예제 #1
class TrainingRuns(Mapping):
    """A map from integers to TrainingRuns."""
    def __init__(self, root_dir, src_dir, run_factory, check_commit=True):
        """Create TrainingRuns object.

            root_dir (str): directory where all training run data will be stored
            src_dir (str): a Git repository path (used to check commits)
            run_factory (Callable[[Config, str], TrainingRun]): a Callable, which takes a Config and a save_dir
                as arguments, and creates a new TrainingRun.
            check_commit (bool): if True, checks that current working directory is on same commit as when the run
                was originally created.
        self._int_dirs = IntegerDirectories(root_dir)
        self._src_dir = src_dir
        self._run_factory = run_factory
        self._check_commit = check_commit

    def _config_path(self, save_dir):
        return join(save_dir, 'config.txt')

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        """Reload an existing TrainingRun."""
        save_dir = self._int_dirs[i]
        config = Config.from_file(self._config_path(save_dir))
        run = self._run_factory(config, save_dir)
        if self._check_commit:

        logging.info('Reloaded TrainingRun #{}'.format(i))
        return run

    def new(self, config, name=None):
        """Create a new TrainingRun."""
        print('TrainingRun configuration:\n{}'.format(config))

        save_dir = self._int_dirs.new_dir(name=name)
        cfg_path = self._config_path(save_dir)
        config.to_file(cfg_path)  # save the config
        run = self._run_factory(config, save_dir)
        except InvalidGitRepositoryError:
            print('WARNING: could not obtain Git information.')
            'config'] = config._config_tree  # save config in metadata, for programmatic access

        print('New TrainingRun created at: {}'.format(run.workspace.root))
        return run

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._int_dirs)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._int_dirs)

    def paths(self):
        return list(self._int_dirs.values())
class Experiments(Mapping):
    """A map from integers to Experiments."""
    def __init__(self,
        """Create Experiments object.

            root_dir (str): directory where all experiment data will be stored
            src_dir (str): a Git repository path (used to check commits)
            experiment_factory (Callable[[Config, str], Experiment]): a Callable, which takes a Config and a save_dir
                as arguments, and creates a new Experiment.
            default_config_path (str): path to a default config, to be used when no config is specified
            check_commit (bool): if True, checks that current working directory is on same commit as when the experiment
                was originally created.
        self._int_dirs = IntegerDirectories(root_dir)
        self._src_dir = src_dir
        self._exp_factory = experiment_factory
        self._check_commit = check_commit
        self._default_config_path = default_config_path

    def _config_path(self, save_dir):
        return join(save_dir, 'config.txt')

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        """Reload an existing Experiment."""
        save_dir = self._int_dirs[i]
        config = Config.from_file(self._config_path(save_dir))
        exp = self._exp_factory(config, save_dir)
        if self._check_commit:

        logging.info('Reloaded experiment #{}'.format(i))
        return exp

    def new(self, config=None, name=None):
        """Create a new Experiment."""
        if config is None:
            config = Config.from_file(self._default_config_path)

        save_dir = self._int_dirs.new_dir(name=name)
        cfg_path = self._config_path(save_dir)
        config.to_file(cfg_path)  # save the config
        exp = self._exp_factory(config, save_dir)

        logging.info('New experiment created at: {}'.format(
        logging.info('Experiment configuration:\n{}'.format(config))
        return exp

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._int_dirs)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._int_dirs)

    def paths(self):
        return self._int_dirs.values()