def build_window(res): "Create a gui2py window based on the python resource" # windows specs (parameters) kwargs = dict(res.items()) wintype = kwargs.pop('type') menubar = kwargs.pop('menubar', None) components = kwargs.pop('components') panel = kwargs.pop('panel', {}) from gui import registry import gui winclass = registry.WINDOWS[wintype] win = winclass(**kwargs) # add an implicit panel by default (as pythoncard had) if False and panel is not None: panel['name'] = 'panel' p = gui.Panel(win, **panel) else: p = win if components: for comp in components: build_component(comp, parent=p) if menubar: mb = gui.MenuBar(name="menu", parent=win) for menu in menubar: build_component(menu, parent=mb) return win
# --- gui2py designer generated code starts --- with gui.Window(name='buscapadron', title=u'Aplicativo Facturaci\xf3n Electr\xf3nica', resizable=True, height='636px', left='181', top='52', width='794px', image=''): with gui.Panel( label=u'', name='panelbusqueda', image='', sizer_border=5, height='500', left='8', top='6', width='633', ): nTop = '10' with gui.Panel( label=u'Criterios de B\xfasqueda:', name='criterios', height='80', left='6', top=nTop, width='778', bgcolor=u'#F9F9F8', fgcolor=u'#4C4C4C',
# --- gui2py designer generated code starts --- with gui.Window(name='abmproductos', title=u'Aplicativo Facturaci\xf3n Electr\xf3nica', resizable=True, height='636px', left='181', top='52', width='794px', image=''): gui.StatusBar( name='statusbar_15_91', text=u'Servicio Web Factura Electr\xf3nica mercado interno (WSFEv1)', ) with gui.Panel(label=u'', name='ppal'): with gui.Panel( label=u'', name='record', image='', sizer_border=5, height='500', left='8', top='6', width='633', ): nTop = '10' gui.Label(name='lblID', text=u'Código de Producto:', width='96', top=nTop)
height='636px', left='181', top='52', width='794px', image='', ): with gui.MenuBar(name='menubar_83_155', ): with gui.Menu(name='menu_114', ): gui.MenuItemSeparator(name='menuitemseparator_130', ) gui.StatusBar( name='statusbar_15_91', text=u'Servicio Web Factura Electr\xf3nica mercado interno (WSFEv1)', ) with gui.Panel( label=u'', name='panel', image='', ): gui.Image( name='image_507_571', height='36', left='17', top='545', width='238', filename='sistemas-agiles.png', ) gui.Image( name='image_33_540', height='50', left='665', top='532',
self.wx_obj.SetLabel(new_text) label = InitSpec(_get_label, _set_label, doc="Title", type='string') # update metadata for the add context menu at the designer: Panel._meta.valid_children = [ctr for ctr in registry.CONTROLS.values() if ctr._image] # TODO: better filter Panel._meta.container = True if __name__ == "__main__": import sys # basic test until unit_test import gui app = wx.App(redirect=False) w = gui.Window(title="hello world", name="frmTest", tool_window=False, resizable=True, visible=False, pos=(180, 0)) p = gui.Panel(w, name="panel", label="hello!") b = gui.Button(p, name="test", label="click me!") from import InspectorTool InspectorTool().show(w) print wx.version() app.MainLoop()