def showHelp(cls): print( "Gurux.DLMS.Push.Listener.Example waits notify messages from the DLMS/COSEM device." ) print("python main -h localhost -p [Meter Port No] -c 16 -s 1 -r SN") print(" -h \t host name or IP address (Example localhost).") print(" -p \t port number or name (Example: 1000).") print(" -S \t serial port. (Example: COM1 or COM1:9600:8None1)") print( " -r [sn, ln]\t Short name or Logical Name (default) referencing is used." ) print(" -w WRAPPER profile is used. HDLC is default.") print(" -t [Error, Warning, Info, Verbose] Trace messages.") print( " -T \t System title that is used with chiphering. Ex -T 4775727578313233" ) print( " -A \t Authentication key that is used with chiphering. Ex -A D0D1D2D3D4D5D6D7D8D9DADBDCDDDEDF" ) print( " -B \t Block cipher key that is used with chiphering. Ex -B 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F" ) print( " -D \t Dedicated key that is used with chiphering. Ex -D 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF" ) print("Example:") print("Start listener using TCP/IP connection.") print("python main -p [Meter Port No] -w") print("Start listener using serial port connection.") print("GuruxDlmsSample -sp COM1:9600:8None1") print("------------------------------------------------------") print("Available serial ports:") print(GXSerial.getPortNames())
def showHelp(cls): print("GuruxDlmsSample reads data from the DLMS/COSEM device.") print("GuruxDlmsSample -h [Meter IP Address] -p [Meter Port No] -c 16 -s 1 -r SN") print(" -h \t host name or IP address.") print(" -p \t port number or name (Example: 1000).") print(" -S \t serial port.") print(" -i IEC is a start protocol.") print(" -a \t Authentication (None, Low, High).") print(" -P \t Password for authentication.") print(" -c \t Client address. (Default: 16)") print(" -s \t Server address. (Default: 1)") print(" -n \t Server address as serial number.") print(" -r [sn, sn]\t Short name or Logican Name (default) referencing is used.") print(" -w WRAPPER profile is used. HDLC is default.") print(" -t [Error, Warning, Info, Verbose] Trace messages.") print(" -g \";\" Get selected object(s) with given attribute index.") print("Example:") print("Read LG device using TCP/IP connection.") print("GuruxDlmsSample -r SN -c 16 -s 1 -h [Meter IP Address] -p [Meter Port No]") print("Read LG device using serial port connection.") print("GuruxDlmsSample -r SN -c 16 -s 1 -sp COM1 -i") print("Read Indian device using serial port connection.") print("GuruxDlmsSample -S COM1 -c 16 -s 1 -a Low -P [password]") print("------------------------------------------------------") print("Available serial ports:") print(GXSerial.getPortNames())
def showHelp(cls): print("GuruxDlmsSample reads data from the DLMS/COSEM device.") print("GuruxDlmsSample -h [Meter IP Address] -p [Meter Port No] -c 16 -s 1 -r SN") print(" -h \t host name or IP address.") print(" -p \t port number or name (Example: 1000).") print(" -S \t serial port. (Example: COM1 or COM1:9600:8None1)") print(" -i IEC is a start protocol.") print(" -a \t Authentication (None, Low, High).") print(" -P \t ASCII password for authentication. Use 0x prefix if hex value is used. Ex. 0x00000000.") print(" -c \t Client address. (Default: 16)") print(" -s \t Server address. (Default: 1)") print(" -n \t Server address as serial number.") print(" -r [sn, ln]\t Short name or Logical Name (default) referencing is used.") print(" -w WRAPPER profile is used. HDLC is default.") print(" -t [Error, Warning, Info, Verbose] Trace messages.") print(" -g \";\" Get selected object(s) with given attribute index.") print(" -C Security Level. (None, Authentication, Encrypted, AuthenticationEncryption)") print(" -v Invocation counter data object Logical Name. Ex.") print(" -I \t Auto increase invoke ID") print(" -o \t Cache association view to make reading faster. Ex. -o C:\\device.xml") print(" -T \t System title that is used with chiphering. Ex. -T 4775727578313233") print(" -A \t Authentication key that is used with chiphering. Ex. -A D0D1D2D3D4D5D6D7D8D9DADBDCDDDEDF") print(" -B \t Block cipher key that is used with chiphering. Ex. -B 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F") print(" -D \t Dedicated key that is used with chiphering. Ex. -D 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF") print(" -d \t Used DLMS standard. Ex. -d India (DLMS, India, Italy, Saudi_Arabia, IDIS)") print("Example:") print("Read LG device using TCP/IP connection.") print("GuruxDlmsSample -r SN -c 16 -s 1 -h [Meter IP Address] -p [Meter Port No]") print("Read LG device using serial port connection.") print("GuruxDlmsSample -r SN -c 16 -s 1 -sp COM1 -i") print("Read Indian device using serial port connection.") print("GuruxDlmsSample -S COM1 -c 16 -s 1 -a Low -P [password]") print("------------------------------------------------------") print("Available serial ports:") print(GXSerial.getPortNames())
def get_dynamic_config_parameters(self, physicalAdd): #ln/sn reference config self.client.useLogicalNameReferencing = True #Debug/Trace config self.trace = TraceLevel.INFO #TraceLevel.INFO #low authentication password config self.client.password = "******" #IEC config self.iec = False #serial port config = GXSerial(None) = '/dev/ttyUSB0' = BaudRate.BAUD_RATE_9600 = 8 # = Parity.EVEN = Parity.NONE = StopBits.ONE #authentication type config self.client.authentication = Authentication.NONE #client address config self.client.clientAddress = 16 #server address config self.client.serverAddress = self.client.getServerAddress2(1, physicalAdd, 4) if not GXSettings.showHelp() return 1 return 0
def showHelp(cls): print( "Gurux.DLMS.Push.Listener.Example waits notify messages from the DLMS/COSEM device." ) print("python main -h localhost -p [Meter Port No] -c 16 -s 1 -r SN") print(" -h \t host name or IP address (Example localhost).") print(" -p \t port number or name (Example: 1000).") print(" -S \t serial port. (Example: COM1 or COM1:9600:8None1)") print( " -r [sn, ln]\t Short name or Logical Name (default) referencing is used." ) print(" -w WRAPPER profile is used. HDLC is default.") print(" -t [Error, Warning, Info, Verbose] Trace messages.") print("Example:") print("Start listener using TCP/IP connection.") print("python main -p [Meter Port No] -w") print("Start listener using serial port connection.") print("GuruxDlmsSample -sp COM1:9600:8None1") print("------------------------------------------------------") print("Available serial ports:") print(GXSerial.getPortNames())
def getParameters(self, args): parameters = GXSettings.__getParameters( args, "h:p:c:s:r:iIt:a:p:wP:g:S:n:C:v:o:T:A:B:D:d:") defaultBaudRate = True for it in parameters: if it.tag == 'w': self.client.interfaceType = InterfaceType.WRAPPER elif it.tag == 'r': if it.value == "sn": self.client.useLogicalNameReferencing = False elif it.value == "ln": self.client.useLogicalNameReferencing = True else: raise ValueError("Invalid reference option.") elif it.tag == 'h': # Host address. if not = GXNet(NetworkType.TCP, it.value, 0) else: = it.value elif it.tag == 't': # Trace. if it.value == "Off": self.trace = TraceLevel.OFF elif it.value == "Error": self.trace = TraceLevel.ERROR elif it.value == "Warning": self.trace = TraceLevel.WARNING elif it.value == "Info": self.trace = TraceLevel.INFO elif it.value == "Verbose": self.trace = TraceLevel.VERBOSE else: raise ValueError( "Invalid trace level(Off, Error, Warning, Info, Verbose)." ) elif it.tag == 'p': # Port. if not = GXNet(NetworkType.TCP, None, int(it.value)) else: = int(it.value) elif it.tag == 'P': # Password self.client.password = it.value elif it.tag == 'i': # IEC. self.iec = True if not defaultBaudRate: = BaudRate.BAUD_RATE_300 = 7 = Parity.EVEN = StopBits.ONE elif it.tag == 'I': #AutoIncreaseInvokeID. self.client.autoIncreaseInvokeID = True elif it.tag == 'v': self.invocationCounter = it.value GXDLMSObject.validateLogicalName(self.invocationCounter) elif it.tag == 'g': # Get (read) selected objects. for o in it.value.split(";,"): tmp = o.split(":") if len(tmp) != 2: raise ValueError( "Invalid Logical name or attribute index.") self.readObjects.append( (tmp[0].strip(), int(tmp[1].strip()))) elif it.tag == 'S': #Serial Port = GXSerial(None) tmp = it.value.split(':') = tmp[0] if len(tmp) > 1: defaultBaudRate = False = int(tmp[1]) = int(tmp[2][0:1]) = Parity[tmp[2][1:len(tmp[2]) - 