예제 #1
    def plot(self, x, y, *args, **kwargs):
        """Generate an `EventTablePlot` of this `Table`.

        x : `str`
            name of column defining centre point on the X-axis

        y : `str`
            name of column defining centre point on the Y-axis

        width : `str`, optional
            name of column defining width of tile

        height : `str`, optional
            name of column defining height of tile

            .. note::

               The ``width`` and ``height`` positional arguments should
               either both be omitted, in which case a scatter plot will
               be drawn, or both given, in which case a collection of
               rectangles will be drawn.

        color : `str`, optional, default:`None`
            name of column by which to color markers

            any other arguments applicable to the `Plot` constructor, and
            the `Table` plotter.

        plot : `~gwpy.plotter.EventTablePlot`
            new plot for displaying tabular data.

        See Also
            for documentation of keyword arguments used to create the
            for documentation of keyword arguments used to create the
            for documentation of keyword arguments used to display the table
            (calls out to :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.scatter`)
        from gwpy.plotter import EventTablePlot
        return EventTablePlot(self, x, y, *args, **kwargs)
예제 #2
    def plot(self, x, y, *args, **kwargs):
        """Generate an `EventTablePlot` of this `Table`.

        x : `str`
            name of column defining centre point on the X-axis

        y : `str`
            name of column defining centre point on the Y-axis

        width : `str`, optional
            name of column defining width of tile

        height : `str`, optional
            name of column defining height of tile

            .. note::

               The ``width`` and ``height`` positional arguments should
               either both be omitted, in which case a scatter plot will
               be drawn, or both given, in which case a collection of
               rectangles will be drawn.

        color : `str`, optional, default:`None`
            name of column by which to color markers

            any other arguments applicable to the `Plot` constructor, and
            the `Table` plotter.

        plot : `~gwpy.plotter.EventTablePlot`
            new plot for displaying tabular data.

        See Also
            for more details.
        from gwpy.plotter import EventTablePlot
        return EventTablePlot(self, x, y, *args, **kwargs)
예제 #3
def veto_scatter(
        outfile, a, b, label1='All', label2='Vetoed', x='time', y='snr',
        color=None, clim=None, clabel=None, cmap=None, clog=True,
        figsize=[9, 6],**kwargs):
    """Plot an x-y scatter of all/vetoed events
    # format axis arguments
    axargs = {
        'yscale': 'log',
        'ylabel': 'Loudness',
    if x != 'time':
        axargs['xscale'] = 'log'
    # create figure
    plot = EventTablePlot(base=x=='time' and TimeSeriesPlot or Plot,
    ax = plot.gca()
    # add data
    scatterargs = {'s': 40}
    if color is None:
        ax.scatter(a[x], a[y], color='black', marker='o', label=label1, s=40)
        colorargs = {'edgecolor': 'none'}
        if clim:
            colorargs['vmin'] = clim[0]
            colorargs['vmax'] = clim[1]
            if clog:
                colorargs['norm'] = LogNorm(vmin=clim[0], vmax=clim[1])
        a = a.copy()
        m = ax.scatter(a[x], a[y], c=a[color], label=label1, **colorargs)
        # add colorbar
        plot.add_colorbar(mappable=m, ax=ax, cmap=cmap, label=clabel)
    if isinstance(b, list):
        colors = list(rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'])
        b = [b]
        label2 = [label2]
        colors = [{'color': 'red'}]
    for i, data in enumerate(b):
        # setting the color here looks complicated, but is just a fancy
        # way of looping through the color cycle when scattering, but using
        # red if we only have one other data set
        ax.scatter(data[x], data[y], marker='+', linewidth=1.5,
                   label=label2[i], s=40, **colors[i % len(colors)])
    # add legend
    if ax.get_legend_handles_labels()[0]:
        legargs = {
            'loc': 'upper left',
            'bbox_to_anchor': (1.01, 1),
            'borderaxespad': 0,
            'numpoints': 1,
            'scatterpoints': 1,
            'handlelength': 1,
            'handletextpad': .5
        legargs.update(dict((x[7:], axargs.pop(x)) for x in axargs.keys()
                            if x.startswith('legend_')))
    # finalize
    for axis in ['x', 'y']:
        lim = list(getattr(ax, '%saxis' % axis).get_data_interval())
        lim[0] = axargs.get('%sbound' % axis, lim[0])
        axargs.setdefault('%slim' % axis, (lim[0] * 0.95, lim[1] * 1.05))
    _finalize_plot(plot, ax, outfile, **axargs)
예제 #4
def aux_snr_time(omic_trigs,vetoed_omic_trigs, channel):
  labels = [r"All %d" %len(omic_trigs), r"Used %d" %len(vetoed_omic_trigs)]
  plot = EventTablePlot(omic_trigs, 'time', 'snr',\
      edgecolor='none', label=labels[0])
  plot.add_table(vetoed_omic_trigs, 'time', 'snr',\
      edgecolor='none', label=labels[1],c='r')
  plot.set_title(r'Detector=%s, Veto Channel=%s' %(ifo, channel))
  ax = plot.gca()
  lgd = ax.legend(loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(1,1))
  save = channel.replace('{\_}', '_')
  plot.savefig(r'%s_aux_time_snr.png' %save,\
    bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight')