def readCCmap(ifile, override=False): # CCmap: [buttonindex, procedureindex , additional procedure parameter, voice] CCmap=[] try: sheet=readcsv(ifile) for i in range(len(sheet)): voice=0 if override: x=sheet[i].pop(0) try: voice=int(x) except: print("%s: Invalid voice %s, ignoring %s" %(ifile, x, str(sheet[i]))) gv.ConfigErr=True continue if sheet[i][0]!=gv.UA: # skip unassigned controllers values=[0,"",None,voice] x=gv.getindex(sheet[i][0],gv.controllerCCs) if x<0: print("%s: Controller %s not defined, ignoring %s" %(ifile, sheet[i][0], str(sheet[i]))) gv.ConfigErr=True continue elif len(sheet[i])>1: # skip empty lines if sheet[i][1]!=gv.UA: # skip unassigned controls if len(sheet[i])<4: print("%s: ignored %s" %(ifile, str(sheet[i]))) gv.ConfigErr=True continue for j in xrange(len(CCmap)): if CCmap[j][0]==x and CCmap[j][3]==voice: print ("%s: Controller '%s' already mapped, ignored %s" %(ifile,gv.controllerCCs[x][0],sheet[i])) gv.ConfigErr=True continue if gv.getindex(sheet[i][3].lower(),["continuous","toggle","switch","switchon","switchoff"],True)<0: print("%s: Mode '%s' unrecognized, ignored: %s" %(ifile, sheet[i][3], str(sheet[i]))) gv.ConfigErr=True elif (sheet[i][3].lower()!="continuous" and gv.controllerCCs[x][2]==-1 or sheet[i][3].lower()=="continuous" and gv.controllerCCs[x][2]!=-1): print("%s: Continuous/switch controller mapped to incompatible function, ignored: %s" %(ifile, str(sheet[i]))) gv.ConfigErr=True else: values[0]=x # identify controller # Normalize/correct the input if sheet[i][1].upper()==gv.FIXED.upper(): mc=sheet[i][2] else: mc=sheet[i][1] values[2]=sheet[i][2] y=gv.getindex(mc,gv.MC) if y>-1: values[1]=y CCmap.append(values) else: print("%s: Control '%s' unrecognized, ignored %s" %(ifile, mc, str(sheet[i]))) gv.ConfigErr=True except: if not override: print "%s: No default controller mapping found" %(ifile) return CCmap
def notes_sav( val=None): # boolean, but as read variable it's always 0=no/false global newnotemap, nm_map if val != None: if gv.parseBoolean( val ) and nm_map != "": # do we want to save a map and do we know the name to save it ? newnotemap = [] changes_added = False j = 0 for i in range(len(gv.notemap)): if gv.notemap[i][0] != nm_map: newnotemap.append(gv.notemap[i]) else: if not changes_added: # insert all existing/changed/new values at once notes_newmaplines() changes_added = True if not changes_added: notes_newmaplines() gv.currnotemap = nm_map gv.notemap = newnotemap gv.notemaps = [] for m in gv.notemap: if m[0] not in gv.notemaps: gv.notemaps.append(m[0]) if nm_map not in gv.notemaps: nm_map = "" if gv.rootprefix == "":['mount', '-vo', 'remount,rw', gv.samplesdir]) else: print "Not running dedicated, so no remount as we're most likely already R/W" fname = gv.samplesdir + gv.presetlist[gv.getindex( gv.PRESET, gv.presetlist)][1] + "/" + gv.NOTEMAP_DEF with open(fname, 'w') as mapfile: mapfile.write( "Set,Fractions,Key,Note,Retune,Playvoice,unote\n") for i in range(len(newnotemap)): note = gv.midinote2notename(newnotemap[i][3], newnotemap[i][1]) key = newnotemap[i][2] j = gv.getindex("%d" % key, gv.keynames) if j > 0: key = gv.keynames[j][1] mapfile.write( '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n' % (newnotemap[i][0], newnotemap[i][1], key, note, newnotemap[i][4], newnotemap[i][5], newnotemap[i][6])) if gv.rootprefix == "":['mount', '-vo', 'remount,ro', gv.samplesdir]) return 0
def xvoice(*z): # Does the effects voice (voice=0) exist ? try: if gv.getindex(0, gv.voicelist) > -1: return True except: pass return False
