def editProfile(self): logging.debug('>>') from gui.windowprofile import WindowProfile self.profile.refreshConfiguration() if self.profilewindow is None: self.profilewindow = WindowProfile(self._sport_service, self.data_path, self.profile, pytrainer_main=self) logging.debug("setting data values") self.profilewindow.setValues(self.profile.configuration) self.profilewindow = None else: self.profilewindow.setValues(self.profile.configuration) self.profilewindow.present() self.profile.refreshConfiguration() self.activitypool.clear_pool() self.windowmain.setup() logging.debug('<<')
def editProfile(self, sport_service): logging.debug(">>") from gui.windowprofile import WindowProfile logging.debug("retrieving configuration data") #Refresh configuration self.configuration = self._parse_config_file(self.config_file) if self.profilewindow is None: self.profilewindow = WindowProfile( sport_service, self.data_path, self, pytrainer_main=self.pytrainer_main) logging.debug("setting data values") self.profilewindow.setValues(self.configuration) self.profilewindow = None else: self.profilewindow.setValues(self.configuration) self.profilewindow.present() self.configuration = self._parse_config_file(self.config_file) logging.debug("<<")
def editProfile(self, sport_service): logging.debug(">>") from gui.windowprofile import WindowProfile logging.debug("retrieving configuration data") #Refresh configuration self.configuration = self._parse_config_file(self.config_file) if self.profilewindow is None: self.profilewindow = WindowProfile(sport_service, self.data_path, self, pytrainer_main=self.pytrainer_main) logging.debug("setting data values") self.profilewindow.setValues(self.configuration) self.profilewindow = None else: self.profilewindow.setValues(self.configuration) self.profilewindow.present() self.configuration = self._parse_config_file(self.config_file) logging.debug("<<")
class pyTrainer: def __init__(self, filename=None, data_path=None): # Based on Django's approach -> self.version = __import__('pytrainer').get_version() #Process command line options self.startup_options = self.get_options() #Setup logging self.environment = Environment(self.startup_options.conf_dir, data_path) self.environment.create_directories() self.environment.clear_temp_dir() self.set_logging(self.startup_options.log_level, self.startup_options.log_type) logging.debug('>>')"pytrainer version %s" % (self.version)) self.data_path = data_path # Checking profile logging.debug('Checking configuration and profile...') self.profile = Profile() # Write the default config to disk self.profile.saveProfile() self.uc = UC() self.profilewindow = None self.ddbb = DDBB(self.profile.sqlalchemy_url) logging.debug('connecting to DDBB') self.ddbb.connect()'Checking if some upgrade action is needed...') initialize_data(self.ddbb, self.environment.conf_dir) # Loading shared services logging.debug('Loading sport service...') self._sport_service = SportService(self.ddbb) logging.debug('Loading record service...') self.record = Record(self._sport_service, data_path, self) logging.debug('Loading athlete service...') self.athlete = Athlete(data_path, self) logging.debug('Loading stats service...') self.stats = Stats(self) logging.debug('Initializing activity pool...') pool_size = self.profile.getIntValue("pytraining", "activitypool_size", default=1) self.activitypool = ActivityService(self, size=pool_size) #Loading main window self.windowmain = None logging.debug('Loading main window...') self.windowmain = Main(self._sport_service, data_path, self, self.version, gpxDir=self.profile.gpxdir) # Select initial date depending on user's preference self.selectInitialDate() logging.debug('Loading waypoint service...') self.waypoint = WaypointService(data_path, self) logging.debug('Loading extension service...') self.extension = Extension(data_path, self) logging.debug('Loading plugins service...') self.plugins = Plugins(data_path, self) self.importdata = Importdata(self._sport_service, data_path, self, self.profile) logging.debug('Loading plugins...') self.loadPlugins() logging.debug('Loading extensions...') self.loadExtensions() logging.debug('Setting