def multi_data_box(self): """ Creates a widget box for setting the data for multiple 'DataND' props and returns it. """ # Make a tab widget for holding data tabs tab_widget = MultiDataTabWidget() self.tab_widget = tab_widget # Create add button for tabs add_but = GW.QToolButton() add_but.setToolTip("Add additional data set") tab_widget.setCornerWidget(add_but, QC.Qt.TopRightCorner) # If this theme has an 'add' icon, use it if QG.QIcon.hasThemeIcon('add'): add_but.setIcon(QG.QIcon.fromTheme('add')) # Else, use a simple plus else: add_but.setText('+') # Connect tab widget signals get_modified_signal(add_but).connect(self.add_data_box) tab_widget.tabCloseRequested.connect(self.remove_data_box) # Add initial data box self.add_data_box() # Return box return (tab_widget, )
def add_entry(self): """ Adds a new entry to the entries box. """ # Create a combobox with the name of the entry name_box = self.get_entry_name_box() name_box.setToolTip("Select or type name for this entry") name_box.addItems(self.entry_types.keys()) set_box_value(name_box, -1) get_modified_signal(name_box).connect( lambda: self.create_value_box(name_box)) # Create a 'Delete'-button del_but = GW.QToolButton() del_but.setFixedSize(self.entry_height, self.entry_height) del_but.setToolTip("Delete this entry") get_modified_signal(del_but).connect( lambda: self.remove_entry(name_box)) # If this theme has a 'remove' icon, use it if QG.QIcon.hasThemeIcon('remove'): del_but.setIcon(QG.QIcon.fromTheme('remove')) # Else, use a standard icon else: del_but.setIcon( QW.QStyle.SP_DialogCloseButton)) # Add a new row to the grid layout next_row = self.entries_grid.getItemPosition( self.entries_grid.count() - 1)[0] + 1 self.entries_grid.addWidget(del_but, next_row, 0) self.entries_grid.addWidget(name_box, next_row, 1) self.entries_grid.addWidget(GW.QLabel(), next_row, 2)
def init(self): """ Sets up the entries box after it has been initialized. """ # Set the height of a single entry self.entry_height = 24 # Create empty dict of non-generic entry types self.entry_types = {} # Create empty dict of entry defaults self.entry_defaults = {} # Create empty set of banned entry names self.banned_names = sset() # Create the box_layout box_layout = GL.QVBoxLayout(self) box_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) # Create the entries_grid entries_grid = GL.QGridLayout() entries_grid.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) entries_grid.setColumnStretch(1, 1) entries_grid.setColumnStretch(2, 2) box_layout.addLayout(entries_grid) self.entries_grid = entries_grid # Add a header entries_grid.addWidget(GW.QLabel(""), 0, 0) entries_grid.addWidget(GW.QLabel("Entry name"), 0, 1) entries_grid.addWidget(GW.QLabel("Entry value"), 0, 2) # Add an 'Add'-button add_but = GW.QToolButton() add_but.setFixedSize(self.entry_height, self.entry_height) add_but.setToolTip("Add new entry") get_modified_signal(add_but).connect(self.add_entry) box_layout.addWidget(add_but) # If this theme has an 'add' icon, use it if QG.QIcon.hasThemeIcon('add'): add_but.setIcon(QG.QIcon.fromTheme('add')) # Else, use a simple plus else: add_but.setText('+') # Set size policy self.setSizePolicy(QW.QSizePolicy.Preferred, QW.QSizePolicy.Fixed) # Set a minimum width for the first column self.entries_grid.setColumnMinimumWidth(0, self.entry_height)
def create_plots_tab(self): # Create a tab tab = GW.BaseBox() get_modified_signal(tab).connect(self.enable_apply_button) # Create layout layout = GL.QFormLayout(tab) # PLOT # Create a plot picker layout plot_layout = GL.QHBoxLayout() layout.addRow(plot_layout) # Create a label plot_label = GW.QLabel("Plot") plot_label.setSizePolicy(QW.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QW.QSizePolicy.Fixed) plot_layout.addWidget(plot_label) # Create a combobox for choosing an existing plot plot_entries = GW.QComboBox() plot_entries.setToolTip("Select the plot entry you wish to edit") plot_layout.addWidget(plot_entries) get_modified_signal(plot_entries).disconnect(tab.modified) self.plot_entries = plot_entries # Add a toolbutton for adding a new plot entry add_but = GW.QToolButton() add_but.setToolTip("Add new plot entry") get_modified_signal(add_but).connect(self.add_entry) plot_layout.addWidget(add_but) # If this theme has an 'add' icon, use it if QG.QIcon.hasThemeIcon('add'): add_but.setIcon(QG.QIcon.fromTheme('add')) # Else, use a simple plus else: add_but.setText('+') # Add a separator layout.addSeparator() # Add a stacked widget here for dividing the plots plot_pages = GW.QStackedWidget() get_modified_signal(plot_entries, int).connect(plot_pages.setCurrentIndex) layout.addRow(plot_pages) self.plot_pages = plot_pages # Return tab return (tab, "Plots")
