예제 #1
    def compute(self):
        """Performs the Layer patching."""
        patch_start = timer()
        layer = self.network.layers[self.layer_index]
        if isinstance(layer, FullyConnectedLayer):
            weights = layer.weights.numpy().copy()
            biases = layer.biases.numpy().copy()
        elif isinstance(layer, Conv2DLayer):
            weights = layer.filter_weights.numpy().copy()
            biases = layer.biases.numpy().copy()
            raise NotImplementedError

        model = Model()
        if self.gurobi_timelimit is not None:
            model.Params.TimeLimit = self.gurobi_timelimit
        if self.gurobi_crossover != -1:
            model.Params.Crossover = self.gurobi_crossover
            model.Params.Method = 2

        # Adding variables...
        lb, ub = self.delta_bounds
        weight_deltas = model.addVars(weights.flatten().size, lb=lb, ub=ub).select()
        bias_deltas = model.addVars(biases.size, lb=lb, ub=ub).select()
        all_deltas = weight_deltas + bias_deltas

        if self.constraint_type == "hard":
            soft_constraint_bounds = []
        elif self.constraint_type == "linf":
            soft_constraint_bounds = [model.addVar(
        elif self.constraint_type == "l1":
            out_dims = self.network.compute(self.inputs[:1]).shape[1]
            soft_constraint_bounds = model.addVars(
                len(self.inputs) * (out_dims - 1),
            raise NotImplementedError

        # Adding constraints...
        jacobian_compute_time = 0.
        for batch_start in tqdm(range(0, len(self.inputs), self.batch_size)):
            batch_slice = slice(batch_start, batch_start + self.batch_size)
            batch_labels = self.labels[batch_slice]

            jacobian_start = timer()
            A_batch, b_batch = self.network_jacobian(batch_slice)
            jacobian_compute_time += (timer() - jacobian_start)

            out_dims = A_batch.shape[1]
            assert out_dims == b_batch.shape[1]

            variables = None
            if self.constraint_type == "l1":
                variables = weight_deltas + bias_deltas + bounds
            weight_softs = 1.
            if self.soft_constraint_slack_type == GRB.BINARY:
                weight_softs = 10.

            full_As, full_bs = [], []
            bounds_slice = slice(batch_slice.start * (out_dims - 1),
                                 batch_slice.stop * (out_dims - 1))
            constraint_bounds_batch = soft_constraint_bounds[bounds_slice]
            for i, (A, b, label) in enumerate(zip(A_batch, b_batch, batch_labels)):
                other_labels = [l for l in range(out_dims) if l != label]
                # A[label]x + b[label] >= A[other]x + b[other]
                # (A[label] - A[other])x >= b[other] - b[label]
                As = np.expand_dims(A[label], 0) - A[other_labels]
                bs = (b[other_labels] - np.expand_dims(b[label], 0))
                bs += self.constraint_buffer

                if self.constraint_type == "linf":
                    As = np.concatenate((As, weight_softs * np.ones((As.shape[0], 1))), axis=1)
                elif self.constraint_type == "l1":
                    bounds = constraint_bounds_batch[
                    As = np.concatenate((As, weight_softs * np.eye(len(bounds))), axis=1)

            model.addMConstr(np.concatenate(tuple(full_As), axis=0),
                             variables, '>', full_bs)

        # Specifying objective...
        objective = 0.
        if self.delta_l1_weight != 0.:
            # Penalize the L_1 norm. To do this, we must add variables which
            # represent the absolute value of each of the deltas.  The approach
            # used here is described at:
            # https://optimization.mccormick.northwestern.edu/index.php/Optimization_with_absolute_values
            n_vars = len(all_deltas)
            abs_ub = max(abs(lb), abs(ub))
            variable_abs = model.addVars(n_vars, lb=0., ub=abs_ub).select()
            n_vars += n_vars

            A = sparse.diags([1., -1.], [0, (n_vars // 2)],
                             shape=(n_vars // 2, n_vars),
                             dtype=np.float, format="lil")
            b = np.zeros(n_vars // 2)
            model.addMConstr(A, all_deltas + variable_abs, '<', b)

            A = sparse.diags([-1., -1.], [0, (n_vars // 2)],
                             shape=(n_vars // 2, n_vars),
                             dtype=np.float, format="lil")
            model.addMConstr(A, all_deltas + variable_abs, '<', b)