values for graphs, maps and waypoint editor...') self.windowmain.setup() self.windowmain.on_calendar_selected(None) logging.debug('Refreshing sport list... is this needed?') self.refreshMainSportList() logging.debug('Launching main window...') logging.debug('<<') def get_options(self): ''' Define usage and accepted options for command line startup returns: options - dict with option: value pairs ''' usage = '''usage: %prog [options] For more help on valid options try: %prog -h ''' parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.set_defaults(log_level=logging.WARNING, validate=False, equip=False, newgraph=True, conf_dir=None, log_type="file") parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_const", const=logging.DEBUG, dest="log_level", help="enable logging at debug level") parser.add_option("-i", "--info", action="store_const", const=logging.INFO, dest="log_level", help="enable logging at info level") parser.add_option("-w", "--warn", action="store_const", const=logging.WARNING, dest="log_level", help="enable logging at warning level") parser.add_option("--error", action="store_const", const=logging.ERROR, dest="log_level", help="enable logging at error level") parser.add_option( "--valid", action="store_true", dest="validate", help= "enable validation of files imported by plugins (details at info or debug logging level) - note plugin must support validation" ) parser.add_option("--oldgraph", action="store_false", dest="newgraph", help="Turn off new graphing approach") parser.add_option( "--newgraph", action="store_true", dest="newgraph", help="Deprecated Option: Turn on new graphing approach") parser.add_option( "--confdir", dest="conf_dir", help= "Specify the directory where application configuration will be stored." ) parser.add_option( "--logtype", dest="log_type", metavar="TYPE", type="choice", choices=["file", "console"], help= "Specify where logging should be output to. TYPE is one of 'file' (default), or 'console'." ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() return options def set_logging(self, level, log_type): '''Setup rotating log file with customized format''' if ("console" == log_type): handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) else: handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler( self.environment.log_file, maxBytes=100000, backupCount=5) formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s|%(levelname)s|%(module)s|%(funcName)s|%(message)s') handler.setFormatter(formatter) logging.getLogger('').addHandler(handler) self.set_logging_level(self.startup_options.log_level) def set_logging_level(self, level): '''Set level of information written to log''' logging.debug("Setting logger to level: " + str(level)) logging.getLogger('').setLevel(level) logging.getLogger('sqlalchemy.engine').setLevel(level) def quit(self): logging.debug('--')"Exit!") #self.webservice.stop() self.windowmain.gtk_main_quit() logging.shutdown() sys.exit( ) # Any nonzero value is considered "abnormal termination" by shells and the like def selectInitialDate(self): logging.debug('>>') # self.windowmain.calendar comes from SimpleGladeApp initialisation, not really sure how... :? = Date(self.windowmain.calendar) if self.profile.getValue("pytraining", "prf_startscreen") == "last_entry": "User selection is to display last entry in start screen") last_entry_date = self.record.getLastRecordDateString() try:"Last activity found on %s" % last_entry_date) except: logging.error( "No data available regarding last activity date. Default date will be today" ) logging.debug("Traceback: %s" % traceback.format_exc()) else: "User selection is to display current day in start screen") logging.debug('Setting date to %s' %"%Y-%m-%d")) logging.debug('<<') def loadPlugins(self): logging.debug('>>') activeplugins = self.plugins.getActivePlugins() if (len(activeplugins) < 1):"No active plugins") else: for plugin in activeplugins: # From version 1.10 on all file imports are managed via File -> import wizard # Only showing garmintools_full and garmin-hr in 'File' dropdown plugin_name = os.path.basename(plugin) if (plugin_name == "garmintools_full" or plugin_name == "garmin-hr"): txtbutton = self.plugins.loadPlugin(plugin) self.windowmain.addImportPlugin(txtbutton) else: logging.debug( 'From version 1.10 on, file import plugins are managed via File -> Import. Not displaying plugin ' + plugin_name) logging.debug('<<') def loadExtensions(self): logging.debug('>>') activeextensions = self.extension.getActiveExtensions() if (len(activeextensions) < 1):"No active extensions") else: for extension in activeextensions: txtbutton = self.extension.loadExtension(extension) self.windowmain.addExtension(txtbutton) logging.debug('<<') def runPlugin(self, widget, pathPlugin): logging.debug('>>') self.pluginClass = self.plugins.importClass(pathPlugin) pluginFiles = if pluginFiles is not None: logging.debug("Plugin returned %d files" % (len(pluginFiles))) #process returned GPX files for (pluginFile, sport) in pluginFiles: if os.path.isfile(pluginFile):'File exists. Size: %d. Sport: %s' % (os.path.getsize(pluginFile), sport)) if self.record.importFromGPX(pluginFile, sport) is None: logging.error("Error importing file " + pluginFile) else: logging.error('File ' + pluginFile + ' not valid') else: logging.debug("No files returned from Plugin") self.refreshListRecords() self.refreshGraphView("day") logging.debug('<<') def runExtension(self, extension, id): logging.debug('>>') #print("Extension id: %s" % str(id)) activity = self.activitypool.get_activity(id) txtbutton, pathExtension, type = extension self.extensionClass = self.extension.importClass(pathExtension), activity) #if type == "record": # #Si es record le tenemos que crear el googlemaps, el gpx y darle el id de la bbdd # alert = self.extension.runExtension(pathExtension,id) logging.debug('<<') def refreshMainSportList(self): logging.debug('>>') sports = self._sport_service.get_all_sports() self.windowmain.updateSportList(sports) logging.debug('<<') def refreshGraphView(self, view, sport=None): logging.debug('>>') if self.windowmain is None: logging.debug("First call to refreshGraphView") logging.debug('<<') return date_selected = if view == "record": logging.debug('record view') if self.windowmain.recordview.get_current_page() == 0: self.refreshRecordGraphView("info") elif self.windowmain.recordview.get_current_page() == 1: self.refreshRecordGraphView("graphs") elif self.windowmain.recordview.get_current_page() == 2: self.refreshRecordGraphView("map") elif self.windowmain.recordview.get_current_page() == 3: self.refreshRecordGraphView("heartrate") elif self.windowmain.recordview.get_current_page() == 4: self.refreshRecordGraphView("analytics") elif view == "day": logging.debug('day view') self.windowmain.actualize_dayview(date_selected) elif view == "week": logging.debug('week view') date_range = DateRange.for_week_containing(date_selected) self.windowmain.actualize_weekview(date_range) elif view == "month": logging.debug('month view') date_range = DateRange.for_month_containing(date_selected) nameMonth, daysInMonth = getNameMonth(date_selected) self.windowmain.actualize_monthview(date_range, nameMonth, daysInMonth) elif view == "year": logging.debug('year view') date_range = DateRange.for_year_containing(date_selected) self.windowmain.actualize_yearview(date_range, date_selected.year) elif view == "listview": logging.debug('list view') self.refreshListView() elif view == "athlete": logging.debug('athlete view') self.windowmain.on_athleteview_activate() elif view == "stats": logging.debug('stats view') self.windowmain.on_statsview_activate() else: print "Unknown view %s" % view logging.debug('<<') def refreshRecordGraphView(self, view, id_record=None): logging.debug('>>')'Working on ' + view + ' graph') if id_record is not None: #Refresh called for a specific record #Select correct record in treeview model = self.windowmain.recordTreeView.get_model() #Loop through all records in treeview looking for the correct one to highlight for i, row in enumerate(model): if row[0] == id_record: self.windowmain.recordTreeView.set_cursor(i) else: selected, iter = self.windowmain.recordTreeView.get_selection( ).get_selected() if iter: id_record = selected.get_value(iter, 0) else: id_record = None view = "info" activity = self.activitypool.get_activity(id_record) if view == "info": self.windowmain.actualize_recordview(activity) if view == "graphs": self.windowmain.actualize_recordgraph(activity) if view == "map": self.refreshMapView() if view == "heartrate": self.windowmain.actualize_heartrategraph(activity) self.windowmain.actualize_hrview(activity) if view == "analytics": self.windowmain.actualize_analytics(activity) logging.debug('<<') def refreshMapView(self, full_screen=False): logging.debug('>>') if self.windowmain is None: logging.debug('Called before windowmain initialisation') logging.debug('<<') return selected, iter = self.windowmain.recordTreeView.get_selection( ).get_selected() id_record = selected.get_value(iter, 0) activity = self.activitypool.get_activity(id_record) logging.debug('Trying to show map for record ' + str(id_record)) self.windowmain.actualize_map(activity, full_screen) logging.debug('<<') def refreshListRecords(self): logging.debug('>>') #Refresh list records date = if self.windowmain.activeSport: sport = self._sport_service.get_sport_by_name( self.windowmain.activeSport) else: sport = None self.windowmain.actualize_recordTreeView(date) #Mark the monthly calendar to show which days have activity? record_list = self.record.getRecordDayList(date, sport) self.windowmain.actualize_calendar(record_list) logging.debug('<<') def refreshAthleteView(self): logging.debug('>>') self.athlete.refresh() self.windowmain.actualize_athleteview(self.athlete) logging.debug('<<') def refreshStatsView(self): logging.debug('>>') self.stats.refresh() self.windowmain.actualize_statsview( self.stats, self.activitypool.get_all_activities()) logging.debug('<<') def refreshListView(self, condition=None): logging.debug('>>') record_list = self.record.getRecordListByCondition(condition) self.windowmain.actualize_listview(record_list) logging.debug('<<') def refreshWaypointView(self, default_waypoint=None, redrawmap=1): logging.debug('>>') waypoint_list = self.waypoint.getAllWaypoints() self.windowmain.actualize_waypointview(waypoint_list, default_waypoint, redrawmap) logging.debug('<<') def editExtensions(self): logging.debug('>>') before = self.extension.getActiveExtensions() self.extension.manageExtensions() after = self.extension.getActiveExtensions() self.setExtensions(before, after) logging.debug('<<') def importData(self): logging.debug('>>') activeplugins_before = self.plugins.getActivePlugins() self.importdata.runImportdata() activeplugins_after = self.plugins.getActivePlugins() #Need to check for plugins that have been disabled (were active and now are not) self.setMenuPlugins(activeplugins_before, activeplugins_after) self.refreshListRecords() self.refreshGraphView(self.windowmain.selected_view) logging.debug('<<') def editGpsPlugins(self): logging.debug('>>') activeplugins_before = self.plugins.getActivePlugins() self.plugins.managePlugins() activeplugins_after = self.plugins.getActivePlugins() #Need to check for plugins that have been disabled (were active and now are not) self.setMenuPlugins(activeplugins_before, activeplugins_after) logging.debug('<<') def setMenuPlugins(self, activeplugins_before, activeplugins_after): logging.debug('>>') #Need to check for plugins that have been disabled (were active and now are not) for plugin in activeplugins_before: if plugin not in activeplugins_after: #disabled plugin -> need to unload plugin txtbutton = self.plugins.loadPlugin(plugin) self.windowmain.removeImportPlugin(txtbutton) #Need to check for plugins that have been enabled (were not active and now are) for plugin in activeplugins_after: if plugin not in activeplugins_before: #new active plugin -> need to load plugin plugin_name = os.path.basename(plugin) if (plugin_name == "garmintools_full" or plugin_name == "garmin-hr"): txtbutton = self.plugins.loadPlugin(plugin) self.windowmain.addImportPlugin(txtbutton) else: logging.debug( 'From version 1.10 on file import plugins are managed via File -> Import. Not displaying plugin ' + plugin_name) logging.debug('<<') def setExtensions(self, before, after): logging.debug('>>') #Need to check for extensions that have been disabled (were active and now