예제 #1
class H2O(object):
    # static (class) variables
    ipaddr_from_cmd_line = None
    debugger = False
    json_url_history = []
    python_test_name = inspect.stack()[1][1]
    verbose = False
    experimental_algos = ["pca", "svd", "glrm"]

    ## TODO: support api_version parameter for all api calls!
    # Also a global in the H2O object set at creation time.

    # TODO: ensure that all of this is really necessary:
    def __init__(self,
                 use_this_ip_addr=None, port=54321, capture_output=True,
                 use_debugger=None, classpath=None,
                 use_hdfs=False, use_maprfs=False,
                 # hdfs_version="cdh4", hdfs_name_node="",
                 # hdfs_version="cdh3", hdfs_name_node="",
                 hdfs_version=None, hdfs_name_node=None, hdfs_config=None,
                 use_flatfile=False, java_heap_GB=None, java_heap_MB=None, java_extra_args=None,
                 use_home_for_ice=False, node_id=None, username=None,

        if use_hdfs:
            # see if we can touch a 0xdata machine
                # long timeout in ec2...bad
                a = requests.get('', timeout=1)
                hdfs_0xdata_visible = True
                hdfs_0xdata_visible = False

            # different defaults, depending on where we're running
            if hdfs_name_node is None:
                if hdfs_0xdata_visible:
                    hdfs_name_node = ""
                else: # ec2
                    hdfs_name_node = ""

            if hdfs_version is None:
                if hdfs_0xdata_visible:
                    hdfs_version = "cdh3"
                else: # ec2
                    hdfs_version = "0.20.2"

        self.redirect_import_folder_to_s3_path = redirect_import_folder_to_s3_path
        self.redirect_import_folder_to_s3n_path = redirect_import_folder_to_s3n_path

        self.aws_credentials = aws_credentials
        self.port = port
        # None is legal for self.addr.
        # means we won't give an ip to the jar when we start.
        # Or we can say use use_this_ip_addr=, or the known address
        # if use_this_addr is None, use for urls and json
        # Command line arg 'ipaddr_from_cmd_line' dominates:
        if H2O.ipaddr_from_cmd_line:
            self.addr = H2O.ipaddr_from_cmd_line
            self.addr = use_this_ip_addr

        if self.addr is not None:
            self.http_addr = self.addr
            self.http_addr = get_ip_address()

        # command line should always dominate for enabling
        if H2O.debugger: use_debugger = True
        self.use_debugger = use_debugger

        self.classpath = classpath
        self.capture_output = capture_output

        self.use_hdfs = use_hdfs
        self.use_maprfs = use_maprfs
        self.hdfs_name_node = hdfs_name_node
        self.hdfs_version = hdfs_version
        self.hdfs_config = hdfs_config

        self.use_flatfile = use_flatfile
        self.java_heap_GB = java_heap_GB
        self.java_heap_MB = java_heap_MB
        self.java_extra_args = java_extra_args

        self.use_home_for_ice = use_home_for_ice
        self.node_id = node_id

        if username:
            self.username = username
            self.username = getpass.getuser()

        # don't want multiple reports from tearDown and tearDownClass
        # have nodes[0] remember (0 always exists)
        self.sandbox_error_was_reported = False
        self.sandbox_ignore_errors = False

        self.random_udp_drop = random_udp_drop
        self.disable_h2o_log = disable_h2o_log

        # this dumps stats from tests, and perf stats while polling to benchmark.log
        self.enable_benchmark_log = enable_benchmark_log
        self.h2o_remote_buckets_root = h2o_remote_buckets_root
        self.delete_keys_at_teardown = delete_keys_at_teardown

        if cloud_name:
            self.cloud_name = cloud_name
            self.cloud_name = 'pytest-%s-%s' % (getpass.getuser(), os.getpid())

    Printable string representation of an H2O node object. 
    def __str__(self):
        return '%s - http://%s:%d/' % (type(self), self.http_addr, self.port)