def ARPord(val=None): # value in ARPordlist try: if val != None: if isinstance(val, int): arp.ordnum(val) else: arp.ordnum(gv.getindex(val, arp.modes, True)) return arp.mode except: return 0
def PLtype(val=None): # value in PLtypes try: if val != None: if isinstance(val, int): Cpp.PLsetType(val) else: Cpp.PLsetType(gv.getindex(val, Cpp.PLtypes, True)) return Cpp.PLtype except: return 0
def LFOtype(val=None): # value in LFOtypes try: if val != None: if isinstance(val, int): LFO.setType(val) else: LFO.setType(gv.getindex(val, LFO.effects, True)) return LFO.effect except: return 0
def CHOrus(val=None): # value in CHOtypes try: if val != None: if isinstance(val, int): chorus.setType(val) else: chorus.setType(gv.getindex(val, chorus.effects, True)) return chorus.effect except: return 0
def IP(val=None): global IPaddress try: IPs=IPlist() if len(IPs)==0: IPaddress="Not connected" elif val==None: if IPaddress in IPs: val=gv.getindex(IPaddress,IPs,True) if val<0:val=0 else: val=0 elif not isinstance(val,int): val=gv.getindex(val,IPs,True) if val<0: val=0 elif val>=len(IPs) or val<0: val=0 IPaddress=IPs[val] return IPaddress except: return "?.?.?.?"
def MIDIdev(val=None): # Pseudo update to serve the button menu system global mididev try: devs = MIDIdevs() if len(devs) == 0: mididev = "None" elif val == None: val = gv.getindex(mididev, devs, True) if val < 0: val = 0 elif not isinstance(val, int): val = gv.getindex(val, mididevs, True) if val < 0: val = 0 elif val >= len(mididevs) or val < 0: val = 0 mididev = mididevs[val] return mididev except: return "Error"
def Button(val=None): try: if val != None: if isinstance(val, int): but = int(val) else: but = gv.getindex(val, butmenu.buttons, True) if but > -1: butmenu.nav(but, 4) return True return False except: return False
def Preset(val=None): # 0-127 try: if val != None: if val >= 0 and val <= 127: if gv.PRESET != val: if gv.getindex(val, gv.presetlist) > -1: gv.PRESET = val gv.LoadSamples() else: print("Preset %d does not exist, ignored" % val) #else: print ("Preset %d already loaded" %val) return gv.ActuallyLoading return gv.PRESET except: return 0
def ODreset(scope=-1): ODtype = 0 # -1 turns of the effect, undefined values cover midi controller turn off if scope in [-2, -3, -4]: # also reset values ODtype = gv.getindex(gv.cp.get(gv.cfg, "Overdrive".lower()), ODtypes, True, False) if ODtype < 0: ODtype = 0 #if scope == -3: # load sample set default # load sample set default #else: # system default ODsetBoost((gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "ODboost".lower()) - 15) / 50 * 127) ODsetDrive((gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "ODdrive".lower()) - 1) / 10 * 127) ODsetTone((gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "ODtone".lower())) * 1.27) ODsetMix(gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "ODlvl".lower()) * 127) ODsetType(ODtype)
def FVreset(scope=-1): FVtype = 0 # -1 turns of the effect, undefined values cover midi controller turn off if scope in [-2, -3, -4]: # also reset values FVtype = gv.getindex(gv.cp.get(gv.cfg, "Reverb".lower()), FVtypes, True, False) if FVtype < 0: FVtype = 0 #if scope == -3: # load sample set default # load sample set default #else: # system default FVsetroomsize(gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "FVroomsize".lower()) * 127) FVsetdamp(gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "FVdamp".lower()) * 127) FVsetlevel(gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "FVlevel".lower()) * 127) FVsetwidth(gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "FVwidth".lower()) * 127) FVsetType(FVtype)
