def grid_size(): #user can select size of connect 4 grid while True: print("\t1 = SMALL(5x4)\t 2 = Default(7x6)\t3 = Large(9x8)\n") print ("\t4 = Return to Mode Menu\n") try: #try/except statement, prevents from python displaying error when excecuted g =int(input("Enter the number of the grid you wish to play with: ")) print(" ") if g == 1: #small connect 4 GUI grid g_gui = Grid_mode() g_gui.small_grid() gui = g_gui pause() main() elif g == 2: # standard 7x6 connect 4 GUI grid b_gui = GameGUI() b_gui.intialise_dynamic() gui = b_gui pause() main() elif g == 3: # large connect 4 GUI grid g_gui = Grid_mode() g_gui.large_grid() gui = g_gui pause() main() elif g == 4: modes_menu() #retruns to modes_menu else: print("") print("invalid menu option") grid_size() except ValueError: # if user enters a value/number the print statement displayed print("\nTry Again!!!")
def load_board(): #refrences the GUI of connect 4, however it also refereces the loading method. This is to load the game into the GUI. b_gui = GameGUI() b_gui.load = True; b_gui.intialise_dynamic() gui = b_gui
def plays(): # the play method which is is called by the game_menu b_gui = GameGUI() # assign the class of the standard Connect 4 game GUI to variable b_gui (creates new instance of class) b_gui.intialise_dynamic() # creating a method reference to the creation of the Connect 4 Grid GUI gui = b_gui # assigning the variable to the file