def divide_row_by_sum(e): e = gutils.scipy_to_np(e) e = e / np.sum(e + 1e-100, axis=1, keepdims=True) return e
def __MR(self, X, W, Y, labeledIndexes, p, tuning_iter, hook=None): Y = np.copy(Y) if Y.ndim == 1: Y[np.logical_not(labeledIndexes)] = 0 Y = gutils.init_matrix(Y, labeledIndexes) Y[np.logical_not(labeledIndexes), :] = 0 if not W.shape[0] == Y.shape[0]: raise ValueError("W,Y shape not compatible") l = np.reshape(np.array(np.where(labeledIndexes)), (-1)) num_lab = l.shape[0] if not isinstance(p, int): p = int(p * num_lab) if p > Y.shape[0]: p = Y.shape[0] LOG.warn("Warning: p greater than the number of labeled indexes", LOG.ll.FILTER) W = scipy_to_np(W) L = gutils.lap_matrix(W, is_normalized=False) D = gutils.deg_matrix(W) def check_symmetric(a, tol=1e-8): return np.allclose(a, a.T, atol=tol) if check_symmetric(L): E = sp.eigh(L, D, eigvals=(1, p))[1] else: LOG.warn("Warning: Laplacian not symmetric", LOG.ll.FILTER) eigenValues, eigenVectors = sp.eig(L, D) idx = eigenValues.argsort() eigenValues = eigenValues[idx] assert eigenValues[0] <= eigenValues[eigenValues.shape[0] - 1] eigenVectors = eigenVectors[:, idx] E = eigenVectors[:, 1:(p + 1)] e_lab = E[labeledIndexes, :] """ TIKHONOV REGULARIZATION. Currently set to 0.""" TIK = np.zeros(shape=e_lab.shape) try: A = np.linalg.inv(e_lab.T @ e_lab + TIK.T @ TIK) @ e_lab.T except: A = np.linalg.pinv(e_lab.T @ e_lab + TIK.T @ TIK) @ e_lab.T F = np.zeros(shape=Y.shape) y_m = np.argmax(Y, axis=1)[labeledIndexes] for i in range(Y.shape[1]): c = np.ones(num_lab) c[y_m != i] = -1 a = A @ np.transpose(c) LOG.debug(a, LOG.ll.FILTER) for j in np.arange(F.shape[0]): F[j, i] =, E[j, :]) ERmat = -1 * np.ones((Y.shape[0], )) Y_amax = np.argmax(Y, axis=1) for i in np.where(labeledIndexes): ERmat[i] = np.square(Y[i, Y_amax[i]] - F[i, Y_amax[i]]) removed_Lids = np.argsort(ERmat) removed_Lids = removed_Lids[::-1] labeledIndexes = np.array(labeledIndexes) Y = np.copy(Y) for i in range(tuning_iter): labeledIndexes[removed_Lids[i]] = False if not hook is None: hook._step(step=i, X=X, W=W, Y=Y, labeledIndexes=labeledIndexes) return Y, labeledIndexes
def __MR(self,X,W,Y,labeledIndexes,p,hook=None): Y = np.copy(Y) if Y.ndim == 1: Y = gutils.init_matrix(Y,labeledIndexes) Y[np.logical_not(labeledIndexes),:] = 0 if not W.shape[0] == Y.shape[0]: raise ValueError("W,Y shape not compatible") l = np.reshape(np.array(np.where(labeledIndexes)),(-1)) num_lab = l.shape[0] if not isinstance(p, int): p = int(p * num_lab) if p > Y.shape[0]: p = Y.shape[0] LOG.warn("Warning: p greater than the number of labeled indexes",LOG.ll.CLASSIFIER) W = gutils.scipy_to_np(W) W = 0.5* (W + W.T) L = gutils.lap_matrix(W, is_normalized=False) D = gutils.deg_matrix(W) def check_symmetric(a, tol=1e-8): return np.allclose(a, a.T, atol=tol) def is_pos_sdef(x): return np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(x) >= -1e-06) if check_symmetric(L): eigenVectors, E = sp.eigh(L,D,eigvals=(1,p)) else: LOG.warn("Warning: Laplacian not symmetric",LOG.ll.CLASSIFIER) eigenValues, eigenVectors = sp.eig(L,D) idx = eigenValues.argsort() eigenValues = eigenValues[idx] assert eigenValues[0] <= eigenValues[eigenValues.shape[0]-1] eigenVectors = eigenVectors[:,idx] E = eigenVectors[:,1:(p+1)] e_lab = E[labeledIndexes,:] #TIK = np.ones(shape=e_lab.shape) TIK = np.zeros(shape=e_lab.shape) try: A = np.linalg.inv(e_lab.T @ e_lab + TIK.T@TIK) @ e_lab.T except: A = np.linalg.pinv(e_lab.T @ e_lab + TIK.T@TIK) @ e_lab.T F = np.zeros(shape=Y.shape) y_m = np.argmax(Y, axis=1)[labeledIndexes] for i in range(p): if not hook is None: hook._step(step=i,X=X,W=W,Y=E[:,i]) for i in range(Y.shape[1]): c = np.ones(num_lab) c[y_m != i] = -1 a = A @ np.transpose(c) LOG.debug(a,LOG.ll.CLASSIFIER) for j in np.arange(F.shape[0]): F[j,i] =,E[j,:]) F[j,i] = max(F[j,i],0) return (F)