            # Then the objective we use is just the L_1 norm. TODO: maybe we
            # should wait until the end to weight this so the coefficients
            # aren't too small?
            if self.normalize_objective:
                weight = self.delta_l1_weight / len(variable_abs)
                weight = self.delta_l1_weight
            objective += (weight * sum(variable_abs))
        if self.delta_linf_weight != 0.:
            # Penalize the L_infty norm. We use a similar approach, except it
            # only takes one additional variable. For some reason it throws an
            # error if I use just addVar here.
            l_inf = model.addVar(lb=0., ub=max(abs(lb), abs(ub)))
            n_vars = len(weight_deltas) + len(bias_deltas) + 1

            A = sparse.eye(n_vars - 1, n_vars, dtype=np.float, format="lil")
            A[:, -1] = -1.
            b = np.zeros(n_vars - 1)
            model.addMConstr(A, all_deltas + [l_inf], '<', b)

            A = sparse.diags([-1.], shape=(n_vars - 1, n_vars),
                             dtype=np.float, format="lil")
            A[:, -1] = -1.
            model.addMConstr(A, all_deltas + [l_inf], '<', b)

            # L_inf objective.
            objective += (self.delta_linf_weight * l_inf)
        # Soft constraint weight.
        if self.normalize_objective:
            weight = self.soft_constraints_weight / max(len(soft_constraint_bounds), 1)
            weight = self.soft_constraints_weight
        objective += weight * sum(soft_constraint_bounds)
        model.setObjective(objective, GRB.MINIMIZE)

        # Solving...
        gurobi_start = timer()
        gurobi_solve_time = (timer() - gurobi_start)

        self.timing = dict({
            "jacobian": jacobian_compute_time,
            "solver": gurobi_solve_time,
        self.timing["did_timeout"] = (model.status == GRB.TIME_LIMIT)
        if model.status != GRB.OPTIMAL:
            print("Not optimal!")
            print("Model status:", model.status)
            self.timing["total"] = (timer() - patch_start)
            return None

        # Extracting weights...
        weights += np.asarray([d.X for d in weight_deltas]).reshape(weights.shape)
        biases += np.asarray([d.X for d in bias_deltas]).reshape(biases.shape)

        # Returning a patched network!
        if isinstance(layer, FullyConnectedLayer):
            patched_layer = FullyConnectedLayer(weights.copy(), biases.copy())
            patched_layer = Conv2DLayer(layer.window_data, weights.copy(), biases.copy())

        patched = self.construct_patched(patched_layer)

        self.timing["total"] = (timer() - patch_start)
        return patched
예제 #2
def gurobi_solve_qp(P,
                    verbose: bool = False) -> Optional[ndarray]:
    Solve a Quadratic Program defined as:

    .. math::

        \\mbox{minimize} &
            \\frac{1}{2} x^T P x + q^T x \\\\
        \\mbox{subject to}
            & G x \\leq h                \\\\
            & A x = h

    using `Gurobi <http://www.gurobi.com/>`_.

    P : array, shape=(n, n)
        Primal quadratic cost matrix.
    q : array, shape=(n,)
        Primal quadratic cost vector.
    G : array, shape=(m, n)
        Linear inequality constraint matrix.
    h : array, shape=(m,)
        Linear inequality constraint vector.
    A : array, shape=(meq, n), optional
        Linear equality constraint matrix.
    b : array, shape=(meq,), optional
        Linear equality constraint vector.
    initvals : array, shape=(n,), optional
        Warm-start guess vector (not used).
    verbose : bool, optional
        Set to `True` to print out extra information.

    x : array, shape=(n,)
        Solution to the QP, if found, otherwise ``None``.
    if initvals is not None:
        warn("Gurobi: warm-start values given but they will be ignored")
    model = Model()
    if not verbose:  # optionally turn off solver output
        model.setParam("OutputFlag", 0)
    num_vars = P.shape[0]
    x = model.addMVar(num_vars,
    if A is not None:  # include equality constraints
        model.addMConstr(A, x, GRB.EQUAL, b)
    if G is not None:  # include inequality constraints
        model.addMConstr(G, x, GRB.LESS_EQUAL, h)
    objective = 0.5 * (x @ P @ x) + q @ x
    model.setObjective(objective, sense=GRB.MINIMIZE)
    status = model.status
    if status not in (GRB.OPTIMAL, GRB.SUBOPTIMAL):
        return None
    return array(x.X)