def DefinitionTxt(val=None): # contains definition.txt try: if val != None: if gv.DefinitionTxt != val: gv.DefinitionTxt = val fname = gv.samplesdir + gv.presetlist[gv.getindex( gv.PRESET, gv.presetlist)][1] + "/" + gv.SAMPLESDEF gp.samples2write() with open(fname, 'w') as definitionfile: definitionfile.write(gv.DefinitionTxt) gp.samples2read() gv.basename = "None" # do a renew to sync the update gv.LoadSamples() return gv.ActuallyLoading return gv.DefinitionTxt except: return "** Error **"
def readcontrollerCCs(ifile): # controllerCCs: [wheel/button/pot/drawbarname, controller, data LSB (-1 if continuous controller)] sheet=readcsv(ifile,1) gv.controllerCCs=[[gv.UA,-1,-1]] # define controller for unassigned controls for i in range(len(sheet)): if len(sheet[i])>2: # skip useless lines if gv.getindex(sheet[i][0],gv.controllerCCs)>-1: print ("%s: Controller %s already defined, ignored %s" %(ifile,sheet[i][0],sheet[i])) else: values=[] for j in range(3): values.append(sheet[i][j]) gv.controllerCCs.append(values) else: print ("%s: ignored %s" %(ifile, sheet[i])) gv.ConfigErr=True return
def PLreset(scope=-1): c_filters.plinit() PLtype = 0 # -1 turns of the effect, undefined values cover midi controller turn off if scope in [-2, -3, -4]: # also reset values PLtype = gv.getindex(gv.cp.get(gv.cfg, "Limiter".lower()), PLtypes, True, False) if PLtype < 0: PLtype = 0 #if scope == -3: # load sample set default # load sample set default #else: # system default PLsetThresh( (gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "PLthresh".lower()) - 70) / 40 * 127) PLsetAttack( (gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "PLattack".lower()) - 1) / 10 * 127) PLsetRelease( (gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "PLrelease".lower()) - 5) / 20 * 127) PLsetType(PLtype)
def LFreset(scope=-1): LFtype = 0 # -1 turns of the effect, undefined values cover midi controller turn off if scope in [-2, -3, -4]: # also reset values LFtype = gv.getindex(gv.cp.get(gv.cfg, "Moog".lower()), LFtypes, True, False) if LFtype < 0: LFtype = 0 #if scope == -3: # load sample set default # load sample set default #else: # system default LFsetResonance( (gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "LFresonance".lower()) / 3.8) * 127) LFsetCutoff( (gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "LFcutoff".lower()) - 1000) / 10000 * 127) LFsetDrive((gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "LFdrive".lower()) - 1) / 20 * 127) LFsetLvl(gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "LFlvl".lower()) * 127) LFsetGain((gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "LFgain".lower()) - 1) / 10 * 127) LFsetType(LFtype)
def readkeynames(ifile): # keynames: [name of key/string/pad, midinote sent by this trigger] global keynames gv.keynames=[["-1","None"]] keynames=[] gv.drumpadmap=[] gv.drumpad=False try: # giving keys/strings/triggers a name is optional sheet=readcsv(ifile) for i in range(len(sheet)): values=[] valucas=[] valuesDP=[] valuesCC=[] if len(sheet[i])>1: # skip useless lines if gv.getindex(sheet[i][0],gv.keynames)>-1: print ("%s: Key %s already defined, ignored %s" %(ifile,sheet[i][0],sheet[i])) else: try: