예제 #1
    def __init__(self, filename, filetype="autodetect"):
        """An iterative matcher tries to match different patterns that appear
        in the filename.

        The 'filetype' argument indicates which type of file you want to match.
        If it is 'autodetect', the matcher will try to see whether it can guess
        that the file corresponds to an episode, or otherwise will assume it is
        a movie.

        The recognized 'filetype' values are:
        [ autodetect, subtitle, movie, moviesubtitle, episode, episodesubtitle ]

        The IterativeMatcher works mainly in 2 steps:

        First, it splits the filename into a match_tree, which is a tree of groups
        which have a semantic meaning, such as episode number, movie title,

        The match_tree created looks like the following:

        0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 111
        0000011111111111112222222222222233333333444444444444444455555555666777777778888888 000
        0000000000000000000000000000000001111112011112222333333401123334000011233340000000 000
        xxxxxttttttttttttt               ffffff  vvvv    xxxxxx  ll lll     xx xxx         ccc

        The first 3 lines indicates the group index in which a char in the
        filename is located. So for instance, x264 is the group (0, 4, 1), and
        it corresponds to a video codec, denoted by the letter'v' in the 4th line.
        (for more info, see guess.matchtree.tree_to_string)

         Second, it tries to merge all this information into a single object
         containing all the found properties, and does some (basic) conflict
         resolution when they arise.

        if filetype not in ("autodetect", "subtitle", "video", "movie", "moviesubtitle", "episode", "episodesubtitle"):
            raise ValueError, "filetype needs to be one of ('autodetect', 'subtitle', 'video', 'movie', 'moviesubtitle', 'episode', 'episodesubtitle')"
        if not isinstance(filename, unicode):
            log.debug("WARNING: given filename to matcher is not unicode...")

        match_tree = []
        result = []  # list of found metadata

        def guessed(match_dict, confidence):
            guess = format_guess(Guess(match_dict, confidence=confidence))
            log.debug("Found with confidence %.2f: %s" % (confidence, guess))
            return guess

        def update_found(leftover, group_pos, guess):
            pidx, eidx, gidx = group_pos
            group = match_tree[pidx][eidx][gidx]
            match_tree[pidx][eidx][gidx] = (group[0], deleted * len(group[0]), guess)
            return [g for g in leftover if g[1] != group_pos]

        # 1- first split our path into dirs + basename + ext
        match_tree = split_path_components(filename)

        # try to detect the file type
        filetype, other = guess_filetype(filename, filetype)
        guessed({"type": filetype}, confidence=1.0)
        extguess = guessed(other, confidence=1.0)

        # guess the mimetype of the filename
        # TODO: handle other mimetypes not found on the default type_maps
        # mimetypes.types_map['.srt']='text/subtitle'
        mime, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(filename, strict=False)
        if mime is not None:
            guessed({"mimetype": mime}, confidence=1.0)

        # remove the extension from the match tree, as all indices relative
        # the the filename groups assume the basename is the last one
        fileext = match_tree.pop(-1)[1:].lower()

        # 2- split each of those into explicit groups, if any
        # note: be careful, as this might split some regexps with more confidence such as
        #       Alfleni-Team, or [XCT] or split a date such as (14-01-2008)
        match_tree = [split_explicit_groups(part) for part in match_tree]

        # 3- try to match information in decreasing order of confidence and
        #    blank the matching group in the string if we found something
        for pathpart in match_tree:
            for gidx, explicit_group in enumerate(pathpart):
                pathpart[gidx] = guess_groups(explicit_group, result, filetype=filetype)

        # 4- try to identify the remaining unknown groups by looking at their position
        #    relative to other known elements

        if filetype in ("episode", "episodesubtitle"):
            eps = find_group(match_tree, "episodeNumber")
            if eps:
                match_tree = match_from_epnum_position(match_tree, eps[0], guessed, update_found)

            leftover = leftover_valid_groups(match_tree)

            if not eps:
                # if we don't have the episode number, but at least 2 groups in the
                # last path group, then it's probably series - eptitle
                title_candidates = filter(
                    lambda g: g[0].lower() not in non_episode_title,
                    filter(lambda g: g[1][0] == len(match_tree) - 1, leftover_valid_groups(match_tree)),
                if len(title_candidates) >= 2:
                    guess = guessed({"series": title_candidates[0][0]}, confidence=0.4)
                    leftover = update_found(leftover, title_candidates[0][1], guess)
                    guess = guessed({"title": title_candidates[1][0]}, confidence=0.4)
                    leftover = update_found(leftover, title_candidates[1][1], guess)

