class RespirationCycleEdition(QDialog): """ """ def __init__( self, parent=None, metadata=None, Session=None, session=None, globalApplicationDict=None, id_respirationsignal=None, ): QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.metadata = metadata self.session = Session() self.globalApplicationDict = globalApplicationDict self.id_respirationsignal = id_respirationsignal self.respiration = self.session.query(RespirationSignal).filter_by( id=id_respirationsignal).one() #FIXME: do not work: self.setModal(False) self.setWindowModality(Qt.NonModal) self.setWindowTitle('OpenElectrophy respiration for %d' % ( self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(':/respiration.png')) self.mainLayout = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(self.mainLayout) h = QHBoxLayout() self.mainLayout.addLayout(h) c = SimpleCanvasAndTool() h.addWidget(c, 3) self.canvas = c.canvas = self.canvas.fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) v = QVBoxLayout() h.addLayout(v, 2) but = QPushButton(QIcon(':/TODO.txt'), 'Auto detect') v.addWidget(but) self.connect(but, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.newDetection) v.addSpacing(20) v.addWidget(QLabel('<b>Repiratory cycles</b>')) self.table = QTreeWidget() #~ self.table.setMinimumWidth(100) #~ self.table.setColumnWidth(0,80) v.addWidget(self.table) self.table.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) self.connect(self.table, SIGNAL('itemSelectionChanged()'), self.newSelectionInTable) self.table.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.connect(self.table, SIGNAL('customContextMenuRequested( const QPoint &)'), self.contextMenuTable) self.mainLayout.addSpacing(20) buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox() but = QPushButton(QIcon(':/document-save.png'), 'Save to DB') buttonBox.addButton(but, QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) self.connect(but, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.save_to_db) but = QPushButton(QIcon(':/reload.png'), 'Reload from DB') buttonBox.addButton(but, QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) self.connect(but, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.reload_from_db) but = QPushButton(QIcon(':/window-close.png'), 'Quit') buttonBox.addButton(but, QDialogButtonBox.RejectRole) self.connect(but, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.close) self.mainLayout.addWidget(buttonBox) if self.respiration.cycle_times is None: self.cycle_times = None else: self.cycle_times = self.respiration.cycle_times self.vlines = {} self.baseline = 0. self.refreshPlot() self.refreshTable() self.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', self.onPick) self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.releaseEvent) self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.motionEvent) #~ self.picked = None #~ self.lineSelection = None self.session.expunge_all() def refreshPlot(self, with_same_zoom=False): if with_same_zoom: if self.canvas.toolbar._views.empty(): self.canvas.toolbar.push_current() #~ self.canvas.toolbar.push_current() xlim = ylim = t = self.respiration.t() sig = self.respiration.signal, sig, 'b') if self.cycle_times is not None: self.vlines = {} cmap = get_cmap('jet', self.cycle_times.shape[0]) for i in range(self.cycle_times.shape[0]): for j in range(self.cycle_times.shape[1]): if j == 0: ls = '-' else: ls = '--' line =[i, j], color=cmap(i), linestyle=ls, picker=3, linewidth=1.5) self.vlines[line] = (i, j), color='k', linewidth=2) self.lineSelection = None self.picked = None if with_same_zoom: self.canvas.toolbar.push_current() self.canvas.draw() def refreshTable(self): self.table.clear() ct = self.cycle_times if ct is None: return self.table.setColumnCount(ct.shape[1]) self.table.setHeaderLabels( ['%d/%d' % (j, ct.shape[1]) for j in range(ct.shape[1])]) cmap = get_cmap('jet', self.cycle_times.shape[0]) for i in range(ct.shape[0]): item = QTreeWidgetItem( ["%f" % ct[i, j] for j in range(ct.shape[1])]) pix = QPixmap(10, 10) r, g, b = ColorConverter().to_rgb(cmap(i)) pix.fill(QColor(r * 255, g * 255, b * 255)) icon = QIcon(pix) item.setIcon(0, icon) self.table.addTopLevelItem(item) self.table.setColumnWidth(0, 