    # TODO: UGH, move this.
    def verboseprint(*args, **kwargs):
        if H2O.verbose:
            for x in args: # so you don't have to create a single string
                print x,
            for x in kwargs: # so you don't have to create a single string
                print x,

    def __url(self, loc, port=None):
        # always use the new api port
        if port is None: port = self.port
        if loc.startswith('/'):
            delim = ''
            delim = '/'
        u = 'http://%s:%d%s%s' % (self.http_addr, port, delim, loc)
        return u

    Make a REST request to the h2o server and if succesful return a dict containing the JSON result.
#    @profile
    def __do_json_request(self, jsonRequest=None, fullUrl=None, timeout=10, params=None, postData=None, returnFast=False,
                          cmd='get', extraComment=None, ignoreH2oError=False, noExtraErrorCheck=False, raiseIfNon200=True, **kwargs):
        H2O.verboseprint("__do_json_request, timeout: " + str(timeout))
        # if url param is used, use it as full url. otherwise crate from the jsonRequest
        if fullUrl:
            url = fullUrl
            url = self.__url(jsonRequest)

        # remove any params that are 'None'
        # need to copy dictionary, since can't delete while iterating
        if params is not None:
            params_serialized = params.copy()
            for k in params_serialized:
                if params_serialized[k] is None:
                    del params[k]
            paramsStr = '?' + '&'.join(['%s=%s' % (k, v) for (k, v) in params.items()])
            paramsStr = ''

        # The requests package takes array parameters and explodes them: ['f00', 'b4r'] becomes "f00,b4r".
        # NOTE: this handles 1D arrays only; if we need ND this needs to be recursive.
        # NOTE: we currently don't need to do this for GET, so that's not implemented.
        if postData is not None:
            munged_postData = {}
            for k, v in postData.iteritems():
                if type(v) is list:
                    if len(v) == 0:
                        munged_postData[k] = '[]'
                        first = True
                        array_str = '['
                        for val in v:
                            if not first: array_str += ', '

                            if val is None:
                                array_str += 'null'
                            elif isinstance(val, basestring):
                                array_str += "\"" + str(val) + "\""
                                array_str += str(val)
                            first  = False
                        array_str += ']'
                        munged_postData[k] = array_str
                    # not list:
                    munged_postData[k] = v
            # None
            munged_postData = postData

        if extraComment:
            log('Start ' + url + paramsStr, comment=extraComment)
            log('Start ' + url + paramsStr)

        if extraComment:
            log_rest("# Extra comment info about this request: " + extraComment)
        if cmd == 'get':
        log_rest(url + paramsStr)

        # file get passed thru kwargs here
            if 'post' == cmd:
                # NOTE == cmd: for now, since we don't have deserialization from JSON in h2o-dev, we use form-encoded POST.
                # This is temporary.
                # This following does application/json (aka, posting JSON in the body):
                # r = requests.post(url, timeout=timeout, params=params, data=json.dumps(munged_postData), **kwargs)
                # This does form-encoded, which doesn't allow POST of nested structures
                r = requests.post(url, timeout=timeout, params=params, data=munged_postData, **kwargs)
            elif 'delete' == cmd:
                r = requests.delete(url, timeout=timeout, params=params, **kwargs)                
            elif 'get' == cmd:
                r = requests.get(url, timeout=timeout, params=params, **kwargs)
                raise ValueError("Unknown HTTP command (expected 'get', 'post' or 'delete'): " + cmd)

        except Exception, e:
            # rethrow the exception after we've checked for stack trace from h2o
            # out of memory errors maybe don't show up right away? so we should wait for h2o
            # to get it out to h2o stdout. We don't want to rely on cloud teardown to check
            # because there's no delay, and we don't want to delay all cloud teardowns by waiting.
            # (this is new/experimental)
            exc_info = sys.exc_info()
            # use this to ignore the initial connection errors during build cloud when h2o is coming up
            if not noExtraErrorCheck: 
                    "ERROR: got exception on %s to h2o. \nGoing to check sandbox, then rethrow.." % (url + paramsStr))
            log_rest("EXCEPTION CAUGHT DOING REQUEST: " + str(e.message))
            raise exc_info[1], None, exc_info[2]