values.append(sheet[i][1]) values.append(sheet[i][0]) gv.keynames.append(values) valucas.append(sheet[i][0].upper()) valucas.append(sheet[i][1]) keynames.append(valucas) valuesCC.append(sheet[i][0]) valuesCC.append(gv.NOTES_CC) valuesCC.append(int(sheet[i][1])) gv.controllerCCs.append(valuesCC) if len(sheet[i])>2: # drumpad remap definition valuesDP.append(int(sheet[i][2])) valuesDP.append(int(sheet[i][1])) gv.drumpadmap.append(valuesDP) except: print ("%s: %s contains errors, partly processed" %(ifile, sheet[i])) else: print ("%s: ignored %s" %(ifile, sheet[i])) gv.ConfigErr=True if len(gv.drumpadmap)>0: gv.drumpad=True except: pass # giving keys/strings/triggers a name is optional return
def reset(scope=-1): global VIBRpitch, VIBRspeed, VIBRtrill, TREMampl, BOXTREMspeed, TREMspeed, TREMtrill, PANwidth, PANspeed effect = 0 if scope in [-2, -4]: # also reset values effect = gv.getindex(gv.cp.get(gv.cfg, "LFOeffect".lower()), effects, True, False) if effect < 0: effect = 0 #if scope == -2: # load sample set default # load sample set default #else: # system default VIBRpitch = gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "VIBRpitch".lower()) VIBRspeed = gv.cp.getint(gv.cfg, "VIBRspeed".lower()) VIBRtrill = gv.cp.getboolean(gv.cfg, "VIBRtrill".lower()) TREMampl = gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "TREMampl".lower()) BOXTREMspeed = gv.cp.getint(gv.cfg, "TREMspeed".lower()) TREMspeed = BOXTREMspeed TREMtrill = gv.cp.getboolean(gv.cfg, "TREMtrill".lower()) PANwidth = gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "PANwidth".lower()) PANspeed = gv.cp.getint(gv.cfg, "PANspeed".lower()) setType(effect)
def readkeynames(ifile): # keynames: [name of key/string/pad, midinote sent by this trigger] gv.keynames = [] try: # giving keys/strings/triggers a name is optional sheet = readcsv(ifile) for i in range(len(sheet)): values = [] if len(sheet[i]) > 1: # skip useless lines if gv.getindex(sheet[0], gv.keynames) != -1: print("%s: Key %s already defined, ignored %s" % (ifile, sheet[0], sheet[i])) else: values.append(sheet[i][0]) values.append(sheet[i][1]) else: print("%s: ignored %s" % (ifile, sheet[i])) gv.ConfigErr = True gv.keynames.append(values) except: pass # giving keys/strings/triggers a name is optional return
def notes_sync(): global actnotemap,nm_inote,nm_onote,nm_unote,nm_Q,nm_retune,nm_voice,nm_map if actnotemap!=gv.currnotemap: actnotemap=gv.currnotemap nm_map=actnotemap nm_onote=-1 if len(gv.notemapping)>0: nm_Q=gv.notemapping[0][1] else: nm_Q=1 nm_retune=0 nm_voice=0 nm_unote=2 if nm_inote>-1: i=gv.getindex(nm_inote,gv.notemapping) if i>-1: nm_Q=gv.notemapping[i][1] nm_onote=gv.notemapping[i][2] nm_retune=gv.notemapping[i][3] nm_voice=gv.notemapping[i][4] nm_unote=gv.notemapping[i][5] else: nm_onote=nm_inote
def DefinitionTxt(val=None): # contains definition.txt try: if val != None: if gv.DefinitionTxt != val: gv.DefinitionTxt = val fname = gv.samplesdir + gv.presetlist[gv.getindex( gv.PRESET, gv.presetlist)][1] + "/" + gv.SAMPLESDEF if gv.rootprefix == "": ['mount', '-vo', 'remount,rw', gv.samplesdir]) with open(fname, 'w') as definitionfile: definitionfile.write(gv.DefinitionTxt) if gv.rootprefix == "": ['mount', '-vo', 'remount,ro', gv.samplesdir]) gv.basename = "None" # do a renew to sync the update gv.LoadSamples() return gv.ActuallyLoading return gv.DefinitionTxt except: return "** Error **"