            # if there's a path group that only contains the season info, then the previous one
            # is most likely the series title (ie: .../series/season X/...)
            eps = [
                for gpos in find_group(match_tree, "season")
                if "episodeNumber" not in get_group(match_tree, gpos)[2]

            if eps:
                pidx, eidx, gidx = eps[0]
                previous = [group for group in leftover if group[1][0] == pidx - 1]
                if len(previous) == 1:
                    guess = guessed({"series": previous[0][0]}, confidence=0.5)
                    leftover = update_found(leftover, previous[0][1], guess)

            # reduce the confidence of unlikely series
            for guess in result:
                if "series" in guess:
                    if guess["series"].lower() in unlikely_series:
                        guess.set_confidence("series", guess.confidence("series") * 0.5)

        elif filetype in ("movie", "moviesubtitle"):
            leftover_all = leftover_valid_groups(match_tree)

            # specific cases:
            #  - movies/tttttt (yyyy)/tttttt.ccc
                if match_tree[-3][0][0][0].lower() == "movies":
                    # Note:too generic, might solve all the unittests as they all contain 'movies'
                    # in their path
                    # if len(match_tree[-2][0]) == 1:
                    #    title = match_tree[-2][0][0]
                    #    guess = guessed({ 'title': clean_string(title[0]) }, confidence = 0.7)
                    #    update_found(leftover_all, title, guess)

                    year_group = filter(lambda gpos: gpos[0] == len(match_tree) - 2, find_group(match_tree, "year"))[0]
                    leftover = leftover_valid_groups(
                        match_tree, valid=lambda g: ((g[0] and g[0][0] not in sep) and g[1][0] == len(match_tree) - 2)
                    if len(match_tree[-2]) == 2 and year_group[1] == 1:
                        title = leftover[0]
                        guess = guessed({"title": clean_string(title[0])}, confidence=0.8)
                        update_found(leftover_all, title[1], guess)
                        raise Exception  # to exit the try catch now

                    leftover = [
                        for g in leftover_all
                        if (g[1][0] == year_group[0] and g[1][1] < year_group[1] and g[1][2] < year_group[2])
                    leftover = sorted(leftover, key=lambda x: x[1])
                    title = leftover[0]
                    guess = guessed({"title": title[0]}, confidence=0.8)
                    leftover = update_found(leftover, title[1], guess)

            # if we have either format or videoCodec in the folder containing the file
            # or one of its parents, then we should probably look for the title in
            # there rather than in the basename
            props = filter(
                lambda g: g[0] <= len(match_tree) - 2,
                find_group(match_tree, "videoCodec")
                + find_group(match_tree, "format")
                + find_group(match_tree, "language"),
            leftover = None
            if props and all(g[0] == props[0][0] for g in props):
                leftover = [g for g in leftover_all if g[1][0] == props[0][0]]

            if props and leftover:
                guess = guessed({"title": leftover[0][0]}, confidence=0.7)
                leftover = update_found(leftover, leftover[0][1], guess)

                # first leftover group in the last path part sounds like a good candidate for title,
                # except if it's only one word and that the first group before has at least 3 words in it
                # (case where the filename contains an 8 chars short name and the movie title is
                #  actually in the parent directory name)
                leftover = [g for g in leftover_all if g[1][0] == len(match_tree) - 1]
                if leftover:
                    title, (pidx, eidx, gidx) = leftover[0]
                    previous_pgroup_leftover = filter(lambda g: g[1][0] == pidx - 1, leftover_all)

                    if (
                        title.count(" ") == 0
                        and previous_pgroup_leftover
                        and previous_pgroup_leftover[0][0].count(" ") >= 2

                        guess = guessed({"title": previous_pgroup_leftover[0][0]}, confidence=0.6)
                        leftover = update_found(leftover, previous_pgroup_leftover[0][1], guess)

                        guess = guessed({"title": title}, confidence=0.6)
                        leftover = update_found(leftover, leftover[0][1], guess)
                    # if there were no leftover groups in the last path part, look in the one before that
                    previous_pgroup_leftover = filter(lambda g: g[1][0] == len(match_tree) - 2, leftover_all)
                    if previous_pgroup_leftover:
                        guess = guessed({"title": previous_pgroup_leftover[0][0]}, confidence=0.6)
                        leftover = update_found(leftover, previous_pgroup_leftover[0][1], guess)

