예제 #1
def test_bool_validation():
    c = config.Config()
    t.eq(c.preload_app, False)
    c.set("preload_app", True)
    t.eq(c.preload_app, True)
    c.set("preload_app", "true")
    t.eq(c.preload_app, True)
    c.set("preload_app", "false")
    t.eq(c.preload_app, False)
    t.raises(ValueError, c.set, "preload_app", "zilch")
    t.raises(TypeError, c.set, "preload_app", 4)
예제 #2
def test_bool_validation():
    c = config.Config()
    assert c.preload_app is False
    c.set("preload_app", True)
    assert c.preload_app is True
    c.set("preload_app", "true")
    assert c.preload_app is True
    c.set("preload_app", "false")
    assert c.preload_app is False
    pytest.raises(ValueError, c.set, "preload_app", "zilch")
    pytest.raises(TypeError, c.set, "preload_app", 4)
예제 #3
def test_bool_validation():
    c = config.Config()
    t.eq(c.debug, False)
    c.set("debug", True)
    t.eq(c.debug, True)
    c.set("debug", "true")
    t.eq(c.debug, True)
    c.set("debug", "false")
    t.eq(c.debug, False)
    t.raises(ValueError, c.set, "debug", "zilch")
    t.raises(TypeError, c.set, "debug", 4)
예제 #4
파일: script.py 프로젝트: helemaalbigt/h
    def load_config(self):
        self.cfg = config.Config()
        self.cfg.set('paste', self.cfgurl)
        self.cfg.set('logconfig', self.cfgpath)

        cfg = paste_config(self.cfg, self.cfgurl, self.relpath, self.settings)

        for k, v in cfg.items():
            self.cfg.set(k.lower(), v)

        default_config = config.get_default_config_file()
        if default_config is not None:
예제 #5
def test_pos_int_validation():
    c = config.Config()
    assert c.workers == 1
    c.set("workers", 4)
    assert c.workers == 4
    c.set("workers", "5")
    assert c.workers == 5
    c.set("workers", "0xFF")
    assert c.workers == 255
    c.set("workers", True)
    assert c.workers == 1  # Yes. That's right...
    pytest.raises(ValueError, c.set, "workers", -21)
    pytest.raises(TypeError, c.set, "workers", c)
예제 #6
def test_pos_int_validation():
    c = config.Config()
    t.eq(c.workers, 1)
    c.set("workers", 4)
    t.eq(c.workers, 4)
    c.set("workers", "5")
    t.eq(c.workers, 5)
    c.set("workers", "0xFF")
    t.eq(c.workers, 255)
    c.set("workers", True)
    t.eq(c.workers, 1)  # Yes. That's right...
    t.raises(ValueError, c.set, "workers", -21)
    t.raises(TypeError, c.set, "workers", c)
예제 #7
 def test_init(self, mocker):
     from bigchaindb.log.configs import (DEFAULT_SOCKET_LOGGING_ADDR as
     from bigchaindb.log.loggers import HttpServerLogger
     from gunicorn import config
     logger_config = config.Config()
     logger = HttpServerLogger(logger_config)
     assert len(logger.access_log.handlers) == 1
     assert len(logger.error_log.handlers) == 1
     assert isinstance(logger.access_log.handlers[0], SocketHandler)
     assert isinstance(logger.error_log.handlers[0], SocketHandler)
     assert logger.access_log.handlers[0].address == expected_socket_address
     assert logger.error_log.handlers[0].address == expected_socket_address
예제 #8
def test_property_access():
    c = config.Config()
    for s in config.KNOWN_SETTINGS:
        getattr(c, s.name)

    # Class was loaded
    assert c.worker_class == SyncWorker

    # logger class was loaded
    assert c.logger_class == glogging.Logger

    # Workers defaults to 1
    assert c.workers == 1
    c.set("workers", 3)
    assert c.workers == 3

    # Address is parsed
    assert c.address == [(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 6, '', ('', 8000))] \
        or c.address == [(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 6, '', ('::1', 8000, 0, 0)), \
                         (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 6, '', ('', 8000))]

    # User and group defaults
    assert os.geteuid() == c.uid
    assert os.getegid() == c.gid

    # Proc name
    assert "gunicorn" == c.proc_name

    # Not a config property
    pytest.raises(AttributeError, getattr, c, 'foo')

    # Force to be not an error
    class Baz(object):
        def get(self):
            return 3.14

    c.settings["foo"] = Baz()
    assert c.foo == 3.14

    # Attempt to set a cfg not via c.set
    pytest.raises(AttributeError, setattr, c, "proc_name", "baz")

    # No setting for name
    pytest.raises(AttributeError, c.set, "baz", "bar")
예제 #9
    def load_config(self):
        self.cfg = gconfig.Config(self.usage, prog=self.prog)
        settings = {
            '%s:%s' % (cfg.CONF.bind_host, cfg.CONF.bind_port),
            ' '.join((

        for k, v in settings.iteritems():
            self.cfg.set(k.lower(), v)
예제 #10
def test_post_request():
    c = config.Config()