def AWreset(scope=-1): AWtype = 0 # -1 turns of the effect, undefined values cover midi controller turn off if scope in [-2, -3, -4]: # also reset values AWtype = gv.getindex(gv.cp.get(gv.cfg, "Wah".lower()), AWtypes, True, False) if AWtype < 0: AWtype = 0 #if scope == -3: # load sample set default # load sample set default #else: # system default AWsetQualityFactor( gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "AWqfactor".lower()) / 25 * 127) AWsetMixing(gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "AWmixing".lower()) * 127) AWsetMinFreq(gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "AWminfreq".lower()) / 500 * 127) AWsetMaxFreq(gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "AWmaxfreq".lower()) / 10000 * 127) AWsetAttack(gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "AWattack".lower()) / 0.5 * 127) AWsetRelease(gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "AWrelease".lower()) / 0.05 * 127) AWsetSpeed( (gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "AWspeed".lower()) - 100) / 1000 * 127) AWsetLVLrange(gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "AWlvlrange".lower()) / 100 * 127) AWsetType(AWtype) AWsetCCval(0) # pedal always back to base
def DLYreset(scope=-1): DLYtype = 0 # -1 turns of the effect, undefined values cover midi controller turn off if scope in [-2, -3, -4]: # also reset values DLYtype = gv.getindex(gv.cp.get(gv.cfg, "Delay".lower()), DLYtypes, True, False) if DLYtype < 0: DLYtype = 0 #if scope == -3: # load sample set default # load sample set default #else: # system default DLYsetfb(gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "DLYfb".lower()) * 127) DLYsetwet(gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "DLYwet".lower()) * 127) DLYsetdry(gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "DLYdry".lower()) * 127) DLYsettime( (gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "DLYtime".lower()) - 1000) / 60000 * 127) DLYsetsteep( (gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "DLYsteep".lower()) - 1) / 10 * 127) DLYsetsteplen( (gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "DLYsteplen".lower()) - 300) / 3000 * 127) DLYsetmin((gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "DLYmin".lower()) - 5) / 20 * 127) DLYsetmax((gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "DLYmax".lower()) - 50) / 100 * 127) DLYsetType(DLYtype)
def readnotemap(ifile): # notemap: [set, fractions, key, note, retune, playvoice] gv.notemap = [] try: # note mapping is optional sheet = readcsv(ifile, 4) for i in range(len(sheet)): if len(sheet[i]) > 3: # skip useless lines values = ["", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] values[0] = format(sheet[i][0]).title( ) # force num to string and normalize upper/lowercase usage if values[0] == "": print("%s: Sets must have a name, ignored %s" % (ifile, sheet[i])) continue try: values[1] = int(sheet[i][1]) if values[1] < 1 or values[1] > 2: print("%s: invalid fractions, ignored %s" % (ifile, sheet[i])) except: print("%s: invalid fractions, ignored %s" % (ifile, sheet[i])) continue try: values[2] = int(sheet[i][2]) except: x = gv.getindex(sheet[i][2], gv.keynames) if x < 0: print("%s: keyname '%s' not defined, ignored %s" % (ifile, sheet[i][2], sheet[i])) continue else: values[2] = int(gv.keynames[x][1]) try: values[3] = int(sheet[i][3]) if values[3] < 0 or values[5] > 127: print("%s: invalid notenumber, ignored %s" % (ifile, sheet[i])) except: midinote = gv.notename2midinote(sheet[i][3], sheet[i][1]) if midinote > -1: values[3] = midinote else: print("%s: invalid notename '%s', ignored %s" % (ifile, sheet[i][2], sheet[i])) continue if len(sheet[i]) > 4: # the values are optional try: values[4] = int(sheet[i][4]) values[5] = int(sheet[i][5]) except: pass gv.notemap.append(values) if gv.getindex(values[0], gv.notemaps, True) < 0: gv.notemaps.append(values[0]) else: print("%s: ignored %s" % (ifile, sheet[i])) gv.ConfigErr = True except: pass # notemapping is optional return