100) def onPick(self, event): thisline = event.artist mouseevent = event.mouseevent if event.artist in self.vlines: self.picked = event.artist def releaseEvent(self, event): if self.picked is None: return i, j = self.vlines[self.picked] x = self.picked.get_xdata() # fixme ??????? if x.size >= 2: x = x[0] if x == numpy.array(None): # out self.picked.set_xdata(self.cycle_times[i, j]) self.canvas.draw() self.picked = None return # test if between neightbours ct = self.cycle_times.copy() ct[i, j] = x ct = ct.reshape(ct.size) ct = ct[~numpy.isnan(ct)] if numpy.any(numpy.diff(ct) < 0): self.picked.set_xdata(self.cycle_times[i, j]) else: self.cycle_times[i, j] = x self.refreshTable() self.canvas.draw() self.colorSelected(i, j) self.picked = None def motionEvent(self, event): if self.picked is None: return self.picked.set_xdata(event.xdata) i, j = self.vlines[self.picked] if self.lineSelection is not None: self.lineSelection.set_xdata(event.xdata) self.canvas.draw() def colorSelected(self, i, j): if i is None: if self.lineSelection is not None: self.lineSelection = None else: if self.lineSelection is None: self.lineSelection =[i, j], color='m', alpha=.4, linewidth=5, picker=False) else: self.lineSelection.set_xdata(self.cycle_times[i, j]) # change select in table self.disconnect(self.table, SIGNAL('itemSelectionChanged()'), self.newSelectionInTable) flags = QItemSelectionModel.Select | QItemSelectionModel.Rows itemsSelection = QItemSelection() index = self.table.model().index(i, 0, QModelIndex()) ir = QItemSelectionRange(index) itemsSelection.append(ir) self.table.selectionModel().select(itemsSelection, flags) # set selection visible index = self.table.model().index(i, 0, QModelIndex()) item = self.table.itemFromIndex(index) self.table.scrollToItem(item) self.connect(self.table, SIGNAL('itemSelectionChanged()'), self.newSelectionInTable) self.canvas.draw() ## highlight selection def newSelectionInTable(self): ind = [] for index in self.table.selectedIndexes(): if index.column() == 0: ind.append(index.row()) if len(ind) >= 1: self.colorSelected(ind[0], 0) else: self.colorSelected(None, None) ## compute new one def newDetection(self): dia = QDialog() v = QVBoxLayout() dia.setLayout(v) self.wMeth = WidgetMultiMethodsParam( list_method=list_method, method_name='<b>Choose methd for detection</b>:', globalApplicationDict=self.globalApplicationDict, keyformemory='methodRespiration', ) v.addWidget(self.wMeth) buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) v.addWidget(buttonBox) #~ self.connect( buttonBox.buttons()[1] , SIGNAL('clicked()') , self.apply ) self.connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL('rejected()'), dia, SLOT('reject()')) self.connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL('accepted()'), dia, SLOT('accept()')) if dia.exec_(): method = self.wMeth.get_method() m = method() self.cycle_times = m.compute(self.respiration, **self.wMeth.get_dict()) self.refreshPlot(with_same_zoom=False) self.refreshTable() ## context menu insert and delete def contextMenuTable(self, point): ind = [] for index in self.table.selectedIndexes(): if index.column() == 0: ind.append(index.row()) menu = QMenu() act = menu.addAction(QIcon(':/user-trash.png'),'Delete cycles')) self.connect(act, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.deleteSelectedCycles) if len(ind) == 1: act = menu.addAction(QIcon(':/TODO.png'),'Insert cycle before this one')) self.connect(act, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.insertCycleBefore) act = menu.addAction(QIcon(':/TODO.png'),'Insert cycle after this one')) self.connect(act, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.insertCycleAfter) menu.exec_(self.cursor().pos()) def deleteSelectedCycles(self): ind = [] for index in self.table.selectedIndexes(): if index.column() == 0: ind.append(index.row()) indOK = numpy.setdiff1d(numpy.arange(self.cycle_times.shape[0]), numpy.array(ind)) if self.cycle_times.shape[0] - 1 in ind and numpy.isnan( self.cycle_times[-1, -1]): nanlast = True else: nanlast = False self.cycle_times = self.cycle_times[indOK, :] if nanlast and self.cycle_times.shape[1] > 1: self.cycle_times[-1, 1:] = numpy.nan