예제 #1
    def __check_app_is_valid(self):
        Call the MOTHER Smart Contract, and check if the requesting_app is both
        a verified app, and that it's smart contract code is valid (by checking
        the code's hash).

        um = UnificationMother(self.__eosClient, self.__app_to_validate,
                               get_cleos(), get_ipfs_client())
        self.__is_valid_app = um.valid_app()
        self.__is_valid_code = um.valid_code()
        self.__signed_by_mother = um.signed_by_mother()
예제 #2
def view(provider, request_hash):
    Read data stored locally from an Data Provider for a particular user.

    :param provider: The app name of the data provider.
    :param request_hash: The particular piece of data in concern.
    requesting_app = os.environ['app_name']
    password = os.environ['keystore']

    eos_client = get_eos_rpc_client()
    mother = UnificationMother(eos_client, provider, get_cleos(),

    provider_obj = Provider(provider, 'https', mother)
    req_hash = f'request-{request_hash}'

    click.echo(f'App {requesting_app} is reading ingested data from '

    encoded_password = str.encode(password)
    keystore = UnificationKeystore(encoded_password)

    client = HaikuDataClient(keystore)
    data = client.read_data_from_store(provider_obj, req_hash)

예제 #3
    def __init__(self, eos_client, uapp_contract_acc, requesting_app, users):
        :param users: A list of users we want to obtain data for. If an empty
        list is provided, then data for all permissible users are provided.
        self.__uapp_contract_acc = uapp_contract_acc
        self.__requesting_app = requesting_app
        self.__haiku_conf = UnificationConfig()

        self.__my_mother = UnificationMother(eos_client, uapp_contract_acc,
                                             get_cleos(), get_ipfs_client())
        self.__my_uapp_sc = UnificationUapp(eos_client, uapp_contract_acc)
        self.__my_lookup = UnificationLookup(default_lookup_db())
        self.__users = None if len(users) == 0 else users

        self.__my_db_schemas = self.__my_uapp_sc.get_all_db_schemas()
        self.__db_schema_maps = {}
        self.__granted = []
        self.__granted_field_lookup = {}
        self.__revoked = []
        self.__raw_data = None

        self.__native_user_meta = self.__my_lookup.get_native_user_meta()

        for pkey, db_schema in self.__my_db_schemas.items():
            schema_map = self.__my_lookup.get_schema_map(pkey)
            self.__db_schema_maps[pkey] = schema_map

def systest_auth(requesting_app, providing_app, user):
    Ensuring that an incorrectly signed request is rejected.

    def broken(d, field):
        d[field] = 'unlucky' + d[field][7:]
        return d

    log.info(f'{requesting_app} is requesting data from {providing_app}')

    body = {'users': [user], 'data_id': 'request_hash'}

    app_config = demo_config['demo_apps'][providing_app]
    port = app_config['rpc_server_port']

    eos_client = get_eos_rpc_client()
    mother = UnificationMother(eos_client, providing_app, get_cleos(),
    provider_obj = Provider(providing_app, 'https', mother)

    encoded_password = demo_config['system'][requesting_app]['password']

    ks = UnificationKeystore(encoded_password,
    payload = bundle(ks, requesting_app, provider_obj.name, body, 'Success')
    payload = broken(payload, 'signature')

    r = provider_obj.post('data_request', payload)
    assert r.status_code == 401
def systest_smart_contract_mother():
    log.info('Running systest smart contract MOTHER')
    d_conf = json.loads(Path('data/demo_config.json').read_text())
    appnames = ['app1', 'app2', 'app3']
    d_apps = d_conf['demo_apps']
    conf = UnificationConfig()
    eos_client = Client(

    for appname in appnames:
        app_data = d_apps[appname]
        log.info(f"Contacting MOTHER for {app_data['eos_sc_account']}")
        mother = UnificationMother(eos_client, app_data['eos_sc_account'],
                                   get_cleos(), get_ipfs_client())

        log.info("App is Valid")
        log.info("Expecting: True")
        log.info(f"Actual - MOTHER: {mother.valid_app()}")
        assert mother.valid_app() is True

        log.info("App Code is Valid")
        log.info("Expecting: True")
        log.info(f"Actual - MOTHER: {mother.valid_code()}")
        assert mother.valid_app() is True