are not) for extension in before: if extension not in after: #disabled extension -> need to unload extension print "Need to disable extension %s " % extension txtbutton = self.extension.loadExtension(extension) self.windowmain.removeExtension(txtbutton) #Need to check for plugins that have been enabled (were not active and now are) for extension in after: if extension not in before: #new active extension -> need to load extension logging.debug("Enabling extension %s " % extension) txtbutton = self.extension.loadExtension(extension) self.windowmain.addExtension(txtbutton) logging.debug('<<') def newRecord(self, title=None, distance=None, time=None, upositive=None, unegative=None, bpm=None, calories=None, comment=None, view=None): logging.debug('>>') date = self.record.newRecord(date, title, distance, time, upositive, unegative, bpm, calories, comment) self.refreshListRecords() if view is not None: self.refreshGraphView(view) logging.debug('<<') def editRecord(self, id_record, view=None): logging.debug("Editing record with id: '%s'", id_record) self.record.editRecord(id_record) self.refreshListRecords() if view is not None: self.refreshGraphView(view) logging.debug('<<') def removeRecord(self, id_record, confirm=False, view=None): logging.debug('>>') if confirm: activity = self.activitypool.get_activity(id_record) self.activitypool.remove_activity_from_db(activity) else: msg = _("Delete this database entry?") params = [id_record, True] warning = Warning(self.data_path, self.removeRecord, params) warning.set_text(msg) self.refreshListRecords() if view is not None: self.refreshGraphView(view) logging.debug('<<') def removeWaypoint(self, id_waypoint, confirm=False): logging.debug('>>') if confirm: self.waypoint.removeWaypoint(id_waypoint) self.refreshWaypointView() else: msg = _("Delete this waypoint?") params = [id_waypoint, True] warning = Warning(self.data_path, self.removeWaypoint, params) warning.set_text(msg) logging.debug('<<') def updateWaypoint(self, id_waypoint, lat, lon, name, desc, sym): logging.debug('>>') self.waypoint.updateWaypoint(id_waypoint, lat, lon, name, desc, sym) self.refreshWaypointView(id_waypoint) logging.debug('<<') def exportCsv(self): logging.debug('>>') from save import Save save = Save(self.data_path, self.record) logging.debug('<<') def editProfile(self): logging.debug('>>') from gui.windowprofile import WindowProfile self.profile.refreshConfiguration() if self.profilewindow is None: self.profilewindow = WindowProfile(self._sport_service, self.data_path, self.profile, pytrainer_main=self) logging.debug("setting data values") self.profilewindow.setValues(self.profile.configuration) self.profilewindow = None else: self.profilewindow.setValues(self.profile.configuration) self.profilewindow.present() self.profile.refreshConfiguration() self.activitypool.clear_pool() self.windowmain.setup() logging.debug('<<')
class Profile: def __init__(self, environment, data_path=None, parent=None): logging.debug(">>") self.environment = environment self.pytrainer_main = parent self.data_path = data_path self.xml_tree = None self.tmpdir = environment.temp_dir self.confdir = environment.conf_dir self.conffile = environment.conf_file self.gpxdir = environment.gpx_dir self.extensiondir = environment.extension_dir self.plugindir = environment.plugin_dir self.uc = UC() self.profilewindow = None environment.clear_temp_dir() #Profile Options and Defaults self.profile_options = { "prf_name": "default", "prf_gender": "", "prf_weight": "", "prf_height": "", "prf_age": "", "prf_ddbb": "sqlite", "prf_ddbbhost": "", "prf_ddbbname": "", "prf_ddbbuser": "", "prf_ddbbpass": "", "version": "0.0", "prf_us_system": "False", "prf_hrzones_karvonen": "False", "prf_maxhr": "", "prf_minhr": "", "auto_launch_file_selection": "False", "import_default_tab": "0", "default_viewer": "0", "window_size": "800, 640", "activitypool_size": "10", } #Parse pytrainer configuration file self.config_file = environment.conf_file self.configuration = self._parse_config_file(self.config_file) logging.debug("Configuration retrieved: " + str(self.configuration)) #self.pytrainer_main.ddbb = DDBB(self, pytrainer_main=self.pytrainer_main) self.uc.set_us(self.prf_us_system) self._setZones() logging.debug("<<") def _setZones(self): #maxhr = self.getValue("pytraining","prf_maxhr") #resthr = self.getValue("pytraining","prf_minhr") try: maxhr = int(self.getValue("pytraining", "prf_maxhr")) except Exception as e: logging.error("Failed when retrieving Max Heartrate value: %s" % e)"Setting Max Heartrate to default value: 190") maxhr = 190 try: resthr = int(self.getValue("pytraining", "prf_minhr")) except Exception as e: logging.error("Failed when retrieving Min Heartrate value: %s" % e)"Setting Min Heartrate to default value: 65") resthr = 65 self.maxhr = maxhr self.rethr = resthr if self.getValue("pytraining", "prf_hrzones_karvonen") == "True": #karvonen method targethr1 = ((maxhr - resthr) * 0.50) + resthr targethr2 = ((maxhr - resthr) * 0.60) + resthr targethr3 = ((maxhr - resthr) * 0.70) + resthr targethr4 = ((maxhr - resthr) * 0.80) + resthr targethr5 = ((maxhr - resthr) * 0.90) + resthr targethr6 = maxhr else: #not karvonen method targethr1 = maxhr * 0.50 targethr2 = maxhr * 0.60 targethr3 = maxhr * 0.70 targethr4 = maxhr * 0.80 targethr5 = maxhr * 0.90 targethr6 = maxhr self.zone1 = (targethr1, targethr2, "#ffff99", _("Moderate activity")) self.zone2 = (targethr2, targethr3, "#ffcc00", _("Weight Control")) self.zone3 = (targethr3, targethr4, "#ff9900", _("Aerobic")) self.zone4 = (targethr4, targethr5, "#ff6600", _("Anaerobic")) self.zone5 = (targethr5, targethr6, "#ff0000", _("VO2 MAX")) def getMaxHR(self): return self.maxhr def getRestHR(self): return self.resthr def getZones(self): return self.zone5, self.zone4, self.zone3, self.zone2, self.zone1 def getConfFile(self): if not os.path.isfile(self.conffile): return False else: return self.conffile def _parse_config_file(self, config_file): ''' Parse the xml configuration file and convert to a dict returns: dict with option as key ''' if config_file is None: logging.error("Configuration file value not set") logging.error("Fatal error, exiting") exit(-3) if not os.path.isfile(config_file): #File not found logging.error("Configuration '%s' file does not exist" % config_file)"No profile found. Creating default one") self.setProfile(self.profile_options) if os.stat(config_file)[stat.ST_SIZE] == 0: #File is empty logging.error("Configuration '%s' file is empty" % config_file)"Creating default profile") self.setProfile(self.profile_options) logging.debug("Attempting to parse content from " + config_file) try: parser = etree.XMLParser(encoding='UTF8', recover=True) self.xml_tree = etree.parse(config_file, parser=parser) #Have a populated xml tree, get pytraining node (root) and convert it to a dict pytraining_tag = self.xml_tree.getroot() config = {} config_needs_update = False for key, default in self.profile_options.items(): value = pytraining_tag.get(key) #If property is not found, set it to the default if value is None: config_needs_update = True value = default config[key] = value #Added a property, so update config if config_needs_update: self.setProfile(config) #Set shorthand var for units of measurement self.prf_us_system = True if config[ "prf_us_system"] == "True" else False return config except Exception as e: logging.error("Error parsing file: %s. Exiting" % config_file) logging.error(str(e)) logging.error("Fatal error, exiting") exit(-3) def getIntValue(self, tag, variable, default=0): ''' Function to return conf value as int returns -- default if cannot convert to int -- None if variable not found ''' result = self.getValue(tag, variable) if result is None: return None try: result = int(result) except Exception as e: logging.debug(str(e)) result = default return result def getValue(self, tag, variable): if tag != "pytraining": print "ERROR - pytraining is the only profile tag supported" return None elif not self.configuration.has_key(variable): return None return self.configuration[variable] def setValue(self, tag, variable, value, delay_write=False): logging.debug(">>") if tag != "pytraining": print "ERROR - pytraining is the only profile tag supported" logging.debug("Setting %s to %s" % (variable, value)) if self.xml_tree is None: #new config