            H2O.verboseprint("r: " + repr(r))

        if raiseIfNon200 and 200 != r.status_code:
            print "JSON call returned non-200 status: ", url
            print "r.status_code: " + str(r.status_code)
            print "r.headers: " + repr(r.headers)
            print "r.text: " + r.text

            if r is None:
                log_rest("r is None")
                log_rest("HTTP status code: " + str(r.status_code))
                # The following accesses to r.text were taking most of the runtime:
                log_text = False
                if log_text:
                    if hasattr(r, 'text'):
                        if r.text is None:
                            log_rest("r.text is None")
                        log_rest("r does not have attr text")
        except Exception, e:
            # Paranoid exception catch.  
            # Ignore logging exceptions in the case that the above error checking isn't sufficient.
            print "Caught exception from result logging: ", e, "; result: ", repr(r)
예제 #2
파일: h2o.py 프로젝트: h2oai/h2o-3
    def __do_json_request(self, jsonRequest=None, fullUrl=None, timeout=10, params=None, postData=None, returnFast=False,
                          cmd='get', extraComment=None, ignoreH2oError=False, noExtraErrorCheck=False, raiseIfNon200=True, suppressErrorMsg=False, **kwargs):
        H2O.verboseprint("__do_json_request, timeout: " + str(timeout))
        # if url param is used, use it as full url. otherwise crate from the jsonRequest
        if fullUrl:
            url = fullUrl
            url = self.__url(jsonRequest)

        # remove any params that are 'None'
        # need to copy dictionary, since can't delete while iterating
        if params is not None:
            params_serialized = params.copy()
            for k in params_serialized:
                if params_serialized[k] is None:
                    del params[k]
            paramsStr = '?' + '&'.join(['%s=%s' % (k, v) for (k, v) in params.items()])
            paramsStr = ''

        # The requests package takes array parameters and explodes them: ['f00', 'b4r'] becomes "f00,b4r".
        # NOTE: this handles 1D arrays only; if we need ND this needs to be recursive.
        # NOTE: we currently don't need to do this for GET, so that's not implemented.
        if postData is not None:
            munged_postData = {}
            for k, v in postData.iteritems():
                if type(v) is list:
                    if len(v) == 0:
                        munged_postData[k] = '[]'
                        first = True
                        array_str = '['
                        for val in v:
                            if not first: array_str += ', '

                            if val is None:
                                array_str += 'null'
                            elif isinstance(val, basestring):
                                array_str += "\"" + str(val) + "\""
                                array_str += str(val)
                            first  = False
                        array_str += ']'
                        munged_postData[k] = array_str
                elif type(v) is dict:
                    if len(v) == 0:
                        munged_postData[k] = '{}'
                        first = True
                        map_str = '{'
                        for key, val in v.iteritems():
                            if not first: map_str += ', '

                            if val is None:
                                map_str += "\"" + key + "\"" + ': null'
                            elif isinstance(val, basestring):
                                map_str += "\"" + str(key) + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + str(val) + "\""
                                map_str += "\"" + key + "\"" + ':' + str(val)
                            first  = False
                        map_str += '}'
                        munged_postData[k] = map_str

                    # not list:
                    munged_postData[k] = v
            # None
            munged_postData = postData

        # print("munged_postData: " + repr(munged_postData))

        if extraComment:
            log('Start ' + url + paramsStr, comment=extraComment)
            log('Start ' + url + paramsStr)

        if extraComment:
            log_rest("# Extra comment info about this request: " + extraComment)
        if cmd == 'get':
        log_rest(url + paramsStr)