1].upper()] = int(tmp[2][len(tmp[2]) - 1:]) - 1 else: = BaudRate.BAUD_RATE_9600 = 8 = Parity.NONE = StopBits.ONE elif it.tag == 'a': try: if it.value == "None": self.client.authentication = Authentication.NONE elif it.value == "Low": self.client.authentication = Authentication.LOW elif it.value == "High": self.client.authentication = Authentication.HIGH elif it.value == "HighMd5": self.client.authentication = Authentication.HIGH_MD5 elif it.value == "HighSha1": self.client.authentication = Authentication.HIGH_SHA1 elif it.value == "HighGMac": self.client.authentication = Authentication.HIGH_GMAC elif it.value == "HighSha256": self.client.authentication = Authentication.HIGH_SHA256 except Exception: raise ValueError( "Invalid Authentication option: '" + it.value + "'. (None, Low, High, HighMd5, HighSha1, HighGMac, HighSha256)" ) elif it.tag == 'C': if it.value == "None": = Security.NONE elif it.value == "Authentication": = Security.AUTHENTICATION elif it.value == "Encryption": = Security.ENCRYPTION elif it.value == "AuthenticationEncryption": = Security.AUTHENTICATION_ENCRYPTION else: raise ValueError( "Invalid Ciphering option: '" + it.value + "'. (None, Authentication, Encryption, AuthenticationEncryption)" ) elif it.tag == 'T': self.client.ciphering.systemTitle = GXByteBuffer.hexToBytes( it.value) elif it.tag == 'A': self.client.ciphering.authenticationKey = GXByteBuffer.hexToBytes( it.value) elif it.tag == 'B': self.client.ciphering.blockCipherKey = GXByteBuffer.hexToBytes( it.value) elif it.tag == 'D': self.client.ciphering.dedicatedKey = GXByteBuffer.hexToBytes( it.value) elif it.tag == 'o': self.outputFile = it.value elif it.tag == 'd': if it.value == "DLMS": self.client.standard = Standard.DLMS elif it.value == "India": self.client.standard = Standard.INDIA self.client.useUtc2NormalTime = True elif it.value == "Italy": self.client.standard = Standard.ITALY self.client.useUtc2NormalTime = True elif it.value == "SaudiArabia": self.client.standard = Standard.SAUDI_ARABIA self.client.useUtc2NormalTime = True elif it.value == "IDIS": self.client.standard = Standard.IDIS else: raise ValueError( "Invalid DLMS standard option: '" + it.value + "'. (DLMS, India, Italy, SaudiArabia, IDIS)") elif it.tag == 'c': self.client.clientAddress = int(it.value) elif it.tag == 's': self.client.serverAddress = int(it.value) elif it.tag == 'n': self.client.serverAddress = GXDLMSClient.getServerAddress( int(it.value)) elif it.tag == '?': if it.tag == 'c': raise ValueError("Missing mandatory client option.") if it.tag == 's': raise ValueError("Missing mandatory server option.") if it.tag == 'h': raise ValueError("Missing mandatory host name option.") if it.tag == 'p': raise ValueError("Missing mandatory port option.") if it.tag == 'r': raise ValueError("Missing mandatory reference option.") if it.tag == 'a': raise ValueError( "Missing mandatory authentication option.") if it.tag == 'S': raise ValueError("Missing mandatory Serial port option.\n") if it.tag == 't': raise ValueError("Missing mandatory trace option.\n") if it.tag == 'g': raise ValueError("Missing mandatory OBIS code option.") if it.tag == 'C': raise ValueError("Missing mandatory Ciphering option.") if it.tag == 'v': raise ValueError( "Missing mandatory invocation counter logical name option." ) if it.tag == 'T': raise ValueError("Missing mandatory system title option.") if it.tag == 'A': raise ValueError( "Missing mandatory authentication key option.") if it.tag == 'B': raise ValueError( "Missing mandatory block cipher key option.") if it.tag == 'D': raise ValueError("Missing mandatory dedicated key option.") if it.tag == 'd': raise ValueError("Missing mandatory DLMS standard option.") self.showHelp() return 1 else: self.showHelp() return 1 if not GXSettings.showHelp() return 1 return 0