self.refreshPlot(with_same_zoom=True) self.refreshTable() def insertCycleBefore(self): i = self.table.selectedIndexes()[0].row() self.insertCycle(i) def insertCycleAfter(self): i = self.table.selectedIndexes()[0].row() + 1 self.insertCycle(i) def insertCycle(self, i): n = self.cycle_times.shape[1] ct = numpy.zeros((self.cycle_times.shape[0] + 1, n), dtype='f') ct[:i, :] = self.cycle_times[:i, :] ct[i + 1:, :] = self.cycle_times[i:, :] if i != 0: start = self.cycle_times[i - 1, -1] else: start = self.cycle_times[0, 0] - 1. if i != self.cycle_times.shape[0]: stop = self.cycle_times[i, 0] else: stop = self.cycle_times[-1, -1] + 1. if numpy.isnan(stop): return step = (stop - start) / (n + 2) ct[i, :] = numpy.arange(start + step, stop - step, step) self.cycle_times = ct self.refreshPlot(with_same_zoom=True) self.refreshTable() def save_to_db(self): #~ self.respiration = self.session.query(RespirationSignal).filter_by(id=self.id_respirationsignal).one() self.respiration.cycle_times = self.cycle_times self.session.merge(self.respiration) self.session.commit() self.session.expunge_all() def reload_from_db(self): #~ self.respiration = self.session.query(RespirationSignal).filter_by(id=self.id_respirationsignal).one() self.cycle_times = self.respiration.cycle_times self.refreshPlot() self.refreshTable() self.session.expunge_all()
class RespirationCycleEdition(QDialog) : """ """ def __init__(self , parent = None , metadata =None, Session = None, session = None, globalApplicationDict = None, id_respirationsignal = None, ): QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.metadata = metadata self.session = Session() self.globalApplicationDict = globalApplicationDict self.id_respirationsignal = id_respirationsignal self.respiration = self.session.query(RespirationSignal).filter_by(id=id_respirationsignal).one() #FIXME: do not work: self.setModal(False) self.setWindowModality( Qt.NonModal ) self.setWindowTitle('OpenElectrophy respiration for %d'%( )) self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(':/respiration.png')) self.mainLayout = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(self.mainLayout) h = QHBoxLayout() self.mainLayout.addLayout( h ) c = SimpleCanvasAndTool() h.addWidget(c, 3) self.canvas = c.canvas = self.canvas.fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) v = QVBoxLayout() h.addLayout(v , 2) but = QPushButton(QIcon(':/TODO.txt') , 'Auto detect') v.addWidget(but) self.connect(but , SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.newDetection ) v.addSpacing(20) v.addWidget(QLabel('<b>Repiratory cycles</b>') ) self.table = QTreeWidget() #~ self.table.setMinimumWidth(100) #~ self.table.setColumnWidth(0,80) v.addWidget(self.table ) self.table.setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) self.connect(self.table ,SIGNAL('itemSelectionChanged()') , self.newSelectionInTable) self.table.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.connect(self.table,SIGNAL('customContextMenuRequested( const QPoint &)'),self.contextMenuTable) self.mainLayout.addSpacing(20) buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox() but = QPushButton(QIcon(':/document-save.png'),'Save to DB') buttonBox.addButton(but , QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) self.connect(but, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.save_to_db) but = QPushButton(QIcon(':/reload.png'),'Reload from DB') buttonBox.addButton(but , QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) self.connect(but, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.reload_from_db) but = QPushButton(QIcon(':/window-close.png') , 'Quit') buttonBox.addButton(but , QDialogButtonBox.RejectRole) self.connect(but, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.close) self.mainLayout.addWidget(buttonBox) if self.respiration.cycle_times is None: self.cycle_times = None else: self.cycle_times = self.respiration.cycle_times self.vlines = { } self.baseline = 0. self.refreshPlot() self.refreshTable() self.