        # file get passed thru kwargs here
            if 'post' == cmd:
                # NOTE == cmd: for now, since we don't have deserialization from JSON in h2o-dev, we use form-encoded POST.
                # This is temporary.
                # This following does application/json (aka, posting JSON in the body):
                # r = requests.post(url, timeout=timeout, params=params, data=json.dumps(munged_postData), **kwargs)
                # This does form-encoded, which doesn't allow POST of nested structures
                r = requests.post(url, timeout=timeout, params=params, data=munged_postData, **kwargs)
            elif 'delete' == cmd:
                r = requests.delete(url, timeout=timeout, params=params, **kwargs)
            elif 'get' == cmd:
                r = requests.get(url, timeout=timeout, params=params, **kwargs)
                raise ValueError("Unknown HTTP command (expected 'get', 'post' or 'delete'): " + cmd)

        except Exception as e:
            # rethrow the exception after we've checked for stack trace from h2o
            # out of memory errors maybe don't show up right away? so we should wait for h2o
            # to get it out to h2o stdout. We don't want to rely on cloud teardown to check
            # because there's no delay, and we don't want to delay all cloud teardowns by waiting.
            # (this is new/experimental)
            exc_info = sys.exc_info()
            # use this to ignore the initial connection errors during build cloud when h2o is coming up
            if not noExtraErrorCheck:
                    "ERROR: got exception on %s to h2o. \nGoing to check sandbox, then rethrow.." % (url + paramsStr))
            log_rest("EXCEPTION CAUGHT DOING REQUEST: " + str(e.message))
            raise (exc_info[1], None, exc_info[2])

            H2O.verboseprint("r: " + repr(r))

        if 200 != r.status_code:
            pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
            msg = "JSON call returned non-200 status: " + url

            json = r.json()
            if None != json and 'dev_msg' in json:
                msg += "\ndev_msg: "
                msg += str(json['dev_msg'])
            msg += "\nr.status_code: " + str(r.status_code)
            msg += "\nr.headers: " + repr(r.headers)
            if None == json:
                msg += '\nERROR: the error output from H2O is not JSON!'
                msg += "\nr.text: " + r.text
                msg += "\nr.json: "
                msg += pp.pformat(json)

            if raiseIfNon200:
                pass  # we'll pass msg up with the exception
            elif not suppressErrorMsg:

            if r is None:
                log_rest("r is None")
                log_rest("HTTP status code: " + str(r.status_code))
                # The following accesses to r.text were taking most of the runtime:
                log_text = False
                if log_text:
                    if hasattr(r, 'text'):
                        if r.text is None:
                            log_rest("r.text is None")
                        log_rest("r does not have attr text")
        except Exception as e:
            # Paranoid exception catch.
            # Ignore logging exceptions in the case that the above error checking isn't sufficient.
            print("Caught exception from result logging: ", e, "; result: ", repr(r))

        # fatal if no response
        if raiseIfNon200 and not r:
            raise Exception("Maybe bad url? no r in __do_json_request in %s:" % inspect.stack()[1][3] + "\n\n" + msg)

        # this is used to open a browser on results, or to redo the operation in the browser
        # we don't' have that may urls flying around, so let's keep them all
        # if r.json():
        #     raise Exception("Maybe bad url? no r.json in __do_json_request in %s:" % inspect.stack()[1][3])

        rjson = None
        if returnFast:
            rjson = r.json()
            if not isinstance(r, (list, dict)):
                raise Exception("h2o json responses should always be lists or dicts, see previous for text")

            raise Exception("Could not decode any json from the request.")

