예제 #1
    def get_state(self) -> AgentState:
        state = AgentState(np.array(self.body.object.absolute_translation),

        for k, v in self._sensors.items():
            state.sensor_states[k] = SixDOFPose(
                quat_from_magnum(state.rotation * v.node.rotation),

        state.rotation = quat_from_magnum(state.rotation)

        return state
예제 #2
def test_kinematics(sim):
    cfg_settings = examples.settings.default_sim_settings.copy()

        "scene"] = "data/scene_datasets/habitat-test-scenes/skokloster-castle.glb"
    # enable the physics simulator: also clears available actions to no-op
    cfg_settings["enable_physics"] = True
    cfg_settings["depth_sensor"] = True

    # test loading the physical scene
    hab_cfg = examples.settings.make_cfg(cfg_settings)
    assert sim.get_physics_object_library_size() > 0

    # test adding an object to the world
    object_id = sim.add_object(0)
    assert len(sim.get_existing_object_ids()) > 0

    # test kinematics
    I = np.identity(4)

    # test get and set translation
    sim.set_translation(np.array([0, 1.0, 0]), object_id)
    assert np.allclose(sim.get_translation(object_id), np.array([0, 1.0, 0]))

    # test get and set transform
    sim.set_transformation(I, object_id)
    assert np.allclose(sim.get_transformation(object_id), I)

    # test get and set rotation
    Q = quat_from_angle_axis(np.pi, np.array([0, 1.0, 0]))
    expected = np.eye(4)
    expected[0:3, 0:3] = quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(Q)
    sim.set_rotation(quat_to_magnum(Q), object_id)
    assert np.allclose(sim.get_transformation(object_id), expected)
    assert np.allclose(quat_from_magnum(sim.get_rotation(object_id)), Q)

    # test object removal
    old_object_id = sim.remove_object(object_id)
    assert len(sim.get_existing_object_ids()) == 0
    assert old_object_id == object_id

    object_id = sim.add_object(0)

    prev_time = 0.0
    for _ in range(2):
        # do some kinematics here (todo: translating or rotating instead of absolute)
        sim.set_translation(np.random.rand(3), object_id)
        T = sim.get_transformation(object_id)

        # test getting observation
        obs = sim.step(

        # check that time is increasing in the world
        assert sim.get_world_time() > prev_time
        prev_time = sim.get_world_time()
예제 #3
    def step_cas(self, vel_control, dt=1.0 / 30.0):

        agent_state = self._default_agent.state
        self._num_total_frames += 1
        self._last_state = self._default_agent.get_state()

        previous_rigid_state = habitat_sim.RigidState(
            quat_to_magnum(agent_state.rotation), agent_state.position)
        # manually integrate the rigid state
        target_rigid_state = vel_control.integrate_transform(
            dt, previous_rigid_state)

        # snap rigid state to navmesh and set state to object/agent
        # calls pathfinder.try_step or self.pathfinder.try_step_no_sliding
        end_pos = self.step_filter(previous_rigid_state.translation,

        # set the computed state
        agent_state.position = end_pos
        agent_state.rotation = quat_from_magnum(target_rigid_state.rotation)

        # Check if a collision occured
        dist_moved_before_filter = (target_rigid_state.translation -
        dist_moved_after_filter = (end_pos -

        # NB: There are some cases where ||filter_end - end_pos|| > 0 when a
        # collision _didn't_ happen. One such case is going up stairs.  Instead,
        # we check to see if the the amount moved after the application of the filter
        # is _less_ than the amount moved before the application of the filter
        EPS = 0.2
        collided = (dist_moved_after_filter + EPS) < dist_moved_before_filter
        # print("collidded", collided)
        # step physics by dt
        step_start_Time = time.time()
        self._previous_step_time = time.time() - step_start_Time

        observations = self.get_sensor_observations()
        # Whether or not the action taken resulted in a collision
        observations["collided"] = collided