file.... self.xml_tree = etree.parse( StringIO( '''<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><pytraining />''') ) self.xml_tree.getroot().set(variable, value.decode('utf-8')) if not delay_write: logging.debug("Writting...") self.xml_tree.write(self.config_file, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8') logging.debug("<<") def setProfile(self, list_options): logging.debug(">>") for option, value in list_options.items(): logging.debug("Adding " + option + "|" + value) self.setValue("pytraining", option, value, delay_write=True) self.xml_tree.write(self.config_file, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8') self.uc.set_us(list_options['prf_us_system']) logging.debug("<<") def editProfile(self, sport_service): logging.debug(">>") from gui.windowprofile import WindowProfile logging.debug("retrieving configuration data") #Refresh configuration self.configuration = self._parse_config_file(self.config_file) if self.profilewindow is None: self.profilewindow = WindowProfile( sport_service, self.data_path, self, pytrainer_main=self.pytrainer_main) logging.debug("setting data values") self.profilewindow.setValues(self.configuration) self.profilewindow = None else: self.profilewindow.setValues(self.configuration) self.profilewindow.present() self.configuration = self._parse_config_file(self.config_file) logging.debug("<<") def actualize_mainsportlist(self): logging.debug("--") self.pytrainer_main.refreshMainSportList()
class Profile: def __init__(self, environment, data_path = None, parent = None): logging.debug(">>") self.environment = environment self.pytrainer_main = parent self.data_path = data_path self.xml_tree = None self.tmpdir = environment.temp_dir self.confdir = environment.conf_dir self.conffile = environment.conf_file self.gpxdir = environment.gpx_dir self.extensiondir = environment.extension_dir self.plugindir = environment.plugin_dir self.uc = UC() self.profilewindow = None environment.clear_temp_dir() #Profile Options and Defaults self.profile_options = { "prf_name":"default", "prf_gender":"", "prf_weight":"", "prf_height":"", "prf_age":"", "prf_ddbb":"sqlite", "prf_ddbbhost":"", "prf_ddbbname":"", "prf_ddbbuser":"", "prf_ddbbpass":"", "version":"0.0", "prf_us_system":"False", "prf_hrzones_karvonen":"False", "prf_maxhr":"", "prf_minhr":"", "auto_launch_file_selection":"False", "import_default_tab":"0", "default_viewer":"0", "window_size":"800, 640", "activitypool_size": "10", } #Parse pytrainer configuration file self.config_file = environment.conf_file self.configuration = self._parse_config_file(self.config_file) logging.debug("Configuration retrieved: "+str(self.configuration)) #self.pytrainer_main.ddbb = DDBB(self, pytrainer_main=self.pytrainer_main) self.uc.set_us(self.prf_us_system) self._setZones() logging.debug("<<") def _setZones(self): #maxhr = self.getValue("pytraining","prf_maxhr") #resthr = self.getValue("pytraining","prf_minhr") try: maxhr = int(self.getValue("pytraining","prf_maxhr")) except Exception as e: logging.error("Failed when retrieving Max Heartrate value: %s" %e)"Setting Max Heartrate to default value: 190") maxhr = 190 try: resthr = int(self.getValue("pytraining","prf_minhr")) except Exception as e: logging.error("Failed when retrieving Min Heartrate value: %s" %e)"Setting Min Heartrate to default value: 65") resthr = 65 self.maxhr = maxhr self.rethr = resthr if self.getValue("pytraining","prf_hrzones_karvonen")=="True": #karvonen method targethr1 = ((maxhr - resthr) * 0.50) + resthr targethr2 = ((maxhr - resthr) * 0.60) + resthr targethr3 = ((maxhr - resthr) * 0.70) + resthr targethr4 = ((maxhr - resthr) * 0.80) + resthr targethr5 = ((maxhr - resthr) * 0.90) + resthr targethr6 = maxhr else: #not karvonen method targethr1 = maxhr * 0.50 targethr2 = maxhr * 0.60 targethr3 = maxhr * 0.70 targethr4 = maxhr * 0.80 targethr5 = maxhr * 0.90 targethr6 = maxhr self.zone1 = (targethr1,targethr2,"#ffff99",_("Moderate activity")) self.zone2 = (targethr2,targethr3,"#ffcc00",_("Weight Control")) self.zone3 = (targethr3,targethr4,"#ff9900",_("Aerobic")) self.zone4 = (targethr4,targethr5,"#ff6600",_("Anaerobic")) self.zone5 = (targethr5,targethr6,"#ff0000",_("VO2 MAX")) def getMaxHR(self): return self.maxhr def getRestHR(self): return self.resthr def getZones(self): return self.zone5,self.zone4,self.zone3,self.zone2,self.zone1 def getConfFile(self): if not os.path.isfile(self.conffile): return False else: return self.conffile def _parse_config_file(self, config_file): ''' Parse the xml configuration file and convert to a dict returns: dict with option as key ''' if config_file is None: logging.error("Configuration file value not set") logging.error("Fatal error, exiting") exit(-3) if not os.path.isfile(config_file): #File not found logging.error("Configuration '%s' file does not exist" % config_file)"No profile found. Creating default one") self.setProfile(self.profile_options) if os.stat(config_file)[stat.ST_SIZE] == 0: #File is empty logging.error("Configuration '%s' file is empty" % config_file)"Creating default profile") self.setProfile(self.profile_options) logging.debug("Attempting to parse content from "+ config_file) try: parser = etree.XMLParser(encoding='UTF8', recover=True) self.xml_tree = etree.parse(config_file, parser=parser) #Have a populated xml tree, get pytraining node (root) and convert it to a dict pytraining_tag = self.xml_tree.getroot() config = {} config_needs_update = False for key, default in self.profile_options.items(): value = pytraining_tag.get(key) #If property is not found, set it to the default if value is None: config_needs_update = True value = default config[key] = value #Added a property, so update config if config_needs_update: self.setProfile(config) #Set shorthand var for units of measurement self.prf_us_system = True if config["prf_us_system"] == "True" else False return config except Exception as e: logging.error("Error parsing file: %s. Exiting" % config_file) logging.error(str(e)) logging.error("Fatal error, exiting") exit(-3) def getIntValue(self, tag, variable, default=0): ''' Function to return conf value as int returns -- default if cannot convert to int -- None if variable not found ''' result = self.getValue(tag, variable) if result is None: return None try: result = int(result) except Exception as e: logging.debug(str(e)) result = default return result def getValue(self, tag, variable): if tag != "pytraining": print "ERROR - pytraining is the only profile tag supported" return None elif not self.configuration.has_key(variable): return None return self.configuration[variable] def setValue(self, tag, variable, value, delay_write=False): logging.debug(">>") if tag != "pytraining": print "ERROR - pytraining is the only profile tag supported" logging.debug("Setting %s to %s" % (variable, value)) if self.xml_tree is None: #new config file.... self.xml_tree = etree.parse(StringIO('''<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><pytraining />''')) self.xml_tree.getroot().set(variable, value.decode('utf-8')) if not delay_write: logging.debug("Writting...") self.xml_tree.write(self.config_file, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8') logging.debug("<<") def setProfile(self,list_options): logging.debug(">>") for option, value in list_options.items(): logging.debug("Adding "+option+"|"+value) self.setValue("pytraining",option,value,delay_write=True) self.xml_tree.write(self.config_file, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8') self.uc.set_us(list_options['prf_us_system']) logging.debug("<<") def editProfile(self, sport_service): logging.debug(">>") from gui.windowprofile import WindowProfile logging.debug("retrieving configuration data") #Refresh configuration self.configuration = self._parse_config_file(self.config_file) if self.profilewindow is None: self.profilewindow = WindowProfile(sport_service, self.data_path, self, pytrainer_main=self.pytrainer_main) logging.debug("setting data values") self.profilewindow.setValues(self.configuration) self.profilewindow = None else: self.profilewindow.setValues(self.configuration) self.profilewindow.present() self.configuration = self._parse_config_file(self.config_file) logging.debug("<<") def actualize_mainsportlist(self): logging.debug("--") self.pytrainer_main.refreshMainSportList()