def setType(x, *z): if x > 0: gv.CHOrus = True else: gv.CHOrus = False def toggle(*z): gv.CHOrus != gv.CHOrus def setdepth(x, *z): # 2-15 gv.CHOdepth = 2 + 13 * x / 127 def setgain(x, *z): # 0.3-0.8 gv.CHOgain = 0.3 + 0.5 * x / 127.0 def reset(): gv.CHOrus = False gv.CHOdepth = gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "CHOdepth".lower()) gv.CHOgain = gv.cp.getfloat(gv.cfg, "CHOgain".lower()) reset() gv.MC[gv.getindex(gv.CHORUS, gv.MC)][2] = toggle gv.MC[gv.getindex(gv.CHORUSDEPTH, gv.MC)][2] = setdepth gv.MC[gv.getindex(gv.CHORUSGAIN, gv.MC)][2] = setgain
VibrLFO.settriangle(63) # start about neutral, going up VibrLFO.setstep(gv.VIBRspeed) # and with correct speed else: gv.VIBRvalue = 0 # tune the note def VibrSetpitch(CCval, *z): gv.VIBRpitch = 1.0 * CCval / 32 # steps of 1/32th, range like GUI def VibrSetspeed(CCval, *z): gv.VIBRspeed = 1.0 * CCval / 4 # range=32 VibrLFO.setstep(gv.VIBRspeed) gv.MC[gv.getindex(gv.VIBRDEPTH, gv.MC)][2] = VibrSetpitch gv.MC[gv.getindex(gv.VIBRSPEED, gv.MC)][2] = VibrSetspeed #gv.VibrSetspeed=VibrSetspeed TremLFO = plfo() gv.TREMvalue = 1.0 # Full volume def TremProc(*z): if gv.LFOtype == 4: TremLFO.setstep(gv.VIBRspeed) TremLFO.process() if gv.TREMtrill: gv.TREMvalue = 1 - (gv.TREMampl * TremLFO.getinvsaw() / 127) else: gv.TREMvalue = 1 - (gv.TREMampl * TremLFO.gettriangle() / 127)
gv.triggernotes[note] = 128 rewind() # initialize before start active = True # and start... if not onoff and active: active = False # stop first rewind() # initialize completely for safety... def togglepower(CCval, *z): if currnote < 0: power(True) else: power(False) gv.MC[gv.getindex(gv.ARP, gv.MC)][2] = togglepower def noteoff(): global playnote if playnote > -1: if playnote in gv.playingnotes: for m in gv.playingnotes[playnote]: m.fadeout( not (cycleoff == cyclestep)) # damp when notes are consecutive gv.playingnotes[playnote] = [] playnote = -1 def rewind():
def do_POST(self): inval = 0 length = int(self.headers.getheader('content-length')) field_data = fields = parse_qs(field_data) #print fields if "SB_RenewMedia" in fields: if fields["SB_RenewMedia"][0] == "Yes": gv.basename = "None" self.LoadSamples() return if "SB_Preset" in fields: inval = gv.presetlist[int(fields["SB_Preset"][0])][0] if gv.PRESET != inval: gv.PRESET = inval self.LoadSamples() return if "SB_DefinitionTxt" in fields: if gv.DefinitionTxt != fields["SB_DefinitionTxt"][0]: gv.DefinitionTxt = fields["SB_DefinitionTxt"][0] #print gv.DefinitionTxt['mount', '-vo', 'remount,rw', gv.samplesdir]) fname = gv.samplesdir + gv.presetlist[gv.getindex( gv.PRESET, gv.presetlist)][1] + "/" + gv.SAMPLESDEF with open(fname, 'w') as definitionfile: definitionfile.write(gv.DefinitionTxt)['mount', '-vo', 'remount,ro', gv.samplesdir]) gv.basename = "None" # do a renew to sync the update self.LoadSamples() return if "SB_MidiChannel" in fields: gv.MIDI_CHANNEL = int(fields["SB_MidiChannel"][0]) if "SB_SoundVolume" in fields: gv.setvolume(int(fields["SB_SoundVolume"][0])) if "SB_MidiVolume" in fields: gv.volumeCC = float(fields["SB_MidiVolume"][0]) / 100 if "SB_Gain" in fields: gv.globalgain = float(fields["SB_Gain"][0]) / 100 if "SB_Pitchrange" in