        return observations
예제 #4
        display_path_agent_renders = True  # @param{type:"boolean"}
        if display_path_agent_renders:
            print("Rendering observations at path points:")
            tangent = path_points[1] - path_points[0]
            agent_state = habitat_sim.AgentState()
            for ix, point in enumerate(path_points):
                if ix < len(path_points) - 1:
                    tangent = path_points[ix + 1] - point
                    agent_state.position = point
                    tangent_orientation_matrix = mn.Matrix4.look_at(
                        point, point + tangent, np.array([0, 1.0, 0])
                    tangent_orientation_q = mn.Quaternion.from_matrix(
                    agent_state.rotation = utils.quat_from_magnum(tangent_orientation_q)

                    observations = sim.get_sensor_observations()
                    rgb = observations["color_sensor"]
                    semantic = observations["semantic_sensor"]
                    depth = observations["depth_sensor"]

                    if display:
                        display_sample(rgb, semantic, depth)

# %% [markdown]
# ##Loading a NavMesh for a scene:

# %% [markdown]
예제 #5
def test_kinematics():
    cfg_settings = examples.settings.default_sim_settings.copy()

        "scene"] = "data/scene_datasets/habitat-test-scenes/skokloster-castle.glb"
    # enable the physics simulator: also clears available actions to no-op
    cfg_settings["enable_physics"] = True
    cfg_settings["depth_sensor"] = True

    # test loading the physical scene
    hab_cfg = examples.settings.make_cfg(cfg_settings)
    with habitat_sim.Simulator(hab_cfg) as sim:
        obj_mgr = sim.get_object_template_manager()

        assert obj_mgr.get_num_templates() > 0

        # test adding an object to the world
        # get handle for object 0, used to test
        obj_handle_list = obj_mgr.get_template_handles("cheezit")
        object_id = sim.add_object_by_handle(obj_handle_list[0])
        assert len(sim.get_existing_object_ids()) > 0

        # test setting the motion type

        assert sim.set_object_motion_type(
            habitat_sim.physics.MotionType.STATIC, object_id)
        assert (sim.get_object_motion_type(object_id) ==
        assert sim.set_object_motion_type(
            habitat_sim.physics.MotionType.KINEMATIC, object_id)
        assert (sim.get_object_motion_type(object_id) ==

        # test kinematics
        I = np.identity(4)

        # test get and set translation
        sim.set_translation(np.array([0, 1.0, 0]), object_id)
        assert np.allclose(sim.get_translation(object_id),
                           np.array([0, 1.0, 0]))

        # test object SceneNode
        object_node = sim.get_object_scene_node(object_id)
        assert np.allclose(sim.get_translation(object_id),

        # test get and set transform
        sim.set_transformation(I, object_id)
        assert np.allclose(sim.get_transformation(object_id), I)

        # test get and set rotation
        Q = quat_from_angle_axis(np.pi, np.array([0, 1.0, 0]))
        expected = np.eye(4)
        expected[0:3, 0:3] = quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(Q)
        sim.set_rotation(quat_to_magnum(Q), object_id)
        assert np.allclose(sim.get_transformation(object_id), expected)
        assert np.allclose(quat_from_magnum(sim.get_rotation(object_id)), Q)

        # test object removal
        assert len(sim.get_existing_object_ids()) == 0

        obj_handle_list = obj_mgr.get_template_handles("cheezit")
        object_id = sim.add_object_by_handle(obj_handle_list[0])

        prev_time = 0.0
        for _ in range(2):
            # do some kinematics here (todo: translating or rotating instead of absolute)
            sim.set_translation(np.random.rand(3), object_id)
            T = sim.get_transformation(object_id)  # noqa : F841

            # test getting observation

            # check that time is increasing in the world
            assert sim.get_world_time() > prev_time
            prev_time = sim.get_world_time()


        # test attaching/dettaching an Agent to/from physics simulation
        agent_node = sim.agents[0].scene_node
        obj_handle_list = obj_mgr.get_template_handles("cheezit")
        object_id = sim.add_object_by_handle(obj_handle_list[0], agent_node)
        sim.set_translation(np.random.rand(3), object_id)
        assert np.allclose(agent_node.translation,
        sim.remove_object(object_id, False)  # don't delete the agent's node
        assert agent_node.translation