    def post_request_4(worker, req, environ, resp):
        return 4

    def post_request_3(worker, req, environ):
        return 3

    def post_request_2(worker, req):
        return 2

    c.set("post_request", post_request_4)
    assert c.post_request(1, 2, 3, 4) == 4

    c.set("post_request", post_request_3)
    assert c.post_request(1, 2, 3, 4) == 3

    c.set("post_request", post_request_2)
    assert c.post_request(1, 2, 3, 4) == 2
예제 #11
def test_post_request():
    c = config.Config()

    def post_request_4(worker, req, environ, resp):
        return 4

    def post_request_3(worker, req, environ):
        return 3

    def post_request_2(worker, req):
        return 2

    c.set("post_request", post_request_4)
    t.eq(4, c.post_request(1, 2, 3, 4))

    c.set("post_request", post_request_3)
    t.eq(3, c.post_request(1, 2, 3, 4))

    c.set("post_request", post_request_2)
    t.eq(2, c.post_request(1, 2, 3, 4))
예제 #12
def test_property_access():
    c = config.Config()
    for s in config.KNOWN_SETTINGS:
        getattr(c, s.name)

    # Class was loaded
    t.eq(c.worker_class, SyncWorker)

    # Workers defaults to 1
    t.eq(c.workers, 1)
    c.set("workers", 3)
    t.eq(c.workers, 3)

    # Address is parsed
    t.eq(c.address, [("", 8000)])

    # User and group defaults
    t.eq(os.geteuid(), c.uid)
    t.eq(os.getegid(), c.gid)

    # Proc name
    t.eq("gunicorn", c.proc_name)

    # Not a config property
    t.raises(AttributeError, getattr, c, "foo")

    # Force to be not an error
    class Baz(object):
        def get(self):
            return 3.14

    c.settings["foo"] = Baz()
    t.eq(c.foo, 3.14)

    # Attempt to set a cfg not via c.set
    t.raises(AttributeError, setattr, c, "proc_name", "baz")

    # No setting for name
    t.raises(AttributeError, c.set, "baz", "bar")
예제 #13
def read_user_configuration(default_configuration, command_line_parser):
    configuration = default_configuration
    args, unknown_args = command_line_parser.parse_known_args()

    if args.configuration_file:
        file_configuration = {}
        with open(args.configuration_file, "r") as file:
            exec(file.read(), {}, file_configuration)

        # Configuration file overloads default configuration
        update(configuration, file_configuration)

    # Command line configuration overloads all configuration
    gunicorn_parser = config.Config().parser()
    configuration = update(configuration, vars(args))
    configuration = update(configuration, vars(gunicorn_parser.parse_args(unknown_args)))
    if configuration['args']:
        log.error('Unexpected positional argument {}'.format(configuration['args']))

    return configuration
예제 #14
    def load_config(self):
        self.cfg = gconfig.Config(self.usage, prog=self.prog)
        settings = {'bind': '%s:%s' % (BIND_HOST, BIND_PORT),
                    'workers': WORKERS,
                    'worker_connections': WORKER_CONNECTIONS,
                    'worker_class': WORKER_CLASS,
                    'proc_name': PROC_NAME,
                    'limit_request_line': LIMIT_LINE_REQUEST,
                    'loglevel': LOG_LEVEL,
                    'access_log_format': ' '.join(('%(h)s',

        for k, v in settings.items():
            self.cfg.set(k.lower(), v)
예제 #15
def test_statsd_socket_changes_logger():
    c = config.Config()
    assert c.logger_class == glogging.Logger
    c.set('statsd_socket', '/var/run/sock')
    assert c.logger_class == statsd.Statsd
예제 #16
def test_statsd_host_changes_logger():
    c = config.Config()
    assert c.logger_class == glogging.Logger
    c.set('statsd_host', 'localhost:12345')
    assert c.logger_class == statsd.Statsd
예제 #17
def test_repr():
    c = config.Config()
    c.set("workers", 5)

    assert "with value 5" in repr(c.settings['workers'])
예제 #18
def test_str_validation():
    c = config.Config()
    assert c.proc_name == "gunicorn"
    c.set("proc_name", " foo ")
    assert c.proc_name == "foo"
    pytest.raises(TypeError, c.set, "proc_name", 2)
예제 #19
def test_str_validation():
    c = config.Config()
    t.eq(c.proc_name, "gunicorn")
    c.set("proc_name", " foo ")
    t.eq(c.proc_name, "foo")
    t.raises(TypeError, c.set, "proc_name", 2)
예제 #20
def test_ssl_version_bad(ssl_version):
    c = config.Config()
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
        c.set("ssl_version", ssl_version)
    assert 'Valid options' in str(exc.value)
    assert "TLSv" in str(exc.value)
예제 #21
def test_defaults():
    c = config.Config()
    for s in config.KNOWN_SETTINGS:
        assert c.settings[s.name].validator(
            s.default) == c.settings[s.name].get()
예제 #22
def test_defaults():
    c = config.Config()
    for s in config.KNOWN_SETTINGS:
        t.eq(c.settings[s.name].validator(s.default), c.settings[s.name].get())