fields: gv.pitchnotes = int(fields["SB_Pitchrange"][0]) * 2 if "SB_Voice" in fields: if gv.voicelist[0][0] == 0: i = 1 else: i = 0 gv.MC[gv.getindex(gv.VOICES, gv.MC)][2](int(fields["SB_Voice"][0]) + i, 0) if "SB_Notemap" in fields: gv.MC[gv.getindex(gv.NOTEMAPS, gv.MC)][2](int(fields["SB_Notemap"][0])) if "SB_Scale" in fields: inval = int(fields["SB_Scale"][0]) if gv.currscale == inval: scalechange = False else: scalechange = True gv.currscale = inval if gv.last_musicnote < 0: gv.currchord = 0 else: gv.currchord = gv.scalechord[gv.currscale][ gv.last_musicnote] if "SB_Chord" in fields and not scalechange: inval = int(fields["SB_Chord"][0]) if not gv.currchord == inval: gv.currchord = inval gv.currscale = 0 if "SB_CHOrus" in fields: CHOrus.setType( gv.getindex(fields["SB_CHOrus"][0], ["Off", "On"], True)) if "SB_CHOdepth" in fields: CHOrus.setdepth((float(fields["SB_CHOdepth"][0]) - 2) * 9.77) if "SB_CHOgain" in fields: CHOrus.setgain((float(fields["SB_CHOgain"][0]) - 30) * 2.54) if "SB_FVtype" in fields: Cpp.FVsetType( gv.getindex(fields["SB_FVtype"][0], ["Off", "On"], True)) if "SB_FVroomsize" in fields: Cpp.FVsetroomsize(float(fields["SB_FVroomsize"][0]) * 1.27) if "SB_FVdamp" in fields: Cpp.FVsetdamp(float(fields["SB_FVdamp"][0]) * 1.27) if "SB_FVlevel" in fields: Cpp.FVsetlevel(float(fields["SB_FVlevel"][0]) * 1.27) if "SB_FVwidth" in fields: Cpp.FVsetwidth(float(fields["SB_FVwidth"][0]) * 1.27) if "SB_AWtype" in fields: Cpp.AWsetType(gv.getindex(fields["SB_AWtype"][0], gv.AWtypes, True)) if "SB_AWmixing" in fields: Cpp.AWsetMixing(float(fields["SB_AWmixing"][0]) * 1.27) if "SB_AWattack" in fields: Cpp.AWsetAttack(float(fields["SB_AWattack"][0]) * 0.254) if "SB_AWrelease" in fields: Cpp.AWsetRelease(float(fields["SB_AWrelease"][0]) * 0.254) if "SB_AWminfreq" in fields: Cpp.AWsetMinFreq(float(fields["SB_AWminfreq"][0]) * 0.254) if "SB_AWmaxfreq" in fields: Cpp.AWsetMaxFreq(float(fields["SB_AWmaxfreq"][0]) * 0.0127) if "SB_AWqfactor" in fields: Cpp.AWsetQualityFactor(float(fields["SB_AWqfactor"][0]) * 0.0508) if "SB_AWspeed" in fields: Cpp.AWsetSpeed((float(fields["SB_AWspeed"][0]) - 100) * 0.127) if "SB_AWlvlrange" in fields: Cpp.AWsetLVLrange(float(fields["SB_AWlvlrange"][0]) * 1.27) if "SB_DLYtype" in fields: Cpp.DLYsetType( gv.getindex(fields["SB_DLYtype"][0], gv.DLYtypes, True)) if "SB_DLYfb" in fields: Cpp.DLYsetfb(float(fields["SB_DLYfb"][0]) * 1.27) if "SB_DLYwet" in fields: Cpp.DLYsetwet(float(fields["SB_DLYwet"][0]) * 1.27) if "SB_DLYdry" in fields: Cpp.DLYsetdry(float(fields["SB_DLYdry"][0]) * 1.27) if "SB_DLYtime" in fields: Cpp.DLYsettime( (float(fields["SB_DLYtime"][0]) - 1000) / 600 * 1.27) if "SB_DLYsteep" in fields: Cpp.DLYsetsteep((float(fields["SB_DLYsteep"][0]) - 1) * 12.7) if "SB_DLYsteplen" in fields: Cpp.DLYsetsteplen( (float(fields["SB_DLYsteplen"][0]) - 300) / 30 * 1.27) if "SB_DLYmin" in fields: Cpp.DLYsetmin((float(fields["SB_DLYmin"][0]) - 5) * 5.36) if "SB_DLYmax" in fields: Cpp.DLYsetmax((float(fields["SB_DLYmax"][0]) - 50) * 1.27) if "SB_LFtype" in fields: Cpp.LFsetType( gv.getindex(fields["SB_LFtype"][0], ["Off", "On"], True)) if "SB_LFresonance" in fields: Cpp.LFsetResonance(float(fields["SB_LFresonance"][0]) / 38 * 127) if "SB_LFcutoff" in fields: Cpp.LFsetCutoff( (float(fields["SB_LFcutoff"][0]) - 1000) / 100 * 1.27) if "SB_LFdrive" in fields: Cpp.LFsetDrive( (float(fields["SB_LFdrive"][0]) - 1) * 6.35) # =/20.0*127) if "SB_LFlvl" in fields: Cpp.LFsetLvl((float(fields["SB_LFlvl"][0])) * 