        # TODO
        # TODO
        # TODO
        # TODO: we should really only look in the response object.  This check
        # prevents us from having a field called "error" (e.g., for a scoring result).
        for e in ['error', 'Error', 'errors', 'Errors']:
            # error can be null (python None). This happens in exec2
            if e in rjson and rjson[e]:
                H2O.verboseprint("rjson:" + h2o_test_utils.dump_json(rjson))
                emsg = 'rjson %s in %s: %s' % (e, inspect.stack()[1][3], rjson[e])
                if ignoreH2oError:
                    # well, we print it..so not totally ignore. test can look at rjson returned
                    raise Exception(emsg)

        for w in ['warning', 'Warning', 'warnings', 'Warnings']:
            # warning can be null (python None).
            if w in rjson and rjson[w]:
                print('rjson %s in %s: %s' % (w, inspect.stack()[1][3], rjson[w]))

        # Allow the caller to check things like __http_request.status_code.
        # The response object is not JSON-serializable, so we capture the fields we want here:
        response = {}
        # response['headers'] = r.headers
        response['url'] = r.url
        response['status_code'] = r.status_code
        response['text'] = r.text
        rjson['__http_response'] = response

        return rjson
예제 #3
    def __do_json_request(self, jsonRequest=None, fullUrl=None, timeout=10, params=None, postData=None, returnFast=False,
                          cmd='get', extraComment=None, ignoreH2oError=False, noExtraErrorCheck=False, raiseIfNon200=True, **kwargs):
        H2O.verboseprint("__do_json_request, timeout: " + str(timeout))
        # if url param is used, use it as full url. otherwise crate from the jsonRequest
        if fullUrl:
            url = fullUrl
            url = self.__url(jsonRequest)

        # remove any params that are 'None'
        # need to copy dictionary, since can't delete while iterating
        if params is not None:
            params_serialized = params.copy()
            for k in params_serialized:
                if params_serialized[k] is None:
                    del params[k]
            paramsStr = '?' + '&'.join(['%s=%s' % (k, v) for (k, v) in params.items()])
            paramsStr = ''

        # The requests package takes array parameters and explodes them: ['f00', 'b4r'] becomes "f00,b4r".
        # NOTE: this handles 1D arrays only; if we need ND this needs to be recursive.
        # NOTE: we currently don't need to do this for GET, so that's not implemented.
        if postData is not None:
            munged_postData = {}
            for k, v in postData.iteritems():
                if type(v) is list:
                    if len(v) == 0:
                        munged_postData[k] = '[]'
                        first = True
                        array_str = '['
                        for val in v:
                            if not first: array_str += ', '

                            if val is None:
                                array_str += 'null'
                            elif isinstance(val, basestring):
                                array_str += "\"" + str(val) + "\""
                                array_str += str(val)
                            first  = False
                        array_str += ']'
                        munged_postData[k] = array_str
                    # not list:
                    munged_postData[k] = v
            # None
            munged_postData = postData

        if extraComment:
            log('Start ' + url + paramsStr, comment=extraComment)
            log('Start ' + url + paramsStr)

        if extraComment:
            log_rest("# Extra comment info about this request: " + extraComment)
        if cmd == 'get':
        log_rest(url + paramsStr)

        # file get passed thru kwargs here
            if 'post' == cmd:
                # NOTE == cmd: for now, since we don't have deserialization from JSON in h2o-dev, we use form-encoded POST.
                # This is temporary.
                # This following does application/json (aka, posting JSON in the body):
                # r = requests.post(url, timeout=timeout, params=params, data=json.dumps(munged_postData), **kwargs)
                # This does form-encoded, which doesn't allow POST of nested structures
                r = requests.post(url, timeout=timeout, params=params, data=munged_postData, **kwargs)
            elif 'delete' == cmd:
                r = requests.delete(url, timeout=timeout, params=params, **kwargs)                
            elif 'get' == cmd:
                r = requests.get(url, timeout=timeout, params=params, **kwargs)
                raise ValueError("Unknown HTTP command (expected 'get', 'post' or 'delete'): " + cmd)

        except Exception, e:
            # rethrow the exception after we've checked for stack trace from h2o
            # out of memory errors maybe don't show up right away? so we should wait for h2o
            # to get it out to h2o stdout. We don't want to rely on cloud teardown to check
            # because there's no delay, and we don't want to delay all cloud teardowns by waiting.
            # (this is new/experimental)
            exc_info = sys.exc_info()
            # use this to ignore the initial connection errors during build cloud when h2o is coming up
            if not noExtraErrorCheck: 
                    "ERROR: got exception on %s to h2o. \nGoing to check sandbox, then rethrow.." % (url + paramsStr))
            log_rest("EXCEPTION CAUGHT DOING REQUEST: " + str(e.message))
            raise exc_info[1], None, exc_info[2]

