInstanceInfos = \ self.clusterInfo.getPeerInstance(component.instInfo) self.initComponentAttributes(component) component.initParas = self.initParas self.dnCons.append(component) def readConfigInfo(self): """ function: Read config from static config file input : NA output: NA """ try: self.clusterInfo = dbClusterInfo() hostName = DefaultValue.GetHostIpOrName() dynamicFileExist = False if self.__class__.__name__ == "Start": dynamicFileExist = \ self.clusterInfo.dynamicConfigExists(self.user) if dynamicFileExist: self.clusterInfo.readDynamicConfig(self.user) self.dbNodeInfo = self.clusterInfo.getDbNodeByName(hostName) else: self.clusterInfo.initFromStaticConfig(self.user) self.dbNodeInfo = self.clusterInfo.getDbNodeByName(hostName) if self.dbNodeInfo is None: self.logger.logExit(ErrorCode.GAUSS_516["GAUSS_51619"] % hostName) except Exception as e: self.logger.logExit(str(e)) self.logger.debug("Instance information on local node:\n%s" % str(self.dbNodeInfo)) def readConfigInfoByXML(self): """ function: Read config from xml config file input : NA output: NA """ try: if (self.clusterConfig is None): self.logger.logExit(ErrorCode.GAUSS_502["GAUSS_50201"] % "XML configuration file") static_config_file = "%s/bin/cluster_static_config" % \ DefaultValue.getInstallDir(self.user) self.clusterInfo = dbClusterInfo() self.clusterInfo.initFromXml(self.clusterConfig, static_config_file) hostName = DefaultValue.GetHostIpOrName() self.dbNodeInfo = self.clusterInfo.getDbNodeByName(hostName) if (self.dbNodeInfo is None): self.logger.logExit(ErrorCode.GAUSS_516["GAUSS_51619"] % hostName) except Exception as e: self.logger.logExit(str(e)) self.logger.debug("Instance information on local node:\n%s" % str(self.dbNodeInfo)) def getUserInfo(self): """ Get user and group """ if os.path.islink(self.clusterInfo.appPath): appPath = os.path.realpath(self.clusterInfo.appPath) elif os.path.exists(self.clusterInfo.appPath): appPath = self.clusterInfo.appPath else: commitid = VersionInfo.getCommitid() appPath = self.clusterInfo.appPath + "_" + commitid self.logger.debug("Get the install path %s user info." % appPath) (self.user, = g_OSlib.getPathOwner(appPath) if (self.user == "" or == ""): self.logger.logExit(ErrorCode.GAUSS_503["GAUSS_50308"])