1.27) if "SB_LFgain" in fields: Cpp.LFsetGain((float(fields["SB_LFgain"][0]) - 10) * 1.27) if "SB_LFOtype" in fields: LFO.setType(gv.getindex(fields["SB_LFOtype"][0], gv.LFOtypes, True)) if "SB_VIBRpitch" in fields: gv.VIBRpitch = float(fields["SB_VIBRpitch"][0]) / 16 if "SB_VIBRspeed" in fields: LFO.VibrSetspeed(int(fields["SB_VIBRspeed"][0]) * 4) if "SB_VIBRtrill" in fields: if fields["SB_VIBRtrill"][0].title() == "On": gv.VIBRtrill = True else: gv.VIBRtrill = False if "SB_TREMampl" in fields: gv.TREMampl = float(fields["SB_TREMampl"][0]) / 100 if "SB_TREMspeed" in fields: LFO.TremSetspeed(int(fields["SB_TREMspeed"][0]) * 4) if "SB_TREMtrill" in fields: if fields["SB_TREMtrill"][0].title() == "On": gv.TREMtrill = True else: gv.TREMtrill = False if "SB_PANwidth" in fields: gv.PANwidth = float(fields["SB_PANwidth"][0]) / 20 if "SB_PANspeed" in fields: LFO.PanSetspeed(int(fields["SB_PANspeed"][0]) * 4) if "SB_ARPord" in fields: arp.ordnum(gv.getindex(fields["SB_ARPord"][0], gv.ARPtypes, True)) if "SB_ARPstep" in fields: arp.tempo(int(fields["SB_ARPstep"][0]) * 1.27) if "SB_ARPsustain" in fields: arp.sustain(int(fields["SB_ARPsustain"][0]) * 1.27) if "SB_ARPloop" in fields: if fields["SB_ARPloop"][0].title() == "On": arp.loop = True else: arp.loop = False if "SB_ARP2end" in fields: if fields["SB_ARP2end"][0].title() == "On": arp.play2end = True else: arp.play2end = False if "SB_ARPfade" in fields: arp.fadeout(1.27 * int(fields["SB_ARPfade"][0])) gv.display("") # show it on the box self.do_GET() # as well as on the gui
def readnotemap(ifile): # notemap: [set, fractions, key, note, retune, playvoice] global keynames gv.notemap=[] gv.notemaps=[] try: # note mapping is optional sheet=readcsv(ifile,4) for i in range(len(sheet)): if len(sheet[i])>3: # skip useless lines values=["",1,0,-1,0,0,0] values[0]=format(sheet[i][0]).title() # force num to string and normalize upper/lowercase usage if values[0]=="": print ("%s: Sets must have a name, ignored %s" %(ifile, sheet[i])) continue try: values[1]=int(sheet[i][1]) if values[1]<1 or values[1]>2: print ("%s: invalid fractions, ignored %s" %(ifile, sheet[i])) except: print ("%s: invalid fractions, ignored %s" %(ifile, sheet[i])) continue try: values[2]=int(sheet[i][2]) except: ucas=sheet[i][2].upper() x=gv.getindex(ucas,keynames) if x<0: print ("%s: keyname '%s' not defined, ignored %s" %(ifile, sheet[i][2], sheet[i])) continue else: values[2]=int(gv.keynames[x+1][0]) if len(gv.notemap)>0: for j in range(len(gv.notemap)): if values[0]==gv.notemap[j][0] and values[2]==gv.notemap[j][2]: print ("%s: duplicate midinote %d in notemap %s, ignored %s" %(ifile, values[2], values[0], sheet[i])) break if j<len(gv.notemap)-1: continue try: values[3]=int(sheet[i][3]) except: if sheet[i][3].title()=="Ctrl": values[3]=-2 elif sheet[i][3].title()=="None": values[3]=-1 else: midinote=gv.notename2midinote(sheet[i][3],values[1]) if midinote>-1: values[3]=midinote else: print ("%s: invalid notename '%s', ignored %s" %(ifile, sheet[i][3], sheet[i])) continue if len(sheet[i])>4: # the values are optional try: values[4]=int(sheet[i][4]) values[5]=int(sheet[i][5]) values[6]=int(sheet[i][6]) except: pass gv.notemap.append(values) if gv.getindex(values[0],gv.notemaps,True)<0: gv.notemaps.append(values[0]) else: print ("%s: ignored %s" %(ifile, sheet[i])) gv.ConfigErr=True gv.notemap.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0,2)) # sort on: map->input(midi)key except: pass # notemapping is optional return