        # test get/set RigidState
        object_id = sim.add_object_by_handle(obj_handle_list[0])
        targetRigidState = habitat_sim.bindings.RigidState(
            mn.Quaternion(), np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]))
        sim.set_rigid_state(targetRigidState, object_id)
        objectRigidState = sim.get_rigid_state(object_id)
        assert np.allclose(objectRigidState.translation,
        assert objectRigidState.rotation == targetRigidState.rotation
예제 #6
def test_kinematics():
    cfg_settings = examples.settings.default_sim_settings.copy()

        "scene"] = "data/scene_datasets/habitat-test-scenes/skokloster-castle.glb"
    # enable the physics simulator: also clears available actions to no-op
    cfg_settings["enable_physics"] = True
    cfg_settings["depth_sensor"] = True

    # test loading the physical scene
    hab_cfg = examples.settings.make_cfg(cfg_settings)
    with habitat_sim.Simulator(hab_cfg) as sim:
        # get the rigid object attributes manager, which manages
        # templates used to create objects
        obj_template_mgr = sim.get_object_template_manager()
        obj_template_mgr.load_configs("data/objects/example_objects/", True)
        assert obj_template_mgr.get_num_templates() > 0
        # get the rigid object manager, which provides direct
        # access to objects
        rigid_obj_mgr = sim.get_rigid_object_manager()

        # test adding an object to the world
        # get handle for object 0, used to test
        obj_handle_list = obj_template_mgr.get_template_handles("cheezit")
        cheezit_box = rigid_obj_mgr.add_object_by_template_handle(
        assert rigid_obj_mgr.get_num_objects() > 0
        assert (len(rigid_obj_mgr.get_object_handles()) ==

        # test setting the motion type
        cheezit_box.motion_type = habitat_sim.physics.MotionType.STATIC
        assert cheezit_box.motion_type == habitat_sim.physics.MotionType.STATIC
        cheezit_box.motion_type = habitat_sim.physics.MotionType.KINEMATIC
        assert cheezit_box.motion_type == habitat_sim.physics.MotionType.KINEMATIC

        # test kinematics
        I = np.identity(4)

        # test get and set translation
        cheezit_box.translation = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
        assert np.allclose(cheezit_box.translation, np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]))

        # test object SceneNode
        assert np.allclose(cheezit_box.translation,

        # test get and set transform
        cheezit_box.transformation = I
        assert np.allclose(cheezit_box.transformation, I)

        # test get and set rotation
        Q = quat_from_angle_axis(np.pi, np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]))
        expected = np.eye(4)
        expected[0:3, 0:3] = quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(Q)
        cheezit_box.rotation = quat_to_magnum(Q)
        assert np.allclose(cheezit_box.transformation, expected)
        assert np.allclose(quat_from_magnum(cheezit_box.rotation), Q)

        # test object removal

        assert rigid_obj_mgr.get_num_objects() == 0

        obj_handle_list = obj_template_mgr.get_template_handles("cheezit")
        cheezit_box = rigid_obj_mgr.add_object_by_template_handle(

        prev_time = 0.0
        for _ in range(2):
            # do some kinematics here (todo: translating or rotating instead of absolute)
            cheezit_box.translation = np.random.rand(3)
            T = cheezit_box.transformation  # noqa : F841

            # test getting observation

            # check that time is increasing in the world
            assert sim.get_world_time() > prev_time
            prev_time = sim.get_world_time()


        # test attaching/dettaching an Agent to/from physics simulation
        agent_node = sim.agents[0].scene_node
        obj_handle_list = obj_template_mgr.get_template_handles("cheezit")
        cheezit_agent = rigid_obj_mgr.add_object_by_template_handle(
            obj_handle_list[0], agent_node)

        cheezit_agent.translation = np.random.rand(3)
        assert np.allclose(agent_node.translation, cheezit_agent.translation)
            delete_object_node=False)  # don't delete the agent's node
        assert agent_node.translation

        # test get/set RigidState
        cheezit_box = rigid_obj_mgr.add_object_by_template_handle(
        targetRigidState = habitat_sim.bindings.RigidState(
            mn.Quaternion(), np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]))
        cheezit_box.rigid_state = targetRigidState
        objectRigidState = cheezit_box.rigid_state
        assert np.allclose(objectRigidState.translation,
        assert objectRigidState.rotation == targetRigidState.rotation