def create_entry_layout(self): # Create layout layout = GL.QFormLayout(self) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.layout = layout # Create a name editor layout name_layout = GL.QHBoxLayout() layout.addRow('Name', name_layout) # Create entry name editor name_box = GW.QLineEdit() name_box.setToolTip("Name of this plot entry") set_box_value(name_box, get_modified_signal(name_box).connect(self.entryNameChanged) name_layout.addWidget(name_box) get_modified_signal(name_box).disconnect(self.modified) self.name_box = name_box # Add a toolbutton for deleting this plot entry del_but = GW.QToolButton() del_but.setToolTip("Delete this plot entry") get_modified_signal(del_but).connect(self.entryRemoveRequested) name_layout.addWidget(del_but) # If this theme has a 'remove' icon, use it if QG.QIcon.hasThemeIcon('remove'): del_but.setIcon(QG.QIcon.fromTheme('remove')) # Else, use a standard icon else: del_but.setIcon( QW.QStyle.SP_DialogCloseButton)) # Create a combobox for choosing a plot type plot_types = GW.QComboBox() plot_types.addItems(PLOT_TYPES['2D']) plot_types.setToolTip("Select the plot type you wish to use for this " "plot entry") set_box_value(plot_types, -1) get_modified_signal(plot_types).connect(self.set_plot_type) layout.addRow('Type', plot_types) self.plot_types = plot_types # Add a separator layout.addSeparator() # Create a dummy entry to start off self.plot_entry = GW.QWidget() layout.addRow(self.plot_entry)
def init(self, item_type): """ Sets up the items box after it has been initialized. """ # Obtain the item_box if item_type is None: self.item_box = GW.LongGenericBox else: self.item_box = GW.type_box_dict.get(item_type, item_type) # Set the height of a single item self.entry_height = 24 # Create the box_layout box_layout = GL.QVBoxLayout(self) box_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) # Create the items_layout items_layout = GL.QVBoxLayout() items_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) box_layout.addLayout(items_layout) self.items_layout = items_layout # Add an 'Add'-button add_but = GW.QToolButton() add_but.setFixedSize(self.entry_height, self.entry_height) add_but.setToolTip("Add new item") get_modified_signal(add_but).connect(self.add_item) box_layout.addWidget(add_but) # If this theme has an 'add' icon, use it if QG.QIcon.hasThemeIcon('add'): add_but.setIcon(QG.QIcon.fromTheme('add')) # Else, use a simple plus else: add_but.setText('+') # Set size policy self.setSizePolicy(QW.QSizePolicy.Preferred, QW.QSizePolicy.Fixed)
def add_item(self): """ Adds a new item to the items box. """ # Create an item layout item_layout = GL.QHBoxLayout() item_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) # Create a generic box for this item item_box = self.item_box() item_box.setToolTip("Set value of this item") get_modified_signal(item_box).connect(self.modified) # Create a 'Delete'-button del_but = GW.QToolButton() del_but.setFixedSize(self.entry_height, self.entry_height) del_but.setToolTip("Delete this item") get_modified_signal(del_but).connect( lambda: self.remove_item(item_layout)) # If this theme has a 'remove' icon, use it if QG.QIcon.hasThemeIcon('remove'): del_but.setIcon(QG.QIcon.fromTheme('remove')) # Else, use a standard icon else: del_but.setIcon( QW.QStyle.SP_DialogCloseButton)) # Add a new row to the items layout item_layout.addWidget(del_but) item_layout.addWidget(item_box) self.items_layout.addLayout(item_layout) # Emit signal if item_box is not LongGenericBox if not isinstance(item_box, GW.LongGenericBox): self.modified.emit()
def init(self, import_func=None): # Create a layout layout = GL.QVBoxLayout(self) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) # Create a dimensions layout dimensions_layout = GL.QHBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(dimensions_layout) # Add a label to this layout dimensions_layout.addWidget(GW.QLabel('Dimensions: ')) # Create dual spinbox for setting n_rows and n_cols dimensions_box = GW.DualSpinBox((int, int), "X") dimensions_layout.addWidget(dimensions_box) n_rows_box, n_cols_box = dimensions_box[:] n_rows_box.setRange(0, 9999999) n_rows_box.setToolTip("Number of rows in this data table (max. %i)" % (n_rows_box.maximum())) n_cols_box.setRange(0, 702) n_cols_box.setToolTip( "Number of columns in this data table (max. %i)" % (n_cols_box.maximum())) self.dimensions_box = dimensions_box # Create a layout for applying or reverting the dimensions buttons_layout = GL.QHBoxLayout() buttons_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) buttons_layout.setSpacing(0) dimensions_layout.addLayout(buttons_layout) # If this theme has a 'cancel' icon, use it if QG.QIcon.hasThemeIcon('cancel'): rev_icon = QG.QIcon.fromTheme('cancel') # Else, use a standard icon else: rev_icon = QW.QStyle.SP_DialogCancelButton) # Create a revert toolbutton rev_but = GW.QToolButton() rev_but.setToolTip("Revert to current data table dimensions") rev_but.setIcon(rev_icon) get_modified_signal(rev_but).connect(self.revert_table_dimensions) buttons_layout.addWidget(rev_but) # If this theme has an 'apply' icon, use it if QG.QIcon.hasThemeIcon('apply'): app_icon = QG.QIcon.fromTheme('apply') # Else, use a standard icon else: app_icon = QW.QStyle.SP_DialogApplyButton) # Create an apply toolbutton app_but = GW.QToolButton() app_but.setToolTip("Apply new data table dimensions") app_but.setIcon(app_icon) get_modified_signal(app_but).connect(self.apply_table_dimensions) buttons_layout.addWidget(app_but) # Add a stretcher dimensions_layout.addStretch() # Create the DataTableView object self.view = DataTableView(self, import_func) # Set initial values of the spinboxes self.revert_table_dimensions() # Connect signals from data table view self.view.model().rowCountChanged.connect( lambda x: set_box_value(n_rows_box, x)) self.view.model().columnCountChanged.connect( lambda x: set_box_value(n_cols_box, x)) self.view.model().lastColumnRemoved.connect( lambda: n_rows_box.setEnabled(False)) self.view.model().firstColumnInserted.connect( lambda: n_rows_box.setEnabled(True)) # Add data_table to the layout layout.addWidget(self.view)