            H2O.verboseprint("r: " + repr(r))
예제 #4
    def __do_json_request(self, jsonRequest=None, fullUrl=None, timeout=10, params=None, postData=None, returnFast=False,
                          cmd='get', extraComment=None, ignoreH2oError=False, noExtraErrorCheck=False, raiseIfNon200=True, suppressErrorMsg=False, **kwargs):
        H2O.verboseprint("__do_json_request, timeout: " + str(timeout))
        # if url param is used, use it as full url. otherwise crate from the jsonRequest
        if fullUrl:
            url = fullUrl
            url = self.__url(jsonRequest)

        # remove any params that are 'None'
        # need to copy dictionary, since can't delete while iterating
        if params is not None:
            params_serialized = params.copy()
            for k in params_serialized:
                if params_serialized[k] is None:
                    del params[k]
            paramsStr = '?' + '&'.join(['%s=%s' % (k, v) for (k, v) in params.items()])
            paramsStr = ''

        # The requests package takes array parameters and explodes them: ['f00', 'b4r'] becomes "f00,b4r".
        # NOTE: this handles 1D arrays only; if we need ND this needs to be recursive.
        # NOTE: we currently don't need to do this for GET, so that's not implemented.
        if postData is not None:
            munged_postData = {}
            for k, v in postData.iteritems():
                if type(v) is list:
                    if len(v) == 0:
                        munged_postData[k] = '[]'
                        first = True
                        array_str = '['
                        for val in v:
                            if not first: array_str += ', '

                            if val is None:
                                array_str += 'null'
                            elif isinstance(val, basestring):
                                array_str += "\"" + str(val) + "\""
                                array_str += str(val)
                            first  = False
                        array_str += ']'
                        munged_postData[k] = array_str
                elif type(v) is dict:
                    if len(v) == 0:
                        munged_postData[k] = '{}'
                        first = True
                        map_str = '{'
                        for key, val in v.iteritems():
                            if not first: map_str += ', '

                            if val is None:
                                map_str += "\"" + key + "\"" + ': null'
                            elif isinstance(val, basestring):
                                map_str += "\"" + str(key) + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + str(val) + "\""
                                map_str += "\"" + key + "\"" + ':' + str(val)
                            first  = False
                        map_str += '}'
                        munged_postData[k] = map_str

                    # not list:
                    munged_postData[k] = v
            # None
            munged_postData = postData

        # print("munged_postData: " + repr(munged_postData))

        if extraComment:
            log('Start ' + url + paramsStr, comment=extraComment)
            log('Start ' + url + paramsStr)

        if extraComment:
            log_rest("# Extra comment info about this request: " + extraComment)
        if cmd == 'get':
        log_rest(url + paramsStr)

        # file get passed thru kwargs here
            if 'post' == cmd:
                # NOTE == cmd: for now, since we don't have deserialization from JSON in h2o-dev, we use form-encoded POST.
                # This is temporary.
                # This following does application/json (aka, posting JSON in the body):
                # r = requests.post(url, timeout=timeout, params=params, data=json.dumps(munged_postData), **kwargs)
                # This does form-encoded, which doesn't allow POST of nested structures
                r = requests.post(url, timeout=timeout, params=params, data=munged_postData, **kwargs)
            elif 'delete' == cmd:
                r = requests.delete(url, timeout=timeout, params=params, **kwargs)
            elif 'get' == cmd:
                r = requests.get(url, timeout=timeout, params=params, **kwargs)
                raise ValueError("Unknown HTTP command (expected 'get', 'post' or 'delete'): " + cmd)