        # 5- perform some post-processing steps

        # 5.1- try to promote language to subtitle language where it makes sense
        for pidx, eidx, gidx in find_group(match_tree, "language"):
            string, remaining, guess = get_group(match_tree, (pidx, eidx, gidx))

            def promote_subtitle():
                guess.set("subtitleLanguage", guess["language"], confidence=guess.confidence("language"))
                del guess["language"]

            # - if we matched a language in a file with a sub extension and that the group
            #   is the last group of the filename, it is probably the language of the subtitle
            #   (eg: 'xxx.english.srt')
            if fileext in subtitle_exts and pidx == len(match_tree) - 1 and eidx == len(match_tree[pidx]) - 1:

            # - if a language is in an explicit group just preceded by "st", it is a subtitle
            #   language (eg: '...st[fr-eng]...')
            if eidx > 0:
                previous = get_group(match_tree, (pidx, eidx - 1, -1))
                if previous[0][-2:].lower() == "st":

        # re-append the extension now
        match_tree.append([[(fileext, deleted * len(fileext), extguess)]])

        self.parts = result
        self.match_tree = match_tree

        if filename.startswith("/"):
            filename = " " + filename

        log.debug("Found match tree:\n%s\n%s" % (to_utf8(tree_to_string(match_tree)), to_utf8(filename)))
예제 #2
def match_from_epnum_position(match_tree, epnum_pos, guessed, update_found):
    """guessed is a callback function to call with the guessed group
    update_found is a callback to update the match group and returns leftover groups."""
    pidx, eidx, gidx = epnum_pos

    # a few helper functions to be able to filter using high-level semantics
    def same_pgroup_before(group):
        _, (ppidx, eeidx, ggidx) = group
        return ppidx == pidx and (eeidx, ggidx) < (eidx, gidx)

    def same_pgroup_after(group):
        _, (ppidx, eeidx, ggidx) = group
        return ppidx == pidx and (eeidx, ggidx) > (eidx, gidx)

    def same_egroup_before(group):
        _, (ppidx, eeidx, ggidx) = group
        return ppidx == pidx and eeidx == eidx and ggidx < gidx

    def same_egroup_after(group):
        _, (ppidx, eeidx, ggidx) = group
        return ppidx == pidx and eeidx == eidx and ggidx > gidx

    leftover = leftover_valid_groups(match_tree)

    # if we have at least 1 valid group before the episodeNumber, then it's probably
    # the series name
    series_candidates = filter(same_pgroup_before, leftover)
    if len(series_candidates) >= 1:
        guess = guessed({"series": series_candidates[0][0]}, confidence=0.7)
        leftover = update_found(leftover, series_candidates[0][1], guess)

    # only 1 group after (in the same path group) and it's probably the episode title
    title_candidates = filter(lambda g: g[0].lower() not in non_episode_title, filter(same_pgroup_after, leftover))
    if len(title_candidates) == 1:
        guess = guessed({"title": title_candidates[0][0]}, confidence=0.5)
        leftover = update_found(leftover, title_candidates[0][1], guess)
        # try in the same explicit group, with lower confidence
        title_candidates = filter(lambda g: g[0].lower() not in non_episode_title, filter(same_egroup_after, leftover))
        if len(title_candidates) == 1:
            guess = guessed({"title": title_candidates[0][0]}, confidence=0.4)
            leftover = update_found(leftover, title_candidates[0][1], guess)

    # epnumber is the first group and there are only 2 after it in same path group
    #  -> season title - episode title
    already_has_title = find_group(match_tree, "title") != []

    title_candidates = filter(lambda g: g[0].lower() not in non_episode_title, filter(same_pgroup_after, leftover))
    if (
        not already_has_title
        and not filter(same_pgroup_before, leftover)  # no title
        and len(title_candidates) == 2  # no groups before
    ):  # only 2 groups after

        guess = guessed({"series": title_candidates[0][0]}, confidence=0.4)
        leftover = update_found(leftover, title_candidates[0][1], guess)
        guess = guessed({"title": title_candidates[1][0]}, confidence=0.4)
        leftover = update_found(leftover, title_candidates[1][1], guess)

    # if we only have 1 remaining valid group in the pathpart before the filename,
    # then it's likely that it is the series name
    series_candidates = [group for group in leftover if group[1][0] == pidx - 1]
    if len(series_candidates) == 1:
        guess = guessed({"series": series_candidates[0][0]}, confidence=0.5)
        leftover = update_found(leftover, series_candidates[0][1], guess)

    return match_tree