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', self.onPick) self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.releaseEvent) self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.motionEvent) #~ self.picked = None #~ self.lineSelection = None self.session.expunge_all() def refreshPlot(self, with_same_zoom = False): if with_same_zoom: if self.canvas.toolbar._views.empty(): self.canvas.toolbar.push_current() #~ self.canvas.toolbar.push_current() xlim = ylim = t = self.respiration.t() sig = self.respiration.signal,sig, 'b') if self.cycle_times is not None: self.vlines = { } cmap = get_cmap('jet' , self.cycle_times.shape[0]) for i in range(self.cycle_times.shape[0]): for j in range(self.cycle_times.shape[1]): if j==0: ls = '-' else: ls = '--' line = self.cycle_times[i,j] , color = cmap(i) , linestyle = ls , picker = 3 , linewidth = 1.5) self.vlines[line] = (i,j) self.baseline, color = 'k', linewidth = 2) self.lineSelection = None self.picked = None if with_same_zoom: self.canvas.toolbar.push_current() self.canvas.draw() def refreshTable(self): self.table.clear() ct = self.cycle_times if ct is None: return self.table.setColumnCount( ct.shape[1]) self.table.setHeaderLabels( [ '%d/%d'%(j,ct.shape[1]) for j in range( ct.shape[1]) ]) cmap = get_cmap('jet' , self.cycle_times.shape[0]) for i in range(ct.shape[0]): item = QTreeWidgetItem(["%f"%ct[i,j] for j in range( ct.shape[1]) ]) pix = QPixmap(10,10 ) r,g,b = ColorConverter().to_rgb(cmap(i) ) pix.fill(QColor(r*255,g*255,b*255 )) icon = QIcon(pix) item.setIcon(0,icon) self.table.addTopLevelItem(item) self.table.setColumnWidth(0,100) def onPick(self, event): thisline = event.artist mouseevent = event.mouseevent if event.artist in self.vlines: self.picked = event.artist def releaseEvent(self, event): if self.picked is None: return i,j = self.vlines[self.picked] x = self.picked.get_xdata() # fixme ??????? if x.size>=2: x = x[0] if x == numpy.array(None): # out self.picked.set_xdata(self.cycle_times[i,j]) self.canvas.draw() self.picked = None return # test if between neightbours ct = self.cycle_times.copy() ct[i,j] = x ct = ct.reshape(ct.size) ct = ct[~numpy.isnan(ct)] if numpy.any(numpy.diff(ct)<0): self.picked.set_xdata(self.cycle_times[i,j]) else: self.cycle_times[i,j] = x self.refreshTable() self.canvas.draw() self.colorSelected(i,j) self.picked = None def motionEvent(self, event): if self.picked is None: return self.picked.set_xdata(event.xdata) i,j = self.vlines[self.picked] if self.lineSelection is not None: self.lineSelection.set_xdata(event.xdata) self.canvas.draw() def colorSelected(self, i , j): if i is None: if self.lineSelection is not None: self.lineSelection = None else: if self.lineSelection is None: self.lineSelection = self.cycle_times[i,j] , color ='m' , alpha = .4, linewidth = 5 , picker = False) else: self.lineSelection.set_xdata(self.cycle_times[i,j]) # change select in table self.disconnect(self.table ,SIGNAL('itemSelectionChanged()') , self.newSelectionInTable) flags = QItemSelectionModel.Select | QItemSelectionModel.Rows itemsSelection = QItemSelection() index = self.table.model().index(i,0,QModelIndex()) ir = QItemSelectionRange( index ) itemsSelection.append( ir ) self.table.selectionModel().select( itemsSelection , flags) # set selection visible index = self.table.model().index(i,0,QModelIndex()) item = self.table.itemFromIndex(index) self.table.scrollToItem( item ) self.connect(self.table ,SIGNAL('itemSelectionChanged()') , self.newSelectionInTable) self.canvas.draw() ## highlight selection def newSelectionInTable(self): ind = [ ] for index in self.table.selectedIndexes(): if index.column() == 0: ind.append(index.row()) if len(ind)>=1 : self.colorSelected(ind[0] , 0) else: self.colorSelected(None,None) ## compute new one def newDetection(self): dia = QDialog() v = QVBoxLayout() dia.setLayout(v) self.wMeth = WidgetMultiMethodsParam( list_method = list_method, method_name = '<b>Choose methd for detection</b>:', globalApplicationDict = self.globalApplicationDict, keyformemory = 'methodRespiration', ) v.addWidget( self.wMeth ) buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) v.addWidget(buttonBox) #~ self.connect( buttonBox.buttons()[1] , SIGNAL('clicked()') , self.apply ) self.connect( buttonBox , SIGNAL('rejected()') , dia, SLOT('reject()') ) self.connect( buttonBox , SIGNAL('accepted()') , dia, SLOT('accept()') ) if dia.exec_(): method = self.wMeth.get_method() m = method() self.cycle_times =m.compute(self.respiration, **self.wMeth.get_dict() ) self.refreshPlot( with_same_zoom = False ) self.refreshTable( ) ## context menu insert and delete def contextMenuTable(self, point): ind = [ ] for index in self.table.selectedIndexes(): if index.column() == 0: ind.append(index.row()) menu = QMenu() act = menu.addAction(QIcon(':/user-trash.png'),'Delete cycles')) self.connect(act,SIGNAL('triggered()') ,self.deleteSelectedCycles) if len(ind)==1: act = menu.addAction(QIcon(':/TODO.png'),'Insert cycle before this one')) self.connect(act,SIGNAL('triggered()') ,self.insertCycleBefore) act = menu.addAction(QIcon(':/TODO.png'),'Insert cycle after this one')) self.connect(act,SIGNAL('triggered()') ,self.insertCycleAfter) menu.exec_(self.cursor().pos()) def deleteSelectedCycles(self): ind = [ ] for index in self.table.selectedIndexes(): if index.column() == 0: ind.append(index.row()) indOK = numpy.setdiff1d(numpy.arange(self.cycle_times.shape[0]) , numpy.array(ind)) if self.cycle_times.shape[0]-1 in ind and numpy.isnan(self.cycle_times[-1,-1]): nanlast = True else: nanlast = False self.cycle_times = self.cycle_times[indOK,:] if nanlast and self.cycle_times.shape[1] >1: self.cycle_times[-1,1:] = numpy.nan self.refreshPlot( with_same_zoom = True ) self.refreshTable( ) def insertCycleBefore(self): i = self.table.selectedIndexes()[0].row() self.insertCycle(i) def insertCycleAfter(self): i = self.table.selectedIndexes()[0].row() + 1 self.insertCycle(i) def insertCycle(self, i): n = self.cycle_times.shape[1] ct = numpy.zeros( (self.cycle_times.shape[0]+1, n) , dtype = 'f') ct[:i , :] = self.cycle_times[:i,:] ct[i+1: , :] = self.cycle_times[i:,:] if i!=0: start = self.cycle_times[i-1,-1] else: start = self.cycle_times[0,0]-1. if i!=self.cycle_times.shape[0]: stop = self.cycle_times[i,0] else: stop = self.cycle_times[-1,-1]+1. if numpy.isnan(stop): return step = (stop-start)/(n+2) ct[i,:] = numpy.arange(start+step, stop-step, step) self.cycle_times = ct self.refreshPlot( with_same_zoom = True ) self.refreshTable( ) def save_to_db(self): #~ self.respiration = self.session.query(RespirationSignal).filter_by(id=self.id_respirationsignal).one() self.respiration.cycle_times = self.cycle_times self.session.merge(self.respiration) self.session.commit() self.session.expunge_all() def reload_from_db(self): #~ self.respiration = self.session.query(RespirationSignal).filter_by(id=self.id_respirationsignal).one() self.cycle_times = self.respiration.cycle_times self.refreshPlot( ) self.refreshTable( ) self.session.expunge_all()
def saveAsFile(parent=None, ids =None, tablenames = None, metadata = None, Session = None, session = None, globalApplicationDict = None, ): # mode homogeneous tablename = tablenames[0] session = Session() OEclass = metadata.dictMappedClasses[tablename] from import all_format list_formats = [ ] formats ={ } for name, d in all_format: wo = [ o.__name__.lower() for o in d['class'].writeable_objects ] if tablename in wo: class F: pass f = F() = name f.params = d['class'].write_params[ OEclass ] list_formats.append( f ) formats[name] = d['class'] dia = QDialog() dia.setWindowFlags(Qt.Dialog) v = QVBoxLayout() dia.setLayout(v) mwp = WidgetMultiMethodsParam( parent = parent , list_method = list_formats, method_name = 'Export selected '+tablename, globalApplicationDict = globalApplicationDict, ) v.addWidget( mwp ) params = [ [ 'dir' , { 'value' : '' , 'widgettype' : ChooseDirWidget , 'label' : 'Select path to write files' }], ] place = ParamWidget( params, applicationdict = globalApplicationDict, title = None, ) v.addWidget( place ) buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok) v.addWidget(buttonBox) dia.connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL('accepted()'), dia, SLOT('accept()')); if dia.exec_(): name = mwp.get_name() options = mwp.get_dict() dir = place['dir'] for id in ids: OEinstance = session.query(OEclass).filter_by(id=id).one() IOinstance = formats[name](filename = os.path.join( dir,'.'+formats[name].extensions[0] ) ) if OEclass ==Segment: IOinstance.write_segment( OEinstance, **options) elif OEclass ==Block: IOinstance.write_block( OEinstance, **options)