        except Exception as e:
            # rethrow the exception after we've checked for stack trace from h2o
            # out of memory errors maybe don't show up right away? so we should wait for h2o
            # to get it out to h2o stdout. We don't want to rely on cloud teardown to check
            # because there's no delay, and we don't want to delay all cloud teardowns by waiting.
            # (this is new/experimental)
            exc_info = sys.exc_info()
            # use this to ignore the initial connection errors during build cloud when h2o is coming up
            if not noExtraErrorCheck:
                    "ERROR: got exception on %s to h2o. \nGoing to check sandbox, then rethrow.." % (url + paramsStr))
            log_rest("EXCEPTION CAUGHT DOING REQUEST: " + str(e.message))
            raise (exc_info[1], None, exc_info[2])

            H2O.verboseprint("r: " + repr(r))

        if 200 != r.status_code:
            pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
            msg = "JSON call returned non-200 status: " + url

            json = r.json()
            if None != json and 'dev_msg' in json:
                msg += "\ndev_msg: "
                msg += str(json['dev_msg'])
            msg += "\nr.status_code: " + str(r.status_code)
            msg += "\nr.headers: " + repr(r.headers)
            if None == json:
                msg += '\nERROR: the error output from H2O is not JSON!'
                msg += "\nr.text: " + r.text
                msg += "\nr.json: "
                msg += pp.pformat(json)

            if raiseIfNon200:
                pass  # we'll pass msg up with the exception
            elif not suppressErrorMsg:

            if r is None:
                log_rest("r is None")
                log_rest("HTTP status code: " + str(r.status_code))
                # The following accesses to r.text were taking most of the runtime:
                log_text = False
                if log_text:
                    if hasattr(r, 'text'):
                        if r.text is None:
                            log_rest("r.text is None")
                        log_rest("r does not have attr text")
        except Exception as e:
            # Paranoid exception catch.
            # Ignore logging exceptions in the case that the above error checking isn't sufficient.
            print("Caught exception from result logging: ", e, "; result: ", repr(r))

        # fatal if no response
        if raiseIfNon200 and not r:
            raise Exception("Maybe bad url? no r in __do_json_request in %s:" % inspect.stack()[1][3] + "\n\n" + msg)

        # this is used to open a browser on results, or to redo the operation in the browser
        # we don't' have that may urls flying around, so let's keep them all
        # if r.json():
        #     raise Exception("Maybe bad url? no r.json in __do_json_request in %s:" % inspect.stack()[1][3])

        rjson = None
        if returnFast:
            rjson = r.json()
            if not isinstance(r, (list, dict)):
                raise Exception("h2o json responses should always be lists or dicts, see previous for text")

            raise Exception("Could not decode any json from the request.")

        # TODO
        # TODO
        # TODO
        # TODO: we should really only look in the response object.  This check
        # prevents us from having a field called "error" (e.g., for a scoring result).
        for e in ['error', 'Error', 'errors', 'Errors']:
            # error can be null (python None). This happens in exec2
            if e in rjson and rjson[e]:
                H2O.verboseprint("rjson:" + h2o_test_utils.dump_json(rjson))
                emsg = 'rjson %s in %s: %s' % (e, inspect.stack()[1][3], rjson[e])
                if ignoreH2oError:
                    # well, we print it..so not totally ignore. test can look at rjson returned
                    raise Exception(emsg)

        for w in ['warning', 'Warning', 'warnings', 'Warnings']:
            # warning can be null (python None).
            if w in rjson and rjson[w]:
                print('rjson %s in %s: %s' % (w, inspect.stack()[1][3], rjson[w]))

        # Allow the caller to check things like __http_request.status_code.
        # The response object is not JSON-serializable, so we capture the fields we want here:
        response = {}
        # response['headers'] = r.headers
        response['url'] = r.url
        response['status_code'] = r.status_code
        response['text'] = r.text
        rjson['__http_response'] = response

        return rjson