def getParameters(self, args): parameters = GXSettings.__getParameters(args, "p:S:r:t:wh:") for it in parameters: if it.tag == 'w': self.client.interfaceType = InterfaceType.WRAPPER elif it.tag == 'r': if it.value == "sn": self.client.useLogicalNameReferencing = False elif it.value == "ln": self.client.useLogicalNameReferencing = True else: raise ValueError("Invalid reference option.") elif it.tag == 'h': # Host address. if not = GXNet(NetworkType.TCP, it.value, 0) = True else: = it.value elif it.tag == 't': # Trace. if it.value == "Off": self.trace = TraceLevel.OFF elif it.value == "Error": self.trace = TraceLevel.ERROR elif it.value == "Warning": self.trace = TraceLevel.WARNING elif it.value == "Info": self.trace = TraceLevel.INFO elif it.value == "Verbose": self.trace = TraceLevel.VERBOSE else: raise ValueError( "Invalid trace level(Off, Error, Warning, Info, Verbose)." ) elif it.tag == 'p': # Port. if not = GXNet(NetworkType.TCP, None, int(it.value)) = True else: = int(it.value) elif it.tag == 'S': #Serial Port = GXSerial(None) tmp = it.value.split(':') = tmp[0] if len(tmp) > 1: = int(tmp[1]) = int(tmp[2][0:1]) = Parity[tmp[2][1:len(tmp[2]) - 1].upper()] = int(tmp[2][len(tmp[2]) - 1:]) - 1 else: = BaudRate.BAUD_RATE_9600 = 8 = Parity.NONE = StopBits.ONE elif it.tag == '?': if it.tag == 'p': raise ValueError("Missing mandatory port option.") if it.tag == 'r': raise ValueError("Missing mandatory reference option.") if it.tag == 'S': raise ValueError("Missing mandatory Serial port option.\n") if it.tag == 't': raise ValueError("Missing mandatory trace option.\n") self.showHelp() return 1 else: self.showHelp() return 1 if not GXSettings.showHelp() return 1 return 0
def getParameters(self, args): parameters = GXSettings.__getParameters(args, "h:p:c:s:r:it:a:p:wP:g:S:n:") for it in parameters: if it.tag == 'w': self.client.interfaceType = InterfaceType.WRAPPER elif it.tag == 'r': if it.value == "sn": self.client.useLogicalNameReferencing = False elif it.value == "ln": self.client.useLogicalNameReferencing = True else: raise ValueError("Invalid reference option.") elif it.tag == 'h': # Host address. if not = GXNet(NetworkType.TCP, it.value, 0) else: = it.value elif it.tag == 't': # Trace. if it.value == "Off": self.trace = TraceLevel.OFF elif it.value == "Error": self.trace = TraceLevel.ERROR elif it.value == "Warning": self.trace = TraceLevel.WARNING elif it.value == "Info": self.trace = TraceLevel.INFO elif it.value == "Verbose": self.trace = TraceLevel.VERBOSE else: raise ValueError("Invalid trace level(Off, Error, Warning, Info, Verbose).") elif it.tag == 'p': # Port. if not = GXNet(NetworkType.TCP, None, int(it.value)) else: = int(it.value) elif it.tag == 'P': # Password self.client.password = it.value elif it.tag == 'i': # IEC. self.iec = True elif it.tag == 'g': # Get (read) selected objects. for o in it.value.split(";,"): tmp = o.split(":") if len(tmp) != 2: raise ValueError("Invalid Logical name or attribute index.") self.readObjects.append((tmp[0].strip(), int(tmp[1].strip()))) elif it.tag == 'S':#Serial Port = GXSerial(None) tmp = it.value.split(':') = tmp[0] if len(tmp) > 1: = int(tmp[1]) = int(tmp[2][0: 1]) = Parity(tmp[2][1: len(tmp[2]) - 2] .Substring(1, tmp[2].Length - 2)) = int(tmp[2][len(tmp[2]) - 1:]) elif it.tag == 'a': try: it.value = it.value.upper() if it.value != "HIGH" and it.value.startswith("HIGH"): it.value = "HIGH_" + it.value[4:] self.client.authentication = Authentication[it.value] except Exception: raise ValueError("Invalid Authentication option: '" + it.value + "'. (None, Low, High, HighGmac)") elif it.tag == 'o': pass elif it.tag == 'c': self.client.clientAddress = int(it.value) elif it.tag == 's': self.client.serverAddress = int(it.value) elif it.tag == 'n': self.client.serverAddress = GXDLMSClient.getServerAddress(int(it.value)) elif it.tag == '?': if it.tag == 'c': raise ValueError("Missing mandatory client option.") if it.tag == 's': raise ValueError("Missing mandatory server option.") if it.tag == 'h': raise ValueError("Missing mandatory host name option.") if it.tag == 'p': raise ValueError("Missing mandatory port option.") if it.tag == 'r': raise ValueError("Missing mandatory reference option.") if it.tag == 'a': raise ValueError("Missing mandatory authentication option.") if it.tag == 'S': raise ValueError("Missing mandatory Serial port option.\n") if it.tag == 't': raise ValueError("Missing mandatory trace option.\n") self.showHelp() return 1 else: self.showHelp() return 1 if not GXSettings.showHelp() return 1 return 0