        log.info("Code Hash")
            f"Expecting - config.json: {mother.get_deployed_contract_hash()}")
        log.info(f"Actual - MOTHER: {mother.get_hash_in_mother()}")
        assert (mother.get_deployed_contract_hash()
                == mother.get_hash_in_mother()) is True

        log.info("RPC IP")
        log.info(f"Expecting - config.json: {app_data['rpc_server']}")
        log.info(f"Actual - MOTHER: {mother.get_haiku_rpc_ip()}")
        assert (app_data['rpc_server'] == mother.get_haiku_rpc_ip()) is True

        log.info("RPC Port")
        log.info(f"Expecting - config.json: {app_data['rpc_server_port']}")
        log.info(f"Actual - MOTHER: {mother.get_haiku_rpc_port()}")
        assert (int(app_data['rpc_server_port']) == int(
            mother.get_haiku_rpc_port())) is True

예제 #6
def fetch(provider, request_hash, user):
    Fetch data from an App to this App in an Enterprise/DSP/B2B environment,
    where data request is agreed external to the UApp Store.

    :param provider: The app name of the data provider.
    :param request_hash: The particular piece of data in concern.
    :param user: Obtain data for a specific user EOS user account.
    requesting_app = os.environ['app_name']
    password = os.environ['keystore']

    # Write the data request to the Consumer's UApp smart contract
    eos_client = get_eos_rpc_client()
    mother = UnificationMother(eos_client, provider, get_cleos(),

    provider = Provider(provider, 'https', mother)
    req_hash = f'request-{request_hash}'

    suffix = 'for all users' if user is None else f'for {user}'
    click.echo(f'App {requesting_app} is requesting data from {provider}'
               f' {suffix}')

    encoded_password = str.encode(password)
    keystore = UnificationKeystore(encoded_password)

    # tmp - get the price for the transfer from Schema[0] in provider's UApp SC
    # This will possibly be determined externally as part of the B2B agreement
    provider_uapp_sc = UnificationUapp(eos_client, provider.name)
    db_schema = provider_uapp_sc.get_db_schema_by_pkey(
        0)  # tmp - only 1 schema
    sched_price = db_schema['price_sched']

    # initiate request in Consumer's UApp SC
    consumer_uapp_sc = UnificationUapp(eos_client, requesting_app)
    latest_req_id = consumer_uapp_sc.init_data_request(provider.name, "0", "0",

    client = HaikuDataClient(keystore)
    data_path = client.make_data_request(requesting_app, provider, user,
                                         req_hash, latest_req_id)

    click.echo(f'Data written to: {data_path}')
    click.echo(f'View using: haiku view {provider.name} {request_hash}')
예제 #7
def __request_from_uapp_store(data_request):
    Receives a data request from the UApp Store, and
    processes the request

    :param data_request: Dict containing request parameters
    requesting_app = os.environ['app_name']
    password = os.environ['keystore']

    click.echo("Processing request from UApp Store:")

    eos_client = get_eos_rpc_client()

    # Write the data request to the Consumer's smart contract
    uapp_sc = UnificationUapp(eos_client, requesting_app)
    latest_req_id = uapp_sc.init_data_request(data_request['provider'],
                                              data_request['schema_pkey'], "0",

    request_hash = f"{data_request['provider']}-{data_request['schema_pkey']}" \

    provider_name = data_request['provider']
    mother = UnificationMother(eos_client, provider_name, get_cleos(),
    provider_obj = Provider(provider_name, 'https', mother)
    req_hash = f'request-{request_hash}'

    click.echo(f'App {requesting_app} is requesting data from '

    encoded_password = str.encode(password)
    keystore = UnificationKeystore(encoded_password)

    client = HaikuDataClient(keystore)
    data_path = client.make_data_request(requesting_app, provider_obj, None,
                                         req_hash, latest_req_id)

    click.echo(f'Data written to: {data_path}')
    click.echo(f'View using: haiku view {provider_obj.name} {request_hash}')
def systest_ingest(requesting_app, providing_app, user, balances):
    log.info(f'Testing Fetch ingestion: {requesting_app} '
             f'is requesting data from {providing_app}')
    request_hash = f'data-request-{providing_app}-{requesting_app}'

