예제 #1
    def plot(self, loc):

        # Orient the object to the origin and scale to fit the print bed dimensions
        self.model.geometry = orient.to_origin(self.model.geometry)
        self.model.geometry = orient.fit_bed(self.model.geometry, xdim.get(), ydim.get(), zdim.get())
        # Apply isometric perspective to the geometry
        plot_geometry, camera = gtransform.perspective(self.model.geometry)
        # Draw lines between points of the geometry faces
        plot_geometry = draw_lines(plot_geometry, self.model.normal, camera, view.get())

        # Clear pixel array to white and then change each pixel color based on the XY pixel map
        self.pxarray = pygame.PixelArray(loc)
        self.pxarray[:][:] = (255, 255, 255)
        for point in range(0, plot_geometry.shape[0]):
            x = int(embed_w/2 + plot_geometry[point, 0])  # X coordinate (0,0 of screen is top left)
            y = int(embed_h/2 + plot_geometry[point, 1])  # Y coordinate (0,0 of screen is top left)
            # Plot all front facing lines and back facing when wireplot is selected
            if plot_geometry[point, 2] == 1 or view.get() == 'wire':
                self.pxarray[x][y] = (0, 0, 0)  # Color = black
            # Plot grey lines only if grey lines are selected and the line is not already plotted black
            elif plot_geometry[point, 2] == 0 and view.get() == 'grey' and self.pxarray[x][y] != 0:
                self.pxarray[x][y] = (210, 210, 210)  # Color = grey
        # Plot pixel array to screen and refresh window/GUI
        pygame.surfarray.blit_array(loc, self.pxarray)
예제 #2
    def plot_transform(self, loc, transtype, data):

        if transtype == 'ortho':
            # Transform the original geometry according to the selected orthographic view
            new_geometry, new_normals = gtransform.transform(
                self.model.geometry, self.model.normal, transtype, data)
            # Draw lines between points and clip to viewing window based on window height and width
            new_geometry = draw_lines(new_geometry, new_normals, [0, 0, 1],
                                      view.get(), embed_w, embed_h)
            # Transform geometry based on the selected transformation
            self.model.coordinates, self.model.normals = gtransform.transform(
                self.model.coordinates, self.model.normals, transtype, data)
            # Apply selected perspective with appropriate settings of fz, phi, and theta
            new_geometry, camera = gtransform.perspective(
                persp.get(), self.model.coordinates, fz.get(), phi.get(),
            # Draw lines between points and clip to viewing window
            new_geometry = draw_lines(new_geometry, self.model.normals, camera,
                                      view.get(), embed_w, embed_h)

        # Clear pixel array to white and then change each pixel color based on the XY pixel map
        self.pxarray[:][:] = (255, 255, 255)
        for point in range(0, new_geometry.shape[0]):
            x = int(
                embed_w / 2 +
                             0])  # X coordinate (0,0 of screen is top left)
            y = int(
                embed_h / 2 +
                             1])  # Y coordinate (0,0 of screen is top left)
            # Plot all front facing lines and back facing when wireplot is selected
            if new_geometry[point, 2] == 1 or view.get() == 'wire':
                self.pxarray[x][y] = (0, 0, 0)  # Color = black
            # Plot grey lines only if grey lines are selected and the line is not already plotted black
            elif new_geometry[point, 2] == 0 and view.get(
            ) == 'grey' and self.pxarray[x][y] != 0:
                self.pxarray[x][y] = (210, 210, 210)  # Color = grey
        # Plot pixel array to screen and refresh window/GUI
        pygame.surfarray.blit_array(loc, self.pxarray)
예제 #3
def orient(geometry, width, height):

        # Compute object dimensions and distance from the origin
        max_size = np.max(geometry, axis=0)  # Max X,Y,Z values of the object
        min_size = np.min(geometry, axis=0)  # Min X,Y,Z values of the object
        x_trans = 0 - 0.5*(max_size[0]+min_size[0])  # Avg X distance from the origin (center of the object)
        y_trans = 0 - 0.5*(max_size[1]+min_size[1])  # Avg Y distance from the origin (center of the object)
        z_trans = 0 - 0.5*(max_size[2]+min_size[2])  # Avg Z distance from the origin (center of the object)
        geometry = gtransform.translate(geometry, x_trans, y_trans, z_trans)  # Translate object accordingly to origin

        # Compute scaling to center object in the screen
        geometry_scale, _ = gtransform.perspective('iso', geometry, None, None, None)  # Apply isometric perspective
        max_size = np.max(geometry_scale, axis=0)  # Max X and Y values of projected point cloud on display (Z = 0)
        scale = 1
        # Based on whether the object is larger in width or height when projected, apply a scaling factor
        # that will fit the object entirely within the space of the pixel array/clipping region
        if max_size[0] >= max_size[1]:
                scale = (0.5*width)/(2*max_size[0])
        if max_size[0] < max_size[1]:
                scale = (0.5*height)/(2*max_size[1])
        geometry = gtransform.scale(geometry, 1/scale)  # Apply global scaling with appropriate factor

        return geometry
예제 #4
    def initial_plot(self, loc):

        # Copy original geometry to new internal variable to be used for transformations (keep original
        # geometry unchanged for use in displaying the orthographic views of the object)
        self.model.coordinates, self.model.normals = self.model.geometry, self.model.normal
        # Apply selected perspective with appropriate settings of fz, phi, and theta
        plot_geometry, camera = gtransform.perspective(persp.get(),
                                                       fz.get(), phi.get(),
        # Draw lines between points and clip to viewing window based on window height and width
        plot_geometry = draw_lines(plot_geometry, self.model.normals, camera,
                                   view.get(), embed_w, embed_h)

        # Clear pixel array to white and then change each pixel color based on the XY pixel map
        self.pxarray = pygame.PixelArray(loc)
        self.pxarray[:][:] = (255, 255, 255)
        for point in range(0, plot_geometry.shape[0]):
            x = int(
                embed_w / 2 +
                              0])  # X coordinate (0,0 of screen is top left)
            y = int(
                embed_h / 2 +
                              1])  # Y coordinate (0,0 of screen is top left)
            # Plot all front facing lines and back facing when wireplot is selected
            if plot_geometry[point, 2] == 1 or view.get() == 'wire':
                self.pxarray[x][y] = (0, 0, 0)  # Color = black
            # Plot grey lines only if grey lines are selected and the line is not already plotted black
            elif plot_geometry[point, 2] == 0 and view.get(
            ) == 'grey' and self.pxarray[x][y] != 0:
                self.pxarray[x][y] = (210, 210, 210)  # Color = grey
        # Plot pixel array to screen and refresh window/GUI
        pygame.surfarray.blit_array(loc, self.pxarray)