    app_config = demo_config['demo_apps'][providing_app]
    port = app_config['rpc_server_port']

    eos_client = get_eos_rpc_client()
    mother = UnificationMother(eos_client, providing_app, get_cleos(),
    provider_obj = Provider(providing_app, 'https', mother)

    password = demo_config['system'][requesting_app]['password']
    encoded_password = str.encode(password)
    keystore = UnificationKeystore(encoded_password,

    conf = UnificationConfig()
    eos_client = Client(
    consumer_uapp_sc = UnificationUapp(eos_client, requesting_app)

    price_sched = demo_config['demo_apps'][providing_app]['db_schemas'][0][

    latest_req_id = consumer_uapp_sc.init_data_request(provider_obj.name, "0",
                                                       "0", price_sched)

    client = HaikuDataClient(keystore)
    client.make_data_request(requesting_app, provider_obj, user, request_hash,
    client.read_data_from_store(provider_obj, request_hash)

    # Update the system test record of the balances
    balances[requesting_app] = balances[requesting_app] - price_sched
    und_rewards = UndRewards(providing_app, price_sched)
    balances[providing_app] = (balances[providing_app] +

    return balances
def systest_process_permission_batches():
    appnames = ['app1', 'app2', 'app3']

    for app_name in appnames:
        log.debug(f'run systest_process_permission_batches for {app_name}')
        mother = UnificationMother(get_eos_rpc_client(), app_name, get_cleos(),
        provider_obj = Provider(app_name, 'https', mother)

        password = demo_config['system'][app_name]['password']
        encoded_password = str.encode(password)
        keystore = UnificationKeystore(encoded_password,

        client = HaikuDataClient(keystore)
        except Exception as e:
            log.error(f'systest_process_permission_batches failed: {e}')
    def request_permission_change(self, user, app_permission_list,
        log.info(f"Process {user} permission change requests")
        for consumer, providers in app_permission_list.items():
            for provider, permissions in providers.items():
                granted = permissions['granted']
                if granted:
                    fields = permissions['fields']
                    fields = ''
                schema_id = int(permissions['schema_id'])

                log.debug(f'request_permission_change '
                          f'{user} requesting {provider} '
                          f'update perms for {consumer} '
                          f'in schema {schema_id}: {granted} {fields}')

                payload, p_nonce, p_sig = generate_payload(
                    user, private_key, provider, consumer, fields, 'active',

                log.debug(f'request_permission_change payload: '

                mother = UnificationMother(get_eos_rpc_client(), provider,
                                           get_cleos(), get_ipfs_client())
                provider_obj = Provider(provider, 'https', mother)

                r = provider_obj.post('modify_permission', payload)
                d = r.json()

                if r.status_code != 200:
                    raise Exception(d['message'])

                proc_id = d['proc_id']
                ret_app = d['app']

                log.debug(f"request_permission_change success: "
                          f"{ret_app}: Process ID {proc_id}")
    def run_test_mother(self, app, demo_apps):
        print("Contacting MOTHER FOR: ", app)

        eos_client = Client(nodes=[self.cleos.get_nodeos_url()])
        um = UnificationMother(eos_client, app, get_cleos(), get_ipfs_client())
        print("Valid app: ", um.valid_app())
        assert um.valid_app() is True

        print("UApp SC Hash in MOTHER: ", um.get_hash_in_mother())
        print("Deployed UApp SC hash: ", um.get_deployed_contract_hash())
        assert um.get_hash_in_mother() == um.get_deployed_contract_hash()

        print("Valid Code: ", um.valid_code())
        assert um.valid_code() is True

        print("Signed by MOTHER: ", um.signed_by_mother())
        assert um.signed_by_mother() is True

        print("RPC IP: ", um.get_haiku_rpc_ip())
        assert um.get_haiku_rpc_ip() == demo_apps[app]['rpc_server']

        print("RPC Port: ", um.get_haiku_rpc_port())
        assert int(um.get_haiku_rpc_port()) == int(

        print("RPC Server: ", um.get_haiku_rpc_server())
예제 #12
 def __init__(self, name: str, protocol: str, mother: UnificationMother):
     self.name = name
     self.protocol = protocol
     self.host = mother.get_haiku_rpc_ip()
     self